                                                ณ  Filename: SKOOLDEF.TXTณ
                                                ณ Title: School Defense  ณ
                                                ณ     By: Captain Hack   ณ
                                                ณ   Released: 1/8/96     ณ
                                                ณ   Danger: ��ฐฐฐฐฐฐฐฐ   ณ
   Several years ago, when I attended public school, I was very aware of
the dangers faced by anyone in America's public education system, and the
lack of security and safty provided by the facilities. This file will explain
how to make several componants of the Captain Hack School Defense kit, a
set of weapons and other useful items well disguised as common school
accessories. You can make or use as few or many as you wish, and not all are
applicable to all situations or all needs. Use what you hafta.

1) Pencil Pick
      An ice pick is always a handy tool/weapon...if only it could be con-
      cealed. Now it can. Start with a brand new pencil, unsharpened. Take a
      hand drill (or a SLOW elec drill) and drill out ONLY the rod of graph-
      ite. Now get a small length of metal rod (available at most hobby
      shops) about the same diam. Cut off a suitable length, and put a little
      super glue on the rod. Insert it into the pencil, with about 1/4" com-
      ing out of the pencil. After the glue sets up, sharpen the pencil like
      normal. You should now have a 1/2" or so metal point. Use a pair of
      wire cutters to snip the end at an angle so you have a sharp point.

      [Uses: stabbing, scratching, scribing, keying cars, maybe popping tires]

2) Breath Spray
	A small bottle of breath spray, like Binacca or something similar can
	be used for a variety of reasons: First, it can be used as a mace,
	being that these sprays are about 40% alchohol. Secondly, they can be
	used as an aerosol flamethrower, in the classic way.

	[Uses: defense spray, flamethrower]

3) Ruler Edge
	Have you ever seen those wooden rulers that have the little metal edge?
	Using a sharpening stone, you can hone this edge to a blade. It may take
	a while, but it should be useful.

	[Uses: cutting, scratching]

4) Pen Bomb
	A small ordinance explosive can be a handy thing to have, and this is a
	great one, as well as being a good smoke device if needed. Get a regular
	white BIC pen, and remove the tube of ink and the tip, but leave the part
	that the tip came out of in the pen. Fill the pen with Rocket Powder (see
	POLUMNA.TXT) and replace the colored part near the tip (that you saved).
	Feed the fuse through this tip, and put the cap on like normal. Now you
	have a smoke/noise device that looks quite normal, so long as you don't
	remove the cap.

	[Uses: smoke, noise, light demolition, distraction]

5) Cl Componants
	Two bottles of white out are only moderatly suspiscious, and thus make
	great containers for, among other things, Ammonia and Chlorine Bleach.
	Empty and wash out two bottles of white out, and fill them with these
	liquids. ONE LIQUID IN EACH. DO NOT MIX. Then cap and put them with your
	stuff. If neccesary to clear a large group of people, dump both bottles
	on the floor together. The result is Chlorine Gas, a HIGHLY poisonous and
	extremely DEADLY gas. Be careful with this.

	[Uses: distraction, causeing sickness to many, causing evacuation]

So there you have it. Many of these tools can be useful everyday, and some are
highly specific, but use what you like. Enjoy.
