
Another fine example of how alternate viewpoints found a willing soapbox in BBSes, Conspiracy Files promised to reveal the true and actual way of the world by exposing the secret, behind-the-scenes machinations of those who were secretly in power. Since everything got equal footing in the file sections or in the message bases, it all seemed a little more plausible when a literate, seemingly well-thought-out essay told you that things were not how they seemed. This is the power that the Internet shares today.

Whether you look at them as the Real Truth shining through, or some amazingly entertaining fiction, you can often spot a good solid conspiracy theory a mile away. You get evidence that has been surpressed, studies that have been done and forgotten, and sometimes, if you're lucky, it'll mention the Pope.

And hey, some of it is true.

Description of the Textfile
CNConspiracy Nation: A Newsletter of Conspiracy
3.txt 48032
Speeches and Other Public Statements by Political Leaders of the Third Reich (Holocaust Revisionism)
666_ibm.txt 21457
IBM Provides the Mark of the Beast!
9dims.txt 8487
The Proven Existence of 9 Dimensional Planes
a-z-cons.txt 29336
The A-Zs of Conspiracy, from the Guardian (February 12, 1995)
africa.txt 19584
WHO Murdered Africa: Conspiracy Theories about the AIDS Virus 8437
Suggest Books and Periodicals dedicated to Urban Legends
afu.faq 81601
Official Usenet Alt.Folklore.Urban Frequently Posted Legends (29.March.1993)
afu_flam.for 3472
Alt.Folklore.Urban Reply Form
afu_surv.gui 8923
The Alt.Folklore.Urban Survival Guide (A Guide to Posting)
aids 43269
AIDS: Epidemic or Weapon of War? By Mr. Dave Emory (November 1991)
aids-2.txt 50217
Shocking Revelations on AIDS Research by our North American Correspondent, from New Dawn Magazine (1992)
aids-war.txt 35547
AIDS as a Weapon of War by Dr. William Campbell Douglas, MD (August 16, 1990)
aids.txt 56971
AIDS: a U.S. Made Monster? from J. Segal and L. Segal (1990) 15488
AIDS: A U.S. Made Monster?
aids02.txt 8695
AIDS: Spread Facts, not Fear, from the American Red Cross
aidsconsp.txt 16048
AIDS: a U.S. Made Monster? from J. Segal and L. Segal (1990)
air-rail.txt 17331
The Secret History of the Atmospheric Railway and the Pneumatic Tube 3814
The Urban Legend about Aladdin 3371
Are there Really Alligators in Sewers?
alt3.txt 32260
Alternative 3, by Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose and Christopher Miles (Conspiracy Parody, 1978)
alt_folk.faq 18380
Official Usenet Alt.Folklore.College Frequently Posted Legends (31 March 1993)
althist.lst 86084
The Alternate History List by Robert Schmunk Version 3 (July 16, 1991)
anti-jew.txt 18339
Extremely Involved Jewish Conspiracy File
antich.mail 19201
Collecting Mail for the Coming AntiChrist by D. Kabatoff (Alt.Jokes.Pentium)
aosc_fbi.txt 32267
System Profile: The Federal Bureau of Investigation, by the All Ohio Scanner Club
art-04.txt 14810
Do Assassinations Alter the Course of History? By Simon Freeman and Ronald Payne
art-05.txt 21432
Conspiracy Theories: Doubts Refuse to Die by Bob Dudney (November 20, 1991)
art-06.txt 29646
The Day John Kennedy Died by Bryan Woolley (1991)
art-07.txt 10739
A Rememberance of Kennedy, by Jim Henderson (1991)
assassin.the 34437
The Kennedy Watergate Iran-Contra Nazis Conspiracy (November 22, 1988)
autoscam.hum 14812
The Big Automobile Scam of America
badges.asc 17110
Could Star Trek Badges Be For Real? (April 20, 1992)
bankcris.txt 10528
The Next Banking Crisis: The Issue Whose Name They Dare Not Speak by Doug Henwood (July 20, 1992)
bcci-1.txt 78716
BCCI: The Big Picture: A System Out of Control, Not Just One Bank by George Winslow (October 23, 1991)
bendini.txt 28152
The Kromery Converter/Free Electricity from Axon Industries (July 4, 1986)
bermutri.txt 2847
The Bermuda Triangle and Parapsychology by Dave Beall
bigbroth.hum 25512
The National Guards, by Donald Goldberg
bkgroun1.txt 18940
Foresight Background Issue #4 by Arthur Kantrowitz (1989)
bnlgate.txt 10607
The Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro / IraqGate Scandal
bohemian.txt 3200
The True Story of the Bohemian Club
bookfile.txt 32053
The Book File: The Super Radical File that Uses Real Sources to Document the CIA/BUXH/MOM/ILLUMINATI/OIL Company Links to Rape and Steal from We the People (January 10, 1991)
bor-stat.txt 32622
The Bill of Rights, a Status Report by Eric Postpischil (September 3, 1990)
brainwsh.txt 38360
Brainwashing by Lorenzo Saint Dubois
bugged.msg 21013
Electronic Surveillance: Are You Bugged? by Michael E. Enlow
burning.ppl 4647
Spontaneous Human Combustion: No Longer a Burning Issue by Al Sechel
bushbio.txt 196851
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography bi Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin
bushbomb.txt 5898
Bush Linked to Terror Bombing: Will the UN ask for Extradition? (June 22, 1992)
cabala.txt 29916
The Ancient Secret Meaning of some of the extended ASCII characters, and beyond by Henry J. Franzoni III (February 17, 1988)
caesar 3608
Is Caesarism the Conspiracy?
