SIG/M VOLUME 4 MISCELLANEOUS CP/M UTILITIES SIZE NAME CONTENTS -CATALOG.004 CONTENTS OF SIG/M VOL. 4 4.1 60K 3740UTIL.ASM copy CP/M to and from 3740 format 4.2 8K 3740UTIL.DOC copy CP/M to and from 3740 format SYMSTACK.LIB -. NCOMPARE.LIB . WHENS.LIB macro lib's required by 3740UTIL DOWHILES.LIB . SELECTS.LIB -' 4.3 2K BDOS-PAT.ASM make user 0 (CP/M 2.X) public 4.4 7K BMAP7/11.ASM print allocation map 4.5 1K CCPPATCH.ASM make drive A: default for .COM files 4.6 4K CHANGE.ASM ALS-8 to CP/M converter (DR. DOBBS) 4.7 8K CRCK3.ASM CRC check on a file 4.8 5K DIRFIX.ASM rids attribute bits for 1.4 compatibility 4.9 9K DIRSIO/1.ASM sorted DIR with SYS and MP/M options 4.10 16K DU-8/12.ASM update of CPM USER GROUP 40.20 4.11 8K DUPUSR2.ASM create duplicate directory entries w/new user # 4.12 4K EQUATES.LIB copy CP/M to and from 3740 format 4.13 2K FILPRINT.ASM turn .TXT into .COM 4.14 27K FINDBD37.ASM update of INTERFACE prgm to lock out bad blocks 4.15 9K FMAP6/12.ASM update of CP/M USER GROUP 40.24 4.16 16K MACROS.LIB copy CP/M to and from 3740 format 4.17 1K PG0EQU.ASM part of 4.9 DIRSIO/1.ASM 4.18 1K SURVEY.COM list disk, memory use, and other parts 4.19 13K SURVEY3.ASM list disk, memory use, and other parts 4.20 8K XDIR6/28.ASM sorted directory with sizes SIG/M VOLUME 5 8080/8085, MEMORY, ICOM DISK CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTICS SIZE NAME COMMENTS -CATALOG.005 CONTENTS OF SIG/M VOL. 5 5.1 14K CPUDIAG.ASM CPU TEST DIAGNOSTICS FOR 8080 AND 8085 5.2 2K CPUDIAG.DOC CPU TEST DIAGNOSTICS FOR 8080 AND 8085 5.3 12K MEMDIAG.DOC MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS 5.4 34K MEMDIAG.ASM MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS 5.5 73K 3712DIAG.ASM ICOM SINGLE DENSITY DISK CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTIC 5.6 93K 3812DIAG.ASM ICOM DOUBLE DENSITY DISK CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTIC 5.7 2K 3X12DIAG.DOC ICOM DISK CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTICS 5.8 4K CP/M-NET.MSG PROPOSED NETWORKING OF USER GROUPS SIG/M VOLUME 6 6502 SIMULATOR - REFERENCE DR. DOBBS 8/80 6502 ZAPPLE MONITOR SIZE NAME CONTENTS -CATALOG.006 CONTENTS OF SIG/M VOL. 6 ABSTRACT.006 DESCRIPTION OF EACH MODULE IN THE 6502 SIMULATOR 6.1 11K ZILASM.COM 6502 SIMULATOR 6.2 5K ZX65.COM 6.3 98K ZX65R.PRN 6.4 39K ZX65R.ZSM 6.5 15K ZXART.DOC 6.6 9K ZXHINTS.DOC 6.7 23K ZXLDR.PRN 6.8 7K ZXLDR.ZSM 6.9 1K ZXTAB1.DOC 6.10 1K ZXTAB2.DOC 6.11 1K ZXTAB3.DOC 6.12 1K ZXTAB4.DOC 6.13 2K CONCOD.LIB CONTROL CODES FOR 6502 ZAPPLE 6.14 1K ZAPMON.MOS ZAPPLE MONITOR FOR 6502 6.15 5K ZAPMON.HEX 6.16 11K ZAP3.INS 6.17 3K ZAP5.INS 6.18 3K ZAP1.INS SIG/M VOLUME 7 BULLETIN BOARD RELATED SOFTWARE SYSTEMS FILE TRANSFER UTILITIES CP/M UTILITIES SIZE NAME COMMENTS BULLETIN BOARD RELATED SOFTWARE 7.1 23K DCHBYE55.ASM REMOTE CONSOLE FOR DC HAYES MODEM 7.2 3K FLIP-8/8.ASM SWITCH REMOTE CONSOLE TO ORIGINATE MODE 7.3 5K TAG.ASM SET F1 BIT 7.4 9K MLIST34.ASM TYPE COMMAND W/16K BUFFER 7.5 45K MODEM926.ASM UPDATE OF CP/M USER GROUP 40.28 7.6 21K PLINK925.ASM UPDATE OF CP/M USER GROUP 19.4 7.7 2K USER-8/8.ASM REPLACES CP/M USER CMD ON REMOTE CPU 7.8 20K XMODEM32.ASM DC HAYES SUPPORT 7.9 4K PURGE.ASC REQUIRES MBASIC 7.10 20K RIBBS.ASC REQUIRES MBASIC FILE TRANSFER UTILITIES 7.11 7K MIC-XFER.ASM DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN MICROPOLIS CP/M 1.4 AND 8" SYSTEMS 7.12 7K MIC-XFER.DOC DATA TRANSFER DOCUMENTATION 7.13 3K XFER5-8.ASM TRANSFER FILES BETWEEN 5" AND 8" 7.14 3K XFER8-5.ASM TRANSFER FILES BETWEEN 5" AND 8" 7.15 5K V2FORMAT.ASM VERSAFLOPPY SYSTEM CP/M UTILITIES 7.16 9K MENU.ASM CREATES MENU OF ALL .COM AND .BAS FILES 7.17 5K MEM-MAP.ASM USE TO MAP RAM/ROM 7.18 8K MOVE6/12.ASM SINGLE DRIVE COPY PROGRAM 7.19 8K RELDUMP.ASM DUMP MICROSOFT .REL FILES 7.20 1K SAP-FIX.DOC PATCHES FOR CP/M USER GROUP VOL. 19.8 7.21 5K TEXCLEAN.ASM CLEAR BIT 7 OF A TEXT FILE 7.22 2K TPA3.ASM COMPUTES SIZE OF TPA 7.23 3K Z80EXT.LIB EXTRA Z80 OPCODES SIG/M volume 8 PASCAL and Communications related programs PASCAL related programs 8.01 BOOT.ASM 1K Sample BOOT for PASCAL 8.02 BOOTER.DOC 3K PASCAL documentation for CP/M 8.03 TEST.ASM 7K Scan and load 8080/Z80 Pascal interpreter 8.04 PAS2CPM.ASM 8K Format conversion 8.05 PASCAL.ASM 7K Initialization of PASCAL system 8.06 PASCAL.COM 17K 8.07 PASCAL.DOC 1K 8.08 PASTOCPM 12K Format conversion 8.09 PBOOT.ASM 1K Utilities to initialize PASCAL system 8.10 PGEN.ASM 4K 8.11 PGEN.COM 1K 8.12 PINIT.ASM 6K 8.13 READ.ME 2K PASCAL startup documentation Communications related programs 8.14 CHAT13.ASM 5K 2-way communications with remote caller 8.15 DCHBYE57.ASM 24K Upgrade of remote console DCHBYE55 on SIG/M 7.01 8.16 MODEM5A.ASM 46K Auto-dial and auto re-dial capability on DC Hayes and PMMI modem boards 8.17 PLNK1018.ASM 21K Upgrade of PLNK925 on SIG/M 7.6 and CP/M UG 19.4 with more modem types 8.18 NEWBAUD.ASM 4K Switch BAUD rate on a remote PMMI to readjust modem speed 8.19 RBBS22.ASC 20K Update of RBBS in SIG/M volume 7 8.20 RBBS22.DOC 6K 8.21 RBSUTL22.ASC 9K 8.22 MBOOT3.ASM 8K Compacted version of MODEM for RECV only usage 8.23 XMODEM38.ASM 24K Update of SIG/M 7.8 - remote CP/M to CP/M transfer SIG/M volume 9 utilities 9.01 AUTOX.ASM 2K Forces a CP/M command from a user level 9.02 CPYFIL15.ASM 10K Copy large files greater than 512K through PIP utility 9.03 CRCK10/6.ASM 11K Upgrade of CRCK3 in SIG/M 4.7 9.04 DIRS1015.ASM 9K Sorted directory from DIRS10/1 in SIG/M 4.9 9.05 DISPLAY.COM 3K Similar to DIR/ED.COM using display commands only 9.06 DISPLAY.DOC 3K 9.07 DISPLAYP.ASM 3K 9.08 DU-10/26.ASM 18K Update of disk utility in SIG/M 4.9 9.09 FIND3/18.ASM 10K Multiple file search routine 9.10 FINDBD38.ASM 29K Update to FINDBD37 for locating bad blocks of disk space in SIG/M 4.14 9.11 LISTGRPS.ASC 1K List track and sector assignment for each group 9.12 MDIR8/17.ASM 10K Master directory by users in alphabetic sequence 9.13 MFT45.ASM 17K Dr. Dobbs single drive multi-file transfer program 9.14 MIC-XFER.ASM 7K Micropolis and regular CP/M file transfer 9.15 MIC-XFER.DOC 5K 9.16 NFMAP.ASM 9K Sorted directory with option of writing file of names 9.17 NLIST.ASM 14K Lists disk file on LST: device 9.18 SD-12/15.ASM 17K Sorted directory with sizes 9.19 SECTOR.ASM 10K Sector disk maintenance program 9.20 SHOWGRP.ASC 2K Print track and sector addresses of groups 9.21 TERMTEST.ASM 2K Terminal diagnostic program 9.22 USERLST.ASM 3K Patch for displaying current user level within CP/M prompt 9.23 VLIST11.ASM 8K Variable speed TYPE routine 9.24 WHICH.ASM 4K Displays present CP/M release level 9.25 MIKEBIOS.ASM 8K Flash Writer I/O driver SIG/M volume 10 games, disassembler, North Star Basic patch for CP/M, CDOS simulator, and other utilities 10.01 LANES.BAS 6K Games using MicroSoft Basic 10.02 JOURNAL.BAS 2K 10.03 GAMMONB.BAS 15K 10.04 BLACKBOX.BAS 3K 10.05 BOGGLE.BAS 1K 10.06 GAMMON.H19 11K Heath terminal adaptation 10.07 NIM1.H19 8K 10.08 OTHELLO.H19 5K 10.09 STARWAR2.H19 12K 10.10 ALS8CPM.ASM 17K Converts Processor Tech assembler files to CP/M format 10.11 DIV16B.ASM 1K 16 bit division by 8 bit divisor 10.12 DSIM.LIB 5K CDOS calls for CP/M 10.13 NSCPM48.ASM 22K Patches to run North Star Basic under CP/M 10.14 NSCPM48.DOC 8K 10.15 RETURN48.COM 1K 10.16 REZ.ASM 33K RESOURCE resurrected with .ASM 10.17 REZ.COM 7K a nifty 8080 disassembler 10.18 REZ.DOC 26K modified for Z80 TDL op codes 10.19 REZ.Z80 36K modified for Zilog op codes SIG/M volume 11 (supercedes SIG/M volume 3) Expanded ADVENTURE 8080/Z80 version supercedes SIG/M volume 3. This version will sense the type of processor (Z80 or 8080) and take advantage of Z80 instruction set if available. NUMBER SIZE NAME COMMENTS -CATALOG.011 CONTENTS OF SIG/M VOL. 11 ABSTRACT.011 NOTES ON EXPANDED ADVENTURE 1.1 36K ADV.COM 1.2 105K ADVT.DAT 1.3 31K ADVI.DAT 1.4 4K ADVI.PTR 1.5 15K ADVT.PTR *** BEWARE OF ZORTON *** SIG/M volume 12 cross reference index of CP/M UG volumes 1-47 and SIG/M volumes 1-11 number name size description 12.1 CATALOG.SRT 23K cross reference of CP/M VOLUMES 1-47 12.2 CAT.COM 1K and SIG/M VOLUMES 1-11 12.3 MAST.CAT 34K / 12.4 WIDE.COM 1K / 12.5 P4 24K / 12.6 P5 24K / 12.7 P6 24K / 12.8 P7 24K / SIG/M volume 13 a) MITS to CP/M file conversion system b) HELP file system c) related system support programs d) FIG-FORTH 1.1 system number name size description 13.1 MITSCNVT.ASM 28K MITS to CP/M file conversion 13.2 MITSCNVT.COM 7K / 13.3 MITSCNVT.CPM 3K / 13.4 MITSCNVT.DOC 7K / 13.5 MITSCNVT.HEX 8K / 13.6 ABORTSUB.COM 2K HELP file system 13.7 HELP.ASM 13K / 13.8 SYSLIB.HLP 37K / 13.9 SYSLIB.REL 9K / 13.10 HELP.COM 2K / 13.11 MASM.SUB 1K / 13.12 PHELP.COM 2K / 13.13 PHELP.MAC 6K / 13.14 HELP.DOC 4K / 13.15 SD-2/6.ASM 18K updated SUPER DIRECTORY display 13.16 SD.COM 2K / 13.17 ENTAB.ASM 6K space suppression program 13.18 ENTAB.COM 1K / 13.19 UTIL.FOR 2K FORTRAN array handling subroutine 13.20 LOOPBAK1.BAS 2K PMMI loop back test 13.21 FORTH11.ASM 40K FIG-FORTH version 1.1 13.22 FORTH11.COM 23K / 13.23 FORTH11.DOC 4K / SIG/M volume 14 HELP file system on major system level software number name size description 14.1 HELP.COM 2K HELP file system describing 14.2 HELP.HLP 7K HELP file system 14.3 CPM.HLP 31K CP/M 1.4 14.4 CPM2.HLP 37K CP/M 2.2 14.5 ASM.HLP 4K CP/M 1.4 ASM (assembler) 14.6 ASM2.HLP 4K CP/M 2.2 ASM (assembler) 14.7 MAC.HLP 8K CP/M MAC (macro assembler) 14.8 MBASIC.HLP 21K Microsoft BASIC 14.9 CBASIC.HLP 14K CBasic 14.10 EBASIC.HLP 12K Basic-E 14.11 CBASIC2.HLP 22K CBasic-2 14.12 MASM.HLP 8K MACRO-80 (M80) 14.13 ALGOLM.HLP 13K ALGOL-M 14.14 C.HLP 17K BDS 'C' 14.15 FORTRAN.HLP 7K Microsoft Fortran 14.16 PASCAL.HLP 10K PASCAL/MT SIG/M volume 15 documentation catalog of CP/M UG volumes 1-42 and SIG/M volumes 1-3 as published by the NYACC Thió volumå containó thå variouó *.DOC¬  ABSTRACT.*¬ READ.ME¬ etã fileó  aó containeä iî thå CP/Í UÇ anä SIG/Í  volumes®  Thió  waó compileä anä publisheä bù thå NYACÃ tï facilitatå readù referencå oæ  publiã domaiî softwarå foò thå micro-hobbiests®  SIG/Í volumå 1² ió thå correspondinç crosó referencå tï thió release. CATALOG.nnn refers to a CP/M UG release volume nnn SIGMLOG.nnn refers to a SIG/M release volume nnn SIG/M volume 16 miscellaneous CP/M utilities number name size description 16.1 BYE67.ASM 39K remote console program for PMMI 16.2 BYE67.DOC 12K / 16.3 MLIST42.ASM 12K multiple file list utility 16.4 DU-V75.OBJ 6K disk utility system 16.5 DU-V75.DOC 5K / 16.6 DU-V75.ASM 40K / 16.·  FINDBD42.ASÍ  33Ë createó filå oæ badspotó 16.8 APLMODEM.ASM 36K CP/M file transfer for Apple 2 using DC Hayes Micromodem 2 16.9 COMAND.LIB 7K console string processor 16.10 COMBINE.ASM 7K merges multiple files 16.11 FILE-XT2.ASM 8K system disk utility display 16.1² MNEMON21.ASÍ 28Ë multi-pasó CP/M memory tester Sig/M volume 17 miscellaneous CP/M utilies Name Size Description -CATALOG.017 contents of Sig/M volume 17 -CATALOG.ACK acknowledgement file 17.1 SCRAMBLE.DOC 2K command used to encode a CP/M file 17.2 SCRAMBLE.ASM 6K / 17.3 SORTV.DOC 2K sort program for variable length records 17.4 SORTV-12.ASM 13K / 17.5 TAG2.ASM 6K set/reset display the "no copy" flag 17.6 MNEXEC.COM 3K MicroNet executive 17.7 MNOVRLAY.ASM 4K overlay for MicroNet executive 17.8 WHICH/1.ASM 4K returns size and version of CP/M 17.9 STATUS.ASM 8K present various systems information under 2.2 17.10 NEWQCAT.ASM 5K quick catalog routine 17.11 WORM8/8.ASM 7K memory test 17.12 TFX12/18.ASM 21K CP/M to CP/M file transfer utility 17.13 XMODEM41.ASM 29K remote CP/M to CP/M file transfer 17.14 MOVPATCH.ASM 3K modifies MOVCPM for remote access 17.15 21BIOS.ASM 48K new BIOS for CP/M 2.0 17.16 21BIOS.DOC 3K / 17.17 21BOOT.ASM 4K / 17.18 MACRO.LIB 18K / 17.19 NPGEN.ASM 9K / 17.20 SPCLMAC.LIB 4K / 17.21 XDIR.ASM 13K updated CP/M directory display 17.22 XDIR.COM 2K / Sig/M volume 18 miscellaneous CP/M utilities -CATALOG.018 catalog of Sig/M volume 18 -CATALOG.ACK volume 18 acknowledgement file Name Size Description 18.1 2411DUMP.ASM 18K ICOM microfloppy utility 18.2 2411DUMP.COM 3K / 18.3 MFMACRO.LIB 17K / 18.4 3812DUMP.ASM 21K ICOM floppy utility 18.5 3812DUMP.COM 4K / 18.6 DDMACRO.LIB 18K / 18.7 AREACODE.ASM 14K region and state area code search 18.8 AREACODE.COM 7K / 18.9 BANZAI.ASM 9K copyright notice protect 18.10 CAT2.ASM 6K master catalog system for CP/M 2.X 18.11 FMAP3.ASM 7K / 18.12 UCAT2.ASM 8K / 18.13 CHAT15.ASM 6K chat with local remote CP/M operator 18.14 CHAT15.COM 1K / 18.15 DISPLAYP.ASM 3K display facilities of ED.COM 18.16 DISPLAY.COM 2K / 18.17 DISPLAY.DOC 3K / 18.18 FILE-EXT.ASM 7K display disk directory including hex data 18.19 FILE-EXT.COM 1K / 18.20 FILE-XT2.ASM 8K same as FILE-EXT.ASM with 2.X compatibility 18.21 FILE-XT2.COM 1K / 18.22 LOOK.ASM 7K searches for 1-9 byte sequence in memory 18.23 LOOK.COM 1K / 18.24 MACTIME.ASM 7K patch for real time clock in MAC.COM 18.25 ASMTIME.ASM 7K patch for real time clock in ASM.COM 18.26 STATTIME.ASM 6K patch for real time clock in STAT.COM 18.27 SAP.ASM 6K updated directory sort for CP/M 2.X 18.28 SAP.COM 1K / 18.29 XLOOK.ASM 13K disk/examine/modify utility Sig/M volume 19 miscellaneous Pascal Z programs (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 1) -CATALOG.019 contents of Sig/M volume 19 -CATALOG.ACK acknowledgement file ABSTRACT.019 comments file CRCKFILE.019 CRC of volume 19 19.1 AUTOBOOT.ASM 5K autoboot on CP/M cold start 19.2 AUTOBOOT.COM 1K / 19.3 LINEARP.PAS 11K simplex algorithm to minimize 19.4 LINEARP.COM 21K a cost function to constraints 19.5 VARIANT.PAS 1K demo for variant records 19.6 VARIANT.COM 5K / 19.7 REVERSE.PAS 2K demo for linked lists 19.8 REVERSE.COM 6K / 19.9 EDITFILE.PAS 9K adapted from S-100 Microsystems 19.10 EDITFILE.COM 13K / 19.11 RT.PAS 4K demo program for non-text files 19.12 RT.COM 8K / 19.13 STARS.PAS 6K game 19.14 STARS.COM 7K / 19.15 ADDN.PAS 1K simple demo to add two numbers 19.16 ADDN.COM 6K / 19.17 ZMNEMONS.DOC 13K programming aid 19.18 TRIAN.PAS 1K demo on FOR loops 19.19 TRIAN.COM 4K / 19.20 CONCHAR.PAS 6K utility for command line input 19.21 SCAN2X.PAS 5K file READ evaluation 19.22 SCAN2X.COM 8K / 19.23 STRDEMO.PAS 14K demo on string functions 19.24 STRLIB.DOC 4K part of STRDEMO.PAS 19.25 LONG.PAS 3K demo to string words together 19.26 LONG.COM 7K / 19.27 MAKEREL.DOC 8K convert REL. files from function blks 19.28 LIOS.ASM 7K novice utility 19.29 CONVERT.PAS 1K convert gas in liters 19.30 CONVERT.COM 6K / 19.31 COMPARE.bbb 11K compare source code files from UCSD 19.32 DUMP.ASM 23K expanded CP/M DUMP program 19.33 LSTR.PAS 2K generates a line of various length Sig/M volume 20 PCE System Monitor (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 2) -CATALOG.020 contents of Sig/M volume 20 CRCKFILE.020 CRC of Sig/M volume 20 ABSTRACT.020 comments on PCE System Monitor 20.1 SYSMON.DOC 103K Complete Manual of System Monitor 20.2 SYSMONA.Z80 2K Central subsystem module 20.3 ASPM1.Z80 11K Command subsystem, module one 20.4 ASPM2.Z80 12K Command subsystem, module two 20.5 VECTOR.Z80 3K Intel I/O standard vector subsystem 20.6 CONSOL.Z80 14K Console subsystem 20.7 DISK.Z80 5K Floppy disk subsystem, it ties CPM to the monitor so that both operate as an integrated whole 20.8 CASS.Z80 8K Cassette subsystem, controls the Dajen/ Teletek UCRI, includes Zapple compatile (RI) & (PO) 20.9 BMGEN.Z80 1K Bit map generator 20.10 BMGEN.COM 1K / 20.11 LOADER.Z80 10K Static loader for system 20.12 LOADER.COM 3K / 20.13 SYS.COM 16K Sys Monitor boot-up program 20.14 ONE.HEX 14K Used with bringing up bit map 20.15 ZERO.HEX 14K Used with bringing up bit map 20.16 COPYTT.Z80 1K Sample command, similiar to a COM file, this one is a Disk subsystem test utility 20.17 COPYTT.SMC 1K / Sig/M volume 21 miscellaneous Pascal Z utilities (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 3) -CATALOG.021 contents of Sig/M volume 21 ABSTRACT.021 comments on Sig/M volume 21 CRCKFILE.021 CRC of Sig/M volume 21 Name Size Description 21.1 AUTHOR.PAS 10K general purpose "keyword in text" 21.2 AUTHOR.COM 11K / 21.2a ADDRESS 1K / 21.2b BYTE.MAG 1K / 21.2c S100.MAG 1K / 21.3 CALC.PAS 12K calculator mode program 21.4 CALC.COM 16K / 21.5 CPLOT.PAS 2K simple banner program 21.6 CPLOT.COM 5K / 21.7 DELAY.PAS 1K general Pascal Z utilities 21.8 DELAY.REL 1K / 21.9 DELAY.SRC 1K / 21.10 INPORT.REL 1K / 21.11 INPORT.SRC 1K / 21.12 OUTPORT.REL 1K / 21.13 OUTPORT.SRC 1K / 21.14 KEYIN.REL 1K / 21.15 KEYIN.SRC 1K / 21.16 NAD.PAS 10K permuted keyword index program 21.17 NAD.COM 11K / 21.18 TDIABLO.MAC 6K driver for Diablo w/Teletek FDC-1 21.19 TDIABLO.COM 1K / 21.20 DIABLO.Z80 5K driver for Diablo w/SD Systems S100 21.21 DIABLO.COM 1K / 21.22 RANDOM.PAS 2K Fibonacci random number generator 21.23 RANDOM.REL 1K / 21.24 RANDOM.SRC 4K / 21.25 REBOOT.COM 1K rebooting desired file 21.26 STRLIB.LIB 12K Pascal Z library 21.27 WUMPUS.PAS 12K Wumpus game in Pascal Z 21.28 WUMPUS.COM 15K / 21.29 WUMPUS.DOC 4K / 21.30 CAVE0 1K / 21.31 CAVE1 1K / 21.32 CAVE2 1K / 21.33 CAVE4 1K / 21.34 CAVE5 1K / 21.35 ENTRY.PAS 6K creating SRC files 21.36 ENTRY.COM 9K / 21.37 ENTRY.DOC 6K / 21.38 PEEK.PAS 2K peek and poke in Pascal Z 21.39 POWERI.PAS 1K demo program on powers of numbers 21.40 POWERI.COM 7K / 21.41 POWERI.REL 2K / 21.42 RDR.PAS 7K an alpha-numeric numbers conversion program 21.43 DU.Z80 29K updated disk utility using Z80 code 21.44 DU.COM 4K / 21.45 DU.DOC 1K / Sig/M volume 22 miscellaneous Pascal Z utilities (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 4) -CATALOG.022 contents of Sig/M volume 22 ABSTRACT.022 comments CRCKFILE.022 CRC of volume 22 22.1 CFIO.LIB 2K program to open files 22.2 CONCORD.COM 10K program that builds an alphabetical 22.3 CONCORD.PAS 11K listing of distinct words 22.4 COSINE.PAS 2K Cosine program 22.5 COSINE.REL 2K / 22.6 COSINE.SRC 6K / 22.7 GEN5.COM 8K demo on accessing CP/M files 22.8 GEN5.PAS 5K / 22.9 GRAPH1.COM 10K demo on creating a graphic representation 22.10 GRAPH1.PAS 1K / of a function. 22.11 ISORTV1.COM 6K insertion sort with linked list 22.12 ISORTV1.PAS 4K / 22.13 LINENOS.COM 8K keep track of text lines 22.14 LINENOS.PAS 4K / 22.15 POINT.COM 6K demo on the use of pointers 22.16 POINT.PAS 2K / 22.17 RANDOM.MAC 4K "professional" random number generator 22.18 RANDOM.PAS 1K simple random number generator 22.19 SINCOS.SRC 5K sine/cosine utility 22.20 SINCOS.REL 1K / 22.21 STRLIB.DOC 5K Ray Penley's latest updated string lib. 22.22 STRLIB.LIB 13K / 22.23 TRIG4.COM 9K simple Demo program that builds a 22.24 TRIG4.PAS 2K / short Trig chart 22.25 XREFG2.COM 13K a binary tree type cross-ref generator 22.26 XREFG2.PAS 18K / 22.27 ZPTEX.COM 8K very simple text formatter 22.28 ZPTEX.PAS 8K / 22.29 LESSON4. 