               $ 101 WAYS TO KILL SOMEONE$
               $          BY             $
               $                         $
               $    PoPe Joseph 14th     $

        In this file I will tell you about a 101 ways to kill someone 
as the tile implies.And posibble concequences(hah)and some resons why
you might want to kill them.

1. Shoot the bastard,I don't recamend this metod because it's
   messy and too much can link it to you plus it's very loud.

2. Stab S/he this is also very messy and can be linked to you
   and they don't die fast(in most cases).

        Yes syringes in the following few you shall need syringes.

3. Fill the syringe with air(not hard eh stupid) then inject it 
   in to them.Perferably while they are sleeping it might take 
   a couple of times.The air bubbles go up to the brain and 
   poof there dead.This is effective because they can't trace 
   it to you.

4. Fill it with Amonia or another house hold cleaning agent one  
   that has a warning on the side.But when an autopsy is done 
   they might wonder how amonia got in to the blood stream.

5. Fill with a liquified coccane(lots of it).Then stuff some in 
   there dresser so it looks like they OD on the shit.

6. Fill with insulin usally stolen from diabetics and inject that
   in I recomend you do it in there sleep like the rest.What 
   happens is they go into insulin shock and die!

7. Fill with sheeps blood and inject it in to them while they 
   sleep.Wait two to three weeks or longer then inject in 
   another dose and they will have an alergic reaction and die

8. That's enough with the syringes.(and yes I'm counting this as 
   one have you ever tied to think of 101 way to kill someone.

9. Take a rope and strangle them.

10. Take your hand and strangle them.

11.The last two don't work that great.

12.Grind glass into very fine powder and put it in there food.This 
   slashes up there stomach and intestines.

13.Put leaches on them in the middle of the night and blead them 
   to death.

14.Put small lumps of lead in there sink spout and give them lead 

15.In there sleep insert in to there mouth the pollen of a flower
   not native to your area and perferably one they have never 
   came in to contact with.Then about two or three weeks later 
   do the same and if all goes well they will have an extream 
   alergic reaction and die.

16.Burn down there house when there in it.

17.Enter there bathroom while they are bathing and throw a blow 
   dryer curling iron or radio in the tub and poof shock thearpy.

18.Pound three inch nail's in to there skulls

19.Drill a hole in the top of a light bulb fill the bulb with 
   gasoline.Then put it in a lamp. When they turn it on boom 
   burning gas every where.

20.Cover there head with a plastic bag in there sleep.

        Well that's all for me fokes I was going to put 101 hear 
but I'm lazy and I was draining my brain a bit. Thanks for reading 
this far.

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