Index of: walnut-creek/JSAGE/ZNODE3/BG

Filename Size Last Modified Description
BG-Z3.INF 7,680 2008-09-01
BG-Z3.IZF 4,224 2008-09-01
BG-Z3.IZF 4,224 2008-09-01 John Stensvaag Discusses The Interface Between Plu*perfect's Backgrounder Ii And Zcpr3.
BGECP.LBR 2,816 2008-09-01 A Simple Program For Patching The Running Bgii Command Processor To Use A Different Extended Command Processor.
BGECP.LBR 2,816 2008-09-01
BGHIST04.LBR 6,400 2008-09-01 Bgii History, Error Handler, Cp & Reg Commands In Ocp. V 04 Corrects Error Handling Under Zex.
BGHIST04.LBR 6,400 2008-09-01
BGII.INF 3,072 2008-09-01 Brief Preview Of The New Backgrounder Ii Package From Plu*perfect Systems. Captured From The Genie Cp/m Roundtable.
BGII.INF 3,072 2008-09-01
BGQWKSWP.INF 1,408 2008-09-01
BGQWKSWP.INF 1,408 2008-09-01 A Simple Way To Make Bgii Swapping Faster. Obvious But Tricky Key Assignment.
BGSCREEN.DOC 12,160 2008-09-01
BGSCREEN.DZC 7,168 2008-09-01 No Description Available.
BGSCREEN.DZC 7,168 2008-09-01
BGSCRIP1.DOC 4,992 2008-09-01
BGSCRIP1.DZC 2,432 2008-09-01
BGSCRIP1.DZC 2,432 2008-09-01 Startup/exit And Command-Rename Scripts For Bgii, From Jay Sage.
BGZRDS19.LBR 896 2008-09-01
BGZRDS19.LBR 896 2008-09-01 This Patch From Cameron Cotrill Allows Bgii Version 1.13 To Work With Zrdos Version 1.9 (As Supplied With Nz Com).
FILES.PCB 2,693 2008-09-01
FIXBG130.LBR 1,664 2008-09-01
FIXBG130.LBR 1,664 2008-09-01 This Small Library Contains Information And A Script For Correcting The Initial Versions Of Bg130 Sent Out On December 10, 1988. There Were Three Bytes In Error In Jay Sage, 12/11/88
OSH14.LBR 20,096 2008-09-01 No Description Available.
OSH14.LBR 20,096 2008-09-01
PCPIBGII.LBR 6,144 2008-09-01
PCPIBGII.LBR 6,144 2008-09-01 This Is A Pair Of Files, And A Patch, Which Allow Owners Of The Pcpi Applicard To Take Advantage Of Bgii's Advanced Features. An Apple Iie Is Required!!
SCRDAPP.MAN 6,144 2008-09-01
SCRDAPP.MZN 2,816 2008-09-01
SCRDAPP.MZN 2,816 2008-09-01 No Description Available.
ZBGQ11.LBR 11,264 2008-09-01
ZBGQ11.LBR 11,264 2008-09-01 This Is A Zcpr3 Version Of Bgquick, That Nifty Program That Can Bring Up Bgii In A Jiffy. This One Does Not Overlay The Command Line, And As A Result It Can Be Used In Alias Scripts. Unlike The Original, The Code Is Fully Commented And Is Not Self-Modifying. Jay Sage, October 28, 1987