5K / 22.30 RECIPE.COM 12K recipe program 22.31 RECIPE.PAS 17K / 22.32 RECIPE.MST 1K / 22.33 RCPDAT.YYY 1K / 22.34 FCLOSE.COM 8K three different ways to close a file 22.35 FCLOSE.PAS 4K / in Pascal Z. Sig/M volume 23 MBasic disassembler Date Routines miscellaneous utilities (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 5) -CATALOG.023 contents of Sig/M volume 23 ABSTRACT.023 comments CRCKFILE.023 CRC of Sig/M volume 23 23.1 EXPO.PAS   demo on the use of exponents 23.2 EXPO.COM / 23.3 COMPARE.DOC UCSD program Compare documentation 23.4   DISASMB.DOÃ disassembler in MICROSOFT Basic related modules 8085 LST 8085 TAB XREF BAS ZILOG LST ZILOG TAB XREF SUB INTEL LST INTEL TAB TDL LST TDL TAB LST8085 BAS LSTINTEL BAS LSTTDL BAS LSTZILOG BAS TAB8085 BAS TABINTEL BAS TABTDL BAS TABZILOG BAS DISASMB BAS 23.5. DATE.DOC dates routines related modules PROMT LIB MAKEDATE LIB RMAKEDA LIB BRKDATE LIB DASTRLON LIB DASTRSH LIB DASTRFIX LIB DATE PAS DATEFUNC LIBŠ 23.6 MISC.DOC miscellaneous routines related modules GETINT LIB CAPCHAR LIB PADSTR LIB CAPSTR LIB DEPAD LIB STRVAL LIB 23.7 HANOI COM/PAS 23.8 DIS.ASM/DOC 23.9 CONFER.PAS/COM conference scheduling Sig/M volume 24 miscellaneous Pascal Z utilities (original material from Pascal Z UG volume 6) -CATALOG.024 catalog of Sig/M volume 24 -CATALOG.ACK acknowledgement file ABSTRACT.024 descriptive contents of volume 24 CRCKFILE.024 CRC of volume 24 24.1 COMPLEX.LIB 5K complex number utility 24.2 CURSOR.LIB 2K cursor control for SD Sales video 24.3 CURSOR.PAS 3K / 24.4 CURSOR.COM 7K / 24.5 FINDBAD.MAC 7K locate bad sectors under CP/M 2.X 24.6 FINDBAD.COM 2K / 24.7 LONGLINE.PAS 2K concatenation demo 24.8 LONGLINE.COM 7K / 24.9 NAD4.PAS 9K name address data entry 24.10 NAD4.COM 9K / 24.11 OTHELLO.PAS 6K Othello - UCSD version 24.12 OTHELL1.PAS 8K / 24.13 OTHELL2.PAS 8K / 24.14 OTHELLIN.PAS 8K / 24.15 PTABLE.PAS 1K table generating demo 24.16 PTABLE.COM 8K / 24.17 PTRS2.PAS 4K pointer demo program 24.18 PTRS2.COM 5K / 24.19 QQSORT.PAS 4K Pascal - Quicker Sort 24.20 QQSORT.LIB 3K / 24.21 QQSORT.COM 8K / 24.22 QSORT.COM 7K Pascal - Sort 24.23 QSORT.PAS 3K / 24.24 QSORT.LIB 1K / 24.25 RCPDAT.XXX 2K recipe program 24.26 RCPDAT.YYY 1K / 24.27 RCPDAT.MST 1K / 24.28 RECIPE.COM 15K / 24.29 RECIPE.PAS 20K / 24.30 SHELL.PAS 3K Pascal Shell sort 24.31 SHELL.COM 7K / 24.32 SHELL.LIB 1K / 24.33 SNOOPY81.CAL 5K 1981 calendar 24.34 XREF.PAS 10K cross reference program 24.35 XREF.COM 14K / 24.36 ZCOMPAR.PAS 2K Pascal file compare utility 24.37 ZCOMPAR.COM 7K / 24.38 F1.DAT 1K / 24.39 F2.DAT 1K / Sig/M volume 25 database seed system multi-track system BIOS fixed length disk sort system print format program (original materials from Pascal Z User Group volume 7) -CATALOG.025 contents of Sig/M volume 25 -CATALOG.ACK acknowledgement file ABSTRACT.025 comments on Sig/M volume 25 CRCKFILE.025 CRC of Sig/M volume 25 25.1 DATABASE.DOC 32K database seed program by Dr. Bowles 25.2 DBBUILDE.CPM 22K / 25.3 DBDEMO.CPM 1K / 25.4 DBUNIT.1 8K / 25.5 DBUNIT.2 19K / 25.6 DBUNIT.3 22K / 25.7 DBUNIT.4 17K / 25.8 DBUNIT.CPM 1K / 25.9 SGEN.COM 2K BIOS for greater than 2 system tracks 25.10 SGEN.MAC 10K / 25.11 MACROZ.MAC 18K / 25.12 CLIB.MAC 9K / 25.13 SGEN.DOC 5K / 25.14 BSORT.ASM 40K fixed length disk sort program 25.15 BSORT.COM 4K / 25.16 BSORT.NOT 4K / 25.17 PGLST.PAS 3K print format program 25.18 PGLST.COM 8K / 25.19 PGLST.NOT 1K / 25.20 W3UA.LIB 6K / Sig/M.026 games a simple mail label system electrical engineering package ham notebook front panel emulator VersaFloppy II double density BIOS -CATALOG.026 contents of Sig/M.026 -CATA026.ACK acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.026 checksum file index name size notes 26.01 CHEAT.ADV 3K unofficial ADVENTURE cheat sheet 26.02 CHEAT.DOC 1K / 26.03 VEGAS.ASM 26K super slot machine 26.04 EL-E.BAS 18K electrical engineering/design system 26.05 EL-E.INT 16K / 26.06 EL-E.DOC 2K / 26.07 QSO.BAÓ 1K haí notebooë - CBASIC 26.08 QSOEDIT.BAS 4K / 26.09 QSOMERGE.BAÓ  2K / 26.10 QSOFIND.BAS 1K / 26.11 QSOSCAN.BAS 4K / 26.12 QSOLIST.BAS 1K / 26.13 QSO.DOC 2K / 26.14 SYSMON.ASM 36K front panel emulator 26.15 SYSMON.COM 5K / 26.16 SYSMON.DOC 6K / 26.17 SVC.LIB 1K / 26.18 MYDDBIOS.Z80 13K VersaFloppy II double density BIOS 26.19 MYDDBIOS.DOC 4K / 26.20 DDSKBIOS.ASM 2K / 26.21 MYBOOT.Z80 2K / 26.22 FORMAT.Z80 10K / 26.23 SYSGEN.Z80 4K / 26.24 XEDIT.BAS 3K simple mail label system - data entry 26.25 XEDIT.INT 2K / 26.26 XMERGE.BAS 2K file merge 26.27 XMERGE.INT 1K / 26.28 XSCAN.BAS 2K delete items from master 26.29 XSCAN.INT 1K / 26.30 XEXTRACT.BAS 2K extract items from master 26.31 XEXTRACT.INT 1K / 26.32 XLIST.BAS 1K list items from master 26.33 XLIST.INT 1K / 26.34 XLABELS.BAS 2K mail label print 26.35 XLABELS.INT 1K / 26.36 XFIND.BAS 1K /query of master 26.37 XFIND.INT 1K / 26.38 XTEL.BAS 1K / query by telephone number 26.39 XTEL.INT 1K / 26.40 XMAIL.DOC 3K simple mail label system - documentationŠ BASIC-E(EBASIC.COÍ  anä  RUN.COM)¬  SCRAMBLÅ anä CRCË  havå  beeî includeä iî thå distributioî tï facilitatå access. Sig/M.027 Advanced Terminal Systems-Confidence Tests -CATALOG.027 contents of Sig/m.027 -CATA027.ACK acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.027 checksum file index size name notes 27.01 2K AND.SRC / 27.02 16K APUT.SRC / 27.03 1K ATSLIB.REL / 27.04 2K BITTER.SRC / 27.05 51K CONSRC.DOC documentation manual 27.06 27K CONTESTS.COM / 27.07 30K CONTESTS.PAS / 27.08 11K CPUTST.SRC / 27.09 7K CRCGEN.ASM / 27.10 1K DTST.PAS / 27.11 1K GETCHAR.SRC / 27.12 8K GOCRCGEN.ASM / 27.13 1K LIB.REL / 27.14 1K LOGIAND.SRC / 27.15 1K LOGIOR.SRC / 27.16 17K MEMTST.SRC / 27.17 9K SERT.SRC / 27.18 7K TESTSAVE.ASM / Sig/M.028 A Small Library for Pascal/Z Life/Wumpus Update NAD Accounts Receivable System Simple Doctor Billing Programs Home Remote Control Programs compiled by Charlie Foster -CATALOG.028 contents of Sig/M.028 -CATA028.ACK acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.028 checksum file index size names notes 28.01 4K LIBRARY.DOC A Small Library 28.02 2K ASL.REL / 28.03 1K CHAIN.REL / 28.04 1K CHAIN.SUB / 28.05 1K COMPILE.SUB / 28.06 1K HALT.REL / 28.07 1K HALT.SRC / 28.08 10K LIFE.COM variations of LIFE 28.09 9K LIFE.PAS / 28.10 10K LIFE-C.COM / 28.11 7K LIFE-C.C / 28.12 1K CAVE0 CAVE update 28.13 1K CAVE1 / 28.14 1K CAVE2 / 28.15 1K CAVE3 / 28.16 1K CAVE4 / 28.17 1K CAVE5 / 28.18 6K WADUZIT.COM waduzit do? 28.19 4K WADUZIT.DOC / 28.20 7K WADUZIT.PAS / 28.21 18K NAD.COM NAD Accounts Receivable System 28.22 12K NAD.PAS / 28.23 6K NAME&ADD.DOC / 28.24 25K RECEIVAB.COM / 28.25 17K RECEIVAB.PAS / 28.26 12K ACTTREC.DOC / 28.27 20K DISKBILL.PAS simple doctor billing programs 28.28 9K RECMAKE.PAS / 28.29 1K ANDMSK.SRC home remote control programs 28.30 2K EXORG.SRC / 28.31 3K COMPARE.PAS / 28.32 1K ORMSK.SRC / 28.33 2K REMOTE.SRC / 28.34 2K PROG.DOC / Sig/M.029 documentation addendum #1 of SIG/M and CPMUG catalog of public domain software volumes (original edition contained in Sig/M.015) Thió volumå containó thå variouó *.DOC¬  ABSTRACT.*¬ READ.ME¬ etã fileó  aó  containeä  iî thå CPMUÇ anä SIG/Í  volumes®  Thió  waó compileä  anä publisheä tï facilitatå readù referencå  oæ  publiã domaiî softwarå foò thå micro-hobbiests® CATALOG.nnn refers to a CPMUG release volume nnn SIGMLOG.nnn refers to a SIG/M release volume nnn Sig/M.030 documentation addendum #2 of SIG/M and CPMUG catalog of public domain software volumes (original edition contained in Sig/M.015 and Sig/M.029) Thió volumå containó thå variouó *.DOC¬  ABSTRACT.*¬ READ.ME¬ etã fileó  aó  containeä  iî thå CPMUÇ anä SIG/Í  volumes®  Thió  waó compileä  anä publisheä tï facilitatå readù referencå  oæ  publiã domaiî softwarå foò thå micro-hobbiests® CATALOG.nnn refers to a CPMUG release volume nnn SIGMLOG.nnn refers to a SIG/M release volume nnn Sig/M volume 31 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 1 of 8) 31.01 Star.Doc 19k 31.02 Star.Bas 5k 31.03 Starval.Bas 4k 31.04 Star1.Dat 177k 31.05 Star1.Bad 10k 31.06 Ikb-1.Rom 8k 31.07 Ikb-2.Rom 4k 31.08 Ikb-1&2.Doc 1k The material was compiled by Dr. Wayne Warren National Space Science Data Center Code 601 Goddard Space Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Sig/M volume 32 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 2 of 8) -Catalog.032 contents of Sig/M.032 Crcklist.032 checksum file 32.01 Star2.Dat 235k Sig/M volume 33 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 3 of 8) -Catalog.033 contents of Sig/M.033 Crcklist.033 checksum file 33.1 Star3.Dat 235k Sig/M volume 34 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 4 of 8) -Catalog.034 contents of Sig/M.034 Crcklist.034 checksum file 34.1 Star4.Dat 235k Sig/M volume 35 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 5 of 8) -Catalog.035 contents of Sig/M.035 Crcklist.035 checksum file 35.1 Star5.Dat 235k Sig/M volume 36 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 6 of 8) -Catalog.036 contents of Sig/M.036 Crcklist.036 checksum file 36.1 Star6.Dat 235k Sig/M volume 37 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 7 of 8) -Catalog.037 contents of Sig/M.037 Crcklist.037 checksum file 37.1 Star7.Dat 235k Sig/M volume 38 Yale Catalog of Bright Stars (volume 8 of 8) -Catalog.038 contents of Sig/M.038 Crcklist.038 checksum file 38.1 Star8.Dat 235k This volume was compiled by: Dr. Wayne Warren National Space Science Data Center Code 601 Goddard Space Center Greenbelt MD. 20771 converted by: John A Borders c/o NSWSES ERA PO Box 43-111 Port Hueneme CA. 93043 Sig/M volume 39 Updated IBM 3740 Disk Utility Language Analyzer -CATALOG.039 contents of Sig/M volume 39 ACKLIST.039 acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.039 checksum file of Sig/M volume 39 index name size description 39.01 3740UTIL.SUB 1K Updated 3740 Disk Utility 39.02 3740UTIL.DOC 8K / 39.03 3740UTIL.ASM 67K / 39.04 3740UTIL.COM 13K / 39.05 MACS3740.LIB 17K / 39.06 EGRAMMAR.GMR 1K Language Analyzer 39.07 EXAMPLE.GMR 1K / 39.08 EXAMPLE2 1K / 39.09 GRAMMA 1K / 39.10 LL1ANL.DOC 6K / 39.11 LL1ANL.PLI 3K / 39.12 LL1ANL.SUB 1K / 39.13 LL1LNK.SUB 1K / 39.14 LL1P00.PLI 3K / 39.15 LL1P10.PLI 18K / 39.16 LL1P1O.PLI 19K / 39.17 LL1P20.PLI 7K / 39.18 LL1P30.PLI 10K / 39.19 LL1P40.PLI 6K / 39.20 LL1P50.PLI 5K / 39.21 LL1P60.PLI 4K / 39.22 LL1P70.PLI 4K / 39.23 LL1P80.PLI 6K / 39.24 LL1PRC.PLI 13K / Sig/M volume 40 Miscellaneous System Support Utilities -CATALOG.040 Contents of Sig/M volume 40 ACKLIST.040 Acknowledgement File CRCKLIST.040 Checksum File 40.01 ISIS/CPM.ASM 25K Prom Resident ISIS System Emulator 40.02 ISIS/CPM.DOC 6K / 40.03 VMAP.BAS 6K MBasic Variable Mapper 40.04 VMAP.DOC 2K / 40.05 VMAP-SUB.DOC 2K / 40.06 QUMEDRV.ASM 4K Prom Resident Qume Driver 40.07 QUMEINST.ASM 4K / 40.08 CHARFREQ.BAS 2K Character Frequency Analysis 40.09 XFERTIME.BAS 2K File Transfer Time Program for RCPM 40.10 PAUSWAIT.ASM 8K Pause Option for SUBMIT 40.11 COMP2.ASM 8K Text Compression Routine 40.12 COMP2.COM 1K / 40.13 EXP2.ASM 10K Text Expansion of COMP2 40.14 EXP2.COM 1K / 40.15 MENU-V2.ASM 18K Menu Driver 40.16 MENU-V2.COM 1K / 40.17 RUN80-V2.ASM 40K Text Formatter 40.18 RUN80-V2.COM 4K / 40.19 RUN80.MEM 10K / 40.20 RUN80.RNO 9K / 40.21 HOST.Z80 10K File Load Between CP/M and Z8000 40.22 HOST.DOC 2K / 40.23 HOST.COM 1K / 40.24 MDS.Z80 14K MDS FDC Emulator 40.25 MDS.PRN 16K / Sig/M volume 41 Cromemco CDOS-CP/M System Support -CATALOG.041 Contents of Sig/M Volume 41 ABSTRACT.041 Random Notes on Sig/M Volume 41 ACKLIST.041 Acknowledgement File CRCKLIST.041 Checksum File 41.01 CDOSCOPY.Z80 12K CDOS Disk Copy Program 41.02 CDOSCOPY.COM 2K / 41.03 CDOSCOPY.PRN 26K / 41.04 CDOSFMAP.ASM 9K Modified Disk Cataloging System 41.05 CDOSFMAP.HEX 3K for CDOS 41.06 CDOSFMAP.PRN 17K / 41.07 CDOSFMAP.COM 1K / 41.08 UCAT.ASM 9K / 41.09 UCAT.HEX 5K / 41.10 UCAT.PRN 28K / 41.11 CDOSSAP.Z80 9K CDOS Sort and Pack Directory 41.12 CDOSSAP.PRN 19K / 41.13 CDOSSAP.COM 1K / 41.14 FDCBIOS.DOC 6K Updated BIOS for 16FDC and 4FDC 41.15 FDCBIOS.HEX 2K / 41.16 FDCBIOS.Z80 15K / 41.17 FDCBIOS.PRN 36K / 41.18 FDCBOOT.HEX 1K / 41.19 FDCBOOT.Z80 2K / 41.20 FDCBOOT.PRN 5K / 41.21 XEROX.Z80 13K FAST Copy ss/sd = 40 seconds 41.22 XEROX.COM 2K ss/dd = 70 seconds Sig/M Volume 42 SD Sales Hard Disk Support File Utilities - Pertec and CP/M WordMaster Customization Notes -CATALOG.042 Contents of Sig/M Volume 42 ACKLIST.042 Acknowledgement File CRCKLIST.042 Checksum File ABSTRACT.042 Random Notes on Sig/M Volume 42 42.01 HD-BIOS.Z80 30K VersaFloppy 2/XComp/Seagate 42.02 HD-BIOS.HEX 5K / 42.03 FDOS.ASM 29K File Access - Pertec FDOS and CP/M 42.04 FDOS.COM 3K / 42.05 MTX.ASM 36K File Access - Pertec MTX Basic 42.06 MTX.COM 5K and CP/M 42.07 MTX2000.ASM 36K File Access - Double Density MTX 42.08 MTX2000.COM 5K Basic and CP/M 42.09 PCC2000B.ASM 8K Expanded Access for PCC 2000 42.10 PCC2000B.COM 1K / 42.11 WMNOTES 2K WordMaster Customization Notes 42.12 WM.CTL 1K / 42.13 WM.DOC 8K / 42.14 WM.SYM 11K / 42.15 BYE.Z80 37K Remote Control Program for CDOS Sig/M volume 43 8080 TINCMP Compiler and Pidgin Programming System CP/M-86 Bios Support -CATALOG.043 contents of Sig/M volume 43 released November 25, 1981 ABSTRACT.043 abstract of Sig/M volume 43 ACKLIST.043 acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.043 checksum of Sig/M volume 43 index name size description 43.01 DESCRIP .DOC 16K details of TINCMP and PIDGIN 43.02 IOCMPLX .ASM 19K PIDGIN programming system 43.03 IOCMPLX .REL 2K / 43.04 MACROS .PGN 8K / 43.05 PIDGIN .S2M 10K / 43.06 PIDGINLB.REL 1K / 43.07 PIDMATH .ASM 5K / 43.08 PIDMATH .REL 1K / 43.09 STAGE2 .COM 12K STAGE2 support system 43.10 SYSTEM .ASM 1K PIDGIN programming 43.11 SYSTEM .REL 1K / 43.12 TINCMP .COM 17K TINCMP compiler 43.13 TINCMP .MAC 20K / 43.14 TINCMP .PGN 12K / 43.15 TINCMP .REL 5K / 43.16 TINTEST1.PGN 3K / 43.17 TINTEST2.PGN 3K / 43.18 TINTEST3.PGN 1K / 43.19 TINTEST4.PGN 3K / 43.20 TINTEST5.PGN 2K / 43.21 TINTEST6.PGN 2K / 43.22 WC .PGN 2K TINCMP test program 43.23 WRNXT .ASM 1K PIDGIN console I/O 43.24 WRNXT .REL 1K / 43.25 CBIOS .A86 17K CP/M-86 Bios 43.26 GOCPM86 .ASM 1K / 43.27 ERQ .A86 3K / 43.28 SD .A86 15K CP/M-86 directory sort Copyright (C) 1981 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 44 Miscellaneous CP/M Utilities -CATALOG.044 contents of Sig/M volume 44 released November 25, 1981 ACKLIST.044 acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.044 checksum of Sig/M volume 44 index name size description 44.01 CHAT16 .ASM 8K interactive remote/local operations 44.02 CPM2HELI.DOC 4K CP/M to Helios 44.03 CPM2HELI.OBJ 1K / 44.04 CPM2HELI.S 5K / 44.05 DU-V77 .ASM 42K updated disk utility 44.06 DU-V77 .DOC 6K / 44.07 DU-V77 .OBJ 6K / 44.08 FLAGS .DOC 2K edit file attributes 44.09 FLAGS12 .ASM 12K / 44.10 FMAP4 .ASM 11K update FMAP of cataloging system 44.11 FMAP4 .OBJ 2K / 44.12 HELI2CPM.OBJ 1K Helios to CP/M 44.13 HELI2CPM.S 5K / 44.14 PIPPATCH.ASM 5K patch for PIP 44.15 SD-41 .ASM 46K updated Super Directory 44.16 SD-41 .DOC 12K / 44.17 UNERA .HLP 3K UNERAse erased programs 44.18 UNERA11 .ASM 6K / 44.19 WASH-10 .DOC 16K disk directory maintenance utility 44.20 WASH-16 .ASM 34K / Copyright (C) 1981 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin N.J. 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 45 Dungeon - volume 1 of 3 original code for PDP-11 -CATALOG.045 contents of Sig/M volume 45 released November 25, 1981 CRCKLIST.045 checksum of Sig/M volume 45 index name size description 45.01 ACTORS .FTN 16K original code for Dungeon 45.02 CLOCKR .FTN 17K / 45.03 DEMONS .FTN 19K / 45.04 DGAME .FTN 10K / 45.05 DINIT .FTN 12K / 45.06 DMAIN .FTN 13K / 45.07 DSUB .FTN 18K / 45.08 DUNGEO .DOC 22K / 45.09 DVERB1 .FTN 13K / 45.10 DVERB2 .FTN 18K / 45.11 GDT .FTN 15K / 45.12 OBJCTS .FTN 21K / 45.13 RRND .MAC 2K / 45.14 RSXTIM .MAC 1K / 45.15 SVERBS .FTN 18K / 45.16 VERBS .FTN 21K / Copyright 1981 (C) by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 46 Dungeon - volume 2 of 3 original code for PDP-11 -CATALOG.046 contents of Sig/M volume 46 released November 25, 1981 CRCKLIST.046 checksum of Sig/M volume 46 index name size description 46.01 D .ODL 1K original code for Dungeon 46.02 DTEXT .DAT 221K / 46.03 LIGHTP .FOR 6K / 46.04 RSTSCB .CTL 2K / 46.05 RSXBLD .CMD 1K / 46.06 RSXCMP .CMD 1K / 46.07 RTBLD .COM 1K / 46.08 RTCMP .COM 1K / 46.09 VMSBLD .COM 1K / 46.10 VMSCMP .COM 2K / Copyright 1981 (C) by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 47 Dungeon - volume 3 0f 3 original code for PDP-11 -CATALOG.047 contents of Sig/M volume 47 released November 25, 1981 CRCKLIST.047 checksum of Sig/M volume 47 index name size description 47.01 BALLOP .FOR 7K original code for Dungeon 47.02 DINDX .DAT 49K / 47.03 DSO1 .FOR 6K / 47.04 DSO2 .FOR 8K / 47.05 DSO3 .FOR 4K / 47.06 DSO4 .FOR 7K / 47.07 DSO5 .FOR 5K / 47.08 DSO6 .FOR 6K / 47.09 DSO7 .FOR 7K / 47.10 NOBJS .FOR 20K / 47.11 NP .FOR 5K / 47.12 NP1 .FOR 25K / 47.13 NP2 .FOR 6K / 47.14 NP3 .FOR 10K / 47.15 NROOMS .FOR 15K / 47.16 ROOMS .FOR 18K / 47.17 RTTIM .FOR 1K / 47.18 SOBJS .FOR 18K / 47.19 VILLNS .FOR 19K / 47.20 VMSTIM .FOR 1K / Copyright 1981 (C) by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 48 Communication Utilities Miscellaneous CP/M Support -CATALOG.048 contents of Sig/M volume 48 released November 25, 1981 ACKLIST.048 acknowledgement file CRCKLIST.048 checksum of Sig/M volume 48 index name size description 48.01 CARRY12 .ASM 6K pause prior to load of .COM files 48.02 MODEM7 .DOC 16K update of Modem7 program 48.03 MODEM7 .LIB 14K / 48.0´ MODEM· .SEÔ 3Ë / 48.05 MODEM73 .ASM 63K / 48.06 MODEM73 .OBJ 10K / 48.07 SENDOUT3.ASM 5K sendout utility for PMMI 48.08 UNSPOOL .ASM 13K DESPOOL look-alike 48.09 UNSPOOL .DOC 8K / 48.10 USRDFLT2.CCP 15K pseudo CCP User 48.11 USRPW34 .ASM 17K password for User access control 48.12 XMODEM46.ASM 39K remote CP/M file transfer program 48.13 SQ .COM 14K pack ASCII file 48.14 USQ .COM 10K unpack ASCII file Copyright (C) 1981 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 49 Accounts Payable/Receivable System Master DataBase System -CATALOG.049 contents of Sig/M volume 49 released December 7, 1981 ABSTRACT.049 comments of programs index name size crc description 49.01 ADDADR .ASM 1K 3B 9E Accounts Payable/Receivable 49.02 ARCOMMON.DCL 1K 1B BD | 49.03 ARCUSTM .DCL 2K B5 66 | 49.04 ARLINK .SUB 1K 07 4D / 49.05 ARM000 .ASM 2K FC 1B / 49.06 ARM010 .ASM 2K A3 71 / 49.07 ARM011 .ASM 3K 7B B1 / 49.08 ARM020 .ASM 2K 92 00 / 49.09 ARM030 .ASM 2K F7 13 / 49.10 ARM040 .ASM 2K 7B E1 / 49.11 ARM050 .ASM 2K 7B F3 / 49.12 ARM060 .ASM 2K C3 5B / 49.13 ARM070 .ASM 2K 2E 0D / 49.14 ARP000 .PLI 3K 9C FC / 49.15 ARP000 .SUB 1K A2 F8 / 49.16 ARP010 .PLI 12K DE 8F / 49.17 ARP010 .SUB 1K 08 1A / 49.18 ARP020 .PLI 6K 3C A0 / 49.19 ARP020 .SUB 1K 91 13 / 49.20 ARP030 .PLI 6K A3 75 / 49.21 ARP030 .SUB 1K 64 48 / 49.22 ARP040 .PLI 8K 4A 2F / 49.23 ARP040 .SUB 1K 27 49 / 49.24 ARP050 .PLI 5K C5 79 / 49.25 ARP050 .SUB 1K AC AE / 49.26 ARP060 .PLI 5K F7 8C / 49.27 ARP060 .SUB 1K 1B 69 / 49.28 ARP070 .PLI 6K F2 AF / 49.29 ARP070 .SUB 1K 46 6D / 49.30 CHAIN .ASM 6K 3B EA / 49.31 GETD92 .PLI 2K E7 5D Master DataBase System 49.32 MDBSAMS .PLI 1K 8F 26 | 49.33 MDBSCALL.SUB 1K 9A 0D | 49.34 MDBSCL .ASM 4K 7C 48 | 49.35 MDBSCL01.ASM 3K 08 AF | 49.36 MDBSCL02.ASM 4K F6 0C | 49.37 MDBSCL03.ASM 3K 71 33 / 49.38 MDBSCRS .PLI 1K B5 5F / 49.39 MDBSDRM .PLI 1K 42 49 / 49.40 MDBSER .ASM 6K 28 AE / 49.41 MDBSER .PLI 5K 08 5E / 49.42 MDBSFFM .PLI 1K 9E 13 / 49.43 MDBSFMSK.PLI 1K F5 55 / 49.44 MDBSFNM .PLI 1K 1D F0 /Š49.4µ MDBSGETM.PLÉ 1Ë B· A± ¯ 49.46 MDBSPLII.ASM 5K E8 5B / 49.47 MDBSPLII.SUB 1K EA FD / 49.48 MDBSPUTM.PLI 1K F6 D0 / 49.49 MDBSRMS .PLI 1K B8 6A / 49.50 MDBSSOM .PLI 1K 55 D3 / 49.51 MODEM .ASM 12K 34 31 / 49.52 OUTTEL .PLI 1K 41 D8 / 49.53 OUTZIP .PLI 1K 5A 53 / 49.54 PLIAUX .SUB 1K 85 DC / 49.55 PUTERR .PLI 1K 19 B4 / 49.56 SCRNMAC .LIB 3K 06 33 / 49.57 SCRRTN .ASM 29K 34 02 / 49.58 SUBS1 .SUB 1K 27 7D / Copyrighô (c© 198± bù Sig/M-Amateuò Computeò Grouð oæ Ne÷ Jerseù Inc.