BBS Textfiles: CBBS

From Ward Christensen's private collection, here are logs of the last 5 years of CBBS, the original Bulletin Board System (founded in February of 1978). This is a treasure trove of insight into how the first BBS had grown up and spent its last few years before closing up for good. The logs themsleves are captures of sessions of Ward logging into the BBS, reading messages (there were no private messages), communicating with the users, and generally doing his sysop duties.

While many of these files will be of interest to only the most die-hard of BBS historians, it provides some real insight into how the role and use of the BBS had matured across CBBS's 16-year history.

Description of the Textfile
1989Logs of CBBS, Circa 1989
1990Logs of CBBS, Circa 1990
1991Logs of CBBS, Circa 1991
1992Logs of CBBS, Circa 1992
1993Logs of CBBS, Circa 1993
1994Logs of CBBS, Circa 1994
SNAPSHOTA Snapshot of CBBS's System Files in its Last Days
cbbs-ans.inf 688
Explanation of the Logic CBBS Uses When it Starts Up
cbbshst.asc 10455
Jumbled Collection of CBBS Program Strings
history.cbbs 21187
Collection of Messages Regarding the Genesis of CBBS (1986-1989)

There are 3 files for a total of 32,330 bytes.
There are 7 directories.