Anarchy and Explosives and General Mayhem

The term Anarchy got bandied about a lot in the early 80's, perhaps having some amount of political or social meaning attached at the outset, but by the first couple of years, it simply became a synonym for "blow shit up". Writers outdid themselves trying to imagine ways to create chaos and panic out of whatever household items they had available. How much of this destruction actually went on and how much was simply writing out angry missives about destruction, is unknown.

I wrote an essay about the meaning of the term "Anarchy" and how these files relate to that and the world at large.

The entirely stupid direction this country has taken regarding personal responsibility, freedom of expression and good ol' self-preservation necessitates the following paragraph:

Before you waste one entire second even considering mixing, creating, or otherwise implementing the instructions in these files, be aware that people have died from some of these very texts, attempting wholescale explosives and dangerous chemical reactions based on some flimsy text file written by god knows who for god knows what. It's just way too easy for someone to have typed a 5 instead of a 4 years and years ago when they were copying out of a badly photocopied pamphlet written by someone entirely different. Your life is too precious to take such an idiotic risk. If you're going to blow things (and yourself) up, at least go the route of learning with experts, where you'll become aware of risks and fun far beyond soaking tennis balls in gasoline and lighting them. OK?!

That aside, the justifications in some of the files are amazing, and a nice insight into the writer's mind.

Description of the Textfile
CARDINGOn Committing Credit Card Fraud
FDRThe FDR Anarchy File Collection
FREELOADINGGetting Something for Nothing
INCENDIARIESFiles With Instructions on Blowing Things Up
JOLLYROGERJolly Roger's Cookbook: Someone's Collection of Files
LOCKPICKINGFiles About Getting Through Locks
MISCHIEFFiles About Making Life a Little More Messy
PAINFiles about Hurting and Being Hurt
SCAMSFiles About Getting Something For Nothing
WEAPONSFiles About Creating Weapons
001.txt 1151
How to Make a Dry Ice Bomb, by Vortex
176.txt 7551
The Ninja Warrior Presents: Poison #1
201.txt 5949
ANFOS: Ammonium Nitrate - Fuel Oil Solution
202.txt 3362
Picric Acid, by Exodus
203.txt 5428
Chemical Fire Bottle
206.txt 681
Film Canisters 2, by Bill and Exodus
214.txt 3231
Lists of Suppliers and More Information
aa.txt 10217
Samaurai Cat Presents Scanning: The Art of Non-Selective Intervention
ac.ana 3725
Anarchist's Ordering Catalog
acbfile.txt 12119
Recipes for Nonsurvival - The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell (Review by Esperanza Godot)
address.ana 21415
Gray-Area Company List - Technology 1 BBS - 89-01-15 2404
Fun with Alarms, from the Stainless Steal Rat
alko170.txt 25645
The ALKO Buying Guide, for People Under 20 Years Version 1.7, by Matte (1991)
anarc25.txt 16753
The Anarchives: Power and Language
anarchist.txt 5041
Anarchists: The Social Loosers, by Mr. C
anarchy.txt 3999
A Guide to Anarchy by Berzerker
anarchy3 57272
Anarchy Today Issue #2: Evading Bomb Squad Tactics
anarcy1.txt 61440
A Collection of Anarchist Files downloaded from Thrasher's Way on the Pipeline BBS
anarcy1b.txt 41057
A Collection of Anarchist Files downloaded from Thrasher's Way on the Pipeline BBS (Part II)
anarcy2.txt 32768
A Collection of Anarchist Files downloaded from Thrasher's Way on the Pipeline BBS (III)
anarcy4.txt 43008
A Collection of Anarchist Files downloaded from Thrasher's Way on the Pipeline BBS (Part IV)
anarkunc.txt 29247
You're Wrong! An Irregular Column, by Mykel Board
anarky.txt 8510
iXHS (Information Express by Helter Skelter Issue #18): r00iners AnArKy pHilEz v0l 1.
