Without the first issue to guide me in the average quality, I can say that the second issue is a mish-mash of ranting about the quality of IRC, source code for exploiting sendmail and a reprinted news story. Not shining.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfilemc-01.txt | 8490 | MINDCRIME Issue #2: "Holy Fux, Batman!" (December 1, 1994)
| mc-02.txt | 2874 | MINDCRIME #2: Binmail Script from Zomo
| mc-03.txt | 3789 | MINDCRIME #3: Why Shell Scripts With the SUID Bit Aren't Safe
| mc-04.txt | 2810 | MINDCRIME #4: Asshole of the Month (And Other Awards)
| mc-05.txt | 5244 | MINDCRIME #5: by IP: Easedropping and Cards (December 4, 1994)
| mc-06.txt | 5298 | MINDCRIME #6: How to Mess Up Department Store Macs by C-D and Walrus
| mc-07.txt | 14819 | MINDCRIME #7: Phreaking, a Begginer's Fuide by WyreTapp (November 25th, 1994)
| mc-08.txt | 7754 | MINDCRIME #8: Stealing Comic Books by Kid Eternity
| mc-09.txt | 10307 | MINDCRIME #9: Getting Even by H0wcum
| mc-10.txt | 2468 | MINDCRIME #10: John Falcon's Arrest
| mc-11.txt | 2218 | MINDCRIME #11: The Latest Sendmail Script
| mc-2.phk | 66071 | MiNDCRiME Issue #2: Holy Fux, Batman! (December 1, 1994)
| mcofc1.txt | 11185 | The MindCrime Official Fan Club #1
| mcofc2.txt | 5987 | The MindCrime Official Fan Club #2
| mcofc3.txt | 10284 | The MindCrume Official Fan Club #3
| |
There are 15 files for a total of 159,598 bytes. |