camps.txt 25184
The "Liberation of the Camps": FACTS vs. LIES (Holocaust Revisionism) by Theodore J. O'Keefe
carter.txt 5406
Jimmy Carter's True Legacy is Shocking
castro.txt 23131
Cuba, Castro and the United States or How One Man With a Cigar Dominated American Foriegn Policy
celine.txt 29572
Celine's Laws by Hagbard Celine
chaos.def 17947
Defining Chaos by Mark Chao
chappaqu 4538
The Links Between Watergate and Chappaquidick
christ-c.txt 8358
Christianity and Freedom, by Jacob G. Hornberger
chron.txt 13968
The Chronology of Secret Societies by Michael Howard
cia-sws.txt 18944
The CIA's Secret Weapons Systems (1992 Reprint of 1978 Issue)
cia.sws 18859
The CIA's Secret Weapons Systems by Andrew Stark (June, 1978)
cia.txt 51968
An EX-CIA Official Speaks Out by Greg Kaza (1986)
cia_br.ain 4072
The CIA STOLE MY BRAIN! A U.S. woman's Month of Horror
cia_info.txt 86737
Very Large Report on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
ciabwash.txt 48565
A Report on Communist Brainwashing (February 8, 1984)
ciactrlf.txt 37888
How the CIA Controls President Ford by L. Fletcher Prouty (April 10, 1992)
ciafoia.asc 5744
The CIA's "Openness" is Laughable, by David Corn
ciamedia 5356
The CIA And the Media (Conspiracies)
ciawar.txt 76844
John Stockwell: The Secret Wars of the CIA
ciawars.txt 77195
John Stockwell and the Secret Wars of the CIA
clinto_m.rus 11465
ONI CIA and Mossad in an Assassination Plot Against Bill Clinton? (December 23, 1994)
clubs 3887
The Secret Conspiracy of the Elks Clubs
cncd0001.txt 57499
The Chernobyl Experiment by J. Adams (April 23, 1996)
cnch0020.txt 78349
Billions for the Bankers and Debts for the People: A Study, by Pastor Sheldon Emry
cncia006.txt 77011
Clinton Quigley and Conspiracy: What's Going on here? By Daniel Brandt (January 8, 1995)
cncia010.txt 91463
The Secret Concentration Camps (Conspiracy)
cncia022.txt 71114
Concentration Camp Plans for US Citizens: A National Emergency, Total Takeover (Conspiracy)
cncia024.txt 64888
Secret Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programming Manual (October 22, 1996)
cncia028.txt 62189
The History and Significance of the New World Order by Scott Spencer (February 9, 1997)
cncja006.txt 79334
John Stockwell: The Secret Wars of the CIA (October 10, 1987)
cncjb017.txt 127644
The Shadow of the Swastika: The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Re-legalization by R. William Davis
cncka002.txt 94281
Transcript of an Interview with Mr. Brian Mee Concerning the Famous Backyard Rifle Photographs (1994)
cncka003.txt 74910
Proof that Oswald Didn't Shoot JFK: The Baker-Oswald Encounter by Michael T. Griffith (1996)
coldfusi.txt 6390
Host Element Fusion, an Unpublished Work on Cold Fusion by Earl Laurence Lovings (1990)
compse.txt 42476
The Comutational Self, by Robert M. Galatzer-Levy, M.D. (June 6th, 1988)
consp.txt 49422
An Attempt to List Everything That The Government Got Their Hands On
conspire.txt 8643
25 Questions and Answers about the "Atomic Bomb" (Holocaust Revisionist Parody)
contra.txt 9088
Soldier of Fortune Dies Mysteriously After Talking to Congressional Investigators by Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein
contrcia.txt 9728
The Secret Team of Weapons Dealers by Vince Bielski
control.txt 11233
Racism, Control, and Rock and Roll by Jacob G. Hornberger
corpdem.txt 5298
The Takeover of the Democratic Party (July 20, 1992)
cotd9311.txt 6903
Conspiracy for the Day: The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" by John Merks (November 3, 1993)
cowtown.txt 54234
The Cowtown Connection by M. Duke Lane
crashir.hum 18062
The Planned Crash of 1987
crybaby.txt 52736
Crybaby by Philip J. Klass 20078
A Theoretical Understanding of Cryonics, by H. Keith Henson and Arel Lucas (December 17, 1992)
dallas.txt 69088
The Guns of Dallas by L. Fletcher Prouty (JFK Conspiracy, March 27, 1992)
dark.suc 6521
The Theory of Dark Suckers, by Paul Holgrem
dark1.txt 8554
Dark Conspiracy involving Power Companies Surfaces by the Quantum Mechanic (August 7, 1988)
deaths.txt 28787
The Convenient Deaths (JFK Theories)
democ-pr.txt 9727
Producer Interests Vs. The Public Interest: The Origin of Democratized Privilege by Richard M. Ebeling 9472
DePass Speaks of the American Boot Camps (1992)
deskgen.txt 4120
Desktop Genetic Engineering, by Kevin Kelly
dictator.txt 8856
Blueprint for U.S. Dictatorship Places Individual Rights at Risk by Mike Blair of the Spotlight
dicthere.txt 4680
Dictatorship Possible Here, by Lawrence Wilmot and Martin Mann of The Spotlight
diplomat.txt 3117
The FBI License Plate Codes (October 17, 1990)
diseas.txt 18118
dnamast.001 19329
A New Understanding of Aging and Disease based on subtle electrical phenomena in DNA and RNA
dpalma4.txt 10729
Violation of Law of Conservation of Charge in Space Power Generation Phenomenon by Paramahamsa Tewari
dpalma5.txt 43655