anti.modem.weap 2509
The Anti-Modem Weapon from the Enemy Within
aoa4.txt 3233
How to Make your Own Poison, by Moradian of AoA
aofa-1.txt 5443
Anarchist of America by Clarence Bodicker (Part 1)
aofa-2.txt 4851
Anarchist of America by Clarence Bodicker (Part 2)
aofa-3.txt 4592
Anarchist of America by Clarence Bodicker (Part 3(
aofa-4.txt 4619
Anarchist of America by Clarence Bodicker (Part 4)
assassination.txt 32741
CIA Assassination Manual (From Freedom of Information Act) (1997)
at.txt 44184
Anarchy Today Issue #1 by Jack The Ripper
atmosph.ere 16080
Kenmore Square, Boston...atmospheric test site discovered
badmind2.txt 5394
Dr. Badmind's Chemistry Files #2
badmind3.txt 4374
Dr. Badmind's Chemistry Files #3
badmind4.txt 1024
Dr. Badmind's Chemistry Files #4
badmind6.txt 3539
Dr. Badmind's Chemistry Files #6
badmind7.txt 2721
Dr. Badmind's Chemistry Files #7
balloon.txt 960
Balloon Bombs, by Anarchist Elf
bank 3003
The Brotherhood of the Falcon Presents How to Rip Off Your Local Bank, by Conan the Barbarian
bankomat.txt 876
How to Take Money From a Bankomat Without Paying For It
beaspy.ana 3752
A Quick Quiz to See if you'd make a Good Spy
beat.the.scan.t 3712
Mastering the Scantron by The Warhead
bibfraud.txt 9159
The Bible of Fraud, by Sneak Thief (1985)
bigsecr1.txt 5535
Big Secrets Volume 1, by the Wyvern
bigsecr2.txt 8199
Big Secrets Volume 2, by the Wyvern
books 8458
The MAD! Source Book Part #3 Revised Addition (December 20, 1987) 5048
How to Break into a Car, by Zoron
bridged.txt 5617
Bridge Destruction
build_an_h_bomb.txt 23675
Basement H-Bomb Production (Have You Really Come to Love the Bomb?)
catlogs.txt 14636
The Canonical List of Undergroup Catalogs
change.machine 2304
Change Machine Fraud by The Prisoner of The 3rd Reich
chekgame.txt 14172
Check Games, by Dark Grif (Septmber 26, 1993)
chemical.txt 50881
Know What You're Handling: A List of Chemicals, Their Dangers and Uses
ciaman.txt 14772
The FM 95-1A CIA Guerrilla War Manual (Part I) by Samurai Cat
civilian.war 22535
The Anarchist's Guide to Civilian Warfare and Sabotage by The Tracker (February, 1987(
commando.1 5843
The Commando Series Part 1 by Elliot Ness and The Untouchable
commando.2 4115
The Commando Series File 2: Vietnam Phrases, by Elliot Ness and The Untouchable
cookbook.iv 5107
The Anarchist Cookbook Version IV from Exodus (1994)
courier.txt 12526
Fly Free: The Courier Route
crack.upc 6587
Cracking the Universal Product Code, by Count Nibble
curing.boredom 9979
Anti-Boredom Activities: 44 Things to Do When You're Bored, by Shooting Shark
departmentt.sto 2102
Department Store Fun, by Agent 81, from TAP Magazine 2560
Fishing with Depth Charges by The Blue Buccaneer
dingdong.txt 1208
Ding Dong Ditch by Jonin Meka of the Black Hand Society
dmv.txt 1894
Driver's License Fingerprint and Document Requirments
drive.killing 2537
Head Grinder, by The Talon
drugs 3632
Smuggling and Dope, by John Shaver (December, 1982) 12482
A Step by Step Guide to Making a Dry Ice Gun, by The Voice Over
dstrylox.txt 1746
Lock Destruction by Captain Hack (March 18, 1995)
dust.bomb 2432
Initiator for Dust Explosions, by Mr. Byte-Zap 11660
Earn Large Amounts of Money With YOur Computer From Your Own Home!
