BBS Textfiles: FIDONET

In 1984, when an awful lot of BBS programs were popping up and trying to garner a base of boards to run them, one particular program started to get a bit of attention: FidoNet, by Tom Jennings. This software had something that other BBSes didn't; the ability to network and transfer files, e-mail and messages throughout many other BBSes spread across the country, and later the world.

This dream, of a people-run network of BBSes that would communicate, depended on a real interesting idea; every night, an hour would be reserved for all the Fidos to talk among each other, with some BBSes declared to be the head of their "Zones" and transfer the information between other heads, cutting down on traffic. A very fascinating approach, and one that has held out with relatively few bumps... which brings up the other facet of FidoNet.

FidoNet has also had an interesting seconardy aspect; the politics and technical issues of running a network, especially one where there were hundreds of different nodes with many different ideas about the whole process. This bears itself out in the hundreds of issues of FidoNews, the FidoNet newsletter that has come out pretty much every week since 1984 (and continues to). You see the whole gamut of issues that such an organization has faced, and how these issues have been dealt with.

Description of the Textfile
ABBSAmerican BBS Association Files
FIDONEWSFidoNews, the official FidoNet Newsletter (1984-Present)
RIMERelayNet International Message Exchange (RIME) Files
adanet.apl 2930
adanet.cnf 10909
ECHOMAIL: The ADANet Conference Information
adanet.inf 5178
ADANET: Information File and Rules 2357
ADANET: Structure of Organization of ADANet
adanet.skd 1129
ADANET: Current Daily Schedule of ADAnet
alley 6735
Documentation for the Fidonet "Alley Net" Sysops (July 6, 1994) by Ryan A. Simpson
applform 4891
Application to Join Planet Earth Network (November 30, 1994) 3735
Application to Join Intelec Network (September 30, 1994)
applic.txt 3534
APPLICATION: Application to Join the CrimeFighters International BBS Network
apply.dxn 2275
APPLICATION: Application to Dixie-Net (July 3, 1992) 2074
Application to Join AmateurRadio Net (July 1, 1995)
ar-net.his 3110
A History of AmateurRadio Net as of July 1, 1995
ar-net.rul 3906
AmateurRadio Ne Policy Document (July 1, 1995)
blt1 910
THROBNET: What is Throbnet?
blt2 22589
THROBNET: Detailed Descriptions of Throbnet Conferences
blt3 2524
THROBNET: List of Moderators of Throbnet Conference Moderators
blt4 26847
THROBNET: Computer Electronic Mail and Privacy by Ruel T. Hernandez (July 27, 1987)
blt5 1377
THROBNET: How to Send Private Mail in Throbnet
blt6 802
THROBNET: Free Speech in ThrobNet
blt7 976
THROBNET: The ThrobHelp Conference
blt8 1748
THROBNET: The Moderators' Guidelines
bre.txt 1673
Rules for joining the BRE League within GenericNet 1130
Application to Join the CALnet Echo
calnet.txt 17590
The CALNet Network Policy and Procedure Guide Version 1.0 (June 8, 1992)
calplan.txt 1208
The CALNet Plan of Operations
catnet.nfo 11970
CATNet Node Application
cavenet 1211
Information about Joining CaveNet
chateau.apl 1563
Application to Join the Chataeu Exine Adult Network
chateau.inf 5746
An Invitation to Join the Chateau Exine Adult BBS Hotel and Resort (November, 1991)
chateau.lst 697
Chateau Exine Adult BBS List 679
