Index of: walnut-creek/BEEHIVE/COMMS

Filename Size Last Modified Description
ANSIMP92.ARC 53,058 2008-09-01 Imp For Microbees Using 8530 Scc Ports.
ANSIMP92.ARC 53,058 2008-09-01
APL2EYAM.COM 28,672 2008-09-01
APL2EYAM.COM 28,672 2008-09-01 Yam For The Apple 2e (Cp/m).
C128-NEW.ARC 63,645 2008-09-01 Allows C= 128 To Use A Modem Under Cp/m+
C128-NEW.ARC 63,645 2008-09-01
CP409DOC.ARK 68,224 2008-09-01
CP409DOC.ARK 68,224 2008-09-01 Documentation For Kermit 4.11
CP411HEX.ARK 156,928 2008-09-01 Kermit 4.11 Hex Files
CP411HEX.ARK 156,928 2008-09-01
CP411SRC.ARK 442,752 2008-09-01
CP411SRC.ARK 442,752 2008-09-01 Source To Kermit 4.11
FILTERZ.ARC 3,791 2008-09-01
FILTERZ.ARC 3,791 2008-09-01 Filter Control "z"'s Out Of Files.
HAMMODEM.ARC 36,992 2008-09-01
HAMMODEM.ARC 36,992 2008-09-01 To Be Described.
IMP-ICE.ARC 19,799 2008-09-01
IMP-ICE.ARC 19,799 2008-09-01 Imp Overlay For The Apple Iie.
IMP-OV5A.LBR 158,720 2008-09-01 As Above But Split Into 3 Parts For Easier
IMP-OV5A.LBR 158,720 2008-09-01
IMP-OV5B.LBR 168,832 2008-09-01 Downloading.
IMP-OV5B.LBR 168,832 2008-09-01
IMP-OV5C.LBR 182,400 2008-09-01
IMP-OVL.ARC 436,987 2008-09-01 Collection Of Overlays For Imp 2.44 & 2.45
IMP-OVL.ARC 436,987 2008-09-01
IMP245.ARC 70,399 2008-09-01
IMP245.ARC 70,399 2008-09-01 Imp Ver. 2.45 Communications Program.
IMPALL93.ARC 31,672 2008-09-01 Imp For Microbees Using Rs232 Serial Port.
IMPALL93.ARC 31,672 2008-09-01
IMPATCH.LBR 18,432 2008-09-01
IMPATCH.LBR 18,432 2008-09-01 To Be Described.
KERMIT.COM 26,496 2008-09-01 Updated Kermit For Microbee 56k -> 256tc
KERMIT.COM 26,496 2008-09-01
MEX4BEE.ARC 129,289 2008-09-01 Mex For The Microbee.
MEX4BEE.ARC 129,289 2008-09-01
MODEM9.ARC 51,673 2008-09-01 Irv Hoff's Modem9 Protocol.
MODEM9.ARC 51,673 2008-09-01
PCPIMP7.LBR 27,136 2008-09-01
PCPIMP7.LBR 27,136 2008-09-01 Provides Autodial/redial Facility For Pc-Pursuit Users. Used With Imp.
PMODEM.ARC 49,451 2008-09-01 Pmodem Comms Program In Turbo Pascal.
PMODEM.ARC 49,451 2008-09-01
QTERM42G.ARC 49,561 2008-09-01 Qterm - Quick Terminal Communications Program.
QTERM42G.ARC 49,561 2008-09-01
QTO-OVL0.ARC 28,742 2008-09-01
QTO-OVL0.ARC 28,742 2008-09-01 A Couple Of Machine Overlays For Qterm.
RADIO.COM 768 2008-09-01 To Be Described
RADIO.COM 768 2008-09-01
SCCDIAGS.ARC 5,315 2008-09-01
SCCDIAGS.ARC 5,315 2008-09-01 Tony Ellis's Diagnostic Tools For 8530 Scc.
SEALINK.ARC 12,623 2008-09-01 'c' Source Code For Sealink File Xfer Protocol.
SEALINK.ARC 12,623 2008-09-01
SZRZ100.LBR 14,592 2008-09-01 Unix-Type Rz/sz Zmodem Programs For Cpm3
SZRZ100.LBR 14,592 2008-09-01
YAM.ARC 47,226 2008-09-01 Yet Another Modem Program (By Chuck Forsberg; Oct '81).
YAM.ARC 47,226 2008-09-01
YAMBEE.ARC 28,056 2008-09-01
YAMBEE.ARC 28,056 2008-09-01 Yam Modified For The Microbee.
ZMP-OV16.ARC 199,660 2008-09-01 Serial I/o Overlays For Zmp Comms Program.
ZMP-OV16.ARC 199,660 2008-09-01
ZMP15.ARC 78,928 2008-09-01
ZMP15.ARC 78,928 2008-09-01 Zmodem Communications Program For Cp/m!