Greeny World Domination

Greeny World Domination answers the question of what they are in their own FAQ:

Q:  What is this whole GwD thing, anyway?
A:  GwD is a paramilitary fanatical political activist group dedicated to 
    making GREENY, son of the goddess Grene, Emperor of the world. 
Q:  So are you political or religious?
A:  We're pseudo-political AND quasi-religious.  After all, politics and
    religion are the same thing.  Pray to the President and vote for God.

Q:  What do you do?
A:  We publish an e-zine and we raise hell.  We used to write stupid programs,
    but we quit.  Basically, we plan for world Domination and we have fun doing

Q:  Are you better than me?
A:  Yes, unless you're in GwD.

Having said that, the files range on all sorts of subjects, and have that common trait among long-lived groups: They start to take most anything after the first few years. Worth a dive.

Description of the Textfile
5thanniv.txt 7215
An Invitation to the Greeny World Domination 5th Anniversary Party (June 10th, 1998)
gwd-1996.txt 11495
The Greeny World Domination Sepcial Issue: GwD and 1996 (December 31, 1995)
gwd-fpq.txt 7274
The Greeny World Domination Frequently Posted Questions
gwd01.txt 2791
Greeny World Domination: Introduction (June 10, 1993)
gwd02.txt 3909
Greeny World Domination: The Story of GREENY by Lobo
gwd03.txt 4128
Greeny World Domination: The List of Items Every Droog Should Own
gwd04.txt 7956
Greeny World Domination: War, a Costly Way to Solve a Problem by Lobo
gwd05.txt 5290
Greeny World Domination: Rex et son ami Louis, by Lobo
gwd06.txt 6791
Greeny World Domination: Quotes Volume I, by Lobo and Seth the Man
gwd07.txt 5048
Greeny World Domination: Poor School Districts by Lobo
gwd08.txt 6535
Greeny World Domination: The Price
gwd09.txt 4329
Greeny World Domination: "Sue of St. Louis" by Lobo
gwd10.txt 4788
Greeny World Domination: Spanky's Claim to Fame by Spanky McDougal
gwd100.txt 502892
Greeny World Domination: The Lamest Textfile Ever! GWD #100 (May 25, 2001)
gwd101.txt 1958
Greeny World Domination: My T.I. Little Maestro by KP Neato Dee (June 11, 2001)
gwd102.txt 9451
Greeny World Domination: The CIA Hit List by Lawrence Wilmot (June 11, 2001)
gwd103.txt 7837
Greeny World Domination: The Genesis of Feminism by Priest (June 11, 2001)
gwd104.txt 2576
Greeny World Domination: CHiPs, by Franken Gibe (June 11, 2001)
gwd105.txt 10697
Greeny World Domination: Risk and Uncertainty in Bernstein's Against the Gods, by Otis (June 11, 2001)
gwd106.txt 12368
gwd107.txt 6357
gwd108.txt 2079
gwd109.txt 9769
gwd11.txt 6993
Greeny World Domination: Censorship, the School Play, by Lobo and Spanky McDougal
gwd110.txt 2862
gwd111.txt 2203
gwd112.txt 24668
gwd113.txt 7365
gwd114.txt 9420
gwd115.txt 2941
gwd116.txt 24488
gwd117.txt 1728
gwd118.txt 4612
gwd119.txt 3907
gwd12.txt 13591
Greeny World Domination: Faith No More: The Real Thing
gwd120.txt 3161
gwd121.txt 3603
gwd122.txt 8669
gwd123.txt 4108
gwd124.txt 3589
gwd125.txt 2340
gwd126.txt 24946
gwd127.txt 4791
gwd128.txt 8436
gwd129.txt 6605
gwd13.txt 5183
Greeny World Domination: Quotes, Volume II by Sir Flea
gwd130.txt 5401
gwd131.txt 4982
gwd132.txt 8029
gwd133.txt 6837
gwd134.txt 5461
gwd135.txt 2319
gwd14.txt 3877
Greeny World Domination: Drunk in Mexico, by Zippy
gwd15.txt 10388
Greeny World Domination: Welcome to School 101 by Lobo
gwd16.txt 6245
Greeny World Domination: Quotes Volume III by Aracnia
gwd17.txt 13438
Greeny World Domination: Rage Against the Machine
gwd18.txt 5540
Greeny World Domination: Why Drugs Should be Legalized, by Lobo
gwd19.txt 5327
Greeny World Domination: Droogan Poetry by Lobo
gwd20.txt 8052
Greeny World Domination: #1, GwD Newsletter
gwd21.txt 2565
Greeny World Domination: What, by Fastjack
gwd22.txt 8265
Greeny World Domination: One Hand Clapping, by Spanky McDougal
gwd23.txt 8277
Greeny World Domination: One Hand Clapping Part II by Spanky McDougal
gwd24.txt 7338
Greeny World Domination: Shakespeare Silliness: Part the First, by Lobo
gwd25.txt 9149
Greeny World Domination: Resturn to School 101, by Lobo
gwd26.txt 4169
Greeny World Domination: Great Expectations Fable, by Lobo
gwd27.txt 7248
Greeny World Domination: Rex and His Friend Louis, the Next Chapter, by lobo