¬ Boø 97¬ Iseliî NJ¬ 08830-0097® Sig/M Volume 50 DTC Hard Disk Bios Support Voice Synthesis System -CATALOG.050 contents of Sig/M volume 50 released December 13, 1981 index name size crc description 50.01 BIOS1 . 6K 48 8B DTC Hard Disk Bios Support 50.02 BIOS2 . 16K 27 EA / 50.03 BIOS3 . 12K D2 A6 / 50.04 BIOS4 . 2K 51 FA / 50.05 BOOT . 5K 6B 7B / 50.06 CONFIG . 3K 8F 81 / 50.07 DTC . 6K E3 B3 / 50.08 DTCLOAD .ASM 5K AC AE / 50.09 DTCLOAD .COM 1K 26 B9 / 50.10 DTCLOAD .HEX 2K 1D 9B / 50.11 DTCLOAD .PRN 10K DF 04 / 50.12 FORMAT . 16K 24 04 / 50.13 GBC . 4K 65 3A / 50.14 INSTALL . 4K 81 69 / 50.15 MODEL . 1K 78 73 / 50.16 README . 6K 99 38 / 50.17 ROM . 4K 67 00 / 50.18 SBC . 4K 3B 56 / 50.19 STSCMD . 4K 3E 54 / 50.20 STSCMD .SUB 1K 78 A9 / 50.21 STSCOPY . 19K AD DB / 50.22 STSCOPY .SUB 1K 72 B4 / 50.23 SYSCMD . 4K C1 D9 / 50.24 SYSCMD .SUB 1K CF 1F / 50.25 SYSTEM .SUB 2K 95 4E / 50.26 U .ASM 4K 69 2D Select Drive and User Area 50.27 U .COM 1K A3 25 with One Command 50.28 U .HEX 2K 83 3F / 50.29 U .PRN 6K A3 59 / 50.30 TALK@ .LIB 1K 25 09 Voice Synthesis System 50.31 VMAC .ASM 3K 0F C7 / 50.32 VMAC .HEX 1K E6 C9 / 50.33 VMAC .PRN 5K 5F 7D / 50.34 VOIC@ .DOC 3K 58 BC / 50.35 VOIC@ .LIB 18K C4 79 / 50.36 VOIC@EQU.LIB 6K 11 D6 / 50.37 VRMAC .ASM 3K D4 88 / 50.38 VRMAC .HEX 1K 56 D3 / 50.39 VRMAC .PRN 5K A4 53 / 50.40 YESMASTR.VOC 1K FF A2 / Copyright (c) 1981 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 51 1981 Information Catalog -CATALOG.051 contents of Sig/M volume 51 released January 2, 1982 index name crc size description 51.01 EXTRACT .CPM 76 CC 5K CPMUG volume titles 51.02 EXTRACT .SIG 5F 85 5K Sig/M volume titles 51.03 MEMO1981.SIG AF 68 6K Sig/M 1981 memo's 51.04 NEWS0281.SIG 2D 25 2K Sig/M 1981 newsletters 51.05 NEWS0481.SIG 32 01 8K / 51.06 NEWS0581.SIG 5E 41 6K / 51.07 NEWS0681.SIG FE 8F 7K / 51.08 NEWS0781.SIG C2 DC 9K / 51.09 NEWS0881.SIG F4 D9 7K / 51.10 NEWS0981.SIG 75 B2 4K / 51.11 NEWS1081.SIG F7 C2 8K / 51.12 NEWS1181.SIG ED 42 3K / 51.13 NEWS1281.SIG 86 A1 7K / 51.14 NEWS1980.SIG C9 CA 13K Sig/M 1980 newsletters 51.15 SUMMARY .CPM 3F B1 91K Summary of CPMUG catalogs 51.16 SUMMARY .SIG 44 26 48K Summary of Sig/M catalogs Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 52 Sig/M-CPMUG Cross Reference un'P'rotect MBasic Programs -CATALOG.052 contents of Sig/M volume 52 ABSTRACT.052 Sig/M volume 52 documentation index name size crc description 52.01 CAT .COM 1K 26 32 catalog system 52.02 FMAP .COM 2K 8C 9F / 52.03 UCAT .COM 2K 50 37 / 52.04 CATALIST.BAS 8K 98 84 cross reference system 52.05 CATALIST.COM 22K 35 54 / 52.06 SCATPAD .BAS 2K 4B EB / 52.07 SCATPAD .COM 15K D2 6A / 52.08 SCAT . 69K 9C 35 Sig/M-CPMUG reference data 52.09 MAST .CAT 72K 8C CB / 52.10 TestProt.BAS 1K ED 76 sample 'P'rotected file 52.11 UN .COM 5K 6B 74 un'P'rotect MBasic program * this cross reference listing along with Sig/M volumes 29, and 30 are contained in Book 2 of "The Catalog of Public Domain Software" published by the New York Amateur Computer Club Inc. Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 53 Updated SAM76 -CATALOG.053 contents of Sig/M volume 53 released January 2, 1982 ABSTRACT.053 SAM76 documentation index name size crc description 53.01 ASTRO .FNT 8K AC 16 Astrological signs for graphics 53.02 BONUS .DOC 1K BC 4B Function documentation 53.03 BOOK .DOC 1K 35 77 How to order SAM76 manual 53.04 CPMSETL .COM 1K 9D 9A Part of SAM76 setup procedure 53.05 DEMO .SAM 3K A1 F7 Some interesting demo programs 53.06 DIRFIX .SAM 1K AB F3 Disk directory routines 53.07 EXTF .ASM 19K 5E 47 Various routines, including 53.08 EXTF .DOC 1K CF C0 ..a clock driver. 53.09 FRIEND .DOC 1K 3C 3D oops!! Applies to something not supplied on disk: a vers of SAM76 that runs at 8000H 53.10 G .SAM 2K A4 E2 Sets up SAM for load-and-go 53.11 HOOH .SAM 1K 3C 88 Hex to octal to hex 53.12 IDUMP .COM 1K D4 15 Interpreted file dump (**) 53.13 ILRAW .COM 13K 81 B2 Raw copy of SAM76. See READ-ME.DOC and S.DOC 53.14 INFO .SAM 10K CD BB Creates following .DOC files 53.15 INFO1 .DOC 1K DB 37 <> ?? 53.16 INFO2 .DOC 1K A0 83 Misc. DOC 53.17 INFO3 .DOC 2K 73 12 Misc. DOC 53.18 INFO4 .DOC 1K 5C 62 <> ?? 53.19 INFO5 .DOC 2K BF 1B Misc. DOC 53.20 LABEL .SAM 3K 1D D9 Demo prog. 53.21 LOOP .SAM 1K 4B 5E Demo prog. 53.22 MOVE2 .SAM 1K 37 A9 Demo prog. 53.23 MULT .SAM 1K DC 6D Multiplies long decimal #'s 53.24 NEWS .SAM 5K EE FF Random news story generator. 53.25 P1UR .FNT 10K F0 1A Used with graphics 53.26 PLOT .ASM 15K 72 6E For graphics on Poly/TRS-80 53.27 PLOT .DOC 1K 87 03 ..type board, or plotter. 53.28 PRINT .SAM 7K 14 36 Print SAM files 53.29 READ-ME .DOC 3K 6B D4 One user's experiences. 53.30 S .DOC 2K 89 67 Doc on creating S.COM 53.31 SIZE .SAM 1K 4A 34 Demo 53.32 SIZLST .SAM 1K 4A 13 Demo 53.33 SLED .SAM 4K 9A 65 Demo 53.34 THREED .SAM 4K 70 56 Demo 53.35 UPD051 .TXT 7K B6 1E ??? 53.36 UPD052 .TXT 7K 36 C6 ??? 53.37 VERIFY .SAM 1K 5A D8 Demo 53.38 VOLSAM .DOC 6K B2 9B Volume documentation ("extended abstract") 53.39 X$UTIL .SAM 3K C2 67 DemoŠ SAM7¶ waó submitteä bù thå authoò tï Sig/Í witè correctionó tï CPMUÇ volumå 34® "SAM7¶ Thå Firsô Languagå Manual¢ ió availablå fromº SAM76 Inc. Box 257 RR1 Pennington, N. J., 08534 * reference PRICES.DOC file for more information Seå  Dr®  Dobbó  Journaì #2¶ (Volumå 3¬  Issuå 1© foò á  looë  aô SAM76¬ buô consideò thå abovå booë aó thå "real¢ reference. *ª  .SAÍ  fileó  arå noô printablå duå tï  control-Ú  aô  theiò start¬  sï IDUMÐ waó includeä oî thió disë "foò thå curious"®  Iô ió aî hex-ascié interpreteä filå dumð program. Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 54 Z80 Command Processor Replacement Capture CONIN and CONOUT Onto Disk 2.2 Bios For Thinker Toys -CATALOG.054 contents of Sig/M volume 54 released February 2, 1982 index name size crc description 54.01 BDOSLOC .ASM 2K EB D4 Z80 Command Processor 54.02 DISK .DIR 1K 5C CE CCP 2.2 Replacement 54.03 READ .ME 6K D7 AB / 54.04 SIG/M .SUB 4K 15 86 / 54.05 ZCPR .ASM 51K 7A 46 / 54.06 ZCPR .DOC 45K 94 B7 / 54.07 ZCPR .HLP 15K 26 9D / 54.08 ZCPR .WS 40K A2 C2 / 54.09 I/O-CAP .ADD 1K 74 31 Capture CONIN and CONOUT 54.10 I/O-CAP .ASM 19K A2 1A onto a disk file 54.11 TTBOOT .ASM 3K C9 01 2.2 Bios for Thinker Toys 54.12 TTCBIOS .ASM 7K B5 80 / 54.13 TTSDDJ .HLP 4K 93 E8 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 55 documentation addendum #3 of SIG/M catalog of public domain software volumes (supplement to Sig/M volumes 15, 29, and 30) Thió volumå containó thå variouó *.DOC¬  ABSTRACT.*¬ READ.ME¬ etã fileó  aó containeä iî thå SIG/Í volumes®  Thió waó compileä  anä publisheä tï facilitatå readù referencå oæ publiã domaiî softwarå foò thå micro-hobbiests® SIGMLOG.nnn refers to a SIG/M release volume nnn index name size crc description 55.01 SIGMLOG .031 20K 5D 01 Sig/M catalog documentation 55.02 SIGMLOG .032 1K 2F 0A / 55.03 SIGMLOG .033 1K 4B 2E / 55.04 SIGMLOG .034 1K 1C F2 / 55.05 SIGMLOG .035 1K A7 3B / 55.06 SIGMLOG .036 1K 9B DA / 55.07 SIGMLOG .037 1K 8D 9F / 55.08 SIGMLOG .038 1K 19 DD / 55.09 SIGMLOG .039 15K 06 48 / 55.10 SIGMLOG .040 11K 75 2C / 55.11 SIGMLOG .041 9K AF C2 / 55.12 SIGMLOG .042 13K CE 13 / 55.13 SIGMLOG .043 24K 32 2E / 55.14 SIGMLOG .044 39K 6C BF / 55.15 SIGMLOG .045 23K 29 9E / 55.16 SIGMLOG .046 1K 1E C9 / 55.17 SIGMLOG .047 1K A7 F0 / 55.18 SIGMLOG .048 24K DB 5A / 55.19 SIGMLOG .049 4K 42 47 / 55.20 SIGMLOG .050 5K 3E B3 / 55.21 SIGMLOG .051 1K FA FE / 55.22 SIGMLOG .052 6K D9 55 / 55.23 SIGMLOG .053 12K 2C 57 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 56 Musicraft Software System (reference Sig/M Volumes 57 & 58) -CATALOG.056 contents of Sig/M volume 56 released February 8, 1982 index name size crc description 56.01 COMP .COM 8K C6 20 Musicraft System 56.02 EDIT .COM 11K 30 40 / 56.03 HELP .MUS 42K 48 0F / 56.04 MUSIC .COM 4K 28 C5 / 56.05 PCOPY .COM 1K DD CE / 56.06 PRINT .COM 1K F2 B2 / 56.07 PLAY .COM 9K 83 A7 / 56.08 READ .ME 1K BE EB / 56.09 SETUP .COM 14K 21 73 / 56.10 UTIL .COM 7K 09 24 / 56.11 WAVE .COM 7K 4B 26 / 56.12 APND1 .DOC 17K D1 30 Musicraft Documentation 56.13 APND2 .DOC 3K 75 1A / 56.14 CHECK .DOC 14K 5D 91 / 56.15 INTRO .DOC 16K 9B 3E / 56.16 OPTNS .DOC 16K 7C 42 / 56.17 PROG1 .DOC 19K BE 9E / 56.18 PROG2 .DOC 17K 5D 69 / 56.19 PROG3 .DOC 19K 42 90 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 57 Musicraft Selections (reference Sig/M volumes 56 & 58) -CATALOG.057 contents of Sig/m volume 57 released February 8, 1982 index name size crc description 57.01 ALEGRETO.SNG 3K E9 8A Musicraft Selections 57.02 BACHBUCH.SCD 1K 5B 14 57.03 BBB .SNG 8K 60 E1 57.04 BIRTHDAY.SNG 1K 1B 16 57.05 BOURREE .SNG 4K EB 73 57.06 CAPRICIO.SNG 4K D6 8D 57.07 CLARINET.WAV 1K 61 55 57.08 CLASSICS.SCD 1K 89 CF 57.09 CODA .SNG 7K 7F 92 57.10 DUET .SNG 2K BA 6D 57.11 EQ12 .WAV 1K 61 38 57.12 EQ124 .WAV 1K 78 F6 57.13 FLS .SNG 9K E1 9A 57.14 FUGHETTO.SNG 3K 74 63 57.15 GAVOTTE .SNG 7K 8C 23 57.16 INTERACT.SCD 1K 59 A4 57.17 INVENT1 .SNG 6K FC A3 57.18 INVENT3 .SNG 7K BD 09 57.19 INVENT4 .SNG 7K 10 D2 57.20 INVENT8 .SNG 7K 48 97 57.21 KYBD1 .SNG 3K 2B F9 57.22 KYBD2 .SNG 1K 65 96 57.23 KYBD3 .SNG 1K 33 6F 57.24 KYBD4 .SNG 3K 05 34 57.25 MODERN .SCD 1K 29 65 57.26 MOLTO .SNG 5K AA 2C 57.27 MOZART .SNG 4K 7F C4 57.28 OBOE .WAV 1K 10 70 57.29 ORGAN .WAV 1K 41 B9 57.30 ORIGINAL.SCD 1K 7B 86 57.31 PAUL .SNG 5K 4F E9 57.32 PRAELUD1.SNG 10K 70 29 57.33 READ .ME 1K 7A F9 57.34 SAW2 .WAV 1K 1B A0 57.35 SAW3 .WAV 1K 40 95 57.36 SAW4 .WAV 1K C3 BD 57.37 SAWTOOTH.WAV 1K 1C 73 57.38 SCARLATI.SNG 18K 69 78 57.39 SCHERZO .SNG 4K 9E 53 57.40 SHOSTO1 .SNG 10K D9 06 57.41 SINE .WAV 1K 03 6E 57.42 SQUARE .WAV 1K 41 0A 57.43 T42 .SNG 6K A4 CA 57.44 TRNS .SNG 7K D9 0C 57.45 TRUMPET .WAV 1K FD B7 57.46 TRUMPET2.WAV 1K F6 ED 57.47 VANBEET .SNG 6K 09 48 57.48 WAVES .SCD 1K 86 37 57.49 WAVES .SNG 1K DC E3 Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 58 Musicraft System Source (reference Sig/M volumes 56 & 57) -CATALOG.058 contents of Sig/M volume 58 released February 8, 1982 index name size crc description 58.01 CIOS .SQC 9K D1 92 Musicraft System Source Code 58.02 CIOSP .SQC 5K CB 1D / 58.03 COMP1 .SQC 12K CA F1 / 58.04 COMP2 .SQC 1K F5 59 / 58.05 CPM .SQC 1K AD 50 / 58.06 CUTIL .SQC 6K 05 B5 / 58.07 EDIT1 .SQC 11K 3B B2 / 58.08 EDIT2 .SQC 7K 30 71 / 58.09 EDIT3 .SQC 11K 90 27 / 58.10 EDIT4 .SQC 6K F0 65 / 58.11 EDIT5 .SQC 1K 84 B6 / 58.12 FLOAT .SQC 11K F8 83 / 58.13 MACROS .SQC 4K F9 B6 / 58.14 MUSIC1 .SQC 5K 1B 92 / 58.15 MUSIC2 .SQC 1K A7 C5 / 58.16 PLAY1 .SQC 12K 9D 0D / 58.17 PLAY2 .SQC 7K 1A 9A / 58.18 TIOS .SQC 5K 7A 0A / 58.19 TIOSP .SQC 5K ED CA / 58.20 TRS80 .SQC 1K 50 5F / 58.21 TUTIL .SQC 5K 66 3F / 58.22 UTIL1 .SQC 12K 6E 41 / 58.23 UTIL2 .SQC 2K 7B 39 / 58.24 WAVE1 .SQC 12K 99 DA / 58.25 WAVE2 .SQC 2K 1E 3E / 58.26 SQ .COM 14K 1E 8B SQueeze compression program 58.27 USQ .COM 10K 56 1F UnSQueeze expansion program * use UnSQueeze to expand source (*.SQC) files Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 59 PISTOL - Portably Implemented STack Oriented Language by Ernest E. Bergmann -CATALOG.059 contents of Sig/M volume 59 released March 17,1982 SIG/M.LIB Sig/M library submittal form CRCK.COM computes CRC checksum index name size crc description 59.01 CABORT .ASM 2K F0 A7 P I ST O L - Portably Implemented 59.02 CABORT .CRL 1K 68 85 STack Oriented Language 59.03 CORE1 . 13K 25 57 / 59.04 ENVIRON .DOC 2K E4 DB / 59.05 PBASE . 17K 7A 8E / 59.06 PISTB .C 8K 92 B1 / 59.07 PISTB .CRL 6K E0 16 / 59.08 PISTC .C 3K 05 3B / 59.09 PISTC .CRL 2K 08 27 / 59.10 PISTD .C 5K 36 C6 / 59.11 PISTD .CRL 5K B1 CE / 59.12 PISTE .C 3K 5F E9 / 59.13 PISTE .CRL 2K 4E AA / 59.14 PISTF .C 6K 9D 45 / 59.15 PISTF .CRL 4K 38 42 / 59.16 PISTGEN .SUB 1K ED A8 / 59.17 PISTOL .C 4K FE D1 / 59.18 PISTOL .COM 18K 33 20 / 59.19 PISTOL .CRL 2K FD 8C / 59.20 PISTOL .DOC 39K E4 47 / 59.21 PISTOL .H 4K E8 BD / 59.22 PISTOL .PAS 41K 9F 4E / 59.23 PISTSUB .SUB 1K 0E 46 / 59.24 READ .ME 7K D3 D3 / 59.25 SESSION0.DOC 5K C8 81 / 59.26 SESSION1.DOC 9K C8 3F / PISTOL-Portably Implemented STack Oriented Language A language in the footsteps of FORTH and STOIC CABORT.ASM code for MAC to make CABORT.CRL that contains the abort() function, similar to the setjmp() and longjmp() of BDS C v1.45a. CABORT.CRL CORE1. "core image" that results from compiling PBASE. (see PISTOL.DOC for details) ENVIRON.DOC suggests at least 48K ram total. PBASE. PISTOL source code used to "educate" PISTOL.COM to be as smart as described in PISTOL.DOC. PISTB.C module #2 PISTB.CRL PISTC.C module #3 PISTC.CRL PISTD.C module #4 PISTD.CRL PISTE.C module #5 PISTE.CRL PISTF.C module #6 PISTF.CRL PISTGEN.SUB SUBMIT file to generate this disk PISTOL.C main module PISTOL.COM *** this and: 'CORE1 RESTORE will give you a new development language; try it you'll like it (check the 40K documentation for best results!) PISTOL.CRL PISTOL.DOC 40K documentation of PISTOL PISTOL.H constants and externals for PISTOL PISTOL.PAS 42K PASCAL version of PISTOL that runs on a DEC-20 mainframe computer; it helps define the way PISTOL should be created. PISTSUB.SUB SUBMIT file to compile and link all C modules READ.ME History and editorial vis-a-vis with FORTH and STOIC SESSION0.DOC example, chatty, session showing some of the most basic operations available in PISTOL. SESSION1.DOC more of above, shows how CONSTANTs, VARIABLEs, new words, and macros are created. Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 60 Miscellaneous CP/M Utilities -CATALOG.060 contents of Sig/M volume 60 released March 17, 1982 SIG/M.LIB Sig/M library submittal form CRCK.COM computes CRC checksum index name size crc description 60.01 D-24 .ASM 17K E3 33 Restricted Directory List 60.02 D-24 .COM 2K 44 70 / 60.03 DUPUSR2 .ASM 8K CA 07 Duplicate Directory Entry 60.04 DUPUSR2 .COM 1K 44 75 / 60.05 FLIP4 .ASM 3K 17 CB Updated Originate/Answerback FLIP 60.06 FLIP4 .COM 1K FC E8 / 60.07 MLIST50 .ASM 13K 82 81 Multiple File List Directory 60.08 MLIST50 .COM 2K 44 B0 / 60.09 ENTBBS25.ASC 8K F4 FC Updated RBBS System 60.10 MINBBS25.ASC 18K 19 34 / 60.11 RBBS22 .DOC 6K 00 8D / 60.12 RBBS25 .ASC 23K C1 52 / 60.13 RBSUTL22.ASC 9K DB 66 / 60.14 SD-41 .DOC 12K D1 AB Updated Super Directory 60.15 SD-42 .ASM 47K FA 01 / 60.16 SD-42 .COM 2K 13 5D / 60.17 FLS-11 .COM 9K 0C 99 Updated SQueeze and UnSQueeze 60.18 SQ-15 .COM 14K 1E 8B / 60.19 SQ/USQ15.DOC 1K C5 B7 / 60.20 SQUEEZER.DOC 23K A0 4D / 60.21 USQ-15 .COM 10K 56 1F / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 61 Dan's Information Management System (DIMS) by Dan Dugan Sound System -CATALOG.061 contents of Sig/M volume 61 released May 9, 1982 index name size crc description 061.01 ARTICLES.D 4K 70 85 Dan's Information Management 061.02 ARTICLES.DD 4K 70 85 System / 061.03 ARTICLES.DOC 1K DF A8 / 061.04 DCFORM .ASC 9K 5F FC / 061.05 DCREATE .ASC 4K 97 03 / 061.06 DDOC .ASC 3K 7F AC / 061.07 DEDIT .ASC 25K 19 B8 / 061.08 DGET .ASC 3K 1F E3 / 061.09 DHELP .ASC 2K BC DA / 061.10 DHELP .DOC 6K F1 0A / 061.11 DIMS .ASC 10K 06 0E / 061.12 DINSTALL.DOC 37K 7D D2 / 061.13 DLABELS .ASC 6K F2 D3 / 061.14 DLETTERS.ASC 6K B2 B6 / 061.15 DPUT .ASC 4K 2F D8 / 061.16 DSORT .ASC 14K E8 2C / 061.17 DSTAT .ASC 7K 67 F8 / 061.18 FILES .DOC 3K 7E 88 / 061.19 FORMFORM.DWS 17K 55 6F / 061.20 LONGADDR.D 1K 0F 60 / 061.21 LONGADDR.DD 1K 0F 60 / 061.22 READ .ME 3K C8 47 / 061.23 SHORT .DFO 1K AE 4E / 061.24 SHORT1 .DFO 1K EA 85 / 061.25 SHORTADD.D 1K 18 AF / 061.26 SHORTADD.DD 1K 18 AF / 061.27 STANDADD.D 1K D5 06 / 061.28 STANDADD.DD 1K D5 06 / 061.29 STRIP .BAS 3K D5 22 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 62 Extracts from Pascal Z UG Library #10 materials duplicated in Sig/M and CPMUG libraries were omitted -CATALOG.062 contents of Sig/M volume 62 released May 9, 1982 ABSTRACT.062 Pascal-Z UG commentary %index name size crc description 062.01 DTST .COM 3K 5D C8 Disk Test Diagnostic 062.02 DTST .DOC 12K 95 D8 / 062.03 DTST .Z80 23K 2E 84 / 062.04 DOCOMM .PAS 5K 11 A4 Formatting Program 062.05 DOCOMM .REL 3K DC 51 / 062.06 DOTEXT .PAS 5K C4 6D / 062.07 DOTEXT .REL 3K 24 07 / 062.08 GLOBALS .TOP 5K 7D FE / 062.09 KFORMAT .COM 18K 70 3D / 062.10 KFORMAT .DOC 6K DA B2 / 062.11 KFORMAT .PAS 6K 5B 90 / 062.12 KFORMAT .REL 6K 35 01 / 062.13 KFORMAT .SUB 1K A7 90 / 062.14 KFORMAT .SYM 3K 9F 3E / 062.15 KFORMAT .TYP 1K 5D EE / 062.16 STDFUNC .TOP 1K 4A E2 / 062.17 STDIO .PAS 4K AD 7E / 062.18 STDIO .PRM 1K DB 9A / 062.19 STDIO .REL 4K B6 9B / 062.20 PARTA .PAS 15K 7D 84 Pretty Print 062.21 PARTB .PAS 17K 90 D7 / 062.22 PARTC .PAS 11K 4F E5 / 062.23 PRETTY .DOC 10K 7D 88 / 062.24 PRETTY .PAS 1K 01 E2 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 63 Extracts from Pascal Z UG Library Volume 11 duplicate Sig/M programs deleted -CATALOG.063 contents of Sig/M volume 63 released May 18, 1982 ABSTRACT.063 Pascal-Z commentary index name size crc description 063.01 ALPHABET.COM 9K A5 36 NAD Program 063.02 ALPHABET.PAS 5K DF 44 / 063.03 NAD-3 .COM 26K 9E 5F / 063.04 NAD-3 .PAS 23K DA B5 / 063.05 NAD3ADD .DOC 11K 07 08 / 063.06 RECEIVA1.COM 28K 61 6C / 063.07 RECEIVA1.DOC 10K 3B 46 / 063.08 RECEIVA1.PAS 21K 77 EF / 063.09 COPYFST3.ASM 26K 95 2B Fast Copy Program 063.10 COPYFST3.COM 2K C7 B9 / 063.11 COPYFST3.DOC 26K D7 E0 / 063.12 