Hompolar "Free-Energy" Generation Test by Robert Kincheloe (February 1st, 1987)
dpalma6.txt 6694
Energy from Space: An Engineer's Invention Excites Interest
dream 4666
The (American) Dream is on Life Support, by Dave Bealer
drug-cia.txt 21982
WBAI Pacifica Radio New York: Interview with Mark Swaney by Paul DeRienzo (CIA Operations)
drugrunr.txt 11489
Contras Used Cocaine to Buy Arms By Vince Bielski and Dennis Bernstein
ecology.pop 15848
Notes on Pop Ecology, by Robert Anton Wilson (1982)
econ 3067
What is Happening to the Economy? (1989)
electric.cha 2664
The Urban Legend of the Edison Electric Chair
embalm.txt 4337
A Quick Lesson in Do-It-Yourself Embalming by Gus McLeavy (Typed in by The Big Bad Barbarian)
encybrit.d 189895
The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica by Joseph McCabe
evol-110.txt 28637
The ARARAT Report: Post WWII Sightings (February/MArch 1987)
evolutn3.hum 19456
Creation or Evolution? Part III: The Fossil Record
exec_ord.txt 94824
The Secret Concentration Camps (Conspiracy Theory)
executiv.txt 90112
The Secret FEMA Gulag Concentration Camps
faces_of.rev 15174
The Real Facts about the "Faces of Death" Video
fakeaids.txt 12871
Designer Diseases: AIDS as Biological and Psychological Warfare by Waves Forrest
fbi-fone.txt 12752
Draft of the FBI Wiretap Act
fema-1.txt 25278
The Secret Concentration Camps: The FEMA Gulag
fema-2.txt 28054
The Secret Concentration Camps: The FEMA Gulag (Part II)
fema-3.txt 39783
The Secret Concentration Camps: The FEMA Gulag (Part III)
femabust.txt 4627
Help Bungled and Disorganized by Martin Mann and George Nicholas of The Spotlight
feminism 12356
Feminism: A Mask for Marxism?
feverf.txt 3679
Feverfew: A Herbal Remedy for Migraine?
fgn-plcy.txt 9999
Foreign Policy and Foreign Wars by Richard M. Ebeling 2944
The Flat Earth FAQ by Lee Harvey Oswald Smith of the Flat Earth Society 6912
The Flyer Handed Out by the Flat Earth Society by Charles K. Johnson 6898
Transcription of the Flyter from the Flat Earth Society
foia.txt 29071
The Freedom of Information Act Files Kit: Instructions
forg0int.txt 81427
Forgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion, by Joseph Wheless
forg1.txt 112950
Forgery in Christianity: Pagan Frauds
forg2.txt 117351
Forgery in Christianity: Hebrew Holy Forgeries
forg3.txt 81994
Forgery in Christianity: Christian "Scriptitre" Forgeries
forg4.txt 129294
Forgery in Christianity: The Saintly "Fathers" of the Faith
forg5.txt 169030
Forgery in Christianity: The Gospel Forgeries
forg6.txt 148894
Forgery in Christianity: The Church Forgery Mill
forg7.txt 307381
Forgery in Christianity: The Triumph
forward.txt 18688
Exploring Hyperspace in Everyday Life by T.B. Pawlicki (1988)
frame 4249
Police Frame-ups and Thought Decoders!
free-trd.txt 9575
Free Trade Versus Protectionism by Richard M. Ebeling
freeasoc.txt 2614
Leaflet: Freemasonry and Society by the Board of General Purposes of the United Grand Lodge of England
freetrd2.txt 8692
A Capitalist Looks at Free Trade by William L. Law
frgtimpt.txt 9545
The Forgotten Importance of Civil Liberties by Jacob G. Hornberger
gabel 19275
Peter Gabel on "The Spiritual Truth of `JFK'" (March 19, 1992)
gatamp.txt 1992
Stacking the Jury in Georgia
gemstone.txt 62452
A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone Files (May 1, 1975)
germ.txt 7737
U.S. Government Practices Germ Warfare on U.S. Population by Gary Null
global.txt 6124
The Global Economy Triumphs Over Earthday
god 67755
The Guns of Dallas: Theories on the Assassination of JFK (1992 Transcript of a 1975 File)
goldtrig.txt 157808
Lt. Col. James Bo Gritz (ret.) Versus Those U.S. Government Officials Whose Golden Triangle Heroin Trafficking Has Prevented the Return of Our POWs From Southeast Asia
govt-imp.txt 5681
Will out Government Implant Our Children? By Samurai Writer
gravac.txt 40192
Can Gravity be Induced? Observational Evidence and Verifiable proof for a Dynamic Gravac Sun by Stephen Paul Groodfellow (1987)
gravity.txt 16102
Axon Systems Presents: The Resonant Gravity Field Coil, or How to Manipulate Reality in a 530 Square Inch Area by Shadow Hawk
gravity8.asc 0
Additional Letter to Flying Saucers Magazine (April 21, 1991)
gun-ctrl.txt 9582
Gun Control, Patriotism and Civil Disobedience vy Jacob G. Hornberger
gvtscrcy.txt 3328
The Government's Mania for Secrecy (1987)
handbank.txt 36103
"Crimes of Patriots," by Jonathan Kwitny (Bank Conspiracies)
heritage.sto 34794
heritage of Stone: The Assisnation of JFK
hertecon.txt 9175
The Heritage of Economic Liberty by Richard M. Ebeling
hoover.txt 31365
A Memorandum from Hoover to LBJ After JFK's Death (February 7th, 1992)
hopp.txt 10624
new FBI Attempts at Secure Communication, by Full Disclosure (1991) 5400
Opposing the Telecommunications Act of 1991 by Kaleb Axon
hr-3515.txt 52962
Transcription of HR 3515 by James D. Bryant II and Kaleb Axon
hunt 11335
Information on E. Howard Hunt and JFK
hyperp.doc 14409
