If the Brotherhood of Warez isn't a direct-on parody of the hacker/warez scene of the late 90's, it's one of the saddest examples of literary deficiency to make itself generally available. No plural noun escapes having a "z" on the end, and the subject matter ranges from banal to street-corner rude. A lucite cube of "warez humor".
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfilebow1.txt | 5508 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #1
| bow10.txt | 1080 | Announcement of the Brotherhood of Warez 10th Issue Spectacular (January 19th, 2000)
| bow2.txt | 14004 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #2 by Remj
| bow3.txt | 34359 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #3 (March 1994)
| bow4.txt | 115955 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #4 (April 1994)
| bow5.txt | 86854 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #5 (May 1994)
| bow6.txt | 122036 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #6 (June 1994)
| bow7.txt | 72030 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #7 (July 1994)
| bow8.txt | 63653 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #8 (August 1994)
| bow9.txt | 87572 | Brotherhood of Warez Official Newsletter #9 (May/June 1999)
| |
There are 10 files for a total of 603,051 bytes. |