FCOUNT .PAS 10K F9 22 Character/Line Count in File 063.13 FILEDUMP.PAS 2K E9 9B File Dump Utility 063.14 FINDHI .PAS 5K A1 7A Search for Leading Bit 063.15 NEWFILE .PAS 1K 44 E9 Quick New File Create Program 063.16 REMOVECC.PAS 10K C8 FD Digraphs of Unprintable Characters 063.17 TRIMCOLS.PAS 8K 16 12 Trims Column Length Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 64 Pascal Z UG Volume 12 -CATALOG.064 contents of Sig/M volume 64 released May 19, 1982 ABSTRACT.064 Pascal-Z UG commentary index name size crc description 064.01 INSTALL .PAS 4K 67 D6 NAD Extensions 064.02 INSTALL .COM 9K A5 9C / 064.03 LABEL .PAS 4K 23 82 / 064.04 LABEL .COM 10K 23 E4 / 064.05 LOCATE .PAS 5K 09 DA / 064.06 LOCATE .COM 14K 6C 9F / 064.07 LOCACCTS.PAS 4K C7 38 / 064.08 LOCACCTS.COM 12K DD 60 / 064.09 QUERY .PAS 1K 92 87 Pascal Utilities 064.10 QUERY .SRC 3K 19 DE / 064.11 INTEGER .PAS 1K DE 93 / 064.12 INTEGER .SRC 3K 7D 64 / 064.13 CLEAR .PAS 1K A1 46 / 064.14 PROMPT .PAS 1K 40 95 / 064.15 PROMPT .SRC 4K 2D 8C / 064.16 ERASE .PAS 1K 85 E7 / 064.17 ERASE .SRC 2K E0 E1 / 064.18 REPCHAR .PAS 1K F7 02 / 064.19 REPCHAR .SRC 2K FF 0C / 064.20 MOVE .PAS 1K 35 81 / 064.21 MOVE .SRC 1K 2F D2 / 064.22 LCASE .PAS 1K 3D A7 Basic equivalents 064.23 LCASE .SRC 3K 5C 67 / 064.24 UCASE .PAS 1K CB 83 / 064.25 UCASE .SRC 3K FC BD / 064.26 STR .PAS 2K A6 FB / 064.27 STR .SRC 6K 04 9E / 064.28 SPACE .PAS 1K 6A 8D / 064.29 SPACE .SRC 2K 5A 07 / 064.30 POWER .PAS 1K 2E 9E / 064.31 POWER .SRC 4K 33 FB / 064.32 RIGHT .PAS 1K 15 D1 / 064.33 RIGHT .SRC 3K 55 94 / 064.34 MID .PAS 1K 62 ED / 064.35 MID .SRC 3K 49 CA / 064.36 LEFT .PAS 1K 15 9D / 064.37 LEFT .SRC 3K C1 EF / 064.38 INPUT .PAS 1K BE 89 / 064.39 CORRECT .PAS 1K 87 2A / 064.40 XREF .PAS 19K 38 2F Cross Reference 064.41 XREF .COM 28K C4 16 / 064.42 HANDCALC.PAS 14K 71 59 Scientific Calculator 064.43 HANDCALC.COM 24K DE E3 / 064.44 RANDOM .SRC 2K 72 D5 Random Number Generation 064.45 RANDOM .REL 1K C5 05 / 064.46 RANDOM .LIB 1K 89 8C / 064.47 RANTEST .COM 9K 32 8C / 064.48 RANTEST .PAS 1K 39 0C / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 65 Updated Bulletin Board System Support Miscellaneous Utilities -CATALOG.065 contents of Sig/M volume 65 released June 19, 1982 CRCK .COM checksum validation program index name size crc description 065.01 BYE .DOC 12K 06 AF Updated BYE 065.02 BYE78 .ASM 70K A9 F5 / 065.03 DIRLST/1.ASM 5K 7F D0 ASCII Directory List for SUBMIT 065.04 ENTAB .ASM 10K 47 F3 Replace spaces with tabs 065.05 FILECOPY.ASM 6K C6 7B Single drive file copy 065.06 MODEM76 .ASM 69K 07 3C Updated MODEM 065.07 MODEM76 .COM 10K EA 75 / 065.08 MODEM76 .SET 6K CC D6 / 065.09 SUBGEN10.DOC 13K 79 D4 .SUB file generator 065.10 SUBGEN12.ASM 19K 31 09 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 66 Updated Bulletin Board System Support Miscellaneous Utilities -CATALOG.066 contents of Sig/M volume 66 released June 29, 1982 CRCK .COM checksum validation program index name size crc description 066.01 APBYE .ASM 36K C0 A7 Apple modem support 066.02 APMBOOT .ASM 8K A7 87 / 066.03 APMODEM .DOC 5K 92 2B / 066.04 APMODM22.ASM 40K C0 7C / 066.05 MODEM3 .ASM 34K CE E3 Modem support for PMM 103 066.06 SD-43 .DOC 2K 36 B0 Updated Super Directory 066.07 SD-44 .ASM 48K 17 EC / 066.08 ZCPR-14 .ASM 61K 85 61 Customized CCP Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 67 Updated Bulletin Board System Support Miscellaneous Utilities -CATALOG.067 contents of Sig/M volume 67 released June 12, 1982 CRCK .COM checksum validation program index name size crc description 067.01 FINDBD54.ASM 32K 52 F6 Find diskette bad spots 067.02 I8085 .LIB 2K 0B 4F 8085 Macro Library 067.03 NEWBAUD2.ASM 4K 07 C6 Change BAUD rate w/o redialing 067.04 PRLOD .ASM 4K 33 6F Relocation loader for .PRL files 067.05 REZ7/31 .ASM 33K 15 73 Update RESOURCE 067.06 REZ7/31 .DOC 26K 34 A2 / 067.07 SMFORTH1.ASM 22K 06 4C Minimal FORTH 067.08 SMODEM36.MAC 83K 46 AE Updated MODEM 7 for Smart Modem 067.09 SUB .ASM 22K EB 28 Extended SUBMIT 067.10 WHODERE2.ASM 9K 2D 58 Record disk I/O onto LST: Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 68 Miscellaneous CP/M Utilities -CATALOG.068 contents of Sig/M volume 68 released July 3, 1982 ABSTRACT.068 notes on DIF2, DYNATRCE and TURNKEY CRCK .COM checksum validation program index name size crc description 068.01 DIF2 .OBJ 15K 6D 0D Differential file print 068.02 DIF2 .RNO 4K 84 6B / 068.03 SSED2 .OBJ 11K D8 D7 / 068.04 DYNATRCE.ASM 54K 18 56 8080 emulator/trace program 068.05 ED/ASM .COM 5K B1 0C Editor/Assembler program 068.06 ED/ASM .DOC 8K AB 79 / 068.07 ICOPY1 .ASM 7K CF FC ISIS II to CP/M conversion 068.08 MFT46A .ASM 18K 5D 2B Single drive-file transfer 068.09 PLINK65 .ASM 24K 9F AE Remote file communication 068.10 PLINK65 .DOC 5K 72 8A / 068.11 TSAVE4 .ASM 6K D4 C8 Tarbell program save 068.12 TURNKEY .PAT 3K AA 23 CP/M turnkey commands 068.13 TURNKEY .PGM 9K A7 69 / 068.14 TURNKEY .PUN 5K D2 E8 / 068.15 UNSPOL33.ASM 21K 80 12 Updated "DESPOOL" look-alike 068.16 UNSPOOL .DOC 13K 45 D1 / 068.17 USERID1 .ASM 14K 4F 6B Bulletin board support 068.18 ZESOURCE.DOC 3K 6A CB Updated RESOURCE disassembler 068.19 ZESOURCE.OBJ 7K 79 07 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 69 Pascal Z Users Group - volume 13 -CATALOG.069 contents of Sig/M volume 69 released July 3, 1982 ABSTRACT.069 notes on Sig/M volume 69 index name size crc description 069.01 ANIMALS .COM 20K C2 8C Animal Game 069.02 ANIMALS .PAS 39K 60 DD / 069.03 BEASTS .QQQ 2K 4B 41 / 069.04 BEASTS .QQX 1K 96 D3 / 069.05 BENCH .COM 4K C1 54 Prime Number Generator 069.06 BENCH .PAS 2K EC 8D / 069.07 CUB++ .DAT 1K 73 1C 3D Computer Graphics 069.08 CUBE1 .DAT 1K F2 8C / 069.09 CUBE2 .DAT 1K 4B 9D / 069.10 UTIL .PAS 2K 02 B2 / 069.11 FILES .PAS 3K C7 60 / 069.12 GRAPHICS.COM 34K A0 5A / 069.13 GRAPHICS.PAS 4K 91 51 / 069.14 INIT .PAS 1K F1 02 / 069.15 MAKE .PAS 14K AA 4B / 069.16 PYRAMID .DAT 1K 0F 25 / 069.17 SOLID .DAT 3K 21 F0 / 069.18 INSTALL .COM 18K 06 49 Terminal Installation Program 069.19 INSTALL .DOC 4K 54 46 / 069.20 INSTALL .PAS 20K E3 46 / 069.21 LEGAME .COM 14K 8B DD / 069.22 LEGAME .PAS 12K 8C EE / 069.23 TERMINFO.PRM 3K 8F D2 / 069.24 TERMIO .FIL 1K C9 17 / 069.25 TERMIO .LIB 2K 9E 83 / 069.26 TERMIO .PAS 4K 78 5B / 069.27 TERMIO .VAR 1K 31 E5 / 069.28 MILEAGE .COM 8K D1 FC Averaging MPG Computation 069.29 MILEAGE .PAS 3K 10 6E / 069.30 TREE2 .COM 8K C0 E7 Binary Tree Structure 069.31 TREE2 .PAS 4K 40 2C / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 70 NorthStar Basic Programs Forth 1.1 for CP/M Cross Reference for .ASM/.PRN -CATALOG.070 contents of Sig/M volume 70 released July 12, 1982 CRCK .COM checksum validation program index name size crc description 070.01 A-NEW .NBP 3K 32 00 NorthStar Basic Programs 070.02 BOMBER .NBP 3K FC 07 " 070.03 BOXING .NBP 3K F4 29 " 070.04 DECISION.NBP 5K BB F8 " 070.05 DEPTHCHG.NBP 2K 7F 5D " 070.06 DRUNK .NBP 4K 75 94 " 070.07 ELIZA .NBP 7K 02 34 " 070.08 ENTERPRI.NBP 7K 81 79 " 070.09 GROWTH .NBP 4K 9D E5 " 070.10 HDSUB .NBP 1K 7F 24 " 070.11 HEXDEC .NBP 2K 94 86 " 070.12 INDEX .NBP 1K 90 A3 " 070.13 INTEREST.NBP 2K 1A A4 " 070.14 LOANPAY1.NBP 3K 8C C5 " 070.15 MICKEY .NBP 4K 0B 1F " 070.16 NAVAID1 .NBP 2K 9C 84 " 070.17 NBP .HLP 2K 3B 6C (pls read help file) 070.18 PEANUTS .NBP 4K 29 2E " 070.19 PLOT .NBP 1K 72 C1 " 070.20 PRIME .NBP 1K 90 28 " 070.21 QUBIC .NBP 7K F0 97 " 070.22 RECURSIV.NBP 10K AD B6 " 070.23 STARLANE.NBP 13K 18 9A " 070.24 STARTRE$.NBP 12K CA 13 " 070.25 STORY .NBP 2K 3B 7F " 070.26 TIME .NBP 2K CF E4 " 070.27 TIMEPRNT.NBP 1K 19 8E " 070.28 UFO .NBP 8K FD 73 " 070.29 FORTH110.ASM 62K 45 01 FORTH rev 1.1 for CP/M 070.30 XREF141 .ASM 43K 5A 24 Cross Reference for .ASM/.PRN Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 71 Pascal Z Users Group - volume 14 -CATALOG.071 contents of Sig/M volume 71 released July 12, 1982 ABSTRACT.071 notes on Sig/M volume 71 CRCK .COM checksum validation program index name size crc description 071.01 AGE .COM 12K 5E 33 Computation of Age 071.02 AGE .PAS 3K 63 76 / 071.03 BITBANG .REL 1K A2 BC Bit Manipulation for Pascal Z 071.04 BITBANG .SRC 4K 84 CC / 071.05 DEMO .COM 7K 6D 97 / 071.06 DEMO .PAS 2K 9D 3D / 071.07 TEST .COM 7K 24 D1 / 071.08 TEST .PAS 2K 2C D2 / 071.18 STATISTI.COM 27K E3 0B Statistical Analysis Package 071.19 STATISTI.PAS 16K CA 5F / 071.20 STATPACK.PAS 3K 91 FF / 071.09 DATA .COM 39K B4 8B / 071.10 DATA .PAS 27K E2 1D / 071.11 LISP .PAS 26K 41 28 LISP-written in Pascal (REALLY!!) 071.12 PROFILE .COM 12K 02 3A Program Optimization Analysis 071.13 PROFILE .DOC 7K E3 9D / 071.14 PROFILE .PAS 4K 6A 92 / 071.15 PROMAIN .SRC 12K 98 11 / 071.16 RANDOMIZ.PAS 1K 5F 2D RANDOMIZE Function 071.17 RNDMIZER.PAS 1K D8 5E / 071.21 TREE4 .COM 11K 84 D2 Demonstration Program 071.22 TREE4 .PAS 9K A2 79 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 72 Pascal Z Users Group-Volume 15 -CATALOG.072 contents of Sig/M volume 72 released September 26, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program entering the command CRC would verified -catalog.nnn to files contained on the diskette ABSTRACT.072 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 072.01 / .ASM 4K 27 0D extended SUBMIT 072.02 / .COM 1K 3E A9 / 072.03 ACOUSTIC.PAS 6K 72 3B acoustic version-DCMODEM 072.04 CCP .MAC 18K DB A1 notes on CCP 072.05 CHECKBK .COM 19K CC B7 checkbook program 072.06 CHECKBK .PAS 11K D0 0A / 072.07 CIRCQUE .PAS 2K 5D 55 demonstration of circular queue 072.08 CLOCK .PAS 7K 34 45 OKI clock chip MSM5382 072.09 CPMEQUS .LIB 1K E8 E6 notes on CP/M 072.10 CRT .PAS 3K AB CF cursor control - TeleVideo 912/920 072.11 DCMODEM .PAS 6K 90 A9 modem program for DC Hayes 072.12 FMAP .COM 4K 7B D4 updated cataloging program 072.13 IF .COM 1K 4B ED extention to Submit 072.14 KALENDER.COM 12K 5A DF calendar program 072.15 KALENDER.DOC 1K 00 CC / 072.16 KALENDER.PAS 7K 88 FC / 072.17 NEWDISC .COM 12K E5 64 serialization for FMAP 072.18 NEWDISC .DOC 3K 7E 12 / 072.19 NEWDISC .PAS 19K 84 22 / 072.20 NOTATE .ASM 3K 8D 5A adding notation to .ASM files 072.21 NOTATE .COM 1K 2A 40 / 072.22 PARMS .PAS 3K F3 FD parsing input string 072.23 PAY .COM 9K 07 60 mortgage payment 072.24 PAY .PAS 2K 80 5A / 072.25 REPEAT .COM 1K 52 3D perform Submit 'n' times 072.26 REPEAT .DOC 1K AE D5 / 072.27 TERMINAL.COM 9K 63 56 dumb terminal program 072.28 TERMINAL.PAS 5K 12 3B / 072.29 UTILITY .PAS 1K 4F 08 lower to upper case 072.30 XREFPRN .ASM 23K AC E9 direct to CP/M list device 072.31 XREFPRN .COM 3K DC B5 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 73 Miscellaneous Utilities contribution from Software Tools of Australia -CATALOG.073 contents of Sig/M volume 73 released September 26, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 073.01 CMD .ASM 4K CC 00 Pass the CP/M command to BASCOM 073.02 COMMAND .BAS 1K 92 DC Test program for CMD.ASM 073.03 COMP-12 .ASM 7K 89 8A Binary file comparison-use with DD6 073.04 COMP-12 .DOC 3K 35 F7 / 073.05 DAISYDRV.ASM 2K FD 26 BIOS for Diablo 1610/1620 073.06 DD6 .ASM 27K 84 66 Enhanced version of DDUMP 073.07 DD6 .DOC 13K DC A4 / 073.08 DIABLO .ASM 6K 82 3F Bidirectional driver 073.09 DLABEL .BAS 4K 23 C5 Print disk labels 073.10 ICOPY .ASM 10K C0 A1 ISIS to CP/M incl. 2D 073.11 ITHICA1 .ASM 4K 71 A8 Ithaca extensions 073.12 ITHICA2 .ASM 4K F6 B2 / 073.1³ MACRO³ .LIÂ 20Ë E¸ F² Macro library for Bill Bolton programs 073.14 MAP .ASM 4K 46 14 Disk space on MicroSoft programs 073.15 MAPTEST .BAS 1K 2C BD / 073.16 MEMRS .ASM 21K 17 F5 Comprehensive memory test 073.17 MEMRS .DOC 7K 5F 5D / 073.18 PAGE-10 .ASM 6K 66 CC Displays file-full screen 073.19 PAGE-11 .ASM 7K 7A 21 / same but for bouncy keyboards 073.20 PROM08U .ASM 15K EE 2A For PROM-100 board 073.21 PROM16U .ASM 14K 5A C6 / 073.22 PUT .ASM 17K 68 F1 Puts a file from user area to another 073.23 VDB1-71 .ASM 8K 7B BA Makes VDB-8024 look like ADM31 073.24 VDM-112 .ASM 10K EF 8A Memory-mapped video look like ADM31 073.25 WIDIR .ASM 7K F7 50 Wide display of ISIS directory 073.26 WMPAT .ASM 3K 7D 17 Make WM drive VDM-1, ETI-640 etc. Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 74 Miscellaneous CP/M Utilities contribution from Software Tools of Australia -CATALOG.074 contents of Sig/M volume 74 released September 26, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 074.01 BACKUP .C 11K 35 6F Disk backup program 074.02 BCKUP .ASM 6K 56 DA / 074.03 CLOCK .C 6K 14 58 "C" function to read Godbout SS1 clock 074.04 CLOCK .H 1K 34 0B Header for CLOCK.C 074.05 CLOCK-CB.BAS 8K 83 28 CB-80 function for Godbout SS1 clock 074.06 CLOCK-M .BAS 7K D8 2A MBasic routines for Godbout SS1 clock 074.0· COMPARÅ .ASÍ 8Ë DÁ 9Å Binary file compare 074.08 COPY .ASM 8K 3D E4 Disk copy program 074.09 COPY21 .ASM 19K AE 8B Fast disk copy for Morrow DJ2D 074.10 CPACK .DOC 12K 8C 07 BCKUP,COMPARE,RESTORE,COPY,SORTDIR 074.11 DATEDEMO.C 8K 7A 04 Demo file for Clock.C functions 074.12 DDTTOMAC.C 7K 91 4E Converts DDT disassembly to .ASM 074.13 DDTTOMAC.DOC 2K A0 0A / 074.14 DDTTOMAC.OBJ 10K 57 B2 / 074.15 DIARY .BAS 8K 5F 90 CBasic diary program -Kilobaud 9/81 074.16 DOS .ASM 2K 23 8B Finds address of CCP/BDOS -size of TPA 074.17 FIXDIR .C 6K 4F F3 Cleans illegal filenames from directory 074.18 FIXDIR .DOC 4K 99 0A / 074.19 FPROD .BAS 8K 09 4F Calculates frequency products 074.20 FPROD1 .BAS 8K FA 9A / for RF engineers 074.21 H2651 .ASM 10K DA 6C 2651 USART interface for HITE 074.22 KEY .C 3K 66 D6 Programs keypad on ADM-31 074.23 KEYPAD .BAS 1K FF 25 / 074.24 MARGIN .C 3K 2F D1 Sets margins on Diablo type printer 074.25 MGAME .C 3K 57 FB Simple number guessing game 074.26 PCPATCH .ASM 2K 35 BD PIP-Continue patch 074.27 PCPATCH .DOC 1K 33 4B / 074.28 REST .DDT 5K 99 FF Example file for DDTTOMAC.C 074.29 RESTORE .ASM 5K F3 B5 Restores erased files 074.30 SORTDIR .ASM 6K C8 17 Sorted directory program 074.31 STRIP .C 2K CB 65 Strips MSB off files 074.32 U2651 .ASM 6K C5 7C 2651 USART interface for BSTAM 074.33 U8250 .ASM 4K CF 81 8250 USART interface for BSTAM 074.34 UCASE .BAS 1K A2 F7 MBasic-converts char to upper case 074.35 UCCS7710.ASM 2K A3 50 CCS-7710 Apple interface for BSTAM 074.36 UGODBOUT.ASM 3K 45 B5 Godbout Interfacer for BSTAM 074.37 USERSHOW.ASM 2K A6 EB User area prompt patch for CCP 074.38 VERIFY .C 9K 2A 84 Verifies disk files 074.39 XOUT22 .ASM 2K DA CD Forces removal of XSUB during SUBMIT Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 75 Games, Graphics, FFT, and other Misc stuff contributions from Software Tools of Australia -CATALOG.075 contents of Sig/M volume 75 released September 26, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 075.01 640GRAPH.ASM 5K 42 24 Graphics routines for ETI-640 075.02 640GRAPH.HLP 1K 7C 49 / 075.03 BOOT .OBJ 1K 4B FA Cold boot for Apple CP/M-ref TURNKEY 075.04 FFT .BAS 4K C0 FB Fourier Transform from BYTE 075.05 FM .ASM 7K 68 AE Modified FMAP-look at all user areas 075.06 G80 .ASM 2K F9 37 BDS 'C' supplemental library part 0 075.07 G81 .ASM 9K BF CF BDS 'C' supplemental library part 1 075.08 G82 .ASM 4K B4 EA BDS 'C' supplemental library part 2 075.09 G8M .CSM 9K E7 C6 G8?.ASM and GZ0.ASM files for CASM 075.10 G8X .H 1K 56 7E Header file for G8?.C files 075.11 GC0 .C 10K 0D D9 Video routines for Exidy Sorcerer 075.12 GZ0 .ASM 7K E1 77 / 075.13 GZ80 .LIB 2K E3 6F Macros used in G??.ASM 075.14 ID .FRT 13K 3E 8B Kingdom of ID game in FORTRAN 075.15 IDENTIFY.ASM 2K 87 29 Find out what CPU you are using 075.16 INVADERS.Z80 32K 9C 13 Space Invaders for ETI-640 075.17 MACTIME .ASM 6K 8A 70 Patch to get time from Godbout SSI 075.18 OZNAKI1 .ASM 6K 80 60 Life game for VDM-1/ETI-640, DDJ #24 075.19 PULSE12 .BAS 1K F1 83 Use with FFT.BAS 075.20 PULSE25 .BAS 1K EF CF / 075.21 ROMAN80 .ASM 5K DF 58 Converts Arabic to Roman numerals 075.22 SEARCH .BAS 3K 1A 5C Magazine library searcher 075.23 SHELLM .ASM 3K 79 FC Shell/Metzner sort from Kilobaud 4/81 075.24 SINE1010.BAS 1K 4F 26 Use with FFT.BAS 075.25 STATTIME.ASM 5K 8E F8 Patch for STAT to get time from SS1 075.26 TURNKEY .DOC 2K 44 FC Docs for TURNKEY.OBJ and BOOT.OBJ 075.27 TURNKEY .OBJ 1K 0D 95 Auto load patcher for Apple CP/M 075.28 UPG80 .ASM 57K ED 87 Updated AMS80 monitor from AMSAT 075.29 VFILE .C 9K 9E 2C BASIC style random access routines Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 76 Screen based editor in C language Software Tools of Australia Extracts from Volume 8 -CATALOG.076 contents of Sig/M volume 76 released October 27, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 076.01 SETUP .ED 3K E2 C0 introduction to editor 076.02 ED .PRN 9K AF 5A enhancements 076.03 ED .DOC 4K F8 27 commands 076.04 ED0 .C 1K 5C 62 C -Language source files 076.05 ED1 .CCC 1K 7A 00 / 076.06 ED2 .C 9K 5A 5F / 076.07 ED3 .C 16K 9D E4 / 076.08 ED4 .C 8K 29 DB / 076.09 ED5 .C 2K F3 DB / 076.10 ED6 .C 1K EA CC / 076.11 ED7 .C 3K BF D7 / 076.12 ED8 .C 5K 62 FD / 076.13 ED9 .C 3K D3 8B / 076.14 ED10 .C 6K 30 33 / 076.15 ED .C 1K 60 44 master include file 076.16 MBUFFER .MAC 1K DA C2 M80 buffer 076.17 ED/H19 .COM 25K F7 B6 compiled H19 editor 076.18 ED .SUB 1K AD 66 Software Toolworks C SUB file 076.19 L80 .SUB 1K 0D C0 SUB file for L80 Linking 076.20 FAST .ASM 21K F9 17 updated FAST program 076.21 FAST2 .OBJ 3K 46 45 to speed up operation 076.22 FAST2MAN.DOC 21K 87 0C of CP/M 2.2 076.23 PACKUP .ASM 15K 63 BB / 076.24 REL .UTL 2K 5C E4 / 076.25 RELED .SUB 1K 9C B0 / 076.26 RELFAST .SUB 1K 06 3F / 076.27 SIDFAST .SUB 1K A4 7A / 076.28 UTL .LIB 3K A6 84 / 076.29 KID .ASM 3K FD F9 keyboard refinition 076.30 KID/KIP .DOC 2K 2A E1 utility with input 076.31 KIP .ASM 3K BC 8B patch 076.32 SDIR .BAS 3K DF 3B MBASIC dir sort 076.33 SURVEY4 .ASM 14K 09 B8 system memory map-BDOS, 076.34 SURVEY4 .COM 2K 66 CE BIOS, ROM,ports, etc. 076.35 UNERA .ASM 11K D0 FD updated recover erased 076.36 UNERA .COM 1K 79 FE -with wildcards 076.37 WCT3 .C 4K 0C 65 updated file word count 076.38 WCT3 .COM 6K 1E 6A now show cols of printing Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 77 ZCPR - an enhancement to replace the CP/M CCP -CATALOG.077 contents of Sig/M volume 77 released October 27, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 077.01 ZCPR .AQM 34K 87 32 ZCPR 1.0 077.02 ZCPR .ASM 51K 7A 46 / 077.03 ZCPR-16 .ASM 66K CB 0F ZCPR 1.6 077.04 NZCPR-16.DIF 24K D2 53 / 077.05 NZCPR-16.DOC 2K A7 C4 / 077.06 NZCPR-16.DQF 17K 3D 17 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 78 Software Tools of Australia - extracts from volume 11 -CATALOG.078 contents of Sig/M volume 78 released October 27, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 078.01 BENCHMK .BAS 2K 80 94 several benchmark tests 078.02 BENCHMK .C 4K 21 6A in various languages 078.03 BENCHMK .FOR 5K 09 E1 / 078.04 BENCHMK .PAS 3K A6 20 / 078.05 BENCHMK .DOC 6K 90 1F / 078.06 BIGTIME .BAS 15K E5 BE adds video controls 078.07 CALENDAR.BAS 2K D2 6D calendar generator 81 078.08 DECR .C 2K D5 33 strips carriage returns 078.09 CLIST .C 3K 73 BC lists "C" source files 078.10 CLIST .OBJ 8K B1 0E including included files 078.11 CMPBUFLC.C 1K 59 DE / 078.12 CPYBUF .C 1K 87 69 / 078.13 DETAB .C 1K 03 D2 / 078.14 DIAGN .C 1K 72 D1 / 078.15 FILENM .C 1K 20 49 / 078.16 INCL .C 1K F1 17 / 078.17 INSTR .C 1K BB E1 / 078.18 PAGIN8 .C 2K D0 A3 / 078.19 DISKDEF .ASM 1K 20 8F modified version of 078.20 DISKDEF .LIB 7K 47 6E diskdef macros 078.21 FPRIME .BAS 1K 5C A2 MBASIC prime no.benchmark 078.22 FPRIME .C 1K 5B 19 C prime no. benchmark 078.23 INTERRUP.ASM 8K E3 63 interupt handler for SS1 078.24 L2NEW .C 25K 40 89 enhanced L2 BDS C linker 078.25 MOVECOM .DOC 1K A5 22 Spellbinder command - 078.26 MOVECOM .WPM 2K 50 07 moves ASM file comments 078.27 MXREF .BAS 6K 37 7F MBASIC cross ref utility 078.28 SHELL .MAC 14K C0 2A memory resident SUB type 078.29 SHELSORT.MAC 5K E8 22 shell sort add-on code 078.30 SURVIVAL.BAS 16K DF CE CBASIC 2 game 078.31 SURVIVAL.OBJ 19K F4 74 / 078.32 TALK1-5 .ASM 23K BF DA interupt driven modem 078.33 TALK1-5 .DOC 2K 77 8D program for Zilog SIOs 078.34 TALK1-5 .OBJ 2K 1C 67 / 078.35 TIME .ASM 2K 2B 7E displays time on console 078.36 TIME .OBJ 1K 10 20 with Godbout SS1 Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 79 PL/I-80TM User's Group Library -CATALOG.079 contents of Sig/M volume 79 released October 27, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.079 comments from PLUG DOC .079 DOC file for disk index name size crc description 079.01 ACCESS .OVL 2K 67 2D Inventory and 079.02 ACCESS .PLI 2K 25 36 point-of-sale 079.03 ATTRIB .DCL 1K DE 84 system 079.04 COMP .SUB 1K 61 69 ! 