Congratulations! You're About to Unlock the Secret of Hyperprotocol
idaho.txt 7978
The State of Idaho: HOAX REVEALED - OLIVER STONE TO DO MOVIE (May 19, 1992)
if_entap.txt 93270
An Introduction to Freemasonry by Carl H. Claudy
if_felcr.txt 94331
An Introduction to Freemasonry: Fellowcraft, by Carl H. Claudy
illum.1 10490
50 Points About the Illuminati
illumexp.txt 14764
The Ordo Templi Orientis Historic Evoltion Flowchart from the Illuminati Express (1985)
illumhis.txt 95690
An Illuminati Outline of History
illumin.txt 85331
The Opal File: The Round Table Financial Takeover of Australia and New Zealand (1991)
illumina.txt 18280
The Bavarian Illuminati FAQ Version 1.2 (January 1994)
imps-soc.txt 9040
The Impossibility of Socialism by Richard M. Ebeling
inc-tax.txt 22299
Conspiracy Theory of Income Tax and Its History
incon001.txt 286058
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier (December 31, 1985)
incon002.txt 131042
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier Part II (December 31, 1985)
incon003.txt 191711
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier part III (December 31, 1985)
incon007.txt 162629
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier Part IV (December 31, 1985)
incon008.txt 101912
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier Part V (December 31, 1985)
incon009.txt 3251
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier Part VI (December 31, 1985)
incon010.txt 5101
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier (December 31, 1985)
incon013.txt 35686
Invisible Contracts by George Mercier (December 31, 1985)
indo58 47173
Indonesia 1958: Nixon, the CIA, and the Secret War By L. Fletcher Prouty
infmnply.txt 2944
The Information Monopoly (June 1987)
info-tmp.txt 5559
TMP Technical Information by Jay Shaffstall (1990)
ins-rich.txt 22166
Software To Die For: Inslaw Lawyer Elliot Richardson Talks About Murder and the CIA, by James Ridgeway 74066
Federal Corruption, by Harry V. Martin (March 12, 1991)
inslaw.txt 88794
The Barrons Article on Inslaw (October 1991) from Steve Crocker
inslaw2.asc 11556
INSLAW Case: 2/29/88 "BARRON'S" piece on Brian-Meese connection
inslaw2.txt 108627
Inslaw Conspiracy: The Justice Department Affects Inslaw
inslaw3.txt 12911
INSLAW case: Murder in the Martinsburg Sheraton?
inslaw4.txt 11959
INSLAW case: More on Wackenhut (October 15, 1991)
insur.txt 19949
The World's Oldest Organized Profession (Banking and Insurance) by Bob Huebner of the National Commodity and Barter Association
inthenam.txt 30544
Global Tyranny... Step by Step, by William F. Jasper
intro.txt 71168
Where is Hyperspace? And How Do We Get There From Here?
introab 27398
An Introduction to the Assassination Business, by L. Fletcher Prouty (March 20, 1992)
iraqloan 7687
Congressional Inquiry: Henry Kissinger's Link the the Banco Nazionale del Lavoro (April 26, 1991)
iraqmiss.txt 4067
The Questions Around Iraqi Missiles
ironmoun.txt 149632
Report from Iron Mountain" (an electronic version) (The Conspiracy) (December 30, 1992)
irsinfo.hum 4979
Most Powerful Weapon of IRS is Imaginary
issue-15.txt 58328
Let Us Get Our Priorities Straight: Who's Trying to Save What & Whom - Precisely (August 1984)
issue-17.txt 41372
Knocking The Key Weapon From out of The Enemy's Hands (October 1984)
issue-18.txt 50410
Selection of Racial Terms Deliberate (November 1984)
issue-19.txt 24563
For the White Race, Jewish democracy has been an Unmitigated Disester (December, 1984)
issue-20.txt 38484
The Time has come for The White Race to establish its own POLE STAR (January, 1985)
issue-21.txt 35630
Confrontation - Sooner The Better (February, 1985)
issue-24.txt 57862
Where does YOUR First Loyalty lie? ur Race is Our Religion (May, 1985)
issue-25.txt 43569
Informed, Aroused and Organized, the White Race is overwhelmingly the most Powerful Force on the face of the Earth (June, 1985)
issue-26.txt 54576
Saving our Precious Planet from Becoming a Chemical Garbage Dump and a Human Pigsty (July, 1985)
italy.txt 41094
Gladio: The Secret U.S. War to Subvert Italian Democracy by Arthur E. Rowse
jaccuse.txt 11264
A Petition to Indict the United States Government of Making Deals with an Alien Nation, by Milton William Cooper
jfk-0001.txt 8913
The Kennedy Files: File #1, by Mark D. Turner (January 3, 1992)
jfk-0002.txt 11438
The Kennedy Files: File #2, by Mark D. Turner
jfk-0003.txt 13514
The Kennedy Files: File #3, by Mark D. Turner
jfk-echo.txt 170127
Passages from 'Echoes of Conspiracy', a Kennedy Book published in 1991
jfk.loo 18274
Who Killed Kennedy? The Media Whitewash, by Carl Oglesby (September 18, 1991)
jfkkill.txt 16090
JFK Conspiracy: The List of Convenient Deaths (March 26, 1991)
jfkmessages.txt 325250
A Very large Collection of JFK Assassination Messages (1992)
jfkques.txt 18499
The JFK Assassination on 11/22/1963: Coincidence or Conspiracy? 100 Questions from Peter Lemkin (December 30, 1991) 7621
