Filename | Size | Description of the Textfileunpl-1 | 29811 | The Unplastic News Issue #1: July 20, 1991
| unpl-2 | 50897 | The Unplastic News Issue #2: August 1991
| unpl-3 | 30823 | The Unplastic News Issue #3: October 1991 (The Freedom Issue)
| unpl-5 | 16905 | The Unplastic News Issue 5: November 1992
| unpl-6 | 29747 | The Unplastic News Issue #6 (The Lopsided Issue)
| unplas-1.txt | 30456 | The Unplastic News Issue #1 (July 20, 1991)
| unplas-2.txt | 51736 | The Unplastic News Issue #2 (August 1991)
| unplas-3.txt | 31661 | The Unplastic News Issue #3 (October 1991)
| unplas-4.txt | 16085 | The Unplastic News Issue #4 (May 1992)
| unplas-5.txt | 17461 | The Unplastic News Issue #5 (November 1992)
| unplas-6.txt | 30491 | The Unplastic News Issue #6
| unplas-7.txt | 20205 | The Unplastic News Issue #7 (December 1992)
| unplas-8.txt | 87931 | The Unplastic News Issue #8 (January 1993)
| unplas-9 | 66554 | The Unplastic News Issue #9 (April 1993)
| unplas10 | 24148 | The Unplastic News Issue #10 (July 1993)
| unplas11 | 52215 | The Unplastic News Issue #11 (January 1994)
| unplas12 | 63941 | The Unplastic News Issue #12 (August 1994)
| |
There are 17 files for a total of 651,067 bytes. |
Note on this directory: I am very aware there are a lot of doubled files, and files desperately needing some editing. When I have personally verified which of two files is the more complete, I will make it the "canonical" version. Currently, I am just trying to compile a rough, "version 1.0" version of my textfile collection, with as little lost data as possible; this will be refined in the near future. Volunteers are always welcome.