elecfun.txt 2271
Fun With Electronics by The King of Roo
electronic.bugs 10976
The Bug Detector! By Ford Prefect
fakeid 2843
Getting a Fake Driver's License by The Sultan (February 26, 1986)
famphun.txt 3061
The Pyromaniac's Guide to Family Entertainment Volume 1 by The Great White and Cal Songsinger
feds1.txt 4352
The Feds Part I: Electronic Surveillance by The Dutchman of The Shadow Brotherhood II
feds2.txt 2560
The Feds Part II: Electronic Surveillance by The Dutchman of Shadow Brotherhood
feds3.txt 3072
The Feds Part III: Fed Fraud, by The Dutchman of Shadow Brotherhood
feds4.txt 3072
The Feds Part IV: Fed Fraud by The Dutchman of Shadow Brotherhood
freenews.ana 3279
Everyone Has a Right to the News
freenews.txt 2736
Getting Free Access to Newspapers
fuksomeone.txt 6923
How to Get Detailed Information on Anybody by BTS
gambling.txt 8190
Running a Successful and Profitable Gambling Ring by Candyman (1993)
games1.con 3157
Tap Corner, Word Processed by the Mulcher ][ for Apple Trek Systems
getinfo.ana 10252
How to Get Anything on Anyone, by Toxic Tunic
glassdem.txt 2349
Glass Demolition by Captain Hack (November 16, 1995)
good_start.txt 2977
A Good Start to Being a Survivalist by J. Moschell (September 15, 1994) 2402
How to Shoplift, by Ziggy
gunfact.dos 51283
Firearms, Hunting and Trapping: Facts and Positions by Stephen P. Jeffries
gunpowder 4052
How to Make Gunpowder and Detonation Devices by The Wave
hackcabl.txt 2189
The Hacker's Guide to Cable TV on San Francisco Viacom
handbook.txt 122702
The Anarchists' Home Companion: First Release: June 1st 1989
highway.txt 2858
Roadway Fun, by Hell's Angel (June 14, 1996)
hijack.hac 8354
Nuclear Transit on the Highways, by Data Line.
holiday.anarchy 6272
Happy Holidays, The Latest File from The Static Syndicate and The Ninja 11945
A Nitroglycerin Recipe 7476
Anarchy: How to Make Smoke Bombs
hotwire 1536
How to Hot-Wire a Car, from the Boca Bandit 1408
How to Hot-Wire a Car by the Boca Bandit
hydrocloric.aci 4352
The Hydrochloric Acid Goody
illegalcomp.txt 21918
A Listing of Illegal Stuff, by Desiro Nurvoso of the ATDT BBS (January 24, 1993)
imh1.txt 44823
Improvised Munitions Handbook TM 31-210 from the Department of the Army
imh2.txt 21464
Improvised Munitions Handbook TM 31-210 from the Department of the Army (Part II)
imh3.txt 30296
Improvised Munitions Handbook TM 31-210 from the Department of the Army (Part III)
index.txt 6980
Index to the Anarchist Cookbook IV, ver. 4.14
info.ana 11546
How to get Anything on Anyone
info.txt 32067
What Information Can be Obtained, and Where to Obtain it, by CarbonBoy (1995)
ipecac.txt 2285
IPECAC: The Anarchist's Friend by The Mage
irritant.txt 9109
Chemical Warfare, by Sir Francis Drake
irview.txt 14592
Infrared Viewer Plans, by Dick Smith, alias The Ghost (July 13, 1986)
irviewer.txt 14366
Infrared Viewer Plans 12327
How to Construct a High Voltage Jacob's Ladder by Count Zero
jammer 2302
Highway Radar Jamming
kanalx.txt 19150
Pirate TV in Eastern Europe by Evelyn Messinger
killbees.txt 12754
How to Have Phun with Bottle Rockets and Bees, Hornets and Large Stinging Insects by Joe Shmoe the Eskimo and Tour De France
kurt.txt 8582
A Listing of Kurt Saxon Books by The Wild Bunch
lab-safe.txt 14205
An Introduction to Laboratory Safety (October 31, 1993)
laughing.gas 4096
