=============================================================== == == == ----------- ALS INTEREST GROUP ----------- == == ALS Digest (#37, 27 APR 1993) == == == == To subscribe, to unsubscribe, to request back issues, == == to contribute notes, etc. to ALS Digest, please send == == e-mail to: == == bro@huey.met.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel) == == == == All interested people may "broadcast" messages to == == ALS Digest subscribers by sending to: == == als@huey.met.fsu.edu == == == =============================================================== (1) ===== Building the ALS net (continued). ========== (a) ----- Date : 22 Apr 1993 23:24:55 +0400 (EET-DST) From : TPIETILA@TAYS.FI Subject: ALS-LIST I am an intern in Neurology at the Tampere University Hospital. I am interested in joining the ALS-list, at least for a duration. (Untill I can see what the volume and the noiselevel are.) Timo Pietila Finland tpietila@tays.fi (b) ----- Date : Tue, 27 Apr 1993 0:13:10 -0700 (PDT) From : STONE@UPS.EDU Subject: subscribe to als list I was in touch with you 4-22 for information about the ALS group. I have received Digests 32-36. I want to continue receiving updates. I am a gerontologist and occupational therapist teaching occupational therapy and physical therapy entry-level students at the University of Puget Sound. To date, my research has not included ALS (that could change), however, my clinical experience has. I have a project underway that will get OT students active on the Internet beginning next Fall. Looks like the ALS group will be an interesting resource for them. Thanks... Ron Stone University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA USA stone@ups.edu (c) ----- Date : 25 Apr 1993 11:51:15 -0400 (EDT) From : NITKA@delphi.com Subject: Thanks for the Message On ALS Group Bob thanks for the "flier" on the ALS group. I would be interested in being on the mailing list. Also how did you come up with my name? I am a Neurologist who occassionally sees patients with ALS. Ernie Nitka, MD nitka@delphi.com or 76646,3370@compuserve.com // I got your name from CompuServe's MEDSIG (d) ----- Date : 25 Apr 93 13:01:16 EDT From : Terry Viancour <72205.1562@CompuServe.COM> Subject: Re: ALS Interest Group Please place me on the ALS interest group list. My internet address is: viancour@umbc7.umbc.edu Thanks. Terry Viancour. (e) ----- Date : Mon, 26 Apr 93 11:57:31 EDT From : David Carroll Subject: Info on ALS Interest Group List I saw your post on the NEW-LIST LIST about an ALS Interest Group List. My wife is a hospice homecare nurse, and she and the other nurses in the department often have ALS patients. She does not have access to the Net herself, but I'd like to join this list for her so that I can pass on the postings to her. Dave Carroll, NYS Div. of the Budget bdcarrd1@budget.bitnet (or if path problems ... bdcarrd1%budget@cunyvm.cuny.edu (2) ===== A request for assistance ========== Date : Fri, 23 Apr 1993 13:10:15 -0500 (CDT) From : GCOGAN@LIFE.JSC.NASA.GOV (COGAN, GALE Z.) Subject: Maybe you can help. Learned about your new ALS list through MEDLIB-L, a medical libraries list. We probably are not candidates for regular participation, but hope you can suggest some resources for a request from one of our pediatricians. We have tried our bibliographic databases without much success. How can we find out about the effects of ALS on pregnancy? The physician has a teenaged patient with ALS who is pregnant and he is concerned about the outcome. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks! Prue. (3) ===== CNTF/Regeneron/Synergen/Cephalon/reality check possibilities? ========== Is it reasonable to expect two competing companies to maybe work together on CNTF in the common interest? And I heard from someone that CNTF and Myotrophin will maybe work well in combination, as a therapy for ALS. Maybe folks could learn from what is happening on the AIDS front. ================================================================== April 21, 1993 ================================================================== "Firms to Share AIDS Research in Global Venture" Journal of Commerce (04/21/93), P. 7A A total of fifteen U.S. and European pharmaceutical companies announced Tuesday they will swap drug supplies and information on early-stage AIDS research to hasten the search for combination therapies to fight HIV infection and AIDS. The companies said the unusual move resulted primarily from the increasing concentration of AIDS research on combination therapies since realizing that HIV is likely to develop resistance to every individual AIDS drug. Edward Scolnick, president of Merck & Co. Research Laboratories, led the collaborative effort that took a year of negotiations to come together, said participants. In addition to Merck, the other companies involved in the Inter-Company Collaboration for AIDS Drug Development are Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Burroughs Wellcome, Glaxo Inc., Hoffman-La Roche, Eli Lilly & Co., Pfizer Inc., Smithkline Beecham, AB Astra, Du Pont Merck, Syntex Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim, Miles Inc., and Sigma-Tau. The participants said that all companies involved in AIDS drug development they were aware of had joined the collaboration, and that any company actively involved in HIV anti-viral development may participate. Scolnick said the collaborators would most likely meet every couple of months for a daylong scientific meeting where they will review for one another their preclinical and early clinical data. The American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR) was pleased with the news of the collaboration, which it hopes will lead to the development of drug combinations that will reduce viral resistance. Related Story: Financial Times (04/21) P. 1 ================================================================== == end of als 37 ==