Hailing from Australia, this computer hacking-centric magazine produced a few very good issues with a concentration of Australian and New Zealand information. The writing is clear and the attempt at regular columns was well-thought out. It must have been a very tiring year for "THE FORCE", and the effort shows.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfileglobe1.txt | 77939 | Globe Trotter Issue #1: January 1, 1988
| globe2.txt | 32272 | Globe Trotter Issue #2: February 2, 1988
| globe3.txt | 63489 | Globe Trotter Issue #3: March 29, 1988
| globe4.txt | 63724 | Globe Trotter Issue #4: May 14, 1988
| globe5.txt | 62064 | Glove Trotter Issue #5: August 14, 1988
| globe6.txt | 100546 | Globe Trotter Issue #6: September 1988
| |
There are 6 files for a total of 400,034 bytes. |