These policy statements came to off a hacking CD purchased online; whoever had the idea to save this, thank you. They give great insight into how different universities dealt with hundreds of incoming students, each more computer-savvy than the previous class, who were twisting and bending the computer networks to their whim. You can almost tell on a school-by-school basis what horrifying event had happened, from the administrators' point of view, and what they were trying to account for.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfileacadia | 15060 | The A.U.C.C. Acadia Computer Terms of Use Policy
| baylor | 4530 | Computer Policies at Baylor University
| bitnet | 2474 | Usage Guidelines for BITNET
| bostonu | 4891 | Conditions of Use and Policy on Computing Ethics at Boston University, September 1, 1988
| colgateu | 8632 | Colgate University Academic Computer Center Agreement for Use of Computing Facilities
| columbia | 4963 | Columbia University Computer Use Policies
| danwebst | 4463 | Daniel Webster University Policy for Computer Usage
| jmadison | 7962 | James Madison University Draft Computer Ethics Statement
| kansasst | 6483 | Kansas State University Ethical Computer Use Policies
| michstu | 12699 | College of Engineering at Michigan State University Computer Use Policy
| newcastl | 4236 | University of New Castle Computing Use Policy
| newmexst | 8138 | New Mexico State Univercity Computer Use Policy
| policyasc.hac | 20654 | A Draft Security Policy by National Computer Security Association
| pucc | 11185 | Statement of Policy on Use of Computing Center Facilities and Services
| purdue | 10026 | Purdue University Computing Facilities Policy
| rose_hul | 4715 | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Department of Computer Science Computer Use Policy
| udel.1 | 31308 | Recommended Guidelines for Responsible Computing at the University of Delaware
| udel.2 | 3612 | Policy for Responsible Computing Use at the University of Delaware
| umich-1 | 5311 | Michigan University Proper Use of Information Resources, Information Technology and Networks
| umich-2 | 7906 | Michigan Technological University Computing Policy
| umissc | 7298 | University of Missouri: Columbia Computing Ethics Policy
| umissrol | 4080 | University of Missouri-Rolla Computing Guidelines
| uofidaho | 1714 | University of Idaho Passwords and Computer Security Policy
| uofmisso | 2509 | University of Missouri-Kansas City Computer Ethics Policy
| uofnewme | 8165 | University of New Mexico Ethics Code for Computer Use
| uofpitt | 2697 | University of Pittburgh Policy in Computer Resources
| uofwales | 3425 | University of Wales Misuse of the Vax Statement
| washu | 8624 | Washington University Center for Engineering Computing Unix Instructional Account Policies
| |
There are 28 files for a total of 217,760 bytes. |