079.05 CREATE .OVL 2K 54 F1 ! 079.06 CREATE .PLI 2K 5F 3A ! 079.07 DATA .DAT 1K E1 A7 ! 079.08 DEF .DAT 1K 8A 64 ! 079.09 IO .PLI 2K 7D 95 ! 079.10 KEY .DAT 1K 67 CB ! 079.11 KEY .DCL 1K F5 01 ! 079.12 LINK1 .SUB 1K 9D 5C ! 079.13 LINK2 .SUB 1K 79 4C ! 079.14 MENU .COM 13K 23 EF ! 079.15 MENU .PLI 3K A6 EF ! 079.16 REPORT .OVL 2K 48 96 / 079.17 REPORT .PLI 1K CC 64 / 079.18 SALE .OVL 5K 6E E8 / 079.19 SALE .PLI 4K 21 51 / 079.20 SETDEF .OVL 3K D3 6B / 079.21 SETDEF .PLI 2K 0D 66 / 079.22 SETKEY .OVL 2K 3B C1 / 079.23 SETKEY .PLI 1K 11 37 / 079.24 UPDATE .OVL 1K 6E 1F / 079.25 UPDATE .PLI 2K 92 27 / 079.26 COPY .PLI 9K 0C A7 File copy utility with 079.27 COPY .SUB 1K 9B E6 query for verification 079.28 ERAQ .PLI 5K CA 21 File erase utility with 079.29 ERAQ .SUB 1K 84 77 query for verification 079.30 FCBS .PLI 12K AB FE Utility counts FCSs on 079.31 FCBS .SUB 1K 6A 0D a drive 079.32 FCB .DCL 1K CA 80 FCB declaration include 079.33 DIOMOD .DCL 2K 30 A2 PL/I-80 interface for 079.34 PLIDIO .ASM 21K B4 5C direct BIOS calls 079.35 PLIBIOS .DCL 1K 99 15 / 079.36 PLIBIOS .ASM 6K 79 CC / 079.37 MPMCALLS.PLI 13K B3 21 PL/I-80 interface for 079.38 MPMCALLS.SUB 1K BE C7 direct MP/M calls 079.39 MPMCALLC.PLI 8K A7 4D / 079.40 MPMDIO .DCL 2K 46 71 / 079.41 MPMDIO .ASM 15K E8 5F / 079.42 CHAIN .ASM 3K 0E 53 chains two PL/I programs 079.43 CHAIN .SUB 1K 51 7D / 079.44 CH1 .PLI 2K 55 61 / 079.45 CH2 .PLI 1K 85 B2 / 079.46 PARSE .PLI 4K 08 7D CP/M file parsing 079.47 FPARSE .PLI 4K 6F A2 routines with and 079.48 PTEST .PLI 2K E7 7E without wildcards 079.49 PTEST .SUB 1K 32 FE / 079.50 ADUMP .PLI 2K DB A3 hex memory dump 079.51 ODUMP .PLI 2K 15 B7 routines 079.52 AODUMP .PLI 2K 3C 2A / 079.53 DUMPTEST.PLI 1K D3 39 / 079.54 DUMPTEST.SUB 1K E7 73 / 079.55 HEXBIN .PLI 1K 26 00 converts hex string 079.56 HEXTEST .PLI 1K D8 46 to fixed 079.57 HEXTEST .SUB 1K C7 9A / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 80 extracts from Pascal Z Users Group -volume 16 -CATALOG.080 contents of Sig/M volume 80 released October 27, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.080 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 080.01 ARTIL .DOC 3K 3E CF simulated 2 player 080.02 ARTIL/M .PAS 10K 90 A0 artillery duel 080.03 ARTIL/Z .COM 13K C1 AC / 080.04 ARTIL/Z .PAS 11K 95 FA / 080.05 CALENDAR.DOC 2K 29 0E how to for Snoopy & Pinup 080.06 CHECKLN .COM 8K 50 BD module to write dollar 080.07 CHECKLN .PAS 4K 00 56 amounts in text form 080.08 CONACT .PSP 1K 95 D2 Pascal/M and UCSD console 080.09 CONSOLE .DOC 4K E0 79 control procedures for 080.10 GOTOXY .PSP 2K EC 55 Micro-Term ACT-IV 080.11 PINUP82 .CAL 9K 03 BC 1982 - bare facts 080.12 RANDOM .PSP 1K 4E B7 random no. generator 080.13 SAMPLE .DOC 5K 82 A5 speed tests in a 080.14 SAMPLE/C.BAS 2K 0E AB variety of 080.15 SAMPLE/C.C 1K 1B 80 languages 080.16 SAMPLE/C.COM 4K 19 B8 / 080.17 SAMPLE/M.PAS 1K 39 09 / 080.18 SAMPLE/N.BAS 1K C0 DB / 080.19 SAMPLE/S.BAS 2K 5D BB / 080.20 SAMPLE/S.COM 3K C9 57 / 080.21 SAMPLE/Z.COM 6K 1A 5E / 080.22 SAMPLE/Z.PAS 1K 1B BC / 080.23 SIGHTRED.COM 15K 11 F3 formulae for spherical 080.24 SIGHTRED.DOC 2K BC CB triangle calculations for 080.25 SIGHTRED.PAS 4K 1D 89 celestial navigation 080.26 SNOOPY82.CAL 5K 17 F3 last chance for 1982 080.27 SORT .DOC 2K BD 45 modification of NAD-3 080.28 SORT .PAS 4K F0 61 (name and address) program 080.29 SRTPRT .PAS 2K 8E 09 / 080.30 TED .COM 17K 26 59 Simple Text Editor 080.31 TED .DOC 23K DD 8F / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 81 Pascal Z Users Group - volume 17 -CATALOG.081 contents of Sig/M volume 81 released October 27, 1982 ABSTRACT.081 comments from Pascal Z UG (see also DISK.DOC) index name size crc description 081.01 CONSTS .PAS 1K D0 E7 constant declarations 081.02 COPY .SRC 4K E6 72 text copy procedure 081.03 DISK .DOC 11K 73 92 DOC file for this disk 081.04 FF .COM 6K 66 DB resets printer and issues 081.05 FF .PAS 1K F4 C9 form feeds - set now for 081.06 FF .SUB 1K 29 6B IDS "Paper Tiger" 081.07 GETFILES.PAS 2K 09 84 read file names 081.08 IMPLEMNT.DOC 5K 77 28 how to use these programs 081.09 PP .COM 19K DD 86 pretty print 081.10 PP .PAS 20K D2 7D / 081.11 PP .SUB 1K 02 23 / 081.12 PRETTY .SUB 1K BB 82 / 081.13 PRINT .COM 12K 33 AC print unitity - set 081.14 PRINT .PAS 7K 79 A2 now for IDS "Paper 081.15 PRINT .SUB 1K 74 07 Tiger" 081.16 PROCS .PAS 2K 64 EB declares procedures 081.17 SPACE .SRC 1K B2 9C determines free space 081.18 SYSTEM .TEX 9K 08 4D text processor 081.19 SYSTP .TEX 45K 4A CE / 081.20 SYSUT .TEX 9K A1 64 / 081.21 TP .COM 25K 81 29 / 081.22 TP .PAS 40K 9F 45 / 081.23 TP .SUB 1K EF AC / 081.24 TYPES .PAS 1K 5F 5B type definitions 081.25 XREF .COM 11K 23 9A cross reference 081.26 XREF .PAS 6K FA 55 / 081.27 XREF .SUB 1K B8 9C / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 82 Pascal Z Users Group - volume 18 (complete JRT PASCAL) -CATALOG.082 contents of Sig/M volume 82 released October 27, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.082 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 082.01 ARCTAN .INT 1K 08 EC external function 082.02 ARCTAN .PAS 2K A8 96 / 082.03 CONVERTM.INT 4K 66 51 Microsoft utility 082.04 COS .INT 1K 30 EC external function 082.05 COS .PAS 2K B1 89 / 082.06 CUSTOMIZ.INT 1K A7 9B system customization 082.07 DEBUG .INT 1K A5 F8 debgug procedure 082.08 ERASE .INT 1K EC CF file delete 082.09 EXEC .COM 23K 95 59 run time environment 082.10 EXP .INT 2K 61 0C external function 082.11 EXP .PAS 2K 45 E7 / 082.12 JGRAF .INT 5K BC 53 graph preparation - 082.13 JGRAF .PAS 8K 22 B4 external procedure 082.14 JRTASM .INT 16K 08 DD assembler 082.15 JRTPAS2 .COM 21K B3 84 JRT Pascal compiler 082.16 JSTAT .INT 1K 4B 25 statistics - 082.17 JSTAT .PAS 3K 8E 8F external procedure 082.18 LETTERS .INT 2K 83 34 block letters proc. 082.19 LINKER .INT 4K 40 F9 linker 082.20 LN .INT 1K 68 1B external function 082.21 LN .PAS 2K 51 04 / 082.22 PASCAL .LIB 13K 78 AB JRT Pascal compiler 082.23 PASCAL0 .INT 21K 32 0B components 082.24 PASCAL1 .INT 7K AA 2E / 082.25 PASCAL2 .INT 5K 9C 26 / 082.26 PASCAL3 .INT 9K C2 E7 / 082.27 PASCAL4 .INT 1K B3 A0 / 082.28 RENAME .INT 1K F7 66 rename file 082.29 RESETBIT.ASM 1K 35 97 sample asm proc. 082.30 SETBIT .ASM 1K C7 17 sample asm proc. 082.31 SIN .INT 1K 4E C8 external function 082.32 SIN .PAS 1K 63 90 / 082.33 SQRT .INT 1K C8 E3 external function 082.34 SQRT .PAS 1K 2F 03 / 082.35 TESTBIT .ASM 1K F5 1B sample asm proc Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 83 Software Tools of Australia - Vol. 12 -CATALOG.083 Contents of SIG/M volume 83 released November 1, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB submission form index name size crc description 083.01 ICE .DOC 5K FF C9 "In Context Editor" - 083.02 ICE .PLI 30K 1E B6 experimental line editor. 083.03 ICE .REL 20K C8 9D Presents a window over a 083.04 ICE .SUB 1K 59 6C file on the CRT. Editing 083.05 ICE-EDIT.PLI 13K 12 A9 commands are on the bottom 083.06 ICE-END .PLI 1K 3E 12 line. ADM-31 supports all 083.07 ICE-GP .PLI 11K 6C FE functions. 083.08 ICE-MAIN.PLI 4K 0E 33 / 083.09 ICE-MAKE.SUB 1K 7C BA / 083.10 ICE-VDU .PLI 2K 39 4A / 083.11 TTHELP0 .DAT 2K 1F DB Comprehensive touchtyping 083.12 TTHELP1 .DAT 2K 86 F9 tutor in MBASIC and compiled 083.13 TTHELP2 .DAT 1K 37 46 BASIC. Set for ADM-31 but 083.14 TTHELP3 .DAT 1K 0B 60 adjustable for terminal 083.15 TTHELP4 .DAT 1K 47 6C with direct cursor addressing. 083.16 TTHELP5 .DAT 1K 1C E0 CRT displays keyboard. 083.17 TTKEYBD .DAT 1K 7D AA / 083.18 TTYPE .BAS 22K F6 A6 / 083.19 TTYPE .OBJ 22K 90 64 / 083.20 TTYPE .DOC 19K AF B7 / 083.21 TTYPE .WST 20K B1 A3 / 083.22 TTYPEXA .DAT 1K 1C E8 / 083.23 TTYPEXB .DAT 2K C9 FC / 083.24 TTYPEXC .DAT 3K A3 FD / 083.25 TTYPEXD .DAT 2K B9 41 / 083.26 TTYPEXE .DAT 2K A6 21 / 083.27 TTYPEXF .DAT 2K C9 1E / 083.28 TTYPEXG .DAT 2K 46 27 / 083.29 TTYPEXH .DAT 3K FF 8E / 083.30 TTYPEXI .DAT 3K 1B 9B / 083.31 TTYPEXJ .DAT 3K 04 49 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097Sig/M volume 84 Software Tools of Australia Miscellaneous updates -CATALOG.084 Contents of SIG/M volume 84 released November 3, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB submission form index name size crc description 084.01 BYE72G .ASM 48K 30 F1 updated communications 084.02 BYE72G .COM 3K 03 4B programs with options 084.03 CHAT19 .ASM 8K 17 62 for international 084.04 CHAT19 .COM 1K FE 3D operations. 084.05 ENTRBBS .BAS 24K 03 3C ! 084.06 EXITRBBS.BAS 7K D5 81 ! 084.07 FLIP4 .ASM 4K 20 8A ! 084.08 FLIP4 .COM 1K A8 D8 ! 084.09 MBOOT3-A.ASM 7K 0B 7D ! 084.10 MBOOT3-A.COM 1K 9D 60 / 084.11 MINIRBBS.BAS 30K 77 B3 / 084.12 RBBSUTIL.BAS 13K 64 B4 / 084.13 XSTAM+ .ASM 28K 4D 83 / 084.14 XSTAM+ .COM 10K 9B F1 / 084.15 FIND+ .ASM 13K 0C 40 Updated FIND 084.16 FIND+ .COM 1K 2A 61 / 084.17 HELP14 .ASM 15K 3E 5C Updated HELP 084.18 HELP14 .COM 2K 65 48 / 084.19 TAG3 .ASM 8K BD 48 updated TAG 084.20 TAG3 .COM 1K 47 92 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097Sig/M volume 85 Pascal Z Users Group extracts from volume 19 -CATALOG.085 contents of Sig/M volume 85 released November 3, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.085 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 085.01 TREE5 .COM 14K 82 01 Updated binary tree 085.02 TREE5 .DOC 4K 31 81 with disc storage, 085.03 TREE5 .PAS 7K F5 E6 deletion and 085.04 DISC .PAS 3K 10 8C relinking 085.05 ORDER .PAS 1K DD 13 / 085.06 DELETE .PAS 2K 4E CC / 085.07 MENU .PAS 3K 4D 1D / 085.08 DATA .DAT 2K BF 13 / 085.09 SIGNS .COM 10K 3F 29 prints a string of 085.10 SIGNS .DOC 3K 24 E5 7 letters in large 085.11 SIGNS .PAS 4K 58 B6 type 085.12 FONT .DAT 1K E8 92 / 085.13 RUNOFF .COM 21K C3 D7 Text formatting 085.14 RUNOFF .DOC 27K 4D E4 program patterned 085.15 RUNOFF .PAS 27K 15 A7 after DEC PDP-11 085.16 RUNOFF .SUB 1K 13 9C program 085.17 PASDIR .COM 6K F7 39 reads directory 085.18 PASDIR .PAS 2K AF 80 / 085.19 REMOVECC.COM 10K 73 A6 remove or change high 085.20 REMOVECC.PAS 10K C8 FD bits or control chars 085.21 TRIMCOLS.COM 11K 3E 2D trims right column or 085.22 TRIMCOLS.PAS 8K 16 12 trailing blanks 085.23 SUPERSUB.COM 3K F3 D0 updated SUBMIT 085.24 SUPERSUB.ASM 20K 70 FE / 085.25 XSUB .COM 8K 49 79 executes external programs 085.26 XSUB .PAS 6K 96 0E via SUBMIT program 085.27 PAUSE .COM 1K 7E 93 stops program, prints note 085.28 PAUSE .SRC 1K F1 9C on console, awaits input Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 86 TRS-80 Model I CP/M programs for use with Omikron Mapper systems (for additional DOC files, see Sig/M catalog) -CATALOG.086 Contents of SIG/M volume 86 released November 15, 1982 SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 086.01 / .COM 3K 46 45 FAST2 program to speed 086.02 FAST2MAN.DOC 21K 87 0C CP/M 2.2 programs 086.03 DOS .COM 1K FA AD State of system 086.04 DU .COM 6K 6B 38 Superzap, etc. for CP/M 086.05 DU-V77 .DOC 7K 9C A8 / 086.06 FIND .COM 1K 2A 61 Locate ASCII string 086.07 FINDBAD .COM 2K 03 43 Finds bad 5" & 8" disks 086.08 FMAP .COM 1K 1A 2C Location of files 086.09 LCOPY .COM 2K 5E 94 Fast copy 8" disks 086.10 MCOPY .COM 2K 68 70 Fast copy 5" disks 086.11 MEMRS .COM 2K 32 4F Memory test 086.12 MFT .COM 2K 9F E0 Multiple file trans - 1 drive 086.13 MODEM .COM 8K 88 76 Modem 7 for RS RS232 or 086.14 MODEM7 .DOC 16K B0 BD Lynx modem 086.15 SD .COM 2K AC C7 Super Directory 086.16 SIZE .COM 1K F9 E0 File size 086.17 SORTDIR .COM 2K 85 B1 Alphabetizes directory 086.18 SPEED .COM 1K BE 57 Sets Holmes Sprinter 086.19 SQ .COM 14K 1E 8B Squeeze and unsqueeze 086.20 USQ .COM 10K 56 1F files 086.23 ZCPR-10 .DOC 45K 9D E1 Significantly improves 086.24 ZCPR-OM .ASM 48K 76 1E CP/M 2.2. A "must" program 086.25 ZCPR-OM .HEX 6K 08 E2 for any system. 086.26 SURVEY .COM 2K 66 CE Status of system 086.27 TIME .COM 1K 56 C4 Time/date - Alpha timedate 086.28 TYPER .COM 1K EC 4D Use TRS-80 as typewriter 086.29 UNERA .COM 1K 79 FE Wildcard unerase 086.30 WASH .COM 3K C5 29 Handy disk utility 086.31 WC .COM 7K BA 45 Counts words in file 086.32 XTYPE .COM 9K 3A 1B Types squeezed files too Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097Sig/M volume 87 "THE FED (TM)" Econometric Model by Decision Sciences and Software Irvine, California Software Tools of Australia Miscellaneous programs -CATALOG.087 Contents of SIG/M volume 87 released November 18, 1982 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB submission form index name size crc description 087.01 THEFED .TXT 3K 1C 1A CBASIC version of model 087.02 THEFED .INT 19K 3D 9D used by St. Louis Federal 087.03 ECON1 .DAT 5K 76 BB Reserve District to test 087.04 FORCAST2.DAT 1K 35 D7 alternate money supply 087.05 PRNTECON.INT 3K 5C 44 policies. 087.06 PRNTFORC.INT 2K 58 E0 / 087.07 BDSCAT .AQL 33K DC 89 BDSC catalog 087.08 DISPLAY+.ASM 16K 53 17 types file without wildcards 087.09 DISPLAY+.COM 3K C5 39 / 087.10 TYP+ .ASM 13K 9E 74 types file with wildcards 087.11 TYP+ .COM 3K 66 03 / 087.12 HELP .HLP 7K 5A 0B miscellaneous help programs 087.13 MESSAGES.HLP 6K 25 1E for bulletin boards 087.14 MODEM .HLP 18K 08 66 / 087.15 QUICK .HLP 1K CB 9A / 087.16 RATFOR .HLP 19K DE DE / 087.17 SOFTWARE.HLP 11K 96 C1 / 087.18 THIS-SYS.HLP 22K 88 11 / 087.19 NEWCOM . 2K FD 49 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097Sig/M volume 88 SYSLIB (SYStem LIBrary) An Integrated Library of Assembly Language Utility Subroutines for use with the Microsoft M80 Assembler by Richard Conn Volume 1 - Documentation -CATALOG.088 Contents of SIG/M volume 88 released December 18, 1982 index name size crc description 088.01 SYSLIBI .WS 10K 75 B6 Introduction to SYSLIB 088.02 SYSLIBUG.WS 124K 9D 7B SYSLIB User's Guide 088.03 SYSLIB .WS 103K 27 78 SYSLIB Reference Manual (part I) Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097Sig/M volume 89 SYSLIB (SYStem LIBrary) An Integrated Library of Assembly Language Utility Subroutines for use with the Microsoft M80 Assembler by Richard Conn Volume 2 - Balance of Documentation HLP Files REL file Library files -CATALOG.089 Contents of SIG/M volume 89 released December 18, 1982 CRC .COM Checksum program HELP .COM Help program index name size crc description 089.01 SYSLIBHD.WS 15K 6E AA Ref. manual table of contents 089.02 SYSLIBID.WS 3K 00 25 Reference manual index 089.03 SYSLIBR .WS 3K 27 D2 Reference manual index 089.04 SYSLIBS .WS 42K DB 19 SYSLIB Reference manual (part 2) 089.05 SYSLIB .HLP 15K 1F 92 SYSLIB Help file 089.06 SYSLIB1 .HLP 14K 65 47 ! 089.07 SYSLIB2 .HLP 4K DD 5E ! 089.08 SYSLIB3 .HLP 8K BF 68 ! 089.09 SYSLIB4 .HLP 6K 4D 9C ! 089.10 SYSLIB5 .HLP 6K C6 6F ! 089.11 SYSLIB6 .HLP 4K 1A AE / 089.12 SYSLIB7 .HLP 6K 9C 70 / 089.13 SYSLIB8 .HLP 6K 6B 53 / 089.14 SYSLIB9 .HLP 7K 0B EF / 089.15 SYSLIBA .HLP 7K E9 66 / 089.16 SYSLIBB .HLP 5K 21 39 / 089.17 SYSLIBC .HLP 8K 1A 21 / 089.18 SYSLIB .REL 13K 4D 42 SYSLIB REL file 089.19 S0FILEIO.MAC 2K 6A A7 SYSLIB Source file 089.20 S1FILEIO.MAC 2K 29 E9 ! 089.21 S2FILEIO.MAC 2K EE 8F ! 089.22 S3FILEIO.MAC 2K B0 F6 ! 089.23 SBBLINE .MAC 3K 1D 79 ! 089.24 SBDOS .MAC 1K D8 33 ! 089.25 SBIOS .MAC 3K 24 1E ! 089.26 SBLINE .MAC 3K 18 71 ! 089.27 SCAPS .MAC 1K 22 F3 ! 089.28 SCAPSTR .MAC 1K FC EA ! 089.29 SCATH .MAC 1K A6 65 ! 089.30 SCCOUT .MAC 2K A4 88 ! 089.31 SCIN .MAC 1K 47 D4 ! 089.32 SCLOUT .MAC 2K 2A 8B ! 089.33 SCODEND .MAC 1K 7A DB ! 089.34 SCOMP .MAC 2K C6 19 ! 