Stone's JFK Makes Rechless Judgements, Absurd Accusations, by BY Peter Kauffner
kgbbib.txt 13066
Annotated Bibliography of Books Concerning Soviet State Security by Charles Trew
king.ass 40540
The Murder of Martin Luther King Jr. by John Edginton and John Sergeant (1990)
kisdeath.txt 18108
Coincidence or the Kiss of Death? The Death of the Bodyguards of Bill Clinton
knoll.txt 21704
JFK: Circumstantial Evidence of a Head Shot From The Grassy Knoll
kurt.txt 133037
Project: The Last Generation: The Brain Washing of a Generation
kurtresp.txt 21291
Project: The Last Generation: The Brain Washing Of a Generation (Rebuttal)
larouche.the 7756
WHo Killed President Kennedy and Why, according to Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
larouche.txt 41442
LaRouche Trial Fact Sheet by Steve Crocker (March 28, 1992)
laws2.txt 3710
Government Seizures Victimize Innocent by Andrew Schneider and Mary Pat Flaherty
laws3.txt 3361
The Law: Guilt Doesn't Matter (Drug Seizure Laws)
laws4.txt 3499
Police Forces Keep the Take (Drug Seizure Laws)
laws5.txt 4986
'Looking' Like a Criminal (Drug Seizure Law)
laws6.txt 6009
Paying For Your Innocence (Drug Seizure Laws)
laws7.txt 4421
Ending the Abuse (Drug Seizure Laws)
lbtygate.txt 13056
LibertyGate: Israel's Attack of the U.S.S. Liberty (1983)
lewis_an.hux 8609
The Kennedy Assassination as a Cover-Up for the Murders of Huxley and C.S. Lewis (1990)
lho 33846
1963: Dallas. The Government Decides That Truth Doesn't Exist
libr-ism.txt 5196
The Moral Case for Taking Federal Matching Funds by Michael Emerling
libxtrem.txt 9750
Is Liberty Too Extreme? By Richard M. Ebeling
links.txt 3584
The Links Between All the Different Religions
lock-imm.txt 9852
Locking Out the Immigrant, by Jacob G. Hornberger
lostkey.txt 132818
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, or the Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall
lyn_jfk.lhl 21792
Europe 1992: BackTrail of The Assassination of John F. Kennedy (November 5, 1988) by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
marcheti.txt 29079
EX-CIA Official Speaks Out: An Interview with Victor Marchetti By Greg Kaza (1986)
mars.txt 69120
The Truth of Mars by Dr. Ernest L. Normal, 1956
master.rac 59965
Global 2000: Earth First! for the "Master Race
mccabe01.txt 92009
The Vatican's Last Crime: How the Black International Joined the World-Plot Against Freedom, Liberalism, and Democracy, by Joseph McCable
mccabe02.txt 94916
How the Pope of Peace Traded in Blood - The Red Pope, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe03.txt 95602
How the Cross Courted the Swastika for Eight Years, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe04.txt 99503
The Vatican Buries International Law: Haw Mussolini And The Yellow Brother Got Their Share. by Joseph McCabe
mccabe05.txt 93002
Hitler Dupes the Vatican: How the Papacy Was Sold in Austria and Sold Civilization in Czecho-Slovakia, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe06.txt 105418
The War and Papal Intrigue: How the New Pope Talked Peace and Worked for War, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe07.txt 101883
The Pious Traitors of Belgium and France: How the Preaching of Peace Fizzled Out, and Why, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe08.txt 106889
The Pope and the Italian Jackal: How Mussolini's Invincible Legions were Blessed, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe09.txt 110129
Atheist Russia Shakes the World: How the Wisked Bolsheviks Save our Christian World, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe10.txt 105500
Fascist Romanism Defies Civilization: How the Pope Keeps to the Plot While the World Curses it, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe11.txt 108942
The Totalitarian Church of Rome: Its Fuehrer, Its Gauleiter, Its Gestapo, and Its Money-Box, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe12.txt 109149
The Tyranny of the Clerical Gestapo: Catholics the Most Priest-Ridden of All People, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe13.txt 104931
Rome Puts a Blight on Culture: The Roman Church, The Poorest in Culture and Richest in Crime, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe14.txt 106160
The Church, The Enemy of the Works: Rome is the Natural Ally of All Exploiters, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe15.txt 99712
The Church Defies Modern Life: One Sound Catholic Boast: We Never Change, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe16.txt 100236
The Holy Faith of Romanists: How Catholics are Hypnotized About Their Weird Creed, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe17.txt 100168
How the Faith is Protected: The Unique Apparatus of the Black International to Secure Loyalty, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe18.txt 95527