gwd28.txt 5953
Greeny World Domination: Literal Dribblings, by Seth Sometimes
gwd29.txt 5533
Greeny World Domination: DroogSpeak: What We Say and Hear, by Diamondback
gwd30.txt 9093
Greeny World Domination: The Anti-Greeny, by Lobo and Seth Sometimes
gwd31.txt 7628
Greeny World Domination: Cow Stompin, by Seth Sometimes
gwd32.txt 2867
Greeny World Domination: BBSes by Sir Flea
gwd33.txt 7112
Greeny World Domination: Silliness Begets More Silliness by Zen and Arcnia
gwd34.txt 7664
Greeny World Domination: Drive by Water Gunnings: A Practical Approach, by Bill Hooper
gwd35.txt 7406
Greeny World Domination: Literary Publications by S & S, by Seth and Lashe
gwd36.txt 13592
Greeny World Domination: The Plot, by Spanky McDougal and Swedish Chef
gwd37.txt 11313
Greeny World Domination: The Yuletide Caper
gwd38.txt 9571
Greeny World Domination: ||3x/Zzzzf!@5h, by Ray Westbrook
gwd39.txt 4942
Greeny World Domination: Campaign Against Art Seeks to Stifle Dissent by Chales Marowitz
gwd40.txt 8435
Greeny World Domination: Issue #2 of the GwD Task Force Newsletter
gwd41.txt 7865
Greeny World Domination: The Mogtronix Inside-Joke Maker 2000
gwd42.txt 39278
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 1 and 2
gwd43.txt 76372
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 3 and 4
gwd44.txt 81338
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 5 and 6
gwd45.txt 67211
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 7 and 8
gwd46.txt 84695
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 9 and 10
gwd47.txt 61788
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 11 and 12
gwd48.txt 32890
Greeny World Domination: Bob Larson Parts 13 and 14
gwd49.txt 2669
Greeny World Domination: Jack Schitt
gwd50.txt 89876
Greeny World Domination: The K-Rad Elite 50th File by GwD
gwd51.txt 9092
Greeny World Domination: Only Tomorrow, by Lobo and Bob the Master of the World
gwd52.txt 5931
Greeny World Domination: UFOs and the ATF by K2 and Carson
gwd53.txt 8849
Greeny World Domination: Cybersex, by Bill Hooper
gwd53b.txt 3348
Greeny World Domination: Getting Sued is Bad
gwd54.txt 7955
Greeny World Domination: Stupid Girls, by Rainne
gwd55.txt 21969
Greeny World Domination: Ooompa Loompa Doompa Dee Doo by Yancey Slide (December 31, 1997)
gwd56.txt 4514
Greeny World Domination: Enter the Trailer Park Dream, by Trailer Park Queen
gwd57.txt 7510
Greeny World Domination: Public Enemy #1: CIA by Bill Hooper
gwd58.txt 10020
Greeny World Domination: Confessions of an Insurance Adjuster (March 17, 1998)
gwd59.txt 9230
Greeny World Domination: The Deluded Ravings of a Madman by the Mad Screamer (March 17, 1998)
gwd60.txt 54292
Greeny World Domination: The Book of KeyLime by Lobo Licious and Seth the Man (March 17, 1998)
gwd61.txt 6028
Greeny World Domination: Commentary on a Bunch of Stuff I Thought About While I was Stoned and BOored, by Sir Flea
gwd62.txt 5215
Greeny World Domination: The Greeny Files Chapter 1, by Priest (November 26, 1998)
gwd63.txt 11518
Greeny World Domination: Untitled? by Lobo Licious (November 26, 1998)
gwd64.txt 12762
Greeny World Domination: The GwD Guide to Being the Perfect Boyfriend (November 26, 1998) by Snotty
gwd65.txt 6878
Greeny World Domination: Whine, by Purpldrgn (November 26, 1998)
gwd66.txt 22209
Greeny World Domination: Star Wars (May 25, 1999)
gwd67.txt 7984
Greeny World Domination: Make Room for Millenium baby (May 25, 1999)
gwd68-75.txt 15979
Greeny World Domination: Issues 68-75 Index
gwd68.txt 21626
Greeny World Domination: Fuck All Forms of Wireless Communications, by Otis and priest (November 25, 1999)
gwd69.txt 16477
Greeny World Domination: In Anticipation of Shoes by Slave Daphne (November 25, 1999)
gwd70.txt 14222
Greeny World Domination: The Droogist Manifesto (and Various Other Stuff) by Lobo Licious and Seth The Fucking Bitch-Boy
gwd71.txt 23207
Greeny World Domination: The Ride, by Franken Gibe (November 25, 1999)
gwd72.txt 5734
Greeny World Domination: Satan, Sodomy, and the Governor's School, by Charles Zeps (November 25, 1999)
gwd73.txt 9376
Greeny World Domination: Hanoi Jane, by Author(s) Unknown (November 25, 1999)
gwd74.txt 24283
Greeny World Domination: Shakespeare Silliness, Part Deux by Spanky McDougal, Sir! and Lobo (November 25, 1999)