089.35 SCOMPHD .MAC 1K 67 BE / 089.36 SCONDIN .MAC 1K 66 66 / 089.37 SCOUT .MAC 1K 0A 76 / 089.38 SCPOUT .MAC 2K F3 B0 / 089.39 SCRC .MAC 4K 92 EA / 089.40 SCRC1 .MAC 4K 18 E3 / 089.41 SCRLF .MAC 1K 6C D3 / 089.42 SCST .MAC 1K B6 01 / Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 90 SYSLIB (SYStem LIBrary) An Integrated Library of Assembly Language Utility Subroutines for use with the Microsoft M80 Assembler by Richard Conn Volume 3 - Balance of Library files -CATALOG.090 Contents of SIG/M volume 90 released December 18, 1982 index name size crc description 090.01 SDIR .MAC 34K 3B BF SYSLIB source files 090.02 SEN .MAC 1K F9 CF 090.03 SEVAL .MAC 4K 13 D5 090.04 SEVAL1 .MAC 2K 3A EC 090.05 SEVAL2 .MAC 2K 1B DC 090.06 SEVAL3 .MAC 2K BD 45 090.07 SEVAL4 .MAC 2K 10 A5 090.08 SFCLOS .MAC 1K 71 0C 090.09 SFDEL .MAC 1K BB 5B 090.10 SFEXIST .MAC 1K 2C 94 090.11 SFILEIO .MAC 9K 4F 9C 090.12 SFILL .MAC 2K A5 47 090.13 SFMAKE .MAC 1K 15 FA 090.14 SFNAME .MAC 5K 87 C9 090.15 SFOPEN .MAC 2K 6B 08 090.16 SFREAD .MAC 1K 07 DF 090.17 SFRENAME.MAC 2K 6A 58 090.18 SFWRIT .MAC 1K CF E0 090.19 SHDR .MAC 1K EF FD 090.20 SINITFCB.MAC 1K FF E8 090.21 SINLINE .MAC 6K 41 03 090.22 SINSFORM.MAC 3K C7 37 090.23 SINSTR .MAC 2K 30 77 090.24 SLA2HC .MAC 1K 66 76 090.25 SLADC .MAC 2K 35 10 090.26 SLCRLF .MAC 1K A9 8A 090.27 SLHL4HC .MAC 1K 5C 76 090.28 SLHL5DC .MAC 2K A0 E6 090.29 SLOUT .MAC 1K 40 84 090.30 SLPRINT .MAC 1K 67 D0 090.31 SLPSTR .MAC 2K 65 D7 090.32 SMA2HC .MAC 1K 0D C7 090.33 SMADC .MAC 2K 01 6F 090.34 SMATH .MAC 5K 51 00 090.35 SMHL4HC .MAC 1K A1 A0 090.36 SMHL5DC .MAC 3K F0 F5 090.37 SMOVE .MAC 3K 67 FF 090.38 SPA2HC .MAC 1K 0C F8 090.39 SPADC .MAC 2K E3 07 090.40 SPAUSE .MAC 3K A2 B8 090.41 SPHL4HC .MAC 1K 25 C5 090.42 SPHL5DC .MAC 2K B8 CE 090.43 SPOUT .MAC 1K 91 5C 090.44 SPRINT .MAC 1K A2 A3 090.45 SPSTR .MAC 2K A7 FD 090.46 SRAND .MAC 2K 47 6E 090.47 SRIN .MAC 1K 18 44 090.48 SSCANNER.MAC 2K C2 D3 090.49 SSORT .MAC 14K 56 54 090.50 SUD .MAC 2K B6 32 090.51 SVERSION.MAC 1K 70 E0 090.52 SYSTEST .MAC 4K C9 97 090.53 SYSTEST1.MAC 3K 5D 8C 090.54 SYSTEST2.MAC 3K 93 68 090.55 SYSTEST3.MAC 4K 92 EA 090.56 SYSTEST4.MAC 6K 02 CE 090.57 SYSTEST5.MAC 2K 2D AF 090.58 SYSTEST6.MAC 5K A9 F5 090.59 SZCPR .MAC 7K 96 66 090.60 SZFNAME .MAC 16K A1 1B 090.61 SZGPINS .MAC 3K A5 31 Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 91 Utility Programs -CATALOG.091 Contents of SIG/M volume 91 released December 18, 1982 ABS .091 disk documention CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB submission form index name size crc description 091.01 DUTIL .ASM 64K 6E EC Revision of DU (Disk utility) 091.02 DUTIL .COM 9K 0B CA with extended features 091.03 DASM .COM 10K 5E B8 Disassembles Zilog Z80 or TDL 091.04 DASM .MAC 74K E3 80 mnemonics; based on RESOURCE; 091.05 DASMTDL .MAC 13K 9B 8F built in documentation 091.06 DASMZLG .MAC 17K 44 0C / 091.07 XLATE2 .COM 5K 59 AB Translates Intel 8080 source 091.08 XLATE2 .MAC 36K 3F 0B code to Zilog Z80 code Copyright (c) 1982 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097Sig/M volume 92 68000 Cross-Assembler, RBBS, Little Ada -CATALOG.092 Contents of SIG/M volume 92 released January 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB submission form index name size crc description 092.01 A68K .COM 41K 1B BC 68000 Cross Assembler 092.02 A68K .DOC 9K 8C 72 / 092.03 A68K .DON 3K E3 AC / 092.04 DATE .COM 8K C0 B6 / 092.05 DATE .DOC 1K EA 29 / 092.06 T5 .ASM 1K DA 54 / 092.07 T5 .HEX 1K D9 BA / 092.08 T5 .PRN 3K 21 50 / 092.09 RBBS-USE.DOC 10K F5 DE Bulletin Board Program 092.10 RBBS31 .ASC 27K 8B 35 / 092.11 RBBS31A .DOC 9K 9B 4A / 092.12 RBSUTL31.BAS 10K A4 1F / 092.13 COMPILER.L01 9K D6 B8 Little Ada Compiler requires 092.14 LITL-ADA.ASM 26K 10 30 adaptation to run on other 092.15 LITL-ADA.DOC 1K D4 C8 than a Polymorphic system 092.16 LITL-ADA.PRN 45K F6 CB / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 93 MODEM update -CATALOG.093 Contents of SIG/M volume 93 released January 15, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB submission form index name size crc description 093.01 MODEM798.ASM 88K D5 C0 Modem program update 093.02 MODEM798.HIS 20K AB 23 / 093.03 MODEM798.INF 4K 46 0A / 093.04 MODEM797.LIB 19K E0 BB / 093.05 MODEM798.OBJ 16K 6D 8F / 093.06 MODEM798.SET 6K 75 0A / 093.07 TRSMODEM.COM 16K 79 64 / 093.08 MCNFG798.ASM 13K EB 11 Modem Configure - general 093.09 MCOSB798.ASM 9K 16 0E " " Osborne O-1 093.10 MCQXS798.ASM 18K 71 D7 " " Epson QX-10 093.11 MNUMB798.ASM 2K 98 5F Phone number file 093.12 CHGLIB .ASM 14K 06 04 Changes Modem phone 093.13 CHGLIB .COM 2K 37 BC library 093.14 CHGLIB .DOC 4K 14 31 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ 08830-0097 SIG/M Volume 94 Pascal Z Users Group extracts from Volume 20 -CATALOG.094 contents of Sig/M volume 94 released February 3, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB SIG/M donation form ABSTRACT.094 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 094.01 DIRSCAN .COM 5K A1 2B Scans directory 094.02 DIRSCAN .PAS 3K 20 D2 / 094.03 XDIRSCAN.SRC 2K 46 4D / 094.04 MEMAVAIL.SRC 2K 53 63 Displays available memory 094.05 INDEXER .COM 17K 82 E4 Creates an index for a book 094.06 INDEXER .DOC 13K 55 27 or any document automatically. 094.07 INDEXER .PAS 26K 28 D5 Includes sample program. 094.08 INDEXER .SUB 1K C5 27 / 094.09 PZKEY .INX 4K DE 29 / 094.10 PZKEY .TRE 4K D2 5C / 094.11 EPSON .COM 8K 02 FF Menu file to send code to Epson MX 094.12 EPSON .PAS 3K 76 80 printers to set type sizes. 094.13 OKI .COM 8K 96 E5 Menu file to send code to Okidata 094.14 OKI .PAS 3K CC E8 82/83. 094.15 TERMS .DOC 17K 68 40 Creates dictionary of words and/or 094.16 TERMS .PAS 6K BA 99 phrases. 094.17 TINIT .PAS 6K 98 A5 / 094.18 TPRINT .PAS 7K 67 A9 / 094.19 TER .PAS 32K DE E1 / 094.20 SUB .COM 13K A5 C4 Menu file to run the major CP/M 094.21 SUB .PAS 8K AF 7A command files, such as SUBMIT, PIP 094.22 HOLD .COM 6K 35 58 STAT, SYSGEN and FORMAT. 094.23 HOLD .PAS 1K 33 52 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 95 Pascal Z Users Group extracts from volume 21 -CATALOG.095 contents of Sig/M volume 95 released February 3, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.095 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 095.01 CROWE .Z80 142K 24 A6 Micro-C Users Group Crowe 095.02 CROWE2 .COM 12K 1E AC Z-80 assembler 095.03 CROWELET.TXT 4K 23 BA / 095.04 CROWLINK.Z80 8K 34 A7 / 095.05 EPROM .ASM 8K E9 7E Help for present and future 095.06 EPROM .DOC 2K 7C DD prom burners. 095.07 REZ7/31 .ASM 33K 15 73 Updated TDL disassembler 095.08 REZ7/31 .DOC 26K 34 A2 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 96 CP/M86 Utility Programs -CATALOG.096 contents of Sig/M volume 96 released February 3, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 096.01 CLOCK .A86 12K 6B 76 Tests Compupro clock board 096.02 CRCK-51 .A86 18K 7E 82 Checksum program 096.03 D .A86 18K 40 24 Directory program 096.04 ERQ .A86 3K 3E C1 Selective file erase 096.05 FILE-EXT.A86 8K 14 D5 Directpry program 096.06 FINDBAD .A86 33K 56 7A Checks disks 096.07 INUSE .A86 11K B5 5C "Hold" that computer! 096.08 MUCHTEXT.A86 5K 34 A9 Word count 096.09 PAGE .A86 7K 2A 07 Pages output 096.10 PRINT .A86 13K 4E A4 Output to printer 096.11 SD .A86 15K 13 07 Super directory 096.12 XDIR .A86 40K 53 C9 Detailed directory list 096.13 XDIR-A86.DOC 7K DA 5B / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 97 Pascal Z Users Group volume 22 -CATALOG.097 contents of Sig/M volume 97 released February 3, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.097 comments from Pascal Z UG index name size crc description 097.01 CCT .COM 2K 0D DC Updates COMBINE. Joins many 097.02 CCT .ASM 26K AC 65 small files into one big one 097.03 CCT .HEX 5K 08 E6 / 097.04 CROSS .COM 30K 92 48 Indents, cross references 097.05 CROSS .DOC 5K 41 2F and annotates Pascal program. 097.06 CROSS .PAS 20K ED 47 / 097.07 CROSS .SUB 1K 69 1F / 097.08 BLOCK .PAS 15K 68 04 / 097.09 INIT .PAS 6K 76 EB / 097.10 INSYM .PAS 16K 3B CD / 097.11 SIZE .SRC 1K 03 99 / 097.12 PURGE .COM 1K 6F C0 Erases all files on H19 except 097.13 PURGE .DOC 5K B0 D1 COM or PAS (or other types you 097.14 PURGE .MAC 6K 82 62 select) 097.15 M80LIB00.MAC 19K F3 7C / 097.16 MACRO .LIB 18K C9 8E / 097.17 FTOSTR .TXT 6K AB 3E Floating point package and 097.18 MATHPACK.COM 31K 1E 81 demo 097.19 MATHPACK.PAS 20K A1 F3 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 98 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 SYSLIB 2.3 - An integrarted library of Assembly Language Utility Subroutines by Richard Conn VOL 1 of 10 ZCPR2 and SYSLIB -CATALOG.098 contents of Sig/M volume 98 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 098.01 SYSIO .ASM 29K 91 11 ZCPR2 098.02 ZCPR2 .ASM 56K BD 1A / 098.03 ZCPRHDR .LIB 15K E6 29 / 098.04 README .TXT 3K 4A 55 SYSLIB 2.3 098.05 SCLINE .MAC 2K 58 3E ! 098.06 SCRC .MAC 3K 96 49 ! 098.07 SCRC1 .MAC 3K 7A 5D ! 098.08 SCRC2 .MAC 3K E9 29 ! 098.09 SFNAME .MAC 5K EB 46 ! 098.10 SMHL4HC .MAC 1K 9C 15 ! 098.11 SVERSION.MAC 1K 6C A3 ! 098.12 SYSLIB .HLP 14K 2A E5 ! 098.13 SYSLIB .REL 14K 1A 33 ! 098.14 SYSLIB8 .HLP 7K A2 A5 ! 098.15 SYSLIB9 .HLP 8K 60 75 / 098.16 SYSLIBC .HLP 10K 4C E8 / 098.16 SZCPR .MAC 7K 3C 74 / 098.17 SZFNAME .MAC 18K 9D A0 / 098.18 SZGPINS .MAC 4K 18 07 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 99 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 2 of 10 ZCPR2 -CATALOG.099 contents of Sig/M volume 99 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 099.01 DU2 .ASM 72K 19 DA 099.02 HELP2 .ASM 33K 16 19 099.03 LRUNZ .ASM 26K B8 6F 099.04 SUB2 .ASM 31K 57 FB 099.05 ZEX .ASM 45K 09 11 099.06 ZEX .ZEX 5K 53 28 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 100 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 3 of 10 ZCPR2 -CATALOG.100 contents of Sig/M volume 100 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 100.01 CCPLOC .MAC 5K FA DA 100.02 CD .MAC 9K F5 5D 100.03 COMPARE .MAC 13K 2F 8A 100.04 CRC .MAC 20K 4C 09 100.05 DEVICE .MAC 13K 92 0A 100.06 DIFF .MAC 17K 74 C2 100.07 ECHO .MAC 6K 99 64 100.08 ERASE .MAC 15K 25 6B 100.09 GENINS .MAC 43K B2 18 100.10 IOLOADER.MAC 7K 4F 23 100.11 LD .MAC 10K 6C D4 100.12 LDIRZ .MAC 12K FF 1B 100.13 MCHECK .MAC 14K B1 12 100.14 MCOPY .MAC 37K BA 14 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 101 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 4 of 10 ZCPR2 -CATALOG.101 contents of Sig/M volume 101 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 101.01 MENU .CPR 1K 18 6F 101.02 MENU .MAC 24K 0D BE 101.03 MKDIR .MAC 21K BE 0A 101.04 PATH .MAC 14K 9F 91 101.05 PROTECT .MAC 18K EB 24 101.06 PWD .MAC 12K 1A 64 101.07 RECORD .MAC 7K DB 87 101.08 RENAME .MAC 18K 68 15 101.09 SINSFORM.MAC 3K 3B E7 101.10 STARTUP .MAC 10K D6 3F 101.11 TEMPLATE.MAC 11K C5 DA 101.12 TINIT .MAC 13K 9F 1E 101.13 WHEEL .MAC 6K 32 B6 101.14 XDIR3 .MAC 39K 8C D9 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 102 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 5 of 10 ZCPR2 -CATALOG.102 contents of Sig/M volume 102 released February 14, 1983 index name size crc description 102.01 CCPLOC .COM 1K A0 7F 102.02 CD .COM 4K CF FC 102.03 COMPARE .COM 5K 00 1D 102.04 CONFIG .COM 19K 44 4F 102.05 CRC .COM 8K BB 23 (ZCPR2 VERSION) 102.06 DEVICE .COM 3K 76 53 102.07 DIFF .COM 6K E3 AF 102.08 DU2 .COM 10K 30 22 102.09 ECHO .COM 1K C1 E9 102.10 ERASE .COM 7K 00 7B 102.11 GENINS .COM 13K 97 4D 102.12 HELP .COM 3K 34 47 102.13 IOLOADER.COM 4K D3 C7 102.14 LD .COM 5K F2 FC 102.15 LDIRZ .COM 6K 98 7F 102.16 LRUNZ .COM 2K B2 4D 102.17 MCHECK .COM 5K A1 1D 102.18 MCOPY .COM 11K 5A 81 102.19 MENU .COM 2K DB E8 102.20 MKDIR .COM 8K 22 60 102.21 PATH .COM 5K ED 05 102.22 PROTECT .COM 8K CB 21 102.23 PWD .COM 5K B6 32 102.24 RECORD .COM 2K 6E 42 102.25 RENAME .COM 8K 5A 09 102.26 STARTUP .COM 4K 98 04 102.27 SUB .COM 3K 46 9D 102.28 TINIT .COM 5K 60 62 102.29 WHEEL .COM 2K D5 A0 102.30 XDIR .COM 11K 1B E1 102.31 ZEX .COM 6K 08 3E 102.32 TEMPLATE.MAC 11K C5 DA 102.33 CFILES .HLP 22K 10 97 102.34 COMPARE .HLP 7K B3 F0 102.35 MCOPY .HLP 11K 96 9E 102.36 ZCPR2 .HLP 6K 73 08 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 103 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 6 of 10 ZCPR2 -CATALOG.103 contents of Sig/M volume 103 released February 14, 1983 index name size crc description 102.01 CPMTR .HLP 24K 63 7B 103.02 DU2 .HLP 35K 5F 7B 103.03 HELP .HLP 1K 15 97 103.04 HELP2 .HLP 22K 2D E1 103.05 IO .HLP 14K D5 CA 103.06 LU .HLP 27K 48 F2 103.07 MENU .HLP 29K 1C 39 103.08 NDIRS .HLP 35K F8 19 103.09 XDIR3 .HLP 22K 21 DA 103.10 Z2ALT .HLP 22K 25 85 103.11 Z2RES .HLP 7K FA D4 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 104 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 7 of 10 ZCPR2 DOCUMENTATION -CATALOG.104 contents of Sig/M volume 104 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 104.01 Z2CON .WS 120K EE E6 104.02 Z2CON .WSH 8K F2 C6 104.03 Z2INS .WS 87K 19 B1 104.04 Z2INS .WSH 6K 35 3C Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 105 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 by Richard Conn VOL 8 of 10 ZCPR2 DOCUMENTATION -CATALOG.105 contents of Sig/M volume 105 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 105.01 Z2UG .WS 77K 9E 57 105.02 Z2UG .WSH 16K 8D B9 105.03 Z2UG1 .WS 72K F8 12 105.04 Z2UG2 .WS 56K BD 1F Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 106 ZCPR2 - Z80 Command Processor Replacement, Version2 SYSLIB 2.3 - An integrarted library of Assembly Language Utility Subroutines by Richard Conn VOL 9 of 10 ZCPR2 and SYSLIB DOCUMENTATION -CATALOG.106 contents of Sig/M volume 106 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 106.01 SYSLIB .WS 107K 50 E7 106.02 Z2UG3 .WS 50K CC 68 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 107 SYSLIB 2.3 - An integrarted library of Assembly Language Utility Subroutines by Richard Conn VOL 10 of 10 SYSLIB DOCUMENTATION -CATALOG.107 contents of Sig/M volume 107 released February 14, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ZCPR2 .IDX index of this ten volume series SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 107.01 SYSLIBHD.WS 12K 5F 43 107.02 SYSLIBUG.WS 123K 4F 5E Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 108 ZCPR2 and SYSLIB Upgrades - Upgrades SIG/M Vols 98-107 -CATALOG.108 contents of Sig/M volume 108 released March 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program Z2SYS-1.MOD explains upgrade index name size crc description 108.01 DU2 .ASM 72K 5F 2C upgrades queue status report 108.02 DU2 .COM 10K E7 32 / 108.03 LDIRZ .COM 6K B2 25 corrects for M80 assembler error 108.04 MKDIR .COM 8K C2 7F corrects identifier error 108.05 SSORT .MAC 14K E3 32 corrects identifier error 108.06 SVERSION.MAC 1K 2D 3E reflects new version number 108.07 SYSLIB .REL 14K D4 8D Version 2.5 of SYSLIB 108.08 ZCPR2 .ASM 56K 5B F1 upgrades to mod 0.3 108.09 ZCPRHDR .LIB 15K 3C 5B upgrades to mod 0.3 108.10 Z2RAT .WQ 34K 6D 9E ZCPR2 Rationale Manual (squeezed WS file) 108.11 Z2RAT .WQH 3K BF F3 Rationale Manual headers Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 109 Word Processor - "The Secrtary" -CATALOG.109 contents of Sig/M volume 109 released March 15, 1983 ABSTRACT.109 program documentation index name size crc description 109.01 SECRTARY.ASM 60K D9 C8 Simple word processor program 109.02 SECRTARY.COM 11K 93 94 / 109.03 NSSEC .ASM 63K 49 78 North Star version 109.04 USERMAN0.TXT 3K 3B EF User manual for the program 109.05 USERMAN1.TXT 22K 4A E2 written with the program (and to be 109.06 USERMAN3.TXT 15K 73 6A printed from the program). 109.07 USERMAN4.TXT 17K 23 5E / 109.08 USERMAN5.TXT 6K 0B B8 / 109.09 ADDENDUM.TXT 8K 44 83 / 109.10 ADDEND2 .TXT 4K FD 8A / 109.11 DEMOFILE.TXT 4K 60 01 demo text files 109.12 SAMPLTTR.TXT 2K 15 4E / 109.13 SAMPDATA.DAT 1K C0 2B / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 110 dBASE (TM) and Super Calc (TM) programs -CATALOG.110 contents of Sig/M volume 110 released March 15, 1983 ABSTRACT.110 program documentation CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation program index name size crc description 110.01 MAIN .CMD 4K 24 1A Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey 110.02 ACG .DBF 5K 49 02 demonstration dBASEII modular data 110.03 ADD .ACG 3K 28 8F base. To initiate, type "dBASE main" 110.04 BACKUP .ACG 1K 3C 12 and follow prompts. Note the comments 110.05 DEFAULTS.ACG 1K F4 69 in the files. 110.06 DELCHECK.ACG 1K 20 A1 ! 110.07 DELETE .ACG 1K 9E 31 ! 110.08 DUPCHECK.ACG 2K 83 DE ! 110.09 DUPREC .ACG 3K 20 AA ! 110.10 EDIT .ACG 3K 44 0A ! 110.11 HELP .ACG 1K ED DF ! 110.12 INIT .ACG 2K 5A 09 ! 110.13 MAINTAIN.ACG 2K EB C7 ! 110.14 PHONE .ACG 2K D8 19 ! 110.15 PRINT .ACG 2K 53 61 ! 110.16 PURGE .ACG 2K 1A 08 ! 110.17 REPORT .ACG 3K 67 95 ! 110.18 SEARCH .ACG 4K 7F 2A / 110.19 VALID .ACG 5K 34 91 / 110.20 VERIFDEL.ACG 2K 02 AE / 110.21 VERIFNEW.ACG 2K C2 1E / 110.22 WSFILE .ACG 4K 1D A6 / 110.23 MAINTAIN.FMT 1K A1 8D / 110.24 MOD-REC .FMT 3K 48 D0 / 110.25 SAY-REC .FMT 3K 16 1C / 110.26 COMPANY .NDX 4K 09 84 / 110.27 LASTNAME.NDX 3K 55 B2 / 110.28 ZIP .NDX 1K 23 2C / 110.29 CPS .CMD 3K 88 57 Sets date from Mountain Hardware 110.30 CPS .DOC 1K F2 CD CPS card 110.31 DBDIR .DOC 1K 4D 60 Example of ASM file in dBASE for 110.32 DBDIR .LBR 15K 52 93 directory read. 110.33 FORM .CMD 2K 9F 37 Prints dBASE fields and 110.34 FORM .DOC 1K 71 AD structure 110.35 LABELPT1.CMD 5K B5 38 Structure for label printing 110.36 LABELPT2.CMD 5K 7E 33 file. 110.37 POKE1 .CMD 4K 64 FC Poke memory from dBASE 110.38 POKE1 .DOC 1K 78 48 / 110.39 SHOWMEM .CMD 5K DE A9 Displays memory from dBASE 110.40 SHOWMEM .DOC 1K 1A 84 / 110.41 TIMECHAR.CMD 4K 42 8C Structure for job cost calculation. 110.42 ARCS-DEP.CAL 15K D0 FC Calculates depreciation in Super Calc. 110.43 RULE-78 .CAL 11K F6 81 Supercalc Rule of 78 calculation. 110.44 SAP27 .COM 2K 38 44 Updated sort and pack program. 110.45 SWEEP37 .COM 28K B2 08 Updated SWEEP program (WASH). Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 111 Hard disk utilities -CATALOG.111 contents of Sig/M volume 111 released March 15, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation program index name size crc description 111.01 BACKUP .ASM 31K 95 28 Backs up hard disk where entire file 111.02 BACKUP .COM 4K DA 72 fits on one floppy disk. 111.03 BACKUP .DOC 7K E5 0C / 111.04 BIGBURST.ASM 12K 22 89 Backs up hard disk where file must be 111.05 BIGBURST.COM 2K CC 1C stored on mutiple floppies because of 111.06 BIGBURST.DOC 3K 45 E8 size. 111.07 FLOPCOPY.ASM 17K B5 9E Backs up a floppy to a floppy in a 111.08 FLOPCOPY.COM 3K 7A 23 hard disk system with only a single 111.09 FLOPCOPY.DOC 2K 4A CD floppy. 111.10 INTERCPM.ASM 7K 7E 21 Copy files between 5" and 8" CP/M. 111.11 INTERCPM.COM 3K 7C 87 / 111.12 INTERCPM.DOC 2K 0B D5 / 111.13 JP .ASM 1K CB C5 / 111.14 JP .COM 1K 5B 58 / 111.15 JP .DOC 1K CB 32 / 111.16 INTERDOS.ASM 20K E0 D1 Moves data files between CP/M and 111.17 INTERDOS.COM 6K E2 13 North Star disks. 111.18 INTERDOS.DOC 6K 75 B9 / 111.19 MULTCOPY.ASM 14K 7D 68 Similar to PIP but prompts for new 111.20 MULTCOPY.COM 2K D1 FB floppy when first one filled. 