Organization Chart for the Chateau Exine Adult BBS Network
chateau.sys 3877
The Chateau Exine Adult Network Nodelist
chatecho.txt 6644
ChateauNet Echomail Areas and Descriptions
circus 2564
Information on CircusNet
claslib 5855
Network 350: The Brand-New Classical Liberal Network
college 2060
Information on College Singles Echo
comic 1391
Ad for Colornet/Comic Book Net
concept.txt 1573
A Quick Explanation of Fidonet/P*BNetHub Networking
conf.des 17155
Listing of Conferences of VampNet
conf.lst 1204
Listing of Conferences on RUSH NET
conf.rul 2388
Listing of Conference Rules of ISGNet
confdisc.txt 3254
Listing of Conferences on SCI-FI N' Monsters Net
conflist 3750
The Pen and Brush Network for Artists and Writers Conference List
conflist.asb 13763
Listing of All Conferences on Altered States and AdultNet
conflist.bbs 3910
Ocean County Net Conference Area (February 1, 1995) 105292
INTELEC: Conference Listing (August 1, 1994)
conftree.lst 49392
The Collosus SOO Resource Net (CSRNET)
coolconf.cnf 2497
The Current Mail Conferences Available on Cool-Net 1928
Application to Join Cool-Net International Adult Network Application
coolnet.inf 1393
Information on the Cool-Net International Adult Network 1207
Application to join CrymsonNet 1772
Echoes Available on Crymson Net as of September 4, 1993
crymson.pol 7645
CrymsonNet Policies Revision 1.02
csrnet 4576
Information on CSRNET 2112
Application to Become a Node on CSRNet
csrnet.con 3510
CSRNet Conference Listing (August 20, 1993)
csrnet.faq 4603
Frequently Asked Questions by CSRNet (June 20, 1993)
csrninfo.txt 4645
The Collosus SOO Resource Net (CSRNET) Gateway Information and Instroduction
cultwach.rul 4274
The Cult Watch Policy Echo Information
datenet 2408
Information on DateNet, an Online Singles Network
deathnet.154 15580
NODELIST: DeathNet Nodelist (June 3, 1994)
dharmlst.328 32216
NODELIST: DharmaNet Nodelist (November 24, 1995)
dharmlst.364 30811
NODELIST: DharmaNet Nodelist (December 30, 1994)
didnet 3859
DRAGnet International Disability Network Mission and Strategy (October, 1994)
discnet 5485
Introduction to DiscNet Internation Fidonet (October 28, 1994)
febpol.txt 11597
The FEB Policy List Version 1.1 (March 12, 1995)
fido1222.nws 26550
FIDO NEWS: Volume 12 Number 22 (May 29, 1995)
fishnet 6366
Get caught up in The FishNet! Domain Name FISHNET.FTN
flynet 3927
Open Invitation to the FlyNet Aviation Network
flyplcy.202 17340
The FlyNet Aviation Network Policies and Procedures Document (Version 2.02) (June 17, 1992)
fms 3716
New Echo: False Memory Syndrome, by David Bloomberg
funkconf.txt 11093
Information on the FunkNet Network BBSes
funkplcy.txt 2779
The General FunkNet Echo Mail Rules (June 16, 1993)
gnetapp.txt 1606
APPLICATION: GENIUSnet EchoMail Systems - Application For Node Status
gnetconf.lst 5096
ECHOMAIL: The Official GENIUSnet EchoMail Systems Conference List (April 1, 1992)
gnetmodr.lst 3040
ECHOMAIL: Moderator Listings for GENIUSNet (April 1, 1992)
gnetnode.lst 2097
ECHOMAIL GENIUSnet EchoMail Systems - Nodelist (April 1, 1992)
gnetreg.txt 2701
APPLICATION: Galactica Net
gravenet.801 3932
NODELIST: GraveNet (August 1, 1994)
health 2835
Information on the Fidonet Healthcare Network
hint 3651
Information about HintNet: The Specialist in Games
hmskul 5334
The Home School Network: HSNET: November 27, 1994 3082
Application to Join the HoGeNET (Homade Generic Network)
