Index of: walnut-creek/CPM/RCPM/FILEDOCS

Filename Size Last Modified Description
AAAREAD.ME 3,007 2008-09-01
AAAREAD.ME 3,007 2008-09-01 Information On Files In This Dir.
ACCOUNTS.INF 1,538 2008-09-01 Govt. & Contractors Can Get Simtel20 Account
ACCOUNTS.INF 1,538 2008-09-01
SIMCPM.ARK 165,963 2008-09-01
SIMCPM.ARK 165,963 2008-09-01 Simtel20 Cp/m Files Listing With Descriptions
SIMCPM.DB2 697 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SIMCPM.DB2 697 2008-09-01
SIMCPM.HDR 113 2008-09-01
SIMCPM.HDR 113 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SIMCPM.IDX 350,512 2008-09-01 Simtel20 Cp/m Files Listing With Descriptions
SIMCPM.IDX 350,512 2008-09-01
SIMCPM.INF 168 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SIMCPM.INF 168 2008-09-01
SIMCVAX.BAS 7,675 2008-09-01
SIMCVT.BAS 903 2008-09-01
SIMCVT.BAS 903 2008-09-01 Basic Program To Print Simtel20's Simcpm.idx
SIMCVT.C 3,087 2008-09-01 Unix C Program To Print Simtel20's Simcpm.idx
SIMCVT.C 3,087 2008-09-01
SIMCVT.EXC 3,387 2008-09-01 Vm/vms Rexx Program To Print Simcpm.idx
SIMCVT.EXC 3,387 2008-09-01
SIMCVT.FOR 2,314 2008-09-01 Vax/vms Fortran Program To Print Simcpm.idx
SIMCVT.FOR 2,314 2008-09-01
SIMCVT.SPS 1,761 2008-09-01
SIMCVT.SPS 1,761 2008-09-01 Vax/vms Sps Program To Print Simcpm.idx
SIMCVT2.BAS 1,422 2008-09-01 Basic Program To Print Simtel20's Simcpm.idx
SIMCVT2.BAS 1,422 2008-09-01
SIMDIF.FOR 19,954 2008-09-01
SIMDISP.AWK 1,215 2008-09-01 Awk Script Displays Simcpm.idx In Outline Form
SIMDISP.AWK 1,215 2008-09-01
SIMDISP.DOC 280 2008-09-01 How To Use Simdisp.awk
SIMDISP.DOC 280 2008-09-01
SIMDISP.PL 2,052 2008-09-01
SIMDISP.PL 2,052 2008-09-01 Perl Script To Print Simtel20's Simcpm.idx
USERID.DOC 1,879 2008-09-01
USERID.DOC 1,879 2008-09-01 Doc For Userid.frm Account Application
USERID.FRM 3,868 2008-09-01 Application Form For Simtel20 Account
USERID.FRM 3,868 2008-09-01