111.21 MULTCOPY.DOC 1K 7E F8 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 112 SIGNON/RBBS programs - Toronto RCP/M System -CATALOG.111 contents of Sig/M volume 111 released March 15, 1983 index name size crc description 112.01 RBBENT27.BQS 15K BA 04 112.02 RBBEXIT1.BQS 4K 50 7B 112.03 RBBMIN27.BQS 19K 8B FB 112.04 RBBMIN27.DQC 10K 4A E9 112.05 RBBS-I/O.NQW 3K 46 CE 112.06 RBBS-PC .BQS 18K 1B B8 112.07 RBBS31 .AQC 19K C5 32 112.08 RBBS31 .DQC 3K 09 01 112.09 RBBSTIME.FQX 2K 1F A8 112.10 RBSCLOCK.BAS 3K B7 6D 112.11 RBSPURGE.BQS 3K D6 D0 112.12 RBSPURGE.DQC 2K 24 4B 112.13 RBSUTL31.AQC 8K FB 12 112.14 SIGNON .SEE 2K BF 98 Explains disk. 112.15 SIGNON-1.ARC 64K C0 B2 112.16 SIGNON-1.DIR 1K 9F F6 112.17 SIGNON-2.ARC 62K 3B 28 112.18 SIGNON-2.DIR 1K A2 3A Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M volume 113 KERMIT - PC/Host Main Frame Communications Modem program - Columbia University Center for Computing Activities -CATALOG.113 contents of Sig/M volume 113 released March 17, 1983 ABSTRACT.113 disk readme file USQ .COM unsqueeze program index name size crc description 113.01 CPMZ100 .HEX 25K 96 B1 KERMIT - Modem Communications 113.02 CPMZ100 .NOT 2K 62 F0 for 8080/Z80 CP/M, IBM PC-Dos 113.03 KERMIT .CQ 23K 1E C7 with main frame host systems 113.04 PCDOWNLO.DQC 7K FF 25 113.05 PCKERM .CQR 12K F0 6B 113.06 PCKERMIT.ASM 119K 4B F1 113.07 PCKERMIT.FQX 11K B9 0B 113.08 PCKERMIT.HLP 3K E6 6F 113.09 PCKERMIT.NOT 4K D6 C6 113.10 PCKEXE .BAS 2K 3A AC 113.11 PCKFIX .ASM 5K 82 47 113.12 PCKGET .BAS 2K E8 E4 113.13 PCKSEND .FOR 1K 12 54 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 114 PISTOL v2.0 Portably Implemented STack Oriented Language by Ernest E. Bergmann -CATALOG.114 contents of Sig/M volume 114 released April 1, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program ABSTRACT.114 disk documentation and copywrite notice index name size crc description 114.01 PISTOL .COM 16K F9 C2 PISTOL - "a language in the footsteps 114.02 PISTOL .C 5K 9F A4 of FORTH and STOIC" 114.03 PISTOL .H 5K E1 07 ! 114.04 PISTOL .HLP 7K 83 E6 ! 114.05 PISTOL .PAS 42K C2 A5 ! 114.06 ARITH . 2K 9E 11 ! 114.07 CORE2 . 16K 22 5B ! 114.08 DEFS . 3K 56 D2 ! 114.09 EDITOR . 4K D6 61 ! 114.10 ENVIRON .DOC 2K C9 61 ! 114.11 FUTURE .DEV 5K 89 18 ! 114.12 IO . 9K EA 1E ! 114.13 ITCOND . 11K B6 3D ! 114.14 LOGIC . 2K F4 EE ! 114.15 MEMOPS . 4K 88 6A ! 114.16 MISC . 5K 78 18 ! 114.17 PBASE2 . 23K 9B 92 ! 114.18 PIST2A .C 6K 45 FB ! 114.19 PIST2B .C 4K 26 ED ! 114.20 PIST2C .C 4K 31 FA ! 114.20 PIST2D .C 4K E7 9A ! 114.21 PIST2E .C 7K C9 6A ! 114.22 PISTSUB .SUB 1K 40 82 ! 114.23 READ .ME 7K 7C FF ! 114.24 STACK . 3K 03 CB / 114.25 SYSCONS . 4K D7 3B / 114.26 SYSVARS . 8K 22 D6 / 114.27 TUTORIAL. 13K 61 D5 / 114.28 VOCAB . 6K 09 F4 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 115 Miscellaneous programs -CATALOG.115 contents of Sig/M volume 115 released May 14, 1983 ABSTRACT.115 program information CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 115.01 COMPASC .ASM 8K 7F 21 Compares ASCII files 115.02 COMPASC .COM 2K 30 7D / 115.03 COMPBIN .ASM 9K 07 D0 Compares binary files 115.04 COMPBIN .COM 2K 3D 2C / 115.05 CPMD2 .FOR 10K 8B 10 Process CP/M format 8" single density 115.06 CPMDEC .DOC 2K 94 70 disks on PDP-11 under RT-11 or TSX-Plus 115.07 CPMDEC .FOR 24K D7 65 operating systems 115.08 DEL .ASM 4K 80 DC Query delete program 115.09 DEL .COM 1K D5 7F / 115.10 DEL .DOC 2K E2 0B / 115.11 FPRINT .ASM 7K 3C AD Sets printer left margin, double space, 115.12 FPRINT .COM 2K D0 4D all caps and number of copies 115.13 FPRINT .DOC 2K 40 B8 / 115.14 MORTGAGE.COM 21K A4 B3 Calculates Canadian mortgage payments 115.15 MORTGAGE.PQI 7K 39 A0 / 115.16 MUFIX .DOC 3K 30 13 MUMATH fix 115.17 MUMATRIX.FIX 2K D7 A3 / 115.18 PSEUDO .DOC 8K 2D 91 Combined software-hardware pseudo run 115.19 PSEUDO .ASM 16K 59 ED to single step 115.20 RCPM-36 .LST 31K 62 D0 Revised Bulletin Board list 115.21 ROMSUM .ASM 3K 7A 38 Verifies ROMs 115.22 ROMSUM .COM 1K 03 E1 / 115.23 T1-TAX82.CAL 17K D9 8D Supercalc matrix for Canadian taxes 115.24 UNSPOOL .ASM 14K A0 6E Updated spooler 115.25 UNSPOOL .COM 1K 05 88 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 116 Programs from Toronto RCP/M Systems Including Forth and ZCPR2 upgrades -CATALOG.116 contents of Sig/M volume 116 released May 16, 1983 ABSTRACT.116 program information CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 116.01 APLFORTH.TIP 1K 8F 3A How to run Forth on an Apple 116.02 APZCPR2 .LBR 6K 46 98 Implements ZCPR2 on an Apple 116.03 BISHOW11.ASM 10K 6C 8A SHOW - upgraded to go forward and 116.04 BISHOW11.COM 1K 6B EC backwards in the file 116.05 FORTH130.ASM 72K 87 E6 Forth for the Apple (or other 116.06 FORTH130.USE 3K 2B 70 machines) 116.07 I/OCAP11.ASM 19K CA FF Creates disk file of all I/O 116.08 LISTTU84.ASM 44K 8D F7 List program to take advantage of 116.09 LISTTU84.COM 4K 95 22 Okidata 84 features 116.10 NZCPR203.DIF 4K 85 E7 Unofficial ZCPR2 upgrades 116.11 NZCPR204.DIF 6K 81 F4 / 116.12 NZCPR205.DIF 5K 63 42 / 116.13 NZCPR206.DIF 7K 24 91 / 116.14 NZCPR207.DIF 10K FF DB / 116.15 NZCPRHDR.DIF 3K EC 2A / 116.16 TARGET .BAS 9K B1 E1 Microsoft Basic game Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 Sig/M Volume 117 Programs from Toronto RCP/M Systems Including Macro Toolkit and Modem Overlays -CATALOG.117 contents of Sig/M volume 117 released May 16, 1983 ABSTRACT.117 program information CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 117.01 CATXRF11.BQS 4K A2 46 Update for master catalog system prints 117.02 CATXRF11.COM 21K 13 C6 references by file name, ext or disk no. 117.03 MDM705HA.AQM 7K EA 05 DC Hayes Modem 705 overlay 117.04 MDM705KP.MQG 1K 9B 5B KAYPRO Modem 705 overlay 117.05 MDM705P .AQM 87K 73 2A Slows Modem 705 dialing 117.06 MDM705US.ASM 10K D2 8E Modem 705 H-19 overlay 117.07 REDEF .MAC 8K 60 AA Allows simple redefinition of key input 117.08 Z80 .RDF 1K 52 A2 / 117.09 TOOLINTF.DOC 19K E6 CE Library of useful macros 117.10 TOOLS .AQC 38K 37 2E / 117.11 TOOLS .DOC 2K 7E FD / 117.12 TOOLS .RQL 10K 39 37 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc., Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 SIG/M Volume 118 XLISP: an Experimental Object Oriented Language by David Betz -CATALOG.118 contents of SIG/M Volume 118 released June 14, 1983 ABSTRACT.118 introduction to disk CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 118.01 XLISP .COM 39K D1 E6 XLISP 118.02 XLISP .DOC 29K 80 BC 118.03 ALLOC .C 4K DD 5A 118.04 JUNK .C 1K 9B E4 118.05 PT .LSP 4K 48 2D 118.06 SBRK .ASM 3K A5 74 118.07 SETJMP .ASM 2K D6 29 118.08 SETJMP .H 1K AA 08 118.09 T .LSP 4K CA 10 118.10 XLBIND .C 2K 13 58 118.11 XLDMEM .C 9K BD CD 118.12 XLEVAL .C 7K B4 AB 118.13 XLFIO .C 5K CE 45 118.14 XLIO .C 2K 2A 98 118.15 XLISP .C 2K 0E 78 118.16 XLISP .H 6K 2A F9 118.17 XLISP .LNK 1K C5 10 118.18 XLKMAP .C 7K 1C E7 118.19 XLLIST .C 12K 31 87 118.20 XLMAKE .SUB 2K 47 1F 118.21 XLMATH .C 9K C1 54 118.22 XLOBJ .C 18K 32 46 118.23 XLPRIN .C 4K D5 B2 118.24 XLREAD .C 8K A3 05 118.25 XLSTR .C 6K 22 71 118.26 XLSUBR .C 12K 21 31 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 119 Library Filing and Utility System, BYEII Library File -CATALOG.119 contents of SIG/M Volume 119 released June 19, 1983 ABSTRACT.119 info re this volume CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 119.01 BYEII .LBR 72K C1 B3 Second generation BYE in LBR format. 119.02 CHGLIB14.LBR 18K B1 7F Library file and utility system. 119.03 LBR .DOC 3K 25 26 One file contains all of the 119.04 LCRCKNEW.LBR 10K 9C CF files and information necessary 119.05 LDIR .COM 6K 0D 0B to get a program online. All program 119.06 LDIR .LBR 13K B0 39 modules are compacted into a single 119.07 LM16 .ASM 33K 51 AB library (.LBR) file. Using these 119.08 LMODEMXX.MSG 2K D2 10 programs you can extract from the 119.09 LRUN20 .ASM 21K F9 F9 LBR file those portions of the total 119.10 LRUN20 .COM 2K 19 1B files you may need. In this way when 119.11 LU210 .DOC 29K CA C6 you receive a library file you are 119.12 LU211 .COM 18K 3D 98 assured that you have all the info 119.13 LUDEF1 .DOC 7K F2 A0 you need. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 120 MODEM901 and H-89 Music Composer -CATALOG.120 contents of SIG/M Volume 120 released June 19, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 120.01 MODEM901.FIX 1K 7C 47 MODEM9xx merges MODEM796 120.02 MODEM901.INF 4K DA 11 and MDM707 in .LBR form. 120.03 MODEM901.LBR 140K AE 85 (see SIG/M 119). 120.04 CHGLIB14.LBR 18K B1 7F Change phone numbers in MODEM 120.05 ABBA . 4K 46 AD Music composing program 120.06 COMPOSER.ASM 32K 8C 5C for H-89 or any GI AY38910 120.07 COMPOSER.COM 4K 2C E0 program sound chip board. 120.08 COMPOSER.DOC 9K BC 7B / 120.09 FAMILY . 3K 50 E3 / 120.10 FATHER . 1K 43 2B / 120.11 LOVEYOU . 4K 89 81 / 120.12 MAJESTY . 2K CF A6 / 120.13 PRAISE . 1K 17 A5 / 120.14 VOICE . 2K 24 E0 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 121 MODEM Updates for MDM7xx and Smartmodem (TM) SUPER DIRECTORY Update -CATALOG.121 contents of SIG/M Volume 121 released June 19, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 121.01 MDM709 .LBR 112K 7C 58 Latest version of MDM7xx 121.02 MDM709C+.AQM 7K 72 80 / 121.03 SD-48A .AQM 42K 3C 0A Adds features including .LBR 121.04 SMODM52E.LBR 73K DD 2D Smartmodem modem program Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 122 ZCPR2 for the 8080 Processor released June 29, 1983 -CATALOG.122 contents of SIG/M Volume 122 -ZCPR2 .IDX index of SIG/M vols 98-108 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 122.01 DU2-8080.ASM 71K 6A DF Programs and information necessary 122.02 DU2-8080.COM 10K FD 52 to run ZCPR2 on 8080 processor. 122.03 HELP8080.ASM 35K E4 C9 Z80 ZCPR2, documentation files 122.04 HELP8080.COM 3K D5 5B and all other programs needed to 122.05 LRUN8080.ASM 25K 3F 6A implement this modification can 122.06 LRUN8080.COM 2K 41 84 be found on SIG/M Volumes 98-108. 122.07 ZCPR8080.ASM 57K 39 12 / 122.08 ZCPR8080.DOC 3K 82 17 / Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 123 Miscellaneous LBR and other files -CATALOG.123 contents of SIG/M Volume 123 released July 5, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 123.01 6502DASM.LBR 11K B0 6D 6502 disassembler 123.02 ALIENS11.LBR 28K F3 B6 Fun and games 123.03 FIND-20 .LBR 11K E0 20 String finding utility 123.04 INKEY .REL 1K 67 D6 Inkey improvement for BASCOM 123.05 INKEY .Z80 3K E0 65 / 123.06 MATHLIB .ASM 4K 94 90 16 bit math for 6805 123.07 MATHLIB .SRC 11K F7 FA 16 bit math for 8048 123.08 MATHLIB .Z80 3K 3D 0E 16 bit math for Z80 123.09 ODMP .LBR 47K DE 8D Simulation model 123.10 OPSYN .ASM 2K 1C 82 IEEE mnemonics with XASM05 123.11 SORTUSER.BQS 3K 52 39 Sorts bulletin board users 123.12 XFORMER .BQS 13K F9 EC Transformer design 123.13 XMODEM74.LBR 80K 4A 75 Xmodem update Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 124 ZCPR2 AND SYSLIB UPGRADES Volume 1 of a 2 volume upgrade -CATALOG.124 contents of SIG/M Volume 124 released July 11, 1983 ABSTRACT.124 information re this volume ZCPR2 .IDX index of SIG/M ZCPR2 volumes CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 124.01 COMMENT .COM 1K 88 40 ZCPR2 upgrade modules 124.02 COMPARE .HLP 7K A4 C0 124.03 ECHO .COM 2K BD B8 124.04 GENINS .COM 14K A3 81 124.05 MENU8080.COM 3K E1 40 124.06 PAGE .COM 8K 43 78 124.07 PATH .COM 5K 43 61 124.08 PHELP .COM 8K 0A ED 124.09 PRINT3 .COM 8K 19 02 124.10 SAK .COM 2K 29 61 124.11 SYSLIB .HLP 15K DF D5 124.12 SYSLIB .REL 14K 1C 54 124.13 TINIT .COM 5K B1 C7 124.14 UPGRADE .DOC 18K 98 E8 Documentation for this upgrade 124.15 Z2ALT .HLP 28K AD 4E 124.16 ZCPR2-OZ.LBR 74K FF AF ZCPR2 for Osborne-1 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 125 ZCPR2 AND SYSLIB UPGRADES Volume 2 of a 2 volume upgrade -CATALOG.125 contents of SIG/M Volume 125 released July 11, 1983 ABSTRACT.125 information re this volume ZCPR2 .IDX index of SIG/M ZCPR2 volumes CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqeeze program index name size crc description 125.01 COMMENT .MQC 5K 3D A4 ZCPR2 upgrade modules 125.02 ECHO .MQC 4K 4C CB 125.03 GENINS .MQC 31K CF 23 125.04 MENU8080.MQC 16K 55 4A 125.05 PAGE .MQC 6K 59 5B 125.06 PHELP .MQC 21K 1F F1 125.07 PRINT3 .MQC 20K 17 B8 125.08 SAK .MQC 6K 71 48 125.09 SDIR .MQC 20K 57 50 125.10 SEPRINT .MQC 1K AC A8 125.11 SEPSTR .MQC 2K C8 5E 125.12 SVERSION.MQC 1K 46 7A 125.13 SYSTEST2.MQC 3K 64 F7 125.14 TEMPLATE.MQC 12K 14 26 125.15 TINIT .MQC 9K 37 EB 125.16 ZCPR2-KP.LBR 13K 56 A2 ZCPR2 for the Kaypro II 125.17 ZCPR2-MD.LBR 25K 2C BC ZCPR2 for the Morrow MicroDecision Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 126 ROFF4, V1.50 Text Formatter by Ernest E. Bergmann -CATALOG.126 contents of SIG/M Volume 126 released August 1, 1983 ABSTRACT.126 explains how to use this disk CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 126.01 BPTEST . 1K B4 5E Test formatter capable of maximizing 126.02 DIO .H 1K BF F7 printer capability. Special symbols 126.03 EQN . 1K 3A 2C or fonts can be defined. Can create 126.04 EXY1 . 1K 64 18 super and subscripts and backspace 126.05 EXYDEMO .SUB 1K 4B AB on most printers. "Preprocessor" 126.06 FOOT . 1K 60 77 directives can be used to merge stock 126.07 FORM . 1K E2 BD phrases, boiler plate, make macro 126.08 L2 .COM 17K 87 0F definitions, automate numbering, 126.09 LIST . 1K EC D5 create footnotes, table of contents, etc. 126.10 MATRIX . 1K BF 72 126.11 MX . 6K DA 43 126.12 NDIO .C 5K 14 9F 126.13 NEST . 1K 81 99 126.14 PAGES . 2K AA 00 126.15 ROFF4 .C 12K 53 35 126.16 ROFF4 .COM 30K 37 02 126.17 ROFF4 .CRL 7K CF A0 126.18 ROFF4 .DOC 31K 37 B9 126.19 ROFF4 .H 9K D4 C5 126.20 ROFF4 .SUB 1K 66 BC 126.21 ROFF41 .C 7K DB 83 126.22 ROFF41 .CRL 4K 7C 45 126.23 ROFF42 .C 7K A7 7B 126.24 ROFF42 .CRL 5K B9 DA 126.25 ROFF43 .C 5K 5A B0 126.26 ROFF43 .CRL 4K 97 22 126.27 ROFF44 .C 6K 3E 66 126.28 ROFF44 .CRL 4K 8B 32 126.29 ROFF45 .C 8K 39 37 126.30 ROFF45 .CRL 4K 1D DA 126.31 ROFF46 .C 8K CD F0 126.32 ROFF46 .CRL 5K B6 BD 126.33 ROFF47 .C 8K B0 15 126.34 ROFF47 .CRL 5K 5B FD 126.35 SCI .ASM 4K EB 33 126.36 SCI .COM 2K 39 24 126.37 STACKTST. 1K F2 70 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 127 Communication and Disk File Program, SAP Update by Frank J. Gaude` -CATALOG.127 contents of SIG/M Volume 127 released August 1, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 127.01 COMM7 .DQC 25K 00 68 Full feature communication program using 127.02 COMM7 .HQS 16K 42 6E Christiansen protocol for file transfer. 127.03 COMM723 .AQM 26K D8 4D 127.04 COMM723A.AQM 34K 1F DA 127.05 COMM723B.AQM 17K C6 91 127.06 COMM723C.AQM 17K 98 01 127.07 COMM723D.AQM 28K E1 80 127.08 COMM7CAL.AQM 6K 00 15 127.09 COMM7CAL.COM 2K F7 4A 127.10 DISK76C .AQM 34K 12 D5 Copies, renames, logs, deletes & classifies 127.11 DISK7 .COM 4K C2 C7 disk files. 8 bit verification. 127.12 LASM .COM 6K 39 22 Assembler for use with disk 127.13 LASM .DQC 3K 5A 44 127.14 SAP36 .AQM 8K 0A BC Updates Sort and Pack 127.15 SAP .COM 2K 63 63 Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 128 Bulletin Board Software Upgrades XMODEM for UNIX and VAX/VMS -CATALOG.128 contents of SIG/M Volume 128 released September 9, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 128.01 BYE72K .AQM 38K 6D D9 Upgrade of Bulletin 128.02 ENTRBBS .BQS 21K 6D AA Board software from 128.03 EXITRBBS.BQS 6K 47 81 Software Tools of 128.04 GOODBYE . 1K B8 39 Australia 128.05 MINIRBBS.BQS 26K 01 A7 / 128.06 TIMEOUT .BQS 5K C5 01 / 128.07 UTIL .BQS 11K EF ED / 128.08 CALLERS . 0K 00 00 Dummy files for Minirbbs 128.09 COUNTERS. 0K 00 00 / 128.10 LASTCALR. 0K 00 00 / 128.11 SUMMARY .BBS 0K 00 00 / 128.12 UMODEM .LBR 68K E3 AE XMODEM for UNIX 128.13 XMODEM .LBR 43K CA 65 XMODEM for VAX 11/750 and 780 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-128, 13 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 129 dBASEII ORDER AND INVENTORY PROGRAM JRT PASCAL USER GROUP VOL 1 -CATALOG.129 contents of SIG/M Volume 129 released September 9, 1983 index name size crc description 129.01 DB2SIG/M.LBR 174K 51 C0 A complete dBASEII (TM) order and inventory program. Covers orders for and inventory of SIG/M Vols 1 to 129. when order is entered program advises if in stock or backordered and makes appropriate adjustment to inventory. Prints invoices, shipping labels, disk labels, various reports. Includes FASTBASE (TM) search program which locates any string in any field in all records. Automatic date verification. CompuPro time and date verification. Runs on both CP/M and CP/M 86. Etc. 129.02 JRTPAS-1.LBR 45K F5 B6 A comprehensive set of JRT Pascal routines including those in Dr. Wirth's USER MANUAL AND REPORT. 129.03 LU .COM 18K 3D 98 Program to extract above files. For full documentation see SIG/M Vol 119. TO use the files on this disk - type LU TYPE -O at the prompt to open a file TYPE the name of the .LBR file TYPE -L to list the items in the file TYPE -E *.* to extract all files (make sure you have room on the disk - or else extract part at a time.) TYPE -C to close the file TYPE ^C to exit. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-129, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 130 "SIGNON" System of programs for RCP/M Usage by Dick Lieber of CACHE -CATALOG.130 contents of SIG/M Volume 130 released September 9, 1983 ABSTRACT.130 information regarding this disk CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 130.01 1100 .SSB 2K 3D 01 Subroutine files for use with SIGNON 130.02 1300 .SSB 1K 0B 4C / 130.03 1400 .SSB 1K A2 F8 / 130.04 1600 .SSB 1K 8B 08 / 130.05 200 .SSB 2K 94 4F / 130.06 2100 .SSB 2K F4 94 / 130.07 2300 .SSB 1K 92 FF / 130.08 2500 .SSB 3K E3 11 / 130.09 3000 .SSB 1K 6D 99 / 130.10 3100 .SSB 1K 8C 0C / 130.11 3300 .SSB 1K 90 E3 / 130.12 400500 .SSB 2K 29 0D / 130.13 4900CBBS.SSB 2K AA A1 / 130.14 4900RBBS.SSB 1K DA 88 / 130.15 600 .SSB 1K D2 47 / 130.16 7800 .SSB 1K 5C 13 / 130.17 800 .SSB 1K 19 55 / 130.18 8000 .SSB 2K 5C 4D / 130.19 8100 .SSB 1K B7 03 / 130.20 9100 .SSB 1K 4B 27 / 130.21 BYECMD .BAS 4K 9C E6 exit program 130.22 BYEX .MAC 1K 0A 82 subroutine 130.23 CNFG1 .BAS 8K 11 F9 sysop's system configuration program 2 130.24 COMGR .BAS 10K 78 9E sysop's comments manager program 130.25 COMPILE .SUB 1K F7 99 submit file for compiling a .BAS file 130.26 CONFIG .BAS 21K 7E 39 sysop's system configuration program 130.27 CONFIG .CMN 1K B3 27 configuration program routines 130.28 CONVRBB .BAS 18K 21 69 program to convert RBBS files 130.29 CONVRBB .DOC 4K 06 12 / 130.30 DRIVER .MAC 1K 90 4D subroutine 130.31 FINISH .BAS 6K 19 3A exit program 130.32 JOB .SUB 1K A9 AE submit file used with SSUB to batch jobs 130.33 LOADRIVE.SUB 1K 3B 44 submit file 130.34 MAKELIB .SUB 1K 04 4A submit file 130.35 MFIL .BAS 2K 77 37 program to make necessary data files 130.36 POSYS .BAS 18K 39 6A sysop's general utility 130.37 SELDSK .MAC 1K F3 B6 subroutine 130.38 SETFMD .MAC 1K D2 D0 subroutine 130.39 SIGNMODS.DOC 2K 7F 46 documentation 130.40 SIGNON .BAS 16K 69 6F main program 130.41 SIGNON .DOC 32K 5A 6D documentation 130.42 TMOD .MAC 3K B5 C4 clock module interface program 130.43 TMODQT .MAC 3K FA 68 clock module for QT clock 130.44 TMODSCI .MAC 5K 48 43 clock module for Scitronics clock 130.45 TMODTEST.MAC 5K 79 13 tests tmod function 130.46 TOS .BAS 3K 8E 26 time on system program 130.47 USERMD .MAC 1K 1A A9 subroutine 130.48 USRMAINT.BAS 9K E1 DD sysop's user file maintenance program SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-130, 48 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 131 ABSTRACTS FROM PASCAL Z USER GROUP VOL 23 Library of procedures and functions -CATALOG.131 contents of SIG/M Volume 131 released September 9, 1983 ABSTRACT.131 information regarding this disk CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 131.01 ALPH2INT.PAS 4K 00 0D returns integer value of string 131.02 BEEP .SRC 1K 9F 66 procedure to ring bell 131.03 BLNKSCRN.SRC 1K 34 B9 procedure to blink 131.04 CASELIB .PAS 2K B6 2F function to turn lower to upper case 131.05 CHARIN .SRC 1K 98 A9 procedure to input char. 131.06 CHROUT .SRC 1K 43 4F procedure to output char. 131.07 CLOCK .SRC 11K 3D DF calendar clock master program 131.08 CLRHOM .SRC 1K CD 59 proc. to clear screen & home cursor 131.09 CMPTXT .SRC 2K DC D9 proc. to compare two ASCII strings 131.10 CONFINE .PAS 1K 64 9E proc. that returns standard deviation 131.11 DATE .SRC 2K 5C A7 uses clock board 131.12 DATENTIM.PAS 3K 0A 48 prints date from Godbout SSI board 131.13 DATENTIM.SRC 5K 5A 67 / 131.14 DECOMPOS.PAS 3K 0C AC matrix function 131.15 DRVLOG .SRC 2K 48 81 routine determines logged drive 131.16 GETEXT .SRC 2K E1 FE routine to get text from console 131.17 HEXOUT .SRC 2K 39 FF hex print to console from program 131.18 INITSEED. 