hogenet.lst 3139
List of Message Bases on HoGeNET
holysmok.faq 38252
The FidoNet Holysmoke Frequently Made-Up Questions List by David Rice (October 12, 1994)
home 1186
Tag File for HomeNet
hsalist.139 20386
The Hashbrown Society of America Network (May 19, 1995)
hsanet 2070
The Hashbrown Society of America Network by Jason Englander and Gerry Busardo
hub.txt 4555
The Echo Mail Hub Kit Template 29396
INTELEC: International E-Mail Network Memberlist (August 1, 1994)
hubbing.txt 1331
The General Rules for being a Funknet Hub
hubrules.txt 2750
The RPGNet HUB and Regionals Rules and Responsibilities (June 16, 1994)
hugnet 1684
Expanding HuggyNet Network for the open Minded
humanet 2239
Information on HUMANET: The Computer Network for the Arts & Humanities
infinech.016 11228
InfiNet: The International Freedom of Information Network Overview
infinech.txt 7915
The International Freedom of Information Network Listing of Current Available Echo Topics 8280
Application to join Infinet 11270
List of Boards for Infinet
infinode.txt 16246
BBS List for Infinet
infinpol.txt 8513
InfiNet - The International Freedom of Information Network Rules, Regulations, and General Policy (November 26, 1994)
infinset.txt 4214
InfiNet - The International Freedom of Information Network Setup Tips and Operation Guidelines 2960
Application to Join InfoNet
infonet.txt 4021
Infonet Introduction
insane.txt 3328
Information on the FIDOnet List of Insanet v4.0
internet.inf 16722
Using Internet by means of CSRNet by Greg Goddard/Tony Pittarese
isg 2170
The International Sysop's Guid: Who and What is the ISG All About?
isg-list.113 21304
Nodelist for the International Sysop's Guild (April 23, 1993)
isg.who 1967
ISG: The Internation Sysop's Guild: Who and What is the ISG all about?
isgcomf.rul 2381
International Sysop's Guild Conference Rules 3435
The ISG Echo List
itcdiff.361 10202
Nodelist of the International Telecommunications Network (December 20, 1993)
itcecho.lst 15931
ITC Net (International Telecommunications Network) Conference Areas List
itcguide.txt 15523
The ITCnet Guidelines Document (May 11, 1992) 3630
Application to Join as a Node of International Telecommunications Network
itcroute.pol 5258
The ITCnet Route Map
logo.txt 7165
Membership Information for Laura's Lair Premium Board System
mhfxnet 2716
List of Echomail Conferences and File Areas on MHFXNet
mninfo.txt 2703
Introduction to MagicNET by Bill Waters and Terry Grant
net-info 1023
PLANET EARTH NETWORK: Introduction to Planet Earth Network (September 1, 1994)
net-rule 13611
PLANET EARTH NETWORK: The PEN is Mightier Than the Sword 21140
INTELEC: General Rules v4.08 (August 1, 1994)
nirvana.txt 34998
NirvanaNet: The Philosophy
nn_apply.txt 8958
Application to Join NirvanaNET
nn_echos.txt 1850
List of Echoes in NirvanaNET
nodediff.146 179570
FidoNet Nodelist for Friday, May 26, 1995 -- Day number 146 : 32286 (May 19, 1995)
nodelist 10334
PLANET EARTH NETWORK: Nodelist (September 1, 1994)
nodelist.001 5328
NODELIST: Outernet Nodelist (October 18, 1994)
nodelist.040 3324584
NODELIST: Fidonet Nodelist (February 9, 1996)
nodelist.252 2905890
NODELIST: FidoNet Nodelist (September 9, 1994) 72232
INTELEC: International E-Mail Network Memberlist (August 1, 1994)
nodelist.pcb 10358
PLANET EARTH NETWORK: Nodelist for September 9, 1994
nodemap 7858
nodes.lis 1940
NODELIST (GalacticNet)
p&bnet.txt 5365