The Artistic Sterily of the Church: How the Church Stupefies Folk by Crude Emotionalism, by Joseph McCabe
mccabe19.txt 98887
The Fruits of Romanism: The Catholic Church Does Far More Harm Than Good, by Joseph McCabe
mcgehee.cia 4070
Ralph McGehee on Grenada and Conspiracy (April 25, 1992)
men-blck.txt 8117
Encounters with Men in Black
mex.pac 61821
The Mexican Rescue Package (February 6, 1995)
mind.con 119663
The Controllers, by Martin Cannon: Mind Control by the US Government
mind4.asc 60072
Brainwashing and the CIA (August 17, 1990 transcription of April 25, 1956 Memo)
mindscan.txt 25712
They're Fucking With Your Mind: November 1989 Article from Hustler by Robert McGarvey
mish24.txt 10752
The Tempest Method of Computer Data Interception by Al Muick of P-80 Systems (October 1986)
mism16.txt 28288
The Kromery Converter/Free Electricity typed in by Shadow Hawk (July 4th, 1986)
mism18.txt 42496
The New Tesla Electromagnetics and The Secrets of Free Electrical Energy by Shadow Hawk (July 13th, 1986)
mobilize.txt 3138
The Urban Myth of the FCC Modem Tax
morrison.txt 2707
Did Jim Morrison Really Die? 8405
Kremlin Sponsors "New Age" Kookery, by Mark Burdman
moynihan.txt 15405
How The Soviets Are Bugging America, by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, April 1987
msnscrts.txt 15897
How to Crash the Masons, by William Poundstone
nag.txt 8064
The War on Privacy Hits you in the Pocket Book (1991)
natsrvc.txt 10638
Reflections on National Service by Jacob G. Hornberger
nazi.occ 57475
The Nazi Roots of the Occult
nazidocs.txt 118019
Excerpts From Original Nazi Documents Relating Directly to the Extermination of Jews and Others
news.txt 8832
The IRS Hears about the Miranda Case (1991) Full Disclosure
newstate.1 78240
A Proposed Constitutional Model for the Newstates of America
newstate.3 26952
Review of the Proposed Constitutional Model for the Newstates of America
ninemen.txt 10454
The Nine Unknown Men (A Tale of Asoka)
nixon_an.rub 25142
Nixon and the JFK Assassination (1991)
no_reps.txt 11010
Federal Harassment and Administration Censorship: The Top Underreported News Stories of 1986
nofredom.txt 9855
Why Americans Won't Choose Freedom, by Jacob G. Hornberger
notreasn.txt 104587
No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
nsa-egb.txt 54454
The NSA Employee's Security Manual
nsachrtr.txt 17344
Transcription of Memorandum presenting the NSA Charter
ntlguard.txt 31160
The National Guards: Our Country Being Locked Up, from Omni Magazine (May 1987)
ntwar002.txt 8844
Soviet Intelligence: Inside the Aquarium, by Victor Suvorov, Typed by Lord Foul
nwo-merc.txt 9951
A New World ORder: Economic Liberalism, or the New Mercantilism? By Richard M. Ebeling
october.sur 30089
Conspiracy Theories about the whole Iran/Bush/Reagan/Ollie/Hoffman affair
oliver.sto 240262
Who Killed JFK? The Media Whitewash, by Carl Oglesby (1991)
opal.txt 60544
The OPAL File: The Round Table Financial Takeover of Australia and New Zealand
origins 17985
Is the Mystery of Masonry's Origin Solved?
oswald_l.wor 34310
1963: Dallas.. The Government Decides that Truth Doesn't Exist
otp.aut 89311
The Occult Technology of Power (The Arcane Secrets of Political Power)
ourmess.txt 14577
The Dirty Secrets Behind the Budget Mess (1991)
outline1.txt 38387
An Illuminati Outline of History
outline2.txt 24351
An Outline of Conspiracy (1900-Present)
owgart1.003 27648
The Moneychanger (Volume 1, Number 6, 1987)
pa-nyt 105600
The New York Times and its Special Spin on 60's Assassinations
panamatv.txt 51426
The Media Goes to War: How Television Sold the Panama Invasion by Mark Cook and Jeff Cohen
papers.txt 3474
Papers Please! Konspiracy to See Your Papers
pcensor.txt 34700
An Overview of the Work of Project Censored
peril.txt 115419
America In Peril: Government Forces Against the Citizens by Mark in Michigan (June, 1993)
pg 543644
Presumed Guilty: How and Why the Warren Comission Framed Lee Harvey Oswald, by Howard Roffman (1992)
pgen.txt 6293
Conspiracy Theory of Star Wars, The Hubble, and the Fall of Communism (May 20th, 1991)
pgen2.txt 3933
Conspiracy Theory of Star Wars, The Hubble, and the Fall of Communism (May 20th, 1991) (Part II)
philaexp.txt 6982
A Collection of Comments about the Philadelphia Experiment
pigspy.txt 6889
Proof of Nationwide Police Political Spying Network Revealed in Chicago Litigation, by Chip Berlet
plrspawn.txt 10221
Players and Pawns: The Persian Gulf War by Jacob G. Hornberger
pluton.txt 16106
A Plutonium Econmy vs. a Free Democracy, by Jim Garrison and Pyrae Shivpuri (1992)
pol-stat.txt 7175
The Police State, by MC5 and MC11
polit-cr.txt 10343
Politically Correct Thinking and State Education by Richard M. Ebeling
post22.txt 5888
Full Disclosure: The Lowdown on Mail Surveillance
postal.txt 3200
Full Disclosure: Inside the Postal Mail Cover
procter_.sym 2899
The Whole Story on the Whole Proctor and Gamble Satanist Rumor
project.rpt 291189
