Filename | Size | Description of the Textfile514nfo.phk | 25 |
| la.ans | 3860 | ANSI: Ad for the Access Limited BBS
| lanfo.phk | 1937 |
| pla000.phk | 5135 |
| pla000.txt | 4886 | The Phone Losers Of America File Index - Last Updated On July 12, 1995
| pla001.txt | 6018 | How To Hack The Hell Out Of A WWIV BBS by RedBoxChiliPepper (August 29, 1994)
| pla002.txt | 33023 | A Zillion Different Ways To Make Your Very Own Red Box by RedBoxChiliPepper (December 27, 1994)
| pla003.txt | 26813 | Ruining Someone's Life (Getting Even) by RedBoxChiliPepper (October 23, 1994)
| pla004.txt | 8241 | Trashing (Garbology) & Looting Bell Trucks by RedBoxChiliPepper (July 12, 1994)
| pla005.txt | 11868 | How To Bill All Of your Fone Calls To Some Poor, Unsuspecting Son Of A Bitch by RedBoxChiliPepper (May 13, 1995)
| pla006.txt | 9667 | Totally Free Cash In The Mail From AT&T! by RedBoxChiliPepper (December 27, 1994)
| pla007.txt | 19349 | Numbers To Call When You're Bored Out Of Your Skull by RedBoxChiliPepper (January 5, 1995)
| pla008.txt | 29346 | How To Turn The Work Life Of A Local 7-Eleven Employee Into A Living Hell by RedBoxChiliPepper (March 28, 1995)
| pla009.txt | 4540 | Jim Bayless's Triumph by Colleen Card (November 9, 1994)
| pla010.txt | 7759 | Scanner Freqencies (Listening To What You Shouldn't) by RedBoxChiliPepper (January 2, 1995)
| pla011.txt | 9906 | Phone Call Transcripts by RedBoxChiliPepper (December 15, 1994)
| pla012.txt | 6951 | Converting The 'Ole 2400 Baud To 14.4 For Free by RedBoxChiliPepper (January 8, 1995)
| pla013.txt | 61725 | Petty Scams and Telephone Tricks by RBCP (January 9, 1995)
| pla014.txt | 23244 | The Story Of Some Poor, Unfortunate Guy Who Bought A Cordless Phone by RBCP (January 15, 1995)
| pla015.txt | 22361 | Beige Boxing To Take Over Your City by RedBoxChiliPepper (January 29, 1995)
| pla016.txt | 4656 | Deaf Phones, Phone Books and Phone Bills by Zak (February 2, 1995)
| pla017.txt | 9366 | Letters From The Phone Company by RedBoxChiliPepper (February 2, 1995)
| pla018.txt | 26456 | The Kevin Mitnick Saga Continues... by RedBoxChiliPepper (February 2, 1995)
| pla019.txt | 23120 | Call Forwarding Fun by RedBoxChiliPepper (February 2, 1995)
| pla020.txt | 28254 | Information Gathering On Anyone by RedBoxChiliPepper (February 12, 1995)
| pla021.txt | 5118 | The Official Job Application To Join The PLA (March 28, 1995)
| pla022.txt | 7555 | BBS Back Doors & Flaws by Pestilence (February 19, 1995)
| pla023.txt | 13485 | 10xxx Long Distance Codes by RedBoxChiliPepper (March 9, 1995)
| pla024.txt | 2358 | Dabbling in Credit Card Fraud (August 29, 1994)
| pla025.txt | 16683 | Taking Over Fred Meyers From The Comfort Of Your Own Home (March 15, 1995)
| pla026.txt | 7233 | Information On A Few Phone-Type Offices by RedBoxChiliPepper (August 29, 1994)
| pla027.txt | 8524 | Nursery Rhymes For Baby Phreaks & Other Perverts by Colleen Card (March 30, 1995)
| pla028.txt | 15174 | How To Order And/Or Create Your Own Telephone Calling Card Numbers by RBCP (March 28, 1995)
| pla029.txt | 5211 | Getting The Pay Channels For Phree by )r. )r (April 25, 1995)
| pla030.txt | 42038 | The Phone Losers of America 30th Issue (May 13, 1995)
| pla031.txt | 17168 | Acidflux's Story Time Hour by AcidFlux (May 16, 1995)
| pla032.txt | 29079 | Phone Losers of America Issue #032 (June 21, 1995)
| pla033.txt | 58243 | Phone Losers of America Issue #033 (July 4, 1995)
| pla034.txt | 104813 | Phone Losers of America Issue #034 (August 8th, 1995)
| pla035.txt | 56803 |
| pla036.txt | 29496 |
| pla038.txt | 34352 |
| pla039.txt | 37500 |
| pla040.txt | 20383 |
| pla041.txt | 32478 |
| pla042.txt | 38548 |
| pla043.txt | 54630 |
| pla044.txt | 85860 |
| pla95sum.phk | 16240 |
| pla95sum.txt | 16990 | The Phone Losers of America Telephone Directory for Summer 1995
| plaorder.txt | 5932 | The Phone Losers of America Order Form for September 1995
| stronghold.phk | 594 |
| |
There are 52 files for a total of 1,150,994 bytes. |
Note on this directory: I am very aware there are a lot of doubled files, and files desperately needing some editing. When I have personally verified which of two files is the more complete, I will make it the "canonical" version. Currently, I am just trying to compile a rough, "version 1.0" version of my textfile collection, with as little lost data as possible; this will be refined in the near future. Volunteers are always welcome.