=============================================================== == == == ----------- ALS INTEREST GROUP ----------- == == ALS Digest (#89, 15 March 1994) == == == == ------ Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) == == ------ Motor Neurone Disease (MND) == == ------ Lou Gehrig's disease == == ----- == == This e-mail list has been set up to serve the world-wide == == ALS community. That is, ALS patients, ALS researchers, == == ALS support/discussion groups, ALS clinics, etc. Others == == are welcome (and invited) to join. Currently there are == == 220+ subscribers. == == == == To subscribe, to unsubscribe, to contribute notes, == == etc. to ALS Digest, please send e-mail to: == == bro@huey.met.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel) == == Sorry, it is *not* a LISTSERV setup. == == == == All interested people may "broadcast" messages to == == ALS Digest subscribers by sending to: == == als@huey.met.fsu.edu == == == == Bob Broedel; P.O. Box 20049; Tallahassee, FL 32316 USA == =============================================================== CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE: 1 .. re: ALS/CNTF 2 .. re: ALS/CNTF (more) 3 .. re: blood/brain barrier 4 .. international Alzheimer's conference 5 .. re: document delivery service 6 .. INFO FAIR'94 (1) ===== RE: ALS/CNTF ========== Recently I became a subscriber of NewsNet. It is an interesting information utility that will let one set up a "clipping service" for various keywords. In my case, the keyword is "amyotrophic". It is a terrific service that has provided me with an abundance of information regarding ALS. (For more info re NewsNet, call NewsNet Customer Service at TEL 800-527-8030/610-527-8030, FAX 215-527-0338). Here is an example of an item that I received via my NewsNet clipping service. Most of the 49 page document has been deleted but the three sentences (below) are most interesting. SOURCE: BIOTECHNOLOGY QUARTERLY (INDUSTRY REPORT) ... [IX03.030794.042] INVESTEXT/BIOTECHNOLOGY [IX03] via NewsNet Monday March 7, 1994 THE FIRST BOSTON CORPORATION: Swarz, J.R., et al 01-03-94 (RN=1403361) 49 pages from page 48 of 49 pages article title: SYGN Stock Price, Earnings Data & Rating 1993-94 "Synergen is also conducting a Phase II/III study with CNTF at 30 medical centers to treat anyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Competition comes from Regeneron. It should be noted that in Phase II clinical trials run by Regeneron, CNTF did not show any benefit to ALS patients. It has been suggested by some physicians that the drug may not work given subcutaneously and that only a direct route of injection into the nervous system will prove beneficial." rgds,bro (bob broedel) (2) ===== re ALS/CNTF (more) ========== The following was excerpted from a BUSINESS WIRE (Tuesday 15 MAR 94) article entitled: REGENERON PLANS MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF CNTF STUDY "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced Tuesday that, subject to approval by the FDA and Canadian regulatory authorities, it plans to modify and extend its ongoing multi-center Phase III clinical study of the safety and efficacy of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The company is taking this action based on a review of interim study data it conducted at the request of and in consultation with the independent Data and Safety Monitoring Board and the assistance of independent statisticians. The review has resulted in the following conclusions: 1. Early in the study, many patients who received CNTF experienced adverse side effects such as cough and weight loss. These side effects lessened substantially during the first few months. There is no ongoing safety concern for patients who continue to receive CNTF in the study. However, the early side effects were associated with poorer performance on muscle strength tests, the primary outcome measure of the study. 2. When side effects lessened, treated patients did substantially better than patients receiving placebo, as measured by the rate of decline of muscle strength. 3. Patients who at the beginning of the study experienced less severe side effects from CNTF had objectively less weakening of muscles than did placebo patients. 4. Extension and modification of the study will be necessary to provide statistically valid and significant information about the potential safety and efficacy of CNTF in ALS. Tests are underway to determine how to lessen the initial side effects. The company stated that there can be no assurance that the study as proposed to be modified and extended will either demonstrate the safety and efficacy of CNTF or provide sufficient data to support a product license application to the FDA." (3) ===== re: blood/brain barrier ========== CYTOTHERAPEUTICS AND GENENTECH AGREE TO COLLABORATE ON CNS GROWTH FACTOR PROGRAM BASED ON IMPLANTAB First Collaboration to Focus on Application of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) for Alzheimer's Disease PROVIDENCE, R.I., and SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 11 /PRNewswire/ -- CytoTherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTII) and Genentech, Inc. (NYSE: GNE) today announced that they have signed an exclusive agreement to develop central nervous