Electronic Magazines: Single Issues

It seems somewhat ludicrous to create separate directories and histories for each and every single-issue zine that was produced; in many cases, the single zine issue almost recedes back to textfile status, except for the issue number and introduction promising many issues to come. Faced with the prospect of month after month of scrounging up articles, many would-be editors simply produced one large file and then gave up or never got back to working on the next issue. This directory contains all the single-shot issues I could find.

There is a possibility that some of these zines have had other issues created that I have not acquired or known about. In the event that further issues are found, I will move these zines into the main directory.

Where I can, I've tried to put a small review in anyway.

Description of the Textfile
0001.fbi 55658
The Freakers' Bureau Incorporated Volume 1 Issue 1 (July 15, 1991)
203-1.txt 3349
The 203 Zine Issue #1 (October 1, 1994)
203-3.txt 7216
The 203 Zine Issue #3 (October 27, 1994)
2280.mag 48908
2280 Magazine
2280sep.txt 58925
2280 Magazine (The UK Edition of 2600 Magazine) (1988)
accel1.txt 32595
ACCEL Virus Labratory Issue #1
ahf11.txt 27901
The Albert Hoffmann Foundation Newsletter Volume 1 Number 1 Summer 1989
alternet 22052
The Alternet Times Issue #1 (October, 1991)
alternet.txt 21482
The Alternet Times Premiere Issue (October, 1991)
anaconda.001 16048
Anaconda Issue #1, from Viral Inclined Programming Experts Ring (VIPER) (January 22, 1992)
anarchy1.01 36869
Anarchy!! Volume #1 Issue #1
anartody.txt 102611
Anarchy Today Article #1 Issue #1: Acetone Peroxide Explosive by Jack The Ripper
angst001.txt 73403
ANGST Magazine #1, by Michael Dennis Shawn Heacock (June/July 1994)
arcv.001 57021
arcvnews.txt 56065
The Association of Really Cruel Viruses Issue #1 by Apache Warrior and ICE-9
autolog1.txt 34811
Autolog Number One (December 28, 1994)
bandb.zine 40154
Flights of Fantasy: Castles in the Air Issue #1 by Susan Gavula
belong-1.txt 21045
Belong E-Zine, by Pixy and Puck
bleedingedge 11586
Bleed Edge Issue #1 by Thomas Leavitt (March 25, 1994)
boredi-1.txt 29925
Boredom Incarnate Magazine #1
boredomi.txt 31713
Boredom Incarnate
btn060.txt 77551
BTN: The Birmingham Telecommunications News, Volume 6, Issue 7 (July, 1993)
cbrsp-1 6075
The Cyberspace Chronicle, Volume 1, Number 1 by Phardak
citadel.02 27646
Citadel Infoeleet Volume 1 Issue #2 (September 1994)
cnsrt001.txt 30236
The Consortium Issue #1: Dedicated to the Free Exchange of Information (September 1, 1994)
cog-0.0 23188
COG: The Analog Industrial Newsletter 00 (April 12, 1994)
cog-1.txt 23188
The COG: Analog Industries Newsletter 00 (April 4, 1994)
consort.002 34048
The Consortium Issue #2: Dedicated to the Free Flow of Information (October 1, 1994)
cr1.txt 32768
The Cheap Review of Poetry #1 (1986)
csaber01.txt 8825
Cybersaber: A Computer Zine Issue #1
darkdig1 22278
The Dark Council Digest Issue #1 by Helium and the Dark Council (March 3, 1991)
dm01.txt 23332
Dyke Magazine Issue #1 by XXXXXXXX (December, 1993)
drum-1.1 14548
Drum Issue #1 by Patrick Jones (May 22, 1993)
dystopinion-01 24101
Dystopinion Online Issue #1 by Dan Braimage (February 25, 1994)
dzoom.1 60100
DZOOM: A Punk Zine Issue #1 by Rimas
e-adventurer 36783
The Electronic Adventurer: The Electronic Newsletter of The Adventurers' Guild by Mike Reddy
el8-0.txt 136639
~EL8 Magazine: The Definitive Source for the Japan H/P Scene
elixir0.asc 76228
Elixir Issue#0: The Halloween Manifesto by Cappacino Oxi and Crowe
empire7 83458
The Empire Times Issue # 7 (March 11, 1995)
eod-01.ans 31494
Empire of Dirt Issue #1
eod-1.nfo 3081
Empirt of Dirt #1 .NFO File
eu1.txt 18529
The Elite Underground Newsletter (ANSI) (February, 1993)
file_id.diz 395
NFO File for Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
firecracker1.1 30145
Little Red Firecracker Issue #1 (1994)
flak02.txt 4967
flame.txt 15260
Flame Issue #1 by Lord K
fondle-1.txt 16119
Fondle my Balls (Weekly) Issue #1 Volume #1 by God of Thunder (August 23, 1994)
furbyte1.txt 28543
Furbytes Number 1 (March 1990)
gozer01.txt 5506
Gozer Issue #1, by Murmur (Ray Stanz)
gozerhistory.txt 1896
The History of Gozer #1 by Swiss Pope
greenl-1.txt 51546
The Greenleaf News Anniversary Issue (The Zine About Hemp) (May 3, 1994)
greenscreen-1.1 20493
The Green Screen Scene Zine Issue #1 (August, 1994)
grover-001.txt 3764
Grover's Research #1 by groveR
hackers3 104750
Hackers Issue #3 by Revolution and Staff (October 1995)
havok1.txt 64006
HAVOK Pack #1: The Return (Collection of Hacking Textfiles)
hbl.txt 10923
The Houston Blinkie Letter (October 1989)
hob39.txt 3028
Hallucinatory Oyster Burrito Issue #9 (October 25, 1994)
hp-asc.txt 44790
HP Magazine Issue 1 Volume 1
hu.txt 141482
Hackers Unlimited Magazine Issue #1 (October 2, 1989)
i-diseases-03.txt 150736
Infectious Diseases (The Virus Magazine) by Attitude Adjuster of Virulent Graffiti Virus Production Organization
inhale01.txt 29568
Inhale! For the Freedom to Choose Our Choices (February 1994)
The "Politically Incorrect Publication" for Pekin, which I think is a middle school somewhere.

