Electronic Deicide was a Death/Thrash/Extreme Metal Zine dedicated to reviewing this genre of music, and alerting people to new releases by these bands. Some of the names of the bands are beyond belief.
As an aside, I really really wanted to find out the exact date that this Zine came out, as I'm kind of insistent that way. After a short time, I found that the editor, Jon Konrath, has his own web page and has gone on to do other similar work, as well as smashing a car and moving from Seattle to New York to be with his girlfriend. You can click on his name to read his page, or read his old work below.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfilexeno-1.mus | 7193 | Xenocide Issue #1
| xeno-2.mus | 15685 | Xenocide Issue #2
| xeno-3.mus | 40420 | Xenocide Issue #3
| xeno-4.mus | 51706 | Xenocide Issue #4
| xeno-5.mus | 143535 | Xenocide Issue #5
| |
There are 5 files for a total of 258,539 bytes. |