system (CNS) therapeutics based on the encapsulation and implantation of cells within the body to produce neurotrophic factors to treat neurodegenerative diseases. The first application under the agreement will be the use of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, using CytoTherapeutics' encapsulated cell implants for the site-specific, continuous delivery of NGF. Four additional factors are also included in the agreement. Genentech will make an initial $1.25 million payment and will purchase $3.5 million of CytoTherapeutics' common stock. Genentech will make additional payments totaling $10.5 million upon completion of specified milestones for the Alzheimer's program. As part of the Alzheimer's program, CytoTherapeutics will retain worldwide manufacturing rights. In North America, Genentech will pay up to 75% of clinical development expenses. CytoTherapeutics will receive a royalty based on sales and share profits commensurate with its share of funded development expenses. CytoTherapeutics also has co-promotion rights in North America. Outside North America, Genentech will market the product and will pay CytoTherapeutics a royalty based on sales. Genentech will also pay all development and clinical costs outside North America. We believe that CytoTherapeutics offers a very promising technology for delivering our growth factors into the CNS to treat serious disorders and meet significant unmet medical needs, commented Franz Hefti, Ph.D., Director, Department of Neuroscience at Genentech. Our agreement formalizes a relationship that began in 1991 with Genentech's initial equity investment in CytoTherapeutics, commented Seth A. Rudnick, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CytoTherapeutics. By combining Genentech's molecular biology capabilities with our technology to deliver substances across the blood/brain barrier, we have created a partnership to accelerate the commercial development of CNS therapeutics. Further, the access to four additional factors makes this agreement a broad-reaching partnership that could enhance CytoTherapeutics' development programs such as chronic pain, Huntington's, Parkinson's and ALS, he added. Four growth factors, in addition to NGF, are included in the agreement: NT-3 (Neurotrophin-3), NT-4/5 (Neurotrophin-4/5) and two other factors to be determined. The terms of collaborations on these factors will be structured similarly to the Alzheimer's program, including additional equity, research and milestone payments. CytoTherapeutics also has access to these growth factors for use in its programs for chronic pain and Parkinson's disease. Recent research has suggested that NGF is a critical factor required for the development and maintenance of neurons in the brain. The lack of NGF may result in the death of these neurons, a characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. To be an effective therapeutic, however, NGF must be delivered across the blood/brain barrier, which is not possible via traditional methods, such as injections, NT-3 and NT-4/5 are believed to be necessary for the preservation of neurons affected by diseases such as Huntington's, Parkinson's and ALS. Genentech, Inc. is a leading biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets human pharmaceuticals for significant unmet medical needs. The company has headquarters in South San Francisco, CA, and is traded on the New York and Pacific Stock Exchanges under the symbol GNE. CytoTherapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the development of implantable delivery systems for broad applications in central nervous system (CNS) diseases and other chronic disorders. The Company's biocompatible implants are designed to deliver a variety of biologically active cell and gene therapy products. Its leading research and development programs are targeted at treatments for chronic pain, as well as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. CONTACT: Elizabeth A. Razee, Manager, Corporate Communications, of CytoTherapeutics, Inc., 401-272-3310, ext. 2132; or Geoff Teeter, Manager, Corporate Communications, 415-225-8171 or Susan Taylor, Director, Investor Relations, 415-225-1034, both of Genentech, Inc./ (GNE CTII) CO: CytoTherapeutics, Inc.; Genentech, Inc. ST: Rhode Island, California IN: MTC SU: (4) ===== international Alzheimer's conference ========== Date : Thu, 10 Mar 1994 19:02:40 -0600 Sender : Neuroscience Information Forum : >From : "William H. Frey II" Subject: INTERNATIONAL ALZHEIMER'S CONFERENCE The Fourth International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders will be held 29 July - 3 August, 1994 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Among the topics to be covered are: Diagnosis, Clinical course, Neuropathology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Amyloidogenesis, APP Biology, Cytoskeleon, Prion Diseases, Model Systems, Therapeutics, Drug Delivery, and Social/Behavioral Issues. For additional information, write to: Organizing Secretariat Fourth International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders GRECC (11G) VA Medical Center Minneapolis, MN 55417 USA Or contact by FAX (1-612-725-2084) (5) ===== re: document delivery services ========== Date : Sun, 13 Mar 1994 15:00:45 -0800 (PST) >From: