=============================================================== == == == ----------- ALS INTEREST GROUP ----------- == == ALS Digest (#49, 05 JULY 1993) == == == == To subscribe, to unsubscribe, to contribute notes, etc. == == to ALS Digest, please send e-mail to: == == bro@huey.met.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel) == == == == All interested people may "broadcast" messages to == == ALS Digest subscribers by sending to: == == als@huey.met.fsu.edu == == == =============================================================== (1) ===== Building the ALS e-mail network. ========== (a)----- Date : Wed, 23 Jun 1993 11:26:01 -0400 (EDT) >From : AMY K REINER Subject: ALS mailing list I am a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University. My thesis work involves the human SOD gene. I would be interested in subscribing to the ALS newsletter. Could you please add my address to the list? Thanks. AMY (b)----- Date : Thu, 24 Jun 1993 16:21:59 -0600 >From : denise l grayarosek Subject: New Subscriber Yesterday I helped Dr. Raul Mandler get a UNIX account and showed him how to gain access to the ALS user group. At the last moment -- since we both had to rush off -- we sent a very brief message requesting that you add him to the list of subscribers. Let me add a few more sentences now. Dr. Mandler is the Neurologist who runs the MDA Clinic in Albuquerque. He will be running Synergon's CNTF Drug study here, starting sometime this summer. Last Saturday, Dr. Mandler talked to our local ALS Support Group about this trial (Foster sent a copy of the minutes from this meeting to the als@huey group a couple of days ago). Thanks for initiating and coordinating this information exchange service. I think it has been very useful to all of us who have recently joined in Albuquerque (foster, dgray, ianp, molsen -- and now, neuromus). Dr. Mandler's email address is: neuromus@carina.umn.edu Thanks again, Michael Gray (c)----- >From: g.spivak1@genie.geis.com Date : Sun, 27 Jun 93 01:13:00 BST My name is Georgia Spivak, and I live in Lansing, Michigan. I spoke to you on the phone recently concerning the ALS interest group you have set up. My father-in-law was diagnosed several months ago with ALS. After some initial difficulty getting into Internet via GEnie, I have finally gotten signed up, and have received the messages you have sent. The news pieces have been interesting and informative, and I would like to subscribe. Any information that we can gain helps to empower us against this terrible disease. Thank you for starting such a wonderful network. I look forward to hearing from you soon, and to being able to keep my father-in-law and us informed of all the latest news about ALS Thank you. Sincerely, Georgia Spivak (d)----- Date : 30 Jun 93 20:00:56 EDT >From : RON LEEB <72613.2113@CompuServe.COM> Subject: NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS <--------------- IT IS NOW: 72613.2113@COMPUSERVE.COM I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU SOON. SINCERELY, RONN LEEB (e)----- >From : johnsykes1@aol.com Subject: Re: ALS-ON-LINE Date : Fri, 02 Jul 93 21:18:35 EDT Thanks for the linkage, and the additional mail. ALS took a family member about 17 years ago, so the latest discoveries are of great interest to the rest of us. I appreciate the service that you are giving! - John (f)----- Date : Fri, 2 Jul 93 16:45:37 MDT >From: dhd@druid.hsc.colorado.edu (Diedra Donaldson) I am about to move to St Louis, so until I find a new node to hook up to I guess it would make sense not to send me any more email. I hope to reconnect in St Louis in a few weeks and to be an active contributor to the network thereafter. Best wishes, Deirdre Donaldson (2) ===== Stephen Hawking ========== By ANDRA VARIN United Press International 01 July 1993 SUICIDE SUPPORTED: World-renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking says people have the right to take their own lives. Hawking was commenting on the case of a Canadian woman who, like him, suffers from the fatal Lou Gehrig's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. "People should have the right to die if they want to. It is one of the few rights severely ill people have left," Hawking said, although he dismissed the option for himself. Sue Rodriguez of Victoria, British Columbia, has asked Canada's Supreme Court to let her die by physician-assisted suicide, because she is too weak to do it herself. Hawking was in British Columbia as part of a Pacific Northwest tour. (3) ===== Bioethics ========== Date : Wed, 30 Jun 1993 15:53:40 -0400 >From : Gopher Anonymous User Subject: Browse Bioethics Database Entries by Category/Journal : Articles/Welfare of Individuals Vs. Group in Experimental : Drug Protocols (J0120) Journal (Subject Heading): Welfare of individuals vs. group in experimental drug protocols Title: We Have a Prejudice Against Ourselves--Sentiment, Ethics, and Reason Author: Leo T. Rosenberg Document Name/Title: The Journal of Medical Humanities Date: 1993: Spring Volume Issue: 14:1 Pagination: 5-14 Abstract/Commentary (Notes): The well-being of each person in a community conceived abstractly may be all-too-easily sacrificed for the sake of an abstraction. Physicians may offer critically- ill patients places in programs of experimental treatment, but there commonly is a "catch": the patient must not only risk a possible failure from a fresh drug and possible side effects from the drug, but also must risk obtaining only the traditional treatment along with a placebo rather than the experimental drug. Placebo control, double blind critical protocols for testing effects of fresh drugs on the critically ill are a commonplace. The author questions the scientific objectivity of the protocols and the underlying ethic, and suggests use of alternative protocols. Experimental tests in the treatment of gram-negative bacterial blood infections, muscular dystrophy, and HIV-related diseases are examples. (4) ===== a term paper about ALS ========== Subject: Re: re als paper >From : IO20903@MAINE.maine.EDU Date : Fri, 07 May 93 17:03:18 EDT The assignment was to propose a theoretical pathogenesis/etiology for a neurological disorder. I chose ALS. The paper is based upon a great number of pages of other people's research. I simply attempted to synthesis the information. I received an A on the paper and an A for the class, the class was Zol474 Neurobiology. I will e-mail a copy to anyone who wants to read it. Nathan E. Tableman (5) ===== request for assistance from Russia ========== >From : icla%gtc8.uucp@Germany.EU.net Sat Jun 12 07:11:28 1993 Date : Sat, 12 Jun 93 14:54:24 +0400 >From : icla@immoscow.gtc.de (ICLA mailbox) Thank you very much for ALS information sent to Fund PELC by e-mail. Unfortunately, in Russia it is impossible to obtain these recent scientific information appeared in American jornals. Therefore I would be very grateful to receive the following articles by fax or by e-mail, (1) articles from search on CompuServe's Magazine Data Base and their Health Data Base. All of these articles include either "Synergen", "Regeneron", or "Cephalon" in the text of the article (2) Beyond sympathy: growth factors may help heal stubborn wounds., Scientific American, Dec., 1991, v265, No6, p141 (3) IL-IRA reduced proliferation of leukemia cells. NCI Cancer Weekly, Dec 17, 1990 p10(1). Thank you beforehand. Yours sincerely Erik I. Minsker, Fund PELC, Russia. Fax: (095) 288-46-64 e-mail:icla@immoscow.gtc.de == end of als 49 ==