ipo01.txt 29276
Information Policy Online: An Internet Newsletter by the Information Industry Association (March 2, 1994)
issue.001 693360
Across the Wire Magazine by Tom Wildoner
issue1.dta 40820
The Lobotomist's Digest Issue #1 by Lord Shadowkeeper
itd-1.1 9978
Information Technology and Disabilities Issue #1 (January 18, 1994)
jam.001 9528
Just Another Mag, by Pip the Angry Youth (July 25th)
k0de0002.txt 7836
K0DE Newsletter #2 by LSD DooD and TB0R
keepers-01 100390
Keepers: An Internet E-Zine by Jorn Barger (January 24, 1994)
klis01.txt 11340
Kapitalist Life Is Suck: The T-File Mag For Dillusioned Russian Communist Youth
Very likely a hoax, but still a witty hoax if it is. Angry youth tell the kapitalistas to get the hell out of Russia.

kn-01 3543
The Knotted Noted: The Electronic Zine of the Comic Book World by Kipp Lightburn (August 15, 1994)
knknk.2 51183
KNKKKKKKKKKKK Issue #2 by the Koks Nors Kelias (1993)
meta-02.txt 21556
Metazine Issue #2 by the mask of Metamorphisis
metazine.001 4305
Metazine Issue #1
mm25.txt 17210
Mindless Mayhem Issue #25
mmz.001 3046
My Millionth Zine #01 by James Hetfield
Contains a bonus rant against Pip the Angry Youth, creator of a number of other mid-90's zines.

mo_01.txt 28314
Modus Operandi: A Compilation of the Writings of the Resist Project (February 17, 1994)
mystery.001 18137
Mystery Poetry E-zine by Girlie17
netvand3 18562
Net Vandal Issue #3 (January 3, 1995)
netvand4 19681
Net Vandal Issue #4 (March 6, 1995)
news0793.txt 24860
SWAT Newsletter (July, 1993)
nihil-01.txt 18313
Nihilism Monthly Issue #1 by James Hetfield
nmi-001.txt 14884
Negative Multiplicative Inverse Issue #1 by Belial
notltr01.txt 50809
NOT: Nation of Thieves Newsletter Issue #1 (September 17, 1991)
october.pa 7480
The Internet Informer Public Announcement (October 8th, 1994)
october.txt 160456
The Internet Informer Issue #1 by Steven Baker (October, 1994)
omphalos-spring1994.ascii 65565
OMPHALOS: The Allegheny Speculative Fiction Review, by John Leavitt Volume 1 Issue 1 (Spring, 1994)
on_the_prowl_02.txt 49253
On the Prowl: News Bulletin of Anti-Racist Action #2 (January/February/March, 1994)
pep1.txt 6300
Public Enema Productions Issue #1 by A. Nonomous
pharce01.txt 25086
PHARCE Issue Numbah Wun
Pleasant little text-graphics-laden zine.

