One of the real benefits that filtered down from the Internet was the ability of music fans around the world to come together and really compare notes as to what album and single releases a band REALLY came out with for the past years. While some countries might put out an album with a certain song list, others might not opt to release the album at all. Through the hard work of these fans, they found that this communications network let them comprise highly accurate lists of releases.
One individual who can't be discounted or forgotten is John Relph, who assembled the majority of these discographies and still maintains them. His work shines through.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfilealien.dis | 8382 | Discography: Alien Sex Fiend (February 22, 1992)
| almond.txt | 4348 | Memorabilia: An Information Package on Marc Almmond and Soft Cell, typed by The Go-Go Boy (Spring 1994)
| beatle.33s | 4785 | Beatles Discography
| belcanto.dis | 12696 | DISCOGRAPHY: Bel Canto (April 4, 1993)
| blegvad.dis | 24968 | DISCOGRAPHY: Peter Blegvad (February 18, 1993)
| bowie.dis | 14332 | DISCOGRAPHY: David Bowie
| cabaret.dis | 22328 | DISCOGRAPHY: Cabaret Voltaire (November 11, 1992)
| cdeath.dis | 10386 | DISCOGRAPHY: Christian Death (January 12, 1993)
| coil.dis | 12341 | DISCOGRAPHY: Coil, April 5, 1993
| concrete.dis | 15920 | DISCOGRAPHY: Concrete Blonde (June 16, 1992)
| deathjun.dis | 15736 | DISCOGRAPHY: Death in June (June 3, 1993)
| depe-app.dis | 14875 | DISCOGRAPHY: Depeche Mode (March 9, 1993)
| frisell2.dis | 55903 | The Complete Bill Frisell Discography, by Matt Wright (March 2, 1993)
| gdead.dis | 96445 | The Grateful Dead Discography (Revision 8) by Ihor Slabicky
| genesis.dis | 94937 | DISCOGRAPHY: Genesis
| hendrix.txt | 65413 | DISCOGRAPHY: Jimi Hendrix (May 21, 1991)
| janesadd.dis | 41219 | DISCOGRAPHY: Jane's Addition (March 7, 1992)
| kraftw.dis | 54485 | Kraftwerk Discography, by Dave Datta, Version 2.1, (February 22, 1992)
| kravitz.dis | 24531 | DISCOGRAPHY: Lenny Kravitz (March 3, 1993)
| meatbeat.dis | 12557 | DISCOGRAPHY: Meat Beat Manifesto, July 12, 1991
| metallic.adi | 27261 | DISCOGRAPHY: Metallica (February 4, 1993)
| minute.dis | 30540 | DISCOGRAPHY: Minutemen and Firehose (December 15, 1992)
| model.dis | 24455 | DISCOGRAPHY: New Model and Army/Joolz (October 5, 1992)
| negativ.dis | 10743 | DISCOGRAPHY: Negativland (August 15, 1992)
| neilyoun.dis | 39245 | DISCOGRAPHY: The Neil Young Discography (September 23, 1992)
| neubaut.dis | 17021 | DISCOGRAPHY: Einstuerzende Neubauten
| neworder.dis | 39462 | DISCOGRAPHY: The New Order (September 22, 1992)
| nickcave.dis | 36280 | DISCOGRAPHY: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds (December 8, 1992)
| nin.dis | 10430 | DISCOGRAPHY: Nine Inch Nails (December 10, 1992)
| nirvana.dis | 24010 | DISCOGRAPHY: Nirvana (May 3, 1993)
| orb.txt | 41202 | DISCOGRAPHY: The Orb (March 27, 1992)
| oregon.dis | 27288 | DISCOGRAPHY: Oregon (1992)
| pwei.dis | 18362 | DISCOGRAPHY: Pop Will Eat Itself (July 1, 1992)
| queensr.dis | 17088 | DISCOGRAPHY: Queensryche (January 4, 1993)
| renn.dis | 19961 | DISCOGRAPHYL Renaissance (March 15, 1993)
| sabbath.dis | 26697 | DISCOGRAPHY: Black Sabbath (October 5, 1992)
| shonen.dis | 10422 | DISCOGRAPHY: Shonen Knife (January 27, 1993)
| smiths.dis | 24976 | DISCOGRAPHY: The Smiths (February 24, 1993)
| sonic-y.dis | 70189 | DISCOGRAPHY: Sonic Youth (December 15, 1992)
| steely.dis | 27540 | DISCOGRAPHY: Steely Dan (January 14, 1993)
| vangelis.dgr | 7166 | DISCOGRAPHY: Vangelis (Version 3.0)
| vega.dis | 16333 | DISCOGRAPHY: Suzanne Vega (February 22, 1993)
| waters.dis | 22110 | DISCOGRAPHY: Roger Waters (December 1992)
| waters1.txt | 24456 | DISCOGRAPHY: Roger Waters Solo (Janary 1993)
| xtc.dis | 111035 | DISCOGRAPHY: XTC Discography, Version 1.44, December 30, 1992
| zappa.dis | 73061 | DISCOGRAPHY: Frank Zappa Discography (February, 1993) by Vinksu Chandrasekhar
| zorn.dis | 46673 | DISCOGRAPHY: John Zorn (May 4, 1993)
| |
There are 47 files for a total of 1,450,593 bytes. |