: TO : MTS@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu ............ Tom Sanford : murray@sumax.seattleu.edu ....... MaryAnne Murray : stever@tessi.com ................ Steve Rintala : SMIRNES@IMIHSRA.BITNET .......... S. Palazzi, MD : PHIP@TEMPLEVM.BITNET ............ Tina Phipps, Ph.D. : RRICCIUT@WCU.BITNET ............. Rae Ricciuti : andrew@uaneuro.uah.ualberta.ca .. Andrew Penn, MD : IEQZ96M@TJUVM.BITNET ............ Michele Lee : sissi@tinman.gene.com ........... Sissi Tchehrazi : linda@nuhub.acs.northeastern.edu Douglas Hanson, Ph.D. : smith@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu ....... Linda Smith, Assoc. Professor : Jim.Knox@um.cc.umich.edu ........ Jim Knox : FROM: broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu ..... Bob Broedel : RE : ALS DISCUSSION GROUP : ==== > >Date: Sat, 2 Jan 93 16:26:29 -0800 >From: MaryAnne Murray >To: broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu >Subject: ALS > >Hello, Bob! I got a posting you wrote about ALS, and it was >forwarded to me by Tom Sanford. I "met" him on the net by >replying to a query he made regarding ALS. I'm interested >in ALS because my 36-year-old brother died of ALS four weeks >ago. He had been having symptoms for 3 years, was diagnosed >2-1/2 years ago, at which time he was told he had about six >months to live. He fooled them--he lived 2-1/2 years with >that awful disease. I would not wish it on anyone. >I am a therapist, a chemical dependency counselor, working >in a Seattle, Washington alcohol/drug treatment center which >serves Seattle's sexual minority community. Many of my clients >have HIV/AIDS and I am learning a LOT about provide support >to persons with catastrophic illness. Interestingly enough, >my brother died in an AIDS hospice--the only one of its kind >in the country. I had tried to get him into a nursing home, >but nobody wanted a man his age. In the end, it was the gay >community who reached out to him and provided EXCELLENT >medical, spiritual and emotional care for him. Oh, my brother >was as heterosexual as could be. >Anyway, I am interested in ALS. Please include me in your list! >Thanks! MaryAnne Murray (murray@sumax.seattleu.edu) > ==== > >Date: Sun, 3 Jan 93 07:29:22 -0600 >From: Linda Smith >To: broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu >Subject: ALS > >I read with interest your note regarding ALS. My uncle (in >Rochester NY) was recently diagnosed as having ALS, so I am >also very interested in identifying resources on this topic. >I would be grateful if you could share with me any leads >gathered in response to your note. Thanks. >Linda Smith >Associate Professor >Graduate School of Library & Information Science >University of Illinois >410 David Kinley Hall >1407 W. Gregory >Urbana IL 61801 >217/333-7742 >lcsmith@uiuc.edu > ==== > >Date: Mon, 4 Jan 93 14:46:40 EST >From: Jim.Knox@um.cc.umich.edu >To: bro@huey.met.fsu.edu >Subject: ALS & e-mail > >Bob- >I forwarded your message to Tom Butts in Washington, DC, >and Jane Berliss in San Francisco. Tom is a UM lobbyist >in Washington and Jane is Accessibility Products Manager >for Berkeley Systems. Tom has a friend in California with >ALS. Jane has helped her to use a computer. This person >had an interest in setting up an on-line support group, >much like what you are proposing. Once I have an OK from >Tom, I will try to put you in touch with this person. - Jim > ==== > >============================================================= >People who want to access the NIH Library can get info about >how to do that from Ben Hope, as follows: >**************************************************************** >*Ben Hope, TLC ** **** ** Internet: benh@nihrrlib.bitnet* >*NIH Library ** **** ** bitnet: benh@nihrrlib * >*(301)496-4230 ** **** ** Hail to the Redskins! * >**************************************************************** > ==== > >Date: 04 Jan 1993 09:53:05 -0500 (EST) >From: LINDA@northeastern.edu >Subject: ALS & E-Mail >To: broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu > >Bob, >I came across your note on MEDLIB-L. Please keep me posted. >I have a research interest in the high incidence of ALS/PD >in the Mariana Islands of Western Micronesia - also other >high-incidence foci in the Pacific Basin. >Best of luck in the new year!. > >Douglas B. Hanson, Ph.D. >Bioengineering Department >Forsyth Dental Center >140 Fenway >Boston, MA 02115 >linda@nuhub.acs.northeastern.edu > ==== > >From: mstrange@ccs.carleton.ca (N E N Strangelove) >Subject: re:re: ALS & e-mail >To: broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel) >Date: Sun, 3 Jan 93 15:55:38 EST > >Bob, >Thanks for the info. My directory is available at >LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA Send message Get Socwork >Directry. If you have any problems, let me know. >Cheers, Natalie > ==== > >From: sissi@tinman.gene.com (Sissi Tchehrazi) >Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1993 09:46:33 -0800 >To: Bob Broedel >Subject: Re: ALS & e-mail > >Can you please include me in your discussion group? >e-mail is sissi@genie.gene.com >Thanks Sissi. > rgds,bro == end of als 8 ==