piss-001.txt 31584
People in Society Suck (PISS) Issue #1
"A Zine Dedicated to Bitching And Moaning About People In Society"

pl001.txt 3840
Philz Lap: Issue #1 "Phil Makes a Move on Katie"
I'm sure that whoever made this issue thinks it's very hilarious. He or she is somewhat alone.

pod-1.txt 3902
POD Issue #1
ppic.txt 12836
PPiC Issue #1 (March, 1994)
Apparently iNNER CiRECLE merged with Phose and Phree and created a newsletter.

qic-1.txt 4836
How to Make a Redbox, by Cyborg of the Quick Information Chronicles
rage.ans 1410
ANSI: Rage Magazine LOGO
rage001.txt 6025
Recidivism and Goodness Exploited Issue #1
ragemag.txt 54730
RAGE: Issue #1 (January 13, 1995)
revel.001 48324
Revelation Issue #1 by The Trinity (April 1, 1994)
revelation01.txt 48324
Revelation Volume #1 Issue #1 (April 1, 1994) by Trinity
ruin1a.txt 66664
Researcher's Underground Information Network (RUIN) "Information for the Common Ground" by Seldomseen
scam1-3.txt 170073
SCAM! Magazine Issue #1 Volume #1 (June 1993)
scratch-01 20368
Scratch Issue #1 by J. Barnett (February 28, 1993)
shit.001 7552
Some Hairy Illicit Testicles Newsletter Issue #1
shit001.ass 8240
Some Hairy Illicit Testicles Newsletter
spetznaz.txt 30977
Spetznaz Magazine (Volume 1, Issue 1)
splinter_1.txt 26194
Splinter Issue #1 by Dave Meesters (June, 1994)
square01.txt 2284
Square #1: "D00d, Let's Just Be Friends"
sstupid0.txt 22925
The Super Stupid Slambook Issue #1 (Spring 1994)
staf 6517
The Staff and Contributing Writers of Sunlight Through The Shadows
synaesthetic 19359
Synasthetic: A Journal of Poetry, Prose and Media Arts Issue #1
tbc001.txt 46230
Taco Bell Syndicate Issue #1 (May 1993) by Shredder
telegraph-3.txt 46297
Telegraph Transmission Three: The Search for Spock (October, 1994)
tfc001.txt 38904
Time for a Change Issue #1 (February 23, 1995)
tistf01.txt 8177
Truth Is Stranger Then Fiction Issue 1: Demonic Possessions & Exorcisms By Parker Lewis [Vandals]
tlk-001.txt 35775
The Lamer Cronicles Issue #1 (1994) by Prostrate Breath
tm01.txt 22662
Trina Magna Issue #1: More Hip than AOL
tmlf001.txt 3882
The Milkcrate Liberation Front (Volume 1)
tt-001.txt 25550
Technophile Times by Lord of Darkness (March 2, 1995)
tt-002.txt 20795
The Technophile Times Issue #2 by Lord of Darkness (March 5, 1995)
twist01.txt 18352
Twister Zine Issue #1 (October 30, 1994)
ubiq01.txt 108501
Ubiquitous Issue #1 by mE (November, 1996)
vandals.app 2353
Application to Join the Vandals/MCH
vandals.nfo 2779
NFO: The Vandals ASCII List of Members
vivatron.001 5624
Vivatron: The Totally Unrepressed Rant Zine Issue #1 by Augustus Gloop
vr-monthly-1.3 2809
Virtual Reality Monthly: Heads Up Issue #3 (April 14, 1996)
wagjul94.txt 96420
WAG Magazines, Volume 1, Number 8, July 1994
wami-001.txt 7699
Works of Art That Didn't Make It (WAMI) Zine #1
wword01.01 69868
The Web Word Issue #1 (September, 1994)

There are 128 files for a total of 4,982,062 bytes.