A very amusing collection of issues with parodies and stories of some of the more common aspects of the pirating/leeching cultures, with some really interesting mid-80's references coupled with internet-era events. Good stuff if you lived through these times, not all that good if you've never heard the terms 'Zero Day' or 'Leech'.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfileawa-001.txt | 61882 | The Anti-Warez Association, Premiere Issue (August, 1993)
| awa-002.txt | 16269 | The Anti-Warez Association Issue #2 (August 1993)
| awa-003.txt | 109937 | The Anti-Warez Association (Friday 13th, August, 1993)
| awa-004.txt | 357 | A Goodbye to the WOrld from AWA
| awa-chrt.txt | 5091 |
| awa-subm.txt | 1402 |
| |
There are 6 files for a total of 194,938 bytes. |