Filename | Size | Description of the Textfilerah9301.txt | 34765 |
| rah9302.txt | 36713 |
| rah9303.txt | 40701 |
| rah9304.txt | 47460 |
| rah9305.txt | 50992 |
| rah9306.txt | 42678 |
| rah9307.txt | 43166 |
| rah9308.txt | 51810 |
| rah9309.txt | 63647 |
| rah9310.txt | 69557 |
| rah9311.txt | 78109 |
| rah9312.txt | 63203 |
| rah9401.txt | 65201 |
| rah9402.txt | 63920 |
| rah9403.txt | 63402 |
| rah9404.txt | 66502 |
| rah9405.txt | 79119 |
| rah9406.txt | 61767 |
| rah9409.txt | 65635 |
| rah9410.txt | 50242 |
| rah9411.txt | 83814 |
| rah9412.txt | 62539 |
| rah9501.txt | 43799 |
| rah9502.txt | 47627 |
| rahdist.txt | 7666 | How to become a RAH Distributor
| rahwrite.txt | 8716 | Random Access Humor - The Electronic Humor Magazine: Writer's Guidelines
| |
There are 26 files for a total of 1,392,750 bytes. |
Note on this directory: I am very aware there are a lot of doubled files, and files desperately needing some editing. When I have personally verified which of two files is the more complete, I will make it the "canonical" version. Currently, I am just trying to compile a rough, "version 1.0" version of my textfile collection, with as little lost data as possible; this will be refined in the near future. Volunteers are always welcome.