"The Project" Newsletter - INTRO (Attempts to put together Judaeo-British-Royalist and Catholic-Jesuit-Vatican Conspiracies)
prsvbure.txt 9669
The Preservation of the Bureaucracy by Jacob G. Hornberger
pubserv.txt 61877
Listing of Your US High Level Public Servants Who Sold You Out to Foreign Interests 3576
The Story of Saving Pull Tabs for time on Kidney Dialysis Machines
pvt-prop.txt 9023
The Sanctity of Private Property by Jacob G. Hornberger
pvtprop2.txt 10721
The Sanctity of Private Property by Jacob G. Hornberger (Part 2)
radiofrq.lhl 6739
The Next Soviet Sputnik: Strategic Radio-Frequencies Assault Weapons by Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. (May 26, 1987)
rat11.txt 24531
A Nuclear Threat and the Alien Conspiracy
realene.txt 5760
The Search for the Real Enemy Centered in Washington (January 14, 1991) 20096
The Kennedy Assassination: The Nixon-Bush Connection? By Paul Kangas
rfk.ass 14701
Assassination in Our Time, by Sandy Lesberg: Robert Francis Kennedy
rfk1.txt 14325
Evidence of the Conspiracy to Assassinate Robert F. Kennedy, by Robert Sabaroff
riddle_p.lin 17448
Mask for Treason: The Lincoln Murder Trial, by Vaughan Shelton
right-lf.txt 210463
The Right Woos the Left: Populist Party, LaRouchian, and Other Neo-fascist Overtures To Progressives, And Why They Must Be Rejected by Chip Berlet (December 16, 1991)
rightday.txt 4831
FIJA Proclaims September 5 "Jury Rights Day"
rockfell.txt 106921
The Rockefeller Syndicate: The Secret Government
sap 63890
The Sabotaging of the American Presidency: the U-2 debacle
satnfagc.hum 3994
Someone's Helpful Hints for finding Satanist Faggons on Cocaine
sc001.txt 4295
Skolnick Ccmmentary #1: The Pope's Banks
sc002.txt 3712
Skolnick's Commentary #2: The Iron Mountain
sc003.txt 3631
Skolnick's Commentary #3: NAFTA and Vince Foster
sc004.txt 4440
Skolnick's Commentary #4: The Chicago Federal Scandal
sc005.txt 4322
Skolnick's Commentary #5: The Bank of Criminals and Conspirators International
sc006.txt 4264
Skolnick's Commentary #6: Clinton's Whitewater Scandal
sc007.txt 4189
Skolnick's Commentary #7: The Strange Career of Geroge W. Lindbergh
sc008.txt 3779
Skolnick's Commentary #8: The Keys to the Future of the Clinton White House
sc009.txt 4620
Skolnick's Commentary #9: The Death of Vince Foster
sc010.txt 4485
Skolnick's Commentary #10: More About the Clinton White House Scandals
sc011.txt 4154
Skolnick's Commentary #11: The Signs Are There, But Not Enough People are Watching
sc012.txt 4068
Skolnick's Commentary #12: The Rich and Powerful Christmas Party
sc013.txt 4272
Skolnick's Commentary #13: The Phone Company Sabotages the Phones of Political Activists
sc014.txt 4015
Skolnick's Commentary #14: The Law Firm of the Clinton Scandals
sc015.txt 4846
Skolnick's Commentary #15: Clinton's Election as President
sc016.txt 4254
Skolnick's Commentary #16: Are President Clinton AND Gore Facing Removal?
sc017.txt 4322
Skolnick's Commentary #17: The Chicago Center of the Clinton Scandals
sc018.txt 4379
Skolnick's Commentary #18: Chicago's City Hall, an Interesting Study of Power
sc019.txt 4329
Skolnick's Commentary #19: No Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
sc020.txt 4140
Skolnick's Commentary #20: A Key in Various Worldwide Schemes: Hopkins and Sutter
sc021.txt 4545
Skolnick's Commentary #21: Can a Leopard Change its Spots?
sc022.txt 4344
Skolnick's Commentary #22: The Dirty Games of the CIA and FBI
sc023.txt 4598
Skolnick's Commentary #23: The Cover-Up of Dan Rostenkowski
scientol.txt 40730
The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power, by Richard Behar (Scientology)
scrtgovt.txt 29732
Urgent! The Secret Government Plans for a National Emergency (July 5, 1987)
sdi-art1.001 25396
Who's Killing the Star Wars Scientists? Did 22 SDI Researches Really ALL Commit Suicide?
secret.txt 80738
John Stockwell and the Secret Wars of the CIA (October 10, 1987)
secretw.txt 80812
John Stockwell: The Secret Wars of the CIA (October 10, 1987)
sectreat.txt 1878
The Secret Treaty of Port Hunt, by Carl Oglesby
sem1.txt 19313
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons
sem2.txt 10881
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons (Part II)
sem3.txt 10892
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons (Part III)
sem4.txt 9890
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons (Part IV)
sem5.txt 9067
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons (Part V)
sem6.txt 16114
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons (Part VI)
sem7.txt 7725
Some Information on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons (Part VII)
senate.txt 19710
Rant about the Illegal Existence of the Senate
senators.txt 5345
12 US Senators are Space Aliens! by Nick Mann
sfts590 17872
The San Francisco Tesla Society Volume I Number 5 (May 1990) 5632
The Shadow Government Reached Its 1990 Goals, by James P. Ticker Jr.
