Index of: walnut-creek/CPM/UTILS/SQUSQ

Filename Size Last Modified Description
BDSCIO.H 6,065 2008-09-01
BDSCIO.H 6,065 2008-09-01 No Description Available
CHANGES.DOC 1,909 2008-09-01 No Description Available
CHANGES.DOC 1,909 2008-09-01
COMPRESS.ARK 36,864 2008-09-01
COMPRESS.ARK 36,864 2008-09-01 12-Bit Lzw 'compress' For Cp/m
COMPRESS.TQT 7,296 2008-09-01
COMPRESS.TQT 7,296 2008-09-01 Non-Tech Article On Data Compression
COMPRESS.TXT 12,296 2008-09-01
CP-PKSQ.CPR 513 2008-09-01
CP-PKSQ.CPR 513 2008-09-01 No Description Available
CRLZH11.LBR 115,584 2008-09-01
CRLZH11.LBR 115,584 2008-09-01 Crunch Utilities, Uses Lzh Code
CRLZH20.LBR 143,616 2008-09-01
CRN24PAT.AZM 1,408 2008-09-01 Patch To Crunch 2.4 For Azm Files
CRN24PAT.AZM 1,408 2008-09-01
CRNCH24S.LBR 97,536 2008-09-01
CRNCH24S.LBR 97,536 2008-09-01 Source For Cruncher/uncruncher
CRUNCH.ABS 3,909 2008-09-01
CRUNCH.ABS 3,909 2008-09-01 No Description Available
CRUNCH.INF 10,624 2008-09-01
CRUNCH.IZF 5,504 2008-09-01 Specs For Crunched Header Record
CRUNCH.IZF 5,504 2008-09-01
CRUNCH20.DAT 1,925 2008-09-01
CRUNCH20.DAT 1,925 2008-09-01 Info On Performance Of Crunch
CRUNCH24.LBR 30,080 2008-09-01 Lzw Data Compression Utilities
CRUNCH24.LBR 30,080 2008-09-01
DIO.H 420 2008-09-01
DIO.H 420 2008-09-01 No Description Available
DIO2.C 6,471 2008-09-01 No Description Available
DIO2.C 6,471 2008-09-01
FCRLZH11.LBR 58,112 2008-09-01 Lzh Encoding For 8080/8085 Users
FCRLZH11.LBR 58,112 2008-09-01
FCRLZH20.LBR 58,880 2008-09-01
FCRNCH11.LBR 94,080 2008-09-01
FCRNCH11.LBR 94,080 2008-09-01 Cruncher For Z80, 8080, 8085, V20
FLS.C 4,199 2008-09-01 No Description Available
FLS.C 4,199 2008-09-01
FLS11.COM 8,320 2008-09-01 No Description Available
FLS11.COM 8,320 2008-09-01
FREEZE.LBR 24,704 2008-09-01
FREEZE.LBR 24,704 2008-09-01 Standard Of Lzhuf Technique For Cpm
HISTORY.DOC 8,320 2008-09-01
HISTORY.DQC 5,248 2008-09-01
HISTORY.DQC 5,248 2008-09-01 No Description Available
IO.C 599 2008-09-01
IO.C 599 2008-09-01 No Description Available
LZW.LBR 50,816 2008-09-01
LZW.LBR 50,816 2008-09-01 Compression/decompression Utilities
OBSCURE.BZG 2,304 2008-09-01
OBSCURE.BZG 2,304 2008-09-01 Problem With Lt/vlu With Attribute
OBSCURE.MMG 4,096 2008-09-01
RESTRICT.C 1,113 2008-09-01
RESTRICT.C 1,113 2008-09-01 No Description Available
ROSUNCR.LBR 56,192 2008-09-01
ROSUNCR.LBR 56,192 2008-09-01 Type Crunched Files With Ros 3.4
SQ-17.C 7,404 2008-09-01
SQ-17.C 7,404 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQ-17.COM 16,128 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQ-17.COM 16,128 2008-09-01
SQ-17.H 1,814 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQ-17.H 1,814 2008-09-01
SQ-17.SUB 191 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQ-17.SUB 191 2008-09-01
SQ111.LBR 12,160 2008-09-01 Machine Language Squeezer -- Fast
SQ111.LBR 12,160 2008-09-01
SQ17.BUG 693 2008-09-01
SQ17.BUG 693 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQCOM.H 397 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQCOM.H 397 2008-09-01
SQDEBUG.C 767 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQDEBUG.C 767 2008-09-01
SQUEEZE.TQT 7,424 2008-09-01
SQUEEZE.TQT 7,424 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQUEEZE.TXT 12,138 2008-09-01
SQUEEZER.DOC 23,552 2008-09-01
SQUEEZER.DQC 14,208 2008-09-01
SQUEEZER.DQC 14,208 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQUPRT33.ARK 25,303 2008-09-01
SQUPRT33.ARK 25,303 2008-09-01 Portable Squeeze/unsqueeze In C
SQUSQ15.DOC 1,427 2008-09-01
SQUSQ15.DOC 1,427 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQUSQBUG.MSG 4,793 2008-09-01 No Description Available
SQUSQBUG.MSG 4,793 2008-09-01
TLZH11.LBR 60,032 2008-09-01 Type Utility For Lzh Files
TLZH11.LBR 60,032 2008-09-01
TLZH20.LBR 61,056 2008-09-01
TR1.C 1,259 2008-09-01 No Description Available
TR1.C 1,259 2008-09-01
TR2.C 12,580 2008-09-01 No Description Available
TR2.C 12,580 2008-09-01
TYPEQZ17.LBR 45,824 2008-09-01
TYPEQZ17.LBR 45,824 2008-09-01 Type Utility With Wildcard Filenames
UNCR8080.LBR 5,120 2008-09-01 Uncrunch For The 8080/8085
UNCR8080.LBR 5,120 2008-09-01
UNSQ-CR.LBR 5,504 2008-09-01 Rel Files For Uncruncher/unsqueezer
UNSQ-CR.LBR 5,504 2008-09-01
UNSQ15.LBR 17,152 2008-09-01 No Description Available
UNSQ15.LBR 17,152 2008-09-01
USQ-20.C 8,692 2008-09-01 No Description Available
USQ-20.C 8,692 2008-09-01
USQ-20.COM 12,800 2008-09-01 No Description Available
USQ-20.COM 12,800 2008-09-01
USQ-20.H 388 2008-09-01
USQ-20.H 388 2008-09-01 No Description Available
USQ-20.SUB 88 2008-09-01
USQ-20.SUB 88 2008-09-01 No Description Available
USQ120.COM 1,920 2008-09-01 Unsqueezer For All Cp/m Systems
USQ120.COM 1,920 2008-09-01
USQ120.DOC 2,816 2008-09-01
USQ120.DQC 1,920 2008-09-01
USQ120.DQC 1,920 2008-09-01 No Description Available
USQBASE.ASM 3,652 2008-09-01 No Description Available
USQBASE.ASM 3,652 2008-09-01
USQFST20.LBR 27,520 2008-09-01 Fast Unsqueezer For Z80 Computers
USQFST20.LBR 27,520 2008-09-01
UTR.C 1,673 2008-09-01
UTR.C 1,673 2008-09-01 No Description Available
ZTYPE11.LBR 25,344 2008-09-01
ZTYPE11.LBR 25,344 2008-09-01 Types With Underlining And Boldface