: TO : MTS@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu ........ Tom Sanford : murray@seattleu.edu ......... MaryAnne Murray : stever@tessi.com ............ Steve Rintala : SMIRNES@IMIHSRA.BITNET ...... S. Palazzi, MD : PHIP@TEMPLEVM.BITNET ........ Tina Phipps, Ph.D. : RRICCIUT@WCU.BITNET ......... Rae Ricciuti : broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu .. Bob Broedel : RE : ALS and e-mail : Dear Friends, This is a first attempt at creating an e-mail directory of an ALS interest/support/discussion group. Please let me know of others who should be added and please let me know if you want to be deleted from this listing. So far I have not discovered a BITNET, Internet or UseNet discussion group for ALS. If I do not locate one during the next few weeks I will start one myself, or better yet, I will be able to convince someone else to start one (any volunteers?). I did discover a computerized bulletin board system (BBS) that has a special section for an ALS Support Group, but it appears to not be used much. In case any of you want to check it out, here is the info: The Ark BBS; 501-922-3276; 2400 baud; OPUS. The SysOp Jim Bauguss is doing a good job but I think the problem is that not many people know about it. Also, it is not BITNET/Internet/UseNet compatible. There is another BBS called Babinski's BBS. I did not get to learn much about it because of the fact that it is only to be used by physicians. Those of you who are physicians may want to give it a try. BABINSKI'S BBS; 209-636-3333; SysOp, Gregory Chang, MD. Many thanks to all of you for getting in touch with me. I am looking forward to keeping in touch via e-mail until that great day when we discover (or set up) an ALS Interest Group. Please report discoveries to me, and to the others, as listed above. Sincerely, Bob Broedel ======================= Bob Broedel, Engineer Meteorology Department Love Bldg, Room 404, B-161 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Tallahassee, Florida 32306-3034 USA ====================================================================== Telephone, 904-576-4906 (home), 904-644-6840 (work, answering machine) Internet..broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu MCI Mail..298-0782 San Francisco-Moscow Teleport (SFMT)..bro EasyLink..62930541 TELEX (AT&T EasyLink).5106014520 (TALLY-KRAS FL) PeaceNet..bbroedel TELEX (MCI/WUI)..6502980782 (6502980782MCI UW) BITNET..BROEDEL@FSU FAX 904-644-9642 ATTN: BROEDEL CompuServe..71107,1710 IASNET (Moscow) "Russian Express" .. X.25 (250299000036)..BROEDEL IASNET (Moscow) "Mini-Mail" ...... X.25 (25029900005400)..BROEDEL ====================================================================== == end of als 1 ==