MacGyver's Anarchy Vol. 3
			By MacGyver     1-27-91

	In this volume I will cover smokeless powder, flash powder, plastique (plastic explosives) and a lile experiment.

1)      potassium chlorate              1.7 parts
	magnesium powder (fine mesh) 1 part

2)      potassium nitrate                       5 parts
	Aluminum dust (pyro grade)      2 parts
	sulfur                          2 parts

3)      potassium perchlorate           7 parts
	aluminum dust                   3 parts
	(German black grade)

4)      potassium perchlorate           5 parts
	magnesium powder (fine mesh) 4.25 parts
	aluminum powder                 3.25 parts

5)      potassium chlorate              2 parts
	aluminum powder                 1 part
	sulfur                          1 part

6)      Barium Perchlorate              9 oz.
	Magnesium powder (200 mesh) 0.5 oz.
	Aluminum powder (200 mesh)      0.5 oz.

7)      Barium nitrate                  3 oz.
	potassium perchlorate           3 oz.
	Aluminum powder (400 mesh)      4 oz.

8)      Potassium perchlorate           2 oz.
	sulfur                          1 oz.
	Aluminum powder (fine mesh)     1 oz.

Flash powders produce an extremely loud explosion. Just ignite with string fuse (Vol.1 I) or magnesi wire. It's not moisture absorbent and not very sensitive to friction and impact.  Potassium chloraeor sodium chlorate can be substituted for potassium perchlorate, or vice versa. I read that 4 ouncs f these mixtures will produce an explosion equivalent to a stick of dynamite. Wear ear protectionor ust stand far away. A little bit of this stuff blew up about 14 inches way from my ear so be carful.===========================================================================================


Yes  this is that plastic clay like stuff you see on T.V.  This next formula is one of many types oflastic explosives. There is an easy way and a medium easy way to make plastique. I'll show you the e easy way, mostly because it works and the easy way doesn't.
Melt five parts Vaseline (or petroleum jelly) and five parts wax with white gasoline (camping stove s). Pour this liquid on 90 parts potassium chlorate in a nonmetallic bowl. Mix well and allow the gsline to evaporate. 

Avoid friction, sulfur, sulfides and phosphorous compounds. This goes for all explosives containing tassium nitrate or chlorate. Store in a cool dry container. It works best if its shaped into a cubead dipped in wax to waterproof. To detonate use a #3 blasting cap or a large amount of electricity.I eard from a lab technician that if you hook the plastique to a tesla coil you get a nice explosio.   couple of 9 volt batteries won't work, you have to put in a lot of juice to get a detonation chrge.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
This is an extremely stable high powered explosive in the low-explosive class, which gives off only seous products. This is probably the most stable low-explosive, and probably explains why it is so oular. 

	70 ml conc. sulfuric acid
	30 ml. conc. nitric acid
	ice bath        
	5g cotton
	250ml 1M sodium bicarbonate
	250 ml beaker
	paper towels

	Place the 150 ml beaker in the ice bath and make sure the beaker is cold. Add slowly all the sulfur acid, then all the nitric acid. Divide the cotton into .7g pieces. Using tongs, soak each piece ofctton in the acid solution for one minute. Then rinse each piece of cotton in three different bathsof500ml water. Use fresh water for each piece. Then put it into 250ml of 1M sodium bicarbonate (bakng oda). If you have pH or litmus paper test the cotton, if it is still acidic rinse in water then n th sodium bicarbonate solution. If you don't have and test paper look carefully at the cotton whe immesed in the sodium bicarbonate solution. If bubbles come out, then rerinse. Let it dry overniteon a pper towel. To stabilize add some diphenylamine.
	Remember in Alien the movie, the aliens acid melt through the floors of the ship. Well you can do aimilar experiment. Get a small amount a acetone and some white Styrofoam. Either drop some acetone nthe Styrofoam , or place the Styrofoam in the acetone. What you will see is not a dissolving proces,but you are removing the air space from the expanded polystyrene. Testors model glue can also be sed A small amount of glue can eat away inches of Styrofoam.

Next time in volume IV. look for the high explosive mercury fulminate and the highly unstable high elosive, nitrogen tri-iodide. Also some safety precautions, and lycopodium powder experiments.