=============================================================== == -- ALS INTEREST GROUP -- == == ALS DIGEST (#18, 05 FEB 1993) == == To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to contribute notes, please == == send e-mail to bro@huey.met.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel). == =============================================================== these references are for the article in # 18 E) REFERENCES Albers, G. W., Goldberg, M. P., Choi, D. W. (1989). N-methyl-D- aspartate antagonists: ready for clinical trial in brain ischemia? Annals of neurology, 25, 398-403. Allaoua, H., Chaudieu, I., Krieger, C., Boksa, P., Privat, A., Quirion, R. (1992). Alterations in spinal cord excitatory amino acid receptors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Brain research, 579, 169-172. Andersson, T., Schultzberg, M., Schwarcz, R., L ve, A., Wickman, C. and Kristens-son, K. (1991). European journal of neuroscience, 3, 66-71. Aanonsen, L. M., Lei S., Wilcox, G. L. (1990). 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