Jean Shipman In response to your request for information on libraries that will provide copies of journal articles to individuals, I'm happy to tell you that the University of Washington Health Sciences Library & Information Center can do this. We charge $8.25 per article with an additional $1.25 if mailed or $3.25 (for up to 50 pgs.) if faxed. Requests can be sent to us by email, fax, phone or mail. Our service is called "Health Information for You". I will send you a brochure as soon as possible. To request by email, you can send non-formatted requests to the address hsl@u.washington.edu or request an electronic service form by sending a message to hsldoc@u.washington.edu. Do not type anything in the message portion of your message. Two messages will appear as a result; one contains the form, the other instructions. If you request multiple articles from single journal issues or a long paged article, we will charge $3 additional per article for copyright reporting. We will provide articles from our collection only - our collection being the UW library system. We try to process the articles within 48 hours if the item is on the shelf. You can pay by credit card (VISA or Mastercard), check or establish a deposit account with the Library. If you are with a company, you can be billed directly for services. Please let me know if you are interested in our services or if you have additional questions. Jean P. Shipman Health Sciences Library & Information Center, SB-55 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 jean@u.washington.edu 206-543-7478 (6) ===== INFO FAIR '94 ========== Date : Fri, 11 Mar 1994 15:16:28 -0500 Sender : nrsing-l@nic.umass.edu >From : paskey@WARREN.MED.HARVARD.EDU Subject: INFO FAIR '94 AT HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL/COUNTWAY LIBRARY! Comment: Nursing informatics and nursing issues discussion list. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? INFO-FAIR '94 ? ? ? ? Connections & Directions ? ? ? ? Friday, April 8, 1994 & Saturday, April 9, 1994 ? ? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Keynote Program - Friday, April 8, 1994 - 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------- FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF THE INTERNET. ROBERT KAHN, PhD, President Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Board of Regents Member, National Library of Medicine, and one of the original Internet developers. WORLD WIDE WEB AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE TRAINING. J. ANTHONY PARKER, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School. TELEMEDICINE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. ACE ALLEN, MD, University of Kansas Medical School, MEET THE EXPERTS PANEL - Discuss current topics with the speakers & invited respondents EXHIBITS by vendors in multi-media, hardware, software, and more! in the Lobby & Lower Lobby - 11:30 am - 4:00 pm ------------------------------------------------------------------ Friday Afternoon - Information Technology for All ------------------------------------------------------------------ -Medical Informatics Projects from HMS & MIT & all around -Using Entrez to access molecular information at the National Center for Biotechnology Information -Learn how to access the Countway Library's Gopher & World Wide Web -Attend a workshop on the Internet Basics -Learn how to - Surf the Internet for Biomedical, Molecular & Public Health Information Resources -Learn to search Current Contents Life Sciences on Countway PLUS and get all your questions answered about recent upgrades! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday Programs - Information Technology & Assistance for All ----------------------------------------------------------------- WORKSHOP ON THE ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORD FOR THE PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. Take advantage of both a physician's and an attorney's view of the riches, risks, and realities of the EMR. This workshop requires registration, call 617-893-4610 Ext 1342 to register. 9:30 - 4:00 EXHIBITS OPEN - Morning Coffee Served 9:30 to 10:00 Talks & workshops repeated all day on a variety of topics from the basics to the advanced: -Where to Start? - Buying Hardware & Software What you need to know -What Countway Can do for you - electronic services & access -Get Organized! - citation & files management software - organize all those journal references! -Learn to search Current Contents Life Sciences on Countway PLUS and get all your questions answered about recent upgrades! -Wired & Connected - an interactive session on how computers and networks work, what they can do for busy folks - bring all your questions & ask the experts! -Surf the Internet for Biomedical & Public Health Information LUNCH & REFRESHMENTS - Available in the Minot Room Cafe All Day! SATURDAY ONLY - FREE PARKING - Harvard Medical School Gararge 200 Longwood Ave ------------------------------------------------------------------ Stop by Countway to get the Preliminary Program or Call 432-2137 or send email to alligood@warren.med.harvard.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sponsored by: The Countway Library of Medicine & The Massachusetts Medical Society == end of als 89 ==