Laughing Gas, from the Poor Man's James Bond by Scarlet Armadillo
letter.bomb 3234
How to Make a Working Letter-Bomb by The Revel Warhead
lock.picking 3586
Lock Picking, by Black Cobra
lockerdocs.txt 7786
Locked Docs: by Cablecast Operator and Silver Sphere
lockpick 21854
FAQ: The Alt.Locksmithing FAQ (June 16, 1992)
lookup.txt 1879
Sources for Doing Lookups and Checkups on People (from 2600)
maim.nfo 2447
The MAIM Member List and BBS List
makealco.txt 12990
The Guys Six Feet Under Present Part I of the Getting Homemade Highs File: Alcohol
makelsd 2056
Making LSD
makepois.on 6656
The Ninja Warrior Presents: Poison #1
makestun.txt 3840
The Underground! Present How to make a Stun Gun by the Green Dean, April 5, 1999
making.afpo.n 2010
AFPO, by Ripper (January 11, 1987)
making.tnt 2544
How to make TNT by The Computer Pirates of Utah and Screamer
mallphun.txt 4901
Phun Things To Do at a Mall, by the Road Warrior
master.locks 5632
Master Combination Locks (April 29, 1991)
minibomb 2306
Making a Gunpowder Minibomb by D_L0K (August 5, 1987)
miscan2.txt 4728
Miscellaneous Anarchy (Tennis Ball Cannons)
mism5.hac 6272
General Nuclear Reactor Design
napalm.ana 796
Very Small Napalm Grenades, by Bountyhunter
napalm.grenade 2114
Napalm Made Easy by Sir Knight
newid.txt 7312
How to Create a New Identity by the Walking Glitch
nicotine.ana 2388
Nicotine, from The Poor Man's James Bond 7729
The Anarchist's Guide to Nighttime Fun (February 3, 1986)
nightvis.txt 5564
Nightvision by Morpheus
ninja1.ana 6656
the Ninja Warrior presents Poison #1
nitro 3313
How to Make and Use Nitroglycerin, by Karl Marx
nitro.txt 3540
How to Make and Use Nitroglycerin by Ninja Master 4736
20 Ways to Sabotage Your School by Cosmic Charlie 4864
School Stoppers VOlume #2 by Cosmic Charlie and The Doctor
nuclear.ana 8461
Nuclear Transit on the Highways
nuclear.txt 8529
Nuclear Transit on the Highways: A Primer by Data Line
nucreact.txt 4912
Sir Death's Laboratory: How to Build a Nuclear Reactor (October 23, 1990)
onetimepad.txt 12047
How to use One-Time Pads for Secret Communications
pipe.bomb 2731
How to Make a Really Nice Pipe Bomb Out of Everyday Materials by Gray Mouser
piratetv.txt 6223
How To Build Your Own Television Station by Jersey Devil (April 5, 1991)
pisecret.msg 110235
How to Get Anything on Anyone from Mike Enlow, Private Detective 1992
pocket.flamethr 2796
How to Make a Flamethrower, by The Cracksman
postal.fraud 3959
The Poor Man's Guide to Fraud Part 1 by The Prince of Darkness
powder 751
Gun Powder by The Moritician
pranks 8388
Cat Trax Presents Phuking Pholks With a Fone (June 19, 1985)
premchan.txt 1806
How to Get Premium Channels by Steve Rochin
pressure.txt 10855
Manuscript I: Pressure Devices (June 1988)
psonpens 2546
The Poison Pen
pyro.2 3685
Pyro Book II by Captain Hack and Grey Wolf
pyro.delights 3200
Pyrotechnical Delights by Ragner Rocker
pyro1.txt 25088
Preparation of Contact Explosives
pyro2.txt 32640
Touch Paper, Self Igniting Mixtures, Percussion Explosives
pyromag.feb 14906
The Spoke Gun by Dark Angel
quicky.bomb 1123
A Quickie Bomb Stolen from MacGyver by Shadow Hawk of The J-Men (1986)
radar.jamming 7612
Radar Jamming: Motorists Fight Back! Byt eh Scarlet Armadillo
rcd.ana 8270
Making Radio Controlled Detonators, by The Road Warrior
rdiocont.txt 7138
How to Make Things Radio Controlled!