Information on the Pan and Brush Network for Artists and Writers
police.doc 68864
PoliceNet: A Network Serving the Law Enforcement Communite World-Wide, by Joseph Gaspard (1991)
police.txt 68864
POLICE.NET: A Network Serving the Law Enforcement Community World-Wide by Joseph Gaspard (1991)
policy.110 16073
Syndicate-Net Official Statement of Policy - Revision 1.10 by Todd Rourke, Al Miller and Raymond DeRoo (1993)
policy.isg 101462
The ISG Policy Document Index
policy.tag 3202
The Pen and Brush Net Policy Document (August 6, 1994)
policy4.txt 75962
The FidoNet Polict Document Version 4.07 (June 9, 1989)
prime 3089
Information Fle for the Prime Network (1994) 4635
APPLICATION: ProgNet Application
pronode.098 7760
NODELIST: Professional Network PRONET Nodelist (April 9, 1994)
psudnet 2824
Echo List of PseudoNet Message Echoes 10996
INTELEC: Information on Intelec Network (September 17, 1994)
rgs-supp.txt 15729
Renegade Support Network, RGS-Net (Official Renegade Support Sites) (May 11, 1994)
rgsnet 4136
Renegade Bulletin Board System Support Network (RGSNet)
rgsnet.pol 37608
RGSNET Policy and Procedures Guide Draft 1.1 (July 22, 1994)
rgsnlist.210 60247
RGSNET Nodelist for Friday, July 29, 1994
rgsnlist.350 85062
NODELIST: RGS Nodelist (December 16, 1994)
rimeconf.rul 10857
RIME: Conference Rules
rimepost.txt 138366
Relaynet Channel List (September 14, 1993)
rlyhost.inf 2961
RELAYNET: Information on RelayNet
rnet_pol.003 46169
Official Policy Statement of RANET (January 1, 1993) 2911
Application for Joining RUSHNET
rushnet.inf 2641
Information on Joining RUSHNET
rushnet.txt 6895
How to Get Echo Mail on RUSHNET, by The Crystal Palace 6730
INTELEC: Direct Connect With Net Host (August 1, 1994)
spice 3379
SPICENET Information and Echo List
sysunnet.txt 1460
The Sysops Undergroup Network Application
tbnet 7600
Overview of The Thunderbolt Net (Fido Network) 2391
INTELEC: Blacklist of Banned Individuals
throbnet.apl 4347
THROBNET: National Adult Network Network Application (October 31, 1994)
throbnet.cnf 30864
THROBNET: Detailed List of Throbnet Conferences
throbnet.inf 5670
THROBNET: Introduction to the Throbnet International Adult Network
throbnet.lst 23808
THROBNET: List of BBSes in the Throbnet Network
timnet.003 3423
NODELIST: TIMnet (The Insane Mail Net) (July 31, 1992) 1281
ToxicNet BBS Node Application
toxicnet.q&a 2980
The Toxicnet Question and Answers
toxicnet.rul 1553
The Rules of the Toxicnet BBSes
uniftp.txt 10077
unihost.lst 10952
ECHOMAIL: U'NI-net International Echo Net Host/Hostess List (January 24, 1997)
unihub.txt 3464
ECHOMAIL: Policies Around U'NI-Net Hubs
unihubs.lst 3300
ECHOMAIL: Official U'NI Net Hubs
uniphone.lst 40990
ECHOMAIL: U'NI-Net International Echonet BBS List (January 24, 1997)
unisat.txt 5318
ECHOMAIL: Availability of U'NI-Net Echomail via Plannet Connect
unistate.lst 40990
ECHOMAIL: U'Ni=Net International Echo NEt BBS List (By State) (Jabuary 24, 1997)
unisysop.txt 8660
ECHOMAIL: U'NI-Net Sysop Information
uniuser.txt 8925
ECHOMAIL: U'NI-NET Frequently Asked Questions
uucpfido 22610
How to Use the UUCP -- FidoNet Gateway Verison 2.3 by Lee Damon and Dale Weber (December 9, 1988)
xeronet 6540
XeroNet Policy Draft v1.7 [ 28 NOV 94 ] for the XeroNet BBS
xnet.txt 9873
ECHOMAIL: X_Net: A Cyberpunk Echo Net

There are 182 files for a total of 8,570,945 bytes.
There are 3 directories.