Index of: walnut-creek/CPM/BBSING/PBBS

Filename Size Last Modified Description
FASTPBBS.LBR 8,192 2008-09-01
FASTPBBS.LBR 8,192 2008-09-01 Easy Automatic Compiling Of Pbbs
HP-FIX01.ARK 5,536 2008-09-01 Fix To Hbbs/pbbs Bulletin Board
HP-FIX01.ARK 5,536 2008-09-01
LASTON10.LBR 7,296 2008-09-01 Two New Utilities For Pbbs
LASTON10.LBR 7,296 2008-09-01
MBB2PBBS.LBR 11,392 2008-09-01 Converts Mbbs Files To Pbbs Format
MBB2PBBS.LBR 11,392 2008-09-01
PBBS-50.LBR 225,280 2008-09-01
PBBS.SLR 2,265 2008-09-01 Assembling Pbbs With Slr Assembler
PBBS.SLR 2,265 2008-09-01
PBBS5FIX.LBR 8,192 2008-09-01
PBBSUP50.LBR 88,064 2008-09-01
PBBSUTL4.LBR 8,320 2008-09-01 Utilities For Pbbs 4.0
PBBSUTL4.LBR 8,320 2008-09-01
PCHAT11.MAC 7,808 2008-09-01
PCHAT11.MQC 5,376 2008-09-01
PCHAT11.MQC 5,376 2008-09-01 Allow Pbbs Caller To Chat With Sysop
PINSTAL.COM 5,888 2008-09-01
PINSTAL.CZM 4,480 2008-09-01
PINSTAL.CZM 4,480 2008-09-01 Pbbs Install Program
PREG451.LBR 36,224 2008-09-01 User Registration Utility For Pbbs
PREG451.LBR 36,224 2008-09-01
PSTAT453.LBR 28,416 2008-09-01 Examine Settings Of Pbbs
PSTAT453.LBR 28,416 2008-09-01
PUSER18.LBR 54,144 2008-09-01
PUSER18.LBR 54,144 2008-09-01 Utility To Report On Pbbs User File
PUSER45.LBR 40,192 2008-09-01
PUSER45.LBR 40,192 2008-09-01 Pbbs Utility For User Base