shadwcia.txt 26752
Inside the Shadow CIA, by John Connolly (Spy Magazine 1992)
shoah001.txt 56383
The True Story of the Holocaust, by Richard Harwood (Revisionism)
shoah002.txt 49532
The True Story of the Holocaust, by Richard Harwood (Revisionism)
shoah003.txt 49137
The True Story of the Holocaust, by Richard Harwood (Revisionism)
shoah004.txt 38470
The True Story of the Holocaust, by Richard Harwood (Revisionism)
sklbones.txt 8832
Bush's Boys Club: The Skull and Bones
skolnick9503.txt 22156
Interview with Sherman Skolnick (March 2, 1995)
smbd.txt 9529
Something Must Be Done! By Richard M. Ebeling
snopes_u.fic 15937
The Snopes' Unusual Fact & Fiction (SNUFF) List
sovconst.txt 21108
Writing a New Russian Constitution by Darrell P. Hammer, Indiana University 1512
The Urban Legends of Spanish Fly
spook.txt 11264
A Dialogue with a Former Member of the Intelligence Community 14999
Book Intro: "The Taking Of America, 1-2-3"
ssan.txt 4864
The Social Security Number, by Barbara Bennett
ssew.txt 83883
Overview of Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons
ssn-priv.txt 13975
What to Do When They Ask For Your Social Security Number by Chris Hibbert of CPSR
starwars.rus 13981
Russia's Operational Star Wars System
sublimin.dop 4484
Subliminal Advertising Rumors we have Known
supreme.txt 15786
The Supreme Court Dictatorship in America by Don Bell (June, 1990)
surv.txt 7552
The World of Surveillance, by Full Disclosure (1991)
taking.txt 581112
The Taking of America, 1-2-3, by Robert Sprague (About the Kennedy Assassination) (1992)
tesbio 9115
Nikola Tesla, a Short Biography
tescoil1 11458
Information about Various Tesla Designs
tesla.txt 5248
A Short History of Nikola Tesla
tesla0.txt 21594
The Greatest Hacker of All Time, by N. Small (1987) (Nikola Tesla)
tesla1.txt 53760
Nikola Tesla and the Tesla Howitzer, by T.E. Bearden
tesla2.txt 25984
Nikola Tesla's Long Range Weapon, by Oliver Nichelson (1989)
teslaabt 2011
Biography of Nikola Tesla
teslaane 3499
Some Anecdotes about Nikola Tesla
teslabib 24453
Bibliography of Tesla-Oriented Material
teslabio 10837
Nikola Tesla, the Humanitarian Genius
teslafe1.asc 28599
The Electric Auto that Almost Triumphed, by A.C. Greene
teslafe2.asc 15867
Thoughts on the Tesla Power Box by Jerry W. Decker (January 1993)
teslaon 7648
Some Quotes from Nikola Tesla on Various Subjects
teslaved.txt 36337
The Influence of Vedic Philosophy on Nikola Tesla's Understanding Free Energy
tesquote.txt 2816
Tesla's Quotes that Guide Us
tesreson 4779
Interview with Nikola Tesla by World To-Day (February 1912)
testing.txt 8404
Nuclear Bomb and Weapons Testing Facts
testurbn 31469
Boundary-Layer Breakthrough: The Tesla Bladeless Turbine by Jeffrey A. Hayes
teswork 1851
Tesla Speaks on the Effort of Creative Work, 1919.
theanarc.1 11880
Recipes for Nonsurvival: The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell (Criticism)
theory.txt 6498
The Hollow Earth: A Maddening Theory that Can't Be Disproved from OMNI, 1983
theory1.txt 28928
Wireless Transmission of Power: Resonating Planet Earth, by Toby Grotz
theory2.txt 3584
Tesla Coil Theory
toa_rev 8077
On the Trial of the Assassins: My Investigation and Prosecution of the Murder of President Kennedy by Jim Garrison
totalism.txt 9553
Totalitarianism by Chip Berlet
tragwwg.dos 2039
The Tragedy of Whitewater House: Speculative Conspiracy Fiction
truzzi.lec 22053
Truzzi Lecture: How to Handle Scientific "Unorthodoxy"
tum 55230
The Umbrella System: Prelude to an Assasination by Richard E. Sprague and Robert Cutler
turing.shr 4776
The Turing Shroud: An Amazing Archaeological Discovery? (1990)
tv-stuff.txt 20196
Turn Off Your Television! By L. Wolfe
twins.txt 23604
Bewitching Science by Val Dusek
twosun.asc 16281
Do We Have a Double Sun? by Harry Rasmusen
uni-cons.txt 70510
A Unified Conspiracy Theory Part 1
urban.faq 72950
Official Usenet Alt.Folklore.Urban Frequently Posted Legends, December 1992
urban.leg 3711
Urban Legends in the Popular Media
vatattck.dos 6369
Is the Royal Family Under Intense Vatican Attack? (Summer 1993)
victims2 58049
Murder, Bank Fraud, Drugs, and Sex (Clinton Conspiracy) (1995)
vivi.txt 11997
Conspiracy Theory: Vivisection is Killing Us!
waco.his 19587
Linda Thompson Presents The Hidden Facts of Waco
waco1.txt 5440
Conspiracy for the Day -- October 27, 1993: Waco: The Big Lie by Brian Francis Redman
walker.txt 26335
The Strange Case of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker (Kennedy Assassination)
wareufo.txt 5432
Retired Air Force Pilot Reveals Investigations of UFOs.
watkins.asc 4396
The Truth About Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins
waves.txt 131042
Now What Magazine, Issue #1, Fall 1987
weather.txt 13725
An Expose of the USA's mysterious Mount Weather
weaver.txt 17935
The Randy Weaver Case: Another Federal Fiasco! By Jim Oliver
web.txt 118608
The Web of Conspiracy: The Underground City at Dulce New Mexico
white.sko 35997
A Whitewater Update by Sherman Skolnick
wiretap.cst 24104
Can Wiretaps Remain Cost-Effective? by Robin Hanson (May 12, 1993)
witness.dea 71898
The Convenient Deaths associated with the JFK Assassination 31568
The Role of the LaRouche Movement in World History by Watten J. Hamerman
worldbnk.txt 3072
The World Bank: The Secrets
wtcbomb1.txt 39739
The CIA and the Sheik: The Agency Coddled Omar Abdel Rahman, Allowing Him to Operate in the US, and Now This Unholy Alliance Has Blown Up In Our Faces, by Robert I. Friedman
wtcbomb2.txt 8837
The Sheik's Reward: Will the CIA Come Clean About Abdel Rahman? By Robert I Friedman (1993)
wtcbomb3.txt 4438
The Way of Deception? by Robert I Friedman (1993)
wtcbomb4.txt 6975
The CIA and Heroin Financed the Mujahedeen by Robert I. Friendman (1993)
wtkap 139446
When They Kill a President, by Roger Craig
zion.yes 9472
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
zionism.txt 13226
The End of Zionism (Yet Another Failed Messianic Movement) bu Wayne McGuire (August 17, 1993)

There are 468 files for a total of 18,044,687 bytes.
There is 1 directory.

If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and compressed into one file, please download conspiracy.tgz instead of all the files separately.