ë The BOM Squad ë
                               ë presents ë
                              "Various Scams"
                                Mr. Sandman
                          /    Disclaimer!     \
                         / Some of the methods   \
                        / discussed in this file   \
                      / are illegal to do! This file \
                     /is purely for reading enjoyment! \

        Well here we go with another file. This one will tell you some scams
  you can pull to make some easy money which nobody will have any record of.
  (In other words the IRS won't know.) If these scams are done right then you
  could be pulling in a good ammount of money weekly.

                                  Scam #1

        For this scam you will need a friend and you or your friend must be 
  fairly good at a sport. In this file I will use basketball as the sport. 
  Here is what you do. It would also help if your friend is from a different
  school. Now find a kid to play in basketball who really sucks and destroy 
  him! Try and really beat him by a large number of points. Make sure plenty
  of people are around to see this game and make sure the word gets around 
  about it. Now a couple days later bring your friend with you and play the 
  kid you just beat. Make sure kids are around who have money or like to bet.
  Fortunately these kinds of people aren't hard to find. Now before the game 
  starts make sure you don't hang around your friend. The trick is to act like
  you don't really know him. Have your friend approach you and say, "Man, when
  are you going to give up this sport? YOU SUCK! I mean, anyone could beat 
  you!" Now you should argue with him for a while and then bet him something
  like 50 dollars that you will cream this kid. Have your friend accept the 
  bet and meanwhile you should fill everyone in on how you just killed this 
  kid. Have your friend walk around to all the people at the game before it
  starts and make like 50 dollar bets with the people that you will lose. 
  Once he has got a large sum of money going in bets begin the game.
        The hardest part is done and here comes the easy part. All you have 
  to do is lose the game on purpose. Don't lose by alot but just a little 
  under his score. Also, never have a higher score than he does in the game
  because if you win you are screwed. Play to like a score of 15 or something.
  Make sure you have money on you and then go over and pay your friend. Have
  him collect the money from the other kids there within the week if he can't
  get the money at the game. This scam is called the hussle and it can be done
  with any sport. You can also do it the opposite way by having your friend 
  play and lose a couple games and then have him win. The hussle is one of the
  best moeny making scams ever invented. NOTE: The bet you make with your 
  friend is important because if you have nothing to lose some people may
  claim you lost the game on purpose but if you have 50 dollars riding on it
  you are safe. Once you get all the money split it 50/50 with your friend.

                                  Scam #2

        Have you ever seen those football pools? This scam is really easy.
  Go home and print (I assume you have a printer) up a list of the games that 
  are going to occur the weekend following weekend. Make a bunch because 
  people love these things. On the sheet make it so people will have to circle
  the team they want and what the score will be. Include the spreads on the 
  sheet. You can obtain all the info on spreads from the sports page in a 
  newspaper. Write on the sheet that it costs 5 dollars to join and that 
  whoever gets the most number of wins and scores correctly will win all the
  money submitted by the other people. Try not to let anyone know you are 
  running this. Find an empty locker in your school and put a lock on it. Then
  on the sheet tell them to put the sheet in an envelope with the 5 dollars
  and to slip it through the vent of the locker # you are using. Try and have
  these sheets ready by monday to get the most people to play. Write on the
  sheet that the person should write their name and locker number on the sheet
  so they can collect their money if they win.
        Now here is the trick. If you successfully kept your identity a 
  secret then you can keep all the money for yourself and on the next sheet 
  list your name as the winner. You get all the cash! However, you can only do
  this once so you'll maybe want a friend to win the next time and split the
  money 50/50 with him. Also, it will be impossible for anyone to find out
  how many people actually submitted any money to this so if someone wins put
  a certain ammount of the money in an envelope and put it in the kids locker.
  Then keep the rest for yourself. Always be sure to put down the winners name
  on the next sheet so in case anyone feels they've been scammed thay can ask
  that person if he collected any money. This is a nice scam because you can 
  do it every week for the whole year. Whhy just do football pools? When 
  football is over do hockey, basketball, and baseball pools. You will make 
  alot of money.
                                  Scam #3

        Here is one of my favorite scams because I do it all the time and 
  believe it or not it is legal. You must be able to play an instrument or
  have some other talent you can show off. I use an acoustic guitar for this.
  How many of you have ever been stuck in a subway or on a corner where some
  homeless person has obviously just found or stolen an instrument and is
  sitting there making awful noises trying to get money. Many people hat this
  but when there is one that actually plays well he gates alot of money. You
  can take advantage of this. Find yourself some old clothes you couldn't
  care less about and roll them around in the mud and then get yourself real  
  dirty and put on the clothes. Now drive or take a train in to New York City
  or any other large city and find youself a subway car or a street corner.
  I normaaly find a busy corner and then play my acoustic guitar. I normally
  play classical pieces beacause it seems to relax all the high strung execs
  in the city and they give you money for it. I leave my guitar case there in
  front of me and people just throw the money in. Thius works because they 
  love the sound of the music and you look like a homeless person so they 
  already have a little pity for you. I've made over 200 dollars just about 
  everytime I've done this and if a cop gives you any trouble or knows you are
  not homeless then tell him you aren't and you haven't told anyone that you 
  are and that it is perfectly legal for you to dress in the type of clothes
  you are wearing. It is perfectly legal. However, if you feel you aren't 
  making enough then try this. NOTE: The following will probably make the 
  scam illegal. Before you go make yourself a little sign that says,

                                Dear People,
                          I am a homeless person.
                          Any donations given to
                          me for my music will be
                          greatly appreciated because
                          they will help me to get 
                          some food, a place to sleep
                          for one night, and will allow
                          me to have enough to keep my
                          guitar in shape so that I may
                          continue playing for you.

                                        Thank you.

        This will get almost anyone to give you money since you aren't just
  sitting there asking for money with the smell of whiskey on your mouth and
  you will appear to be human. You are begging but you aren't really. Lots of
  people will fall for this but I haven't even had to stoop this low yet to 
  make a good sum of money. So if you have any musical talent then this could
  be very good for you.

        I hope you enjoyed this file. Maybe it will even keep you from having
  to go through the hell of getting a job to pay for car insurance or anything
  else. On a closing note I think it should be known that if you slurp your
  soup in New Jersey in a public place you can be arrested so try to keep
  from doing thiss. Until next time,

                        Mr. Sandman

  P.S. I need writers so if you think you can write then give The Garden of 
  Souls or any other BOM Squad site a call.