revenge 2048
Revenge II by Night Crawler (December 29, 1984)
revengehtg.txt 2946
All About Revenge, by Surfer Bob
riflemic.ana 4143
Rifle Mikes, by Omnipotent, Inc.
roadpizz.ana 5547
The Complete Guide to Road Pizza, by Black Kat
rocket.txt 20825
Home Built Rocket Enginers, by Chris Beauregard
rockwool.txt 11353
Information on Rockwool
rod001.txt 2800
Riders of Death Issue 1
rod002.txt 2085
Riders of Death Issue 2
rod003.txt 4737
Riders of Death Issue 3
rod004.txt 4701
Riders of Death Issue 4 (ANSI)
san-bug1.txt 8611
Audio Surveillance, by SANctuary
san-bug2.txt 3824
Audio Surveillance Part 2, by SANctuary
san-bug3.txt 6090
Audio Surveillance Part 3, by SANctuary
san-bug4.txt 3363
Audio Surveillance Part 4, by SANctuary
sanlock 65402
The Art of Lockpicking Volume #1 (October 5, 1990)
scanning.txt 10453
Samurai Cat Presents Scanning, the Art of Non-Selective Intervention 14336
How to Have Fun at School, by Walkon
screwpst.txt 3696
A Nice Way to Screw Over the Post Office
secretmeetings.txt 7671
Secret Meetings
secrets.msg 30519
On-Line Investigations: Investigating by Computer! By Michael E. Enlow
secrs.gph 5120
Big Secrets Volume #1 by The Wyvern
secrserv.ana 2019
How to Contact the Secret Service, by Jedi Warrior 2299
Shopping Center Antics by The Trooper
shortfil.txt 4579
A Short File on the Central Intelligence Agency
sinksub.txt 2242
Sinking a Sub by Hellrazor
sirius.1 3330
The Sirius Affairs #1 by Sylex Sirius (February 3, 1986)
sirius.2 3252
The Sirius Affairs #2 by Sylex Sirius (February 3, 1986)
sirius.3 3732
Sirius Affair #3 - Terrorism (February 9-11, 1986)
sirius.4 2710
Sirius Affair #4 - Trashing by Sylex Sirius (February 18, 1986)
sirius.txt 13315
The Sirius Affairs #1 by Sylex Sirius (February 3, 1986)
skippy.hum 5490
Ask The Expert by D'Ark Angel
soil2pnt.txt 3125
Extraction of Potassium Nitrate from Soil
somethin.ana 12855
A wide selection of KY and IN Radio Frequencies
sonicjam.txt 7821
Ultra Sonic Jammer Plans by Xanrek the Conjurer
specialw 10799
Special Warfare Manual by Baby Huey and The Titan (1985)
ssnum.ana 1791
About Social Security Numbers, by Scan Man
ssurvival.txt 7762
The Suburban Survival Guide Issue #1 from Incorsis Daethr
stench.txt 6764
Stenches For All by Kurt Saxon, typed by Mach Three
still.ana 4557
The Still by Cobalt-60 and Airborne Ranger
still.hac 5139
The Still: An Article from the Poor Man's James Bond
still.txt 4693
How to Make a Still, by Lex Luthor (needs formatting)
stinkbom.txt 2299
How to Make the Smelliest Stink-Bomb of All by the Hitmen, Vito and Vinnie
stinkum 36096
Stinkum: From the Poor Man's James Bond by Kurt Saxon by The Penguin
streetfi.ana 6417
Survival by The Nimpha
stungun.txt 5571
How to Make a Home-Made Stun Gun, from Morbid Angel of MAIM
sugar.rocket 9986
How to Make Sugar Rockets by Cloaked Warrior
sugar.rocket.2 6284
Improving Your Rocket by Cloaked Warrior (1986)