gwd75.txt 16232
Greeny World Domination: The Beat of a Different Drummer, by Priest (November 25, 1999)
gwd76-79.txt 9813
Greeny World Domination: Index of Issues 76-79
gwd76.txt 9268
Greeny World Domination: Pinocchio (Oil Painting by Jaisini): A Review by Yustas Kotz-Gottlieb (May 25, 2000)
gwd77.txt 70348
Greeny World Domination: A Semester in Russia, Part 1 by Yancey Slide (May 25, 2000)
gwd78.txt 20449
Greeny World Domination: A Semester in Russia, Part 2 by Yancey Slide (May 25, 2000)
gwd79.txt 12866
Greeny World Domination: The Passion that Kills by Otis (May 25, 2000)
gwd80.txt 5112
Greeny World Domination: The Significance of 5-25-00, by Kilroy (January 3, 2001)
gwd81.txt 3088
Greeny World Domination: Mute, by KP Neato Dee (January 3, 2001)
gwd82.txt 4105
Greeny World Domination: Going Postal, by Franken Gibe (January 3, 2001)
gwd83.txt 51730
Greeny World Domination: A Semester in Russia, Part 3 by Yancey Slide (January 3, 2001)
gwd84.txt 13393
Greeny World Domination: Medical Applications of Selective Laser Sintering by Otis (January 3, 2001)
gwd85.txt 5641
Greeny World Domination: Poetry, and Why I Hate Poetry, by Grandmaster Ratte' (January 3, 2001)
gwd86.txt 4716
Greeny World Domination: Chach! By Oscar the Pornographer (January 3, 2001)
gwd87.txt 18101
Greeny World Domination: Send 'Em Packing: Reasoning for Congressional Term Limits, by Otis (January 3, 2001)
gwd88.txt 5848
Greeny World Domination: The Drug Project, by (January 3, 2001)
gwd89.txt 3926
Greeny World Domination: When Not Working, by KP Neato Dee (January 3, 2001)
gwd90.txt 19019
Greeny World Domination: Am I Old School Yet? By Jaffo (January 3, 2001)
gwd91.txt 5147
Greeny World Domination: Fuckin' HOEs, by Lobo Licious (January 3, 2001)
gwd92.txt 19504
Greeny World Domination: Language Acquisition: Philosophical Variations on a Theme by Steven Pinker by Bob the Master of the World (January 3, 2001)
gwd93.txt 4639
Greeny World Domination: Open Them Eyes! By KP Neato Dee (January 3, 2001)
gwd94.txt 12699
Greeny World Domination: Evaluating Some Premises of Hill's Argument in 'Self-Regarding Suicide' by Otis (January 3, 2001)
gwd95.txt 14332
Greeny World Domination: "Ubermensch and Raskolnikov" by Bob the Master of the World (January 3, 2001)
gwd96.txt 15662
Greeny World Domination: A Look at Hardin's Attack on Contemporary Theories of Color, by Otis (January 3, 2001)
gwd97.txt 6730
Greeny World Domination: Dreams by Grandmaster Ratte' and Franken Gibe (January 3, 2001)
gwd98.txt 3410
Greeny World Domination: Sickness (January 3, 2001)
gwd99.txt 41717
Greeny World Domination: ICC for You and Me: A Colorful Children's Primer for the Statutes, Progress, and Prospects of the International Criminal Court by Yancey Slide (January 3, 2001)
gwdfiles.txt 12469
The Official List of all Greeny World Domination Crap Since 1993
gwdfpq.txt 7136
Green World Domination: Frequently Posed Questions
gwdfyod.txt 27272
Greeny World Domination: The Five Years of Domincation Special Issue
gwdnew10.txt 18062
Greeny World Domination: Summary of New Files
gwdnew11.txt 11576
Greeny World Domination: Summer 1999
gwdnew14.txt 18714
Greeny World Domination News #14
gwdnew15.txt 6501
Greeny World Domination News #15
gwdnew16.txt 6462
Greeny World Domination News #16
gwdnew17.txt 6216
gwdnew18.txt 12237
gwdnew19.txt 6840
gwdnew20.txt 9164
gwdnews.txt 1467
Greeny World Domination 7 New Issues Announcement
gwdnews2.txt 1414
Greeny World Domination: More for the Fall Semester 1994
gwdnews3.txt 1203
Greeny World Domination: A Bloody Good Read from GwaD
gwdnews4.txt 1201
Greeny World Domination: The GwD brings you Two Brand New Textfiles
gwdnews5.txt 1672
Greeny World Domination: The GwD brings you THREE brand new Text Files for 1995
gwdnews6.txt 1632
Greeny World Domination: 10 New Files for the Fall Semester of 1995
gwdnews7.txt 1098
Greeny World Domination: Two New Files for Fourth of July 1996
gwdnews8.txt 11645
Greeny World Domination: Hey, We Went Underground for a While
gwdnews9.txt 9230
Greeny World Domination: Green is Good (St. Patrick's Day Release)
gwnews14.txt 18289
Greeny World Domincation News File Issue #14 (January 3, 2001)

There are 163 files for a total of 2,536,943 bytes.