sun.bomb 945
Oxygen: Very Flammable, Sammy the God (September 6, 1987) 9856
Supermarket Fun by 007
surrvival 2652
WDP UU's Survival Files for the 507 College District
survaili.ana 6623
Sir Francis Drake Presents Remote Surveilance
tapcorner.txt 7671
Tap Corner (Various Articles from TAP) Word-Processed by The Mulcher ][
tapfones 11956
Private Audience (*A Basic Lesson in the Art of Listening In*)
tbbom15.txt 195597
The Big Book of Mischief by David Richards Version 1.5 (1993)
techter.txt 1890
Some Facts About Oil Pipelines and Technological Terrorism
terrcomp 34752
The Terrorist Home Companion by The Mentor and The Dead Kennedy
terror.hb 95508
How to Make a Blackmatch Fuse
test 124443
The Avenger's Handboot by The Last Viking Version 1.20 (1995)
therm.txt 2038
Creation of My Favorite, Thermite! 4096
UPSetting, by Axiom Codex and Lazar
toliet.bomb 6113
The Toilet Bomb by Angus Young
toxins.txt 2776
Information on Plutonium typed in by Mike Pompura, November 1989
tracing.msg 44658
Tracing Made Simple: Track 'Em Down by Michael E. Enlow, 1993
trash3.phk 3412
Trashing Techniques by The Underground Alliance
tripwire.ana 1854
Trip Wires by The Mortician
trukpipe.txt 1761
Truck Weaponry by Captain Hack (June 26, 1995) 3961
How to Put Together a TV Station
tvjam.txt 7484
TV Jammer, by Dr. Rat 1985
tvro.txt 18317
How to Monitor Microwave Telecommunication Links with an orfinary TVRO by Thallion of WUFO (1984)
unlaw1.txt 4864
The Book of the Unlawfuls by Shadowspawn Volume I
unlaw2.txt 2048
Other Unlawfuls by The Hoe Hoper and The Blue Buccaneer
upc.txt 6726
Cracking the Universal Product Code
v23.faq 6891
VIRUS 23 FAQsheet, by Darren Wershler-Henry
vending.machine 4352
Vending Machines Issue #2 by Lord Knight
vomitgas.ana 2560
Vomit Gas, by The Primo Pyro
warehous.e 1776
Tag File for the Warehouse BBS
warfare 2525
How to Make a Landmine, by Marlin and Black Knight
warrior.txt 4262
Axiom of a Warrior by Doctor Murdock
weapons.txt 2265
Stealth Systems Product Listings
weekend.anarchy 18441
Weekend Anarchy: A Documentary, Nay, Manual on the Widely Studied and Practiced Art of Creating Havoc and General Social Disarray
werehere.mad 13168
Parody of Anarchy Files
wildkill.txt 21011
WildMan's Complete Guide to "Assinations" 635
A Wrist Rocket by Sammy the God (September 5, 1987)
writers.txt 6514
How to Properly Write an Anarchy File by The Freddy, December 1991
wwiii.ana 11934
WWIII - a fantasy, from Shadow Stories, Inc.
zencor.txt 19957
The ZenCor Products and Services Catalog v4.0 (October 1st, 1992)
zip.gun 8576
The Ringmaster Gun Part I: How to Build a .22 (March 7, 1986)

There are 256 files for a total of 2,956,441 bytes.
There are 10 directories.

If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and compressed into one file, please download anarchy.tgz instead of all the files separately.