1K 6B E6 procedure to get seed by calling "Time" 131.19 KARET .SRC 1K E2 7D outputs CR/LF to console 131.20 KBDIN .SRC 2K DD FD checks keyboard, returns with ASCII in A 131.21 LEVEL .PAS 3K BE 89 procedure to use "HIPAD" to print oversize 131.22 LEVEL .SRC 7K B2 A8 / 131.23 LITEPEN .SRC 2K C5 4A function to read port of light pen 131.24 MEDIAN .PAS 2K 2F 81 determines median value of list 131.25 MEDIAN .SRC 4K E0 CE / 131.26 MESIJ .SRC 2K 82 4B prints message to console 131.27 MNANDVAR.PAS 1K E9 A7 procedure to get mean/variance 131.28 NAMEDATE.PAS 2K 08 4E changes date from integer to strings 131.29 NAMEDATE.SRC 5K 12 5B / 131.30 PLOT .PAS 4K 09 AA X Y plots 131.31 POINT .SRC 5K 08 DD reads "HIPAD" 131.32 POPSTATS.PAS 9K D6 C2 calculates mean, mode, etc. 131.33 POPSTATS.SRC 25K 07 D5 / 131.34 QQSORTR .PAS 6K 07 32 updated QQSORT 131.35 READQ .SRC 1K 12 7F reads console w/o waiting for CR 131.36 READREAL.PAS 10K 7A 5B flexible proc. for console input 131.37 RNDKNUTH.LIB 7K CA AC Knuth random generator method 131.38 SELECT .PAS 5K AF 02 function to partially sort array 131.39 SELECT .SRC 11K EE 40 / 131.40 SMOOTH9 .PAS 2K F8 12 smooths 9 points of data 131.41 STREAM .SRC 5K 01 1E reads a stream from "HIPAD" 131.42 TIME .SRC 2K 78 01 reads clock digit 131.43 TSTMEDN .PAS 7K 9F AB median test 131.44 TSTQSORT.PAS 2K 11 E6 Qsort test 131.45 USEPLOT .PAS 2K 7A 81 used as shell to plot 131.46 USEWLREG.PAS 3K 51 ED tests plot procedures 131.47 WAVE .SRC 5K 96 A9 fill array from Hipad in stream mode 131.48 WEEKDAY .PAS 1K 24 4C function to change date to day 131.49 WEEKDAY .SRC 1K AE C3 / 131.50 ZELLER .PAS 2K 36 8D returns time between dates 131.51 ZELLER .SRC 3K BD 8D / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-131, 54 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 132 PASCAL Z USER GROUP VOLUME 24 -CATALOG.132 contents of SIG/M Volume 132 released September 9, 1983 ABSTRACT.132 information regarding this disk index name size crc description 132.01 BIOMO .PAS 9K 0F BD monthly bio-graf 132.02 CHECKS .PAS 26K 45 16 updates NOW with on-line code changes 132.07 EXAMPL .CHK 1K EE B3 / 132.08 EXAMPL .DOC 6K F6 94 / 132.09 EXAMPL .NAM 2K 9A 80 / 132.04 DEL .COM 1K 6F 74 file delete program 132.05 EPSON .COM 8K 56 BB Epson printer program 132.06 EPSON .PAS 3K B1 1F / 132.12 LS .C 8K C1 E4 directory listing program 132.13 LS .COM 8K 45 1E / 132.14 LS .DOC 2K 9B 73 / 132.15 PROM .FIL 18K BD 30 illustrates how prom burner works 132.16 QUIZ .TXT 2K 64 76 test 132.17 QUIZANS .TXT 3K 46 88 / 132.18 READCMD .DOC 5K CF F6 program to handle arguments in a 132.19 READCMD .P 8K 37 EC command tail 132.20 READCMD .REL 3K 4F 93 / 132.10 GETNUMS .P 4K AC 1D / 132.11 GETNUMS .REL 1K BD F1 / 132.25 TESTCMD .COM 14K BE 8C / 132.26 TESTCMD .PAS 4K 3D D2 / 132.03 CTOI .REL 1K 3D 11 / 132.21 ROTATE .BAS 3K A6 B9 letter game 132.22 ROTATE .COM 13K F2 61 / 132.23 STUDENT .COM 19K CE 75 keep student grades 132.24 STUDENT .PAS 20K EE CD / 132.27 TRACER .AZM 11K 0B A8 trace execution of Z80 program 132.28 TRACER .DOC 2K F1 71 / 132.29 WRITNUM .COM 9K B6 C0 writes up to $9,999.99 132.30 WRITNUM .PAS 3K A6 B8 / 132.31 ZDUMP .COM 9K 10 94 dump program with a variety of 132.32 ZDUMP .PAS 6K C9 75 options SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-132, 32 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 133 PASCAL Z USERS GROUP VOL 25 -CATALOG.133 contents of SIG/M Volume 133 released September 9, 1983 ABSTRACT.133 information regarding this disk CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 133.01 METRICS .COM 24K C7 8A converts metrics 133.02 METRICS .PAS 15K A7 D8 / 133.03 BASICOPS.PAS 23K FC BC extended precision floating point 133.04 BYTEOPS .REL 1K EA 53 / 133.05 BYTEOPS .SRC 8K D5 70 / 133.06 FLPTCONS.PAS 1K 0A A5 / 133.07 FLPTDEMO.COM 28K F5 29 / 133.08 FLPTDEMO.PAS 3K BA 76 / 133.09 FLPTEXT .PAS 2K DC CA / 133.10 FLPTPACK.DOC 7K 19 19 / 133.11 FLPTTYPE.PAS 1K F0 DE / 133.12 FLPTVAR .PAS 1K ED D2 / 133.13 EDITFEED.COM 19K AB 79 designs a balanced cattle feed ration 133.14 EDITFEED.PAS 5K A2 42 / 133.15 EDITFILE.COM 16K 76 F3 / 133.16 EDITFILE.PAS 9K DA 69 / 133.17 FEED .DAT 5K E8 5F / 133.18 FEEDLOT .DOC 11K AA FD / 133.19 BUILDF .PAS 4K 51 1A / 133.20 INITIAL .PAS 2K D2 60 / 133.21 LINEAR .COM 24K 5B 2B / 133.22 LINEAR .PAS 8K CF FC / 133.23 LINTEST .DAT 2K 0D B4 / 133.24 MODIFYF .PAS 4K 1B 49 / 133.25 PRINT .PAS 2K 27 9E / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-133, 25 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 134 PASCAL Z USERS GROUP VOL 26 -CATALOG.134 contents of SIG/M Volume 134 released September 9, 1983 ABSTRACT.134 information regarding this disk index name size crc description 134.01 ANIMALS .COM 26K 5F 95 animal guessing game without 134.02 ANIMALS .PAS 41K 80 90 prior "bugs" 134.03 BEASTS .QQQ 1K 8D 23 134.04 BEASTS .QQX 1K F7 EC 134.05 BINTOHEX.PAS 2K 85 3F converts binary to hex 134.06 HEXTOBIN.PAS 3K E9 0D / 134.07 CHECKS .COM 9K 82 A9 checkbook program 134.08 CHECKS .DOC 20K 08 04 / 134.09 CHECKS .Z80 53K FA 24 / 134.10 EXAMPL .CHK 1K EE B3 / 134.11 EXAMPL .DOC 6K F6 94 / 134.12 EXAMPL .NAM 2K 9A 80 / 134.13 CLEAN .PAS 9K 67 7F filters characters to printer 134.14 CLEANPRT.PAS 5K BF 87 / 134.15 MACRO .SRC 4K B8 2D collection of macros 134.16 DRVCHK .PAS 2K D6 4F procedure to check filename drive 134.17 GETFILES.PAS 2K 09 84 procedure to get files 134.18 CONVERT .DOC 2K 74 EA converts numbers between string 134.19 GLOBALS .INT 1K 3F DD and real and integers to string 134.20 GLOBALS .RN$ 2K 85 49 / 134.21 PASZCODE.INT 4K B1 66 / 134.22 PASZCODE.RN$ 10K DE 78 / 134.23 PROFILE .REL 1K 48 EB Hipad routine to fill array 134.24 PROFILE .SRC 8K DC 32 / 134.25 TP .PAS 1K 71 CF / 134.26 TRIGLIB .PAS 4K D8 0B seven trig functions 134.27 TSTAN2 .COM 14K 17 06 converts regression coefficient 134.28 TSTAN2 .PAS 1K DA F5 to slope angle SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-134, 28 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 135 SOFTWARE TOOLS OF AUSTRALIA - VOL 17 CP/M utilities and misc. programs -CATALOG.135 contents of SIG/M Volume 135 released September 1,1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 135.01 DIR-DUMP.ASM 8K 42 F2 Displays disk directory formatted 135.02 DIR-DUMP.DOC 2K C9 83 for 64 col. screen 135.03 DIR-DUMP.OBJ 1K E6 7A / 135.04 EXTCOM1 .ASM 5K D8 24 Exit from CP/M to comms program (8251 UART) 135.05 INF .MAC 14K AD 16 Comprehensive disk format display 135.06 INF .OBJ 2K 7E A3 / 135.07 ITOH5000.ASM 8K AC E8 Graphics driver for C.Itoh 8010 135.08 LD1 .C 8K 1F 9C Loader for machine language programs 135.09 LOCK .DOC 2K 71 59 'Locks' program for security 135.10 LOCK .OBJ 11K 6B 39 / 135.11 LOCK .WPF 11K 2F FB / 135.16 MKEY .OBJ 1K BB 59 / 135.17 MKEY .WPF 5K EB 67 / 135.32 UNLOCK .OBJ 11K 41 C1 / 135.33 UNLOCK .WPF 12K B8 34 / 135.12 LPR .CQ 6K 2F 6F Printer program - currently set for Epson 135.13 LPR .OBJ 14K B6 16 / 135.14 MFT50 .ASM 27K B9 CE Multiple file transfer program 135.15 MFT50 .OBJ 3K 97 B2 / 135.18 PCAT .BAS 6K 1C 42 Hardcopy catalog in master catalog system 135.19 POKER .BAS 12K 96 C6 Beats you every time 135.20 RELOC .CQ 6K E2 59 Move a program to top of TPA and run it 135.21 RELOC .DQC 19K 12 6F / 135.22 RELOC .MQC 7K 05 E9 / 135.23 RELOC .OBJ 10K CF EC / 135.24 RELOC .REL 1K 38 3D / 135.25 RELOC .SUB 1K BF 72 / 135.26 RELOC .TXT 2K 6A 14 / 135.27 SPR2 .OBJ 1K 07 EA / 135.28 SRP1 .OBJ 1K 2E 47 / 135.29 TEST .SUB 1K B1 DC / 135.30 TEST1 .MQC 4K C3 D9 / 135.31 TEST2 .MQC 2K 8C CF / 135.34 WPF .C 2K 09 34 Translate .WPF files to conventional 135.35 WPF .OBJ 6K 9D AD format SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-135, 35 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 136 BIG-BOARD utilities, modem patches, LISP doc. Software Tools of Australia Vol 18, etc. -CATALOG.136 contents of SIG/M Volume 136 released September 9, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 136.01 BB-VIDEO.MOD 1K 2E B4 Video mod. for BIG-BOARD 136.02 BBSCAN .ASM 7K 6B 64 Disk integrity verifier for BIG-BOARD 136.03 BBSCAN .DOC 4K 98 F9 / 136.04 BIGBDFMT.ASM 7K E0 A1 Disk formatting program for BIG-BOARD 136.05 BIGBDFMT.DOC 1K 3D CC / 136.06 BIGBDFMT.OBJ 1K 56 1F / 136.07 DATMODH .AQM 29K 25 39 MODEM7A configured for DATAMAX 136.08 FFC .ASM 12K DF 9A Bill Earnest's FAST copy for BIG-BOARD 136.09 INDEX .YA2 2K D6 D4 Yam disk index 136.10 LIFSCORE.BAS 17K EC 03 How long to go 136.11 LISP .WPM 3K 96 90 Documentation for LISP interpretor, 8080 136.12 MOD4BB1A.OBJ 4K A2 31 MODEM4 configured for BIG-BOARD 136.13 MODEMH .DOC 5K 1D 32 / 136.14 OZDEM .ASM 4K 3F E4 MODEM7 patch for OSBORNE 1 136.15 PATCH .YAM 2K 29 80 YAM patch to disable system file access 136.16 REMOTE .DOC 3K A7 0C Construct. details for remote SORCERER keybd 136.17 SORMODH .AQM 29K 5B 3C MODEM7 configured for SORCERER 136.18 TRANSLAT.DOC 2K 59 41 BIG-BOARD keyboard translation 136.19 TRANSLAT.Z80 5K 83 5B / 136.20 YAM89 .CRL 1K 98 7C YAM8 & YAM9 combined for BDS C v1.46 136.21 YAM89 .CSM 5K 2F 28 / 136.22 YAMKAP .OBJ 27K E0 64 YAM modem program for KAYPRO II 136.23 YAMOSB .OBJ 25K 1E 64 YAM modem program for OSBORNE 1 136.24 YAMSAN .OBJ 25K E2 CF YAM modem program for SANYO MBC-1000 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-136, 24 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 137 BUILDING ENERGY DESIGN ANALYSIS -California Energy Commission Volume 1 of 2 -CATALOG.137 contents of SIG/M Volume 137 released September 7, 1983 USQ .COM unsqueeze files on this volume CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 137.01 MP .CQM 9K 05 D8 MICROPAS 1.0 - A Microcomputer 137.02 MP-CNTRL.SYS 1K A9 0A Program for Building Design 137.03 MP-EDIT .CQM 18K 01 48 Analysis. Can estimate the 137.04 MP-FORM .CQM 10K FE 4F performance of conventional 137.05 MP-GRAPH.CQM 9K FE 25 residential buildings as well 137.06 MP-GRAPH.SIM 1K 75 89 as buildings incorporating 137.07 MP-INPUT.CQM 16K 77 56 passive solar and natural 137.08 MP-INPUT.DE1 1K 6C 9E cooling features. Simulates 137.09 MP-INPUT.DE2 1K D5 E6 a full year in 20 minutes. 137.10 MP-INPUT.DE3 1K E4 1F Requires MICROSOFT BRUN.COM. 137.11 MP-INPUT.DE4 2K 60 4D 137.12 MP-INPUT.DE5 1K 3F D1 137.13 MP-INPUT.DE6 1K 3C 38 137.14 MP-INPUT.DE7 1K AF 45 137.15 MP-INPUT.DE8 1K D1 1C 137.16 MP-INPUT.ED1 3K 94 7B 137.17 MP-INPUT.ED2 1K 62 22 137.18 MP-INPUT.ED3 1K 41 78 137.19 MP-INPUT.ED4 3K E5 15 137.20 MP-INPUT.ED5 1K B9 9F 137.21 MP-INPUT.ED6 1K 28 36 137.22 MP-INPUT.ED7 4K C2 AD 137.23 MP-INPUT.ED8 1K 6A C2 137.24 MP-INSTL.DE1 1K DA 0B 137.25 MP-INSTL.ED1 4K F0 A2 137.26 MP-INSTL.SYS 1K 00 A3 137.27 MP-MENU .CQM 15K F9 A0 137.28 MP-OPTIM.CQM 17K CA 8C 137.29 MP-OPTIM.INP 1K C6 61 137.30 MP-OUTP .SI1 1K F8 B9 137.31 MP-OUTP .SI2 2K 79 64 137.32 MP-OUTP .SI3 4K B0 D4 137.33 MP-SIMUL.CQM 20K 4A 88 137.34 MP-SIMUL.IN1 2K 26 2F 137.35 MP-SIMUL.IN2 0K 00 00 137.36 MP-SUMRY.CQM 16K 4C 22 137.37 MP-TABLE.CQM 17K 64 D2 137.38 MP-WEATH.CQM 18K 47 71 137.39 MP-WEATH.INP 1K 89 87 137.40 MPINTRO .DQC 5K 5C C6 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-137, 40 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 138 BUILDING ENERGY DESIGN ANALYSIS -California Energy Commission Volume 2 of 2 -CATALOG.138 contents of SIG/M Volume 138 released September 7, 1983 LU .COM library utility to extract files CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 138.01 CZ .LBR 174K DA E8 Weather data for vol 137 138.02 MP-DEMO .LBR 34K 70 A4 demo program - set for Drive B SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-138, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 139 MODEM UPDATE - MODEM 712 -CATALOG.139 contents of SIG/M Volume 139 released October 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze .?Q? files index name size crc description 139.01 MDM712 .IQF 4K C1 FC Latest version of MDM7xx 139.02 MDM712 .LBR 204K 20 6D / 139.03 MDM712 .TXT 3K 9C 54 / 139.04 MDM712 .UQD 4K C8 D0 / 139.05 UN .COM 5K 6B 74 Recovers Basic-80 programs 139.06 UN-PROT .BAS 2K 91 35 Fix for Apple for UN.COM SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-139, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 140 Cross Assemblers and Misc. Utilities Software Tools of Australia Extracts -CATALOG.140 contents of SIG/M Volume 140 released October 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 140.01 68KASM .FQR 42K 84 DD 68000 Cross assembler from Dr. Dobbs 140.02 68KASM .MQC 7K 95 3F / 140.03 CPU .ASM 4K 7E 09 Faster BDSC for 8085 140.04 SPEEDUP .C 7K 02 47 / 140.05 ERROR .FOR 2K D1 1A Fortran-80 command switches & error codes 140.06 EXORCOPY.C 12K AE A5 MOTOROLA mdos to CP/M data exchange utility 140.07 FILENAME.FQR 2K 50 6A Fortran filename parser (German comments) 140.08 M6805 .LIB 8K 55 29 Macro Lib. of MOTOROLA MC6805 opcodes 140.09 REMAKE .PLI 5K 5A 67 Compiler manager 140.10 OPCODES . 2K 28 F0 MOTOROLA 6800 cross assembler 140.11 EXBUG3 .SYM 1K 7A 56 / 140.11 SEG1X68 .C 17K 1B E7 / 140.12 SEG1X68 .OVL 6K B8 83 / 140.13 SEG2X68 .C 10K 5B 68 / 140.14 SEG2X68 .OVL 5K 73 4A / 140.17 X68 .C2 17K C4 12 / 140.18 X68 .H 5K 59 84 / 140.19 X68 .OBJ 15K 1C B6 / 140.15 SIMLT .FQR 8K 6D E9 Solves simultaneous equations in fortran 140.20 XTCPM141.AQM 26K A7 0A Method to extend CP/M 2.2 system 140.21 XTCPM141.DQC 2K A9 0E / 140.22 Z80DISK .DOC 4K 5E 0B Z80 Disk diagnostic, Dr. Dobbs April 1981 140.23 Z80DISK .MAC 23K BF 13 / 140.24 Z80DISK .OBJ 3K 03 12 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-140, 24 Files cataloged. NOTE: Use USQ.COM on SIG/M Volume 60 (as well as other SIG/M Volumes) to unsqueeze .?Q? files. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 141 Kaypro, Osborne & Big Board Programs Software Tools of Australia Extracts -CATALOG.141 contents of SIG/M Volume 141 released October 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 141.01 BBDRIVER.ZQ0 44K 03 55 IOS driver for Ferguson Big Board SBC 141.02 BBMODS .DQC 7K 32 F0 Double Density and other mods for Big Board 141.03 BBSYSTEM.ZQ0 42K 9F B7 Modified monitor ROM for Big Board 141.04 BGMEMTST.AQM 2K F7 2F Background memory test, Lifelines May 1981 141.05 DISPPROM.BB 6K 31 AC Big Board Character Generator ROM contents 141.06 KAYMODEM.DOC 1K B1 62 SMODEM37 set up for Kaypro 2 141.07 KAYMODEM.OBJ 11K 80 A0 / 141.08 KPROMDM7.DOC 2K 04 8E Documentation on MODEM7 for Kaypro 2 141.09 KPROTERM.TXT 2K 90 26 Information on Kaypro 2 terminal control 141.10 MOD765BB.ASM 64K BD A9 MODEM765 for Big Board 141.11 MOD765BB.OBJ 10K 02 1A / 141.12 OSBDUMB .DOC 2K 18 04 Dumb terminal program for Osborne 1 141.13 OSBDUMB .MAC 10K D3 20 / 141.14 OSBDUMB .OBJ 2K 54 C2 / 141.15 OSBMBOOT.ASM 8K 34 35 MBOOT31A for Osborne 1 141.16 OSBMBOOT.DOC 1K 15 D8 / 141.17 OSBORNE .Z80 1K 1A AD Pip patch for Osborne 1 141.18 OSD .DOC 2K 4F F3 Sort directory program (SD-42) for 141.19 OSD .OBJ 2K E6 0C Osborne 1 141.20 OSTRICKS.DOC 6K E9 5B Various hints on Osborne 1 USART SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-141, 20 Files cataloged. NOTE: Use USQ.COM on SIG/M Volume 60 (as well as other SIG/M Volumes) to unsqueeze .?Q? files. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 142 Games from Software Tools of Australia Extracted from recent releases -CATALOG.142 contents of SIG/M Volume 142 released October 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze .?Q? files index name size crc description 142.01 ALMAZAR .BAS 2K C2 29 Adventure game from Micro-80 142.02 ALMAZAR .DOC 2K 0F D5 / 142.03 SFA/SAV .0 1K AF A4 / 142.04 SFALDES .0 9K 1E 34 / 142.05 SFALDES .BAS 7K 01 C9 / 142.06 SFAMAIN .BAS 15K 53 04 / 142.07 SFAMOVE .0 2K 53 F7 / 142.08 SFAMOVE .BAS 2K 15 3F / 142.09 SFAOBDES.0 2K 02 30 / 142.10 SFAOBDES.BAS 2K 1B 7A / 142.11 SFARESP .0 13K FE 3E / 142.12 SFARESP .BAS 5K 17 7A / 142.13 SFAVOC .0 1K DC 8C / 142.14 SFAVOC .BAS 1K 9A 37 / 142.15 AUSOPOLY.BAS 28K 57 26 English/Australian of CPMUG game 142.16 BACARRAT.BAS 4K F4 49 Osborne MBASIC game 142.17 BANNER .Z80 19K 70 61 Prints banner to console & printer 142.18 BLAKJACK.BAS 12K 87 37 Osborne MBASIC game 142.19 FOGASM .ASM 1K 50 05 Calculates number of years of schooling 142.20 FOGINDEX.PLI 3K 33 A4 required to read a document 142.21 GOLDMINE.BAS 8K 65 27 MBASIC game 142.22 KPRO2-SW.BAS 10K 28 F7 Spacewar game for Kaypro 2, MBASIC 142.23 MAKEADV .BQS 6K 5B 93 Make your own Adventure 142.24 SAMPADV .AQV 8K 05 A0 / 142.25 SAMPADV .MQC 9K E8 3C / 142.26 OZDOT .BAS 8K E2 0B Osborne version of DOTS 142.27 PACMAN .ASM 4K 2C C4 PACMAN game for cursor addressable 142.28 PACMAN .DAT 4K 34 64 terminals 142.29 PACMAN .OBJ 16K 86 A2 / 142.30 SPACEWAR.BAS 11K FB 00 Osborne MBASIC game 142.31 YKW1 .BAS 2K E4 6B "My other computer is an IBM" for Osborne 142.32 YKW2 .BAS 2K 74 5F "My other computer is an IBM" for ADM-31 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-142, 32 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 143 Packet Radio, Printer Utilities, etc Software Tools of Australia (extracts) -CATALOG.143 contents of SIG/M Volume 143 released October 7, 1983 USQ .COM unsqueeze program CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 143.01 ATTEN .BAS 3K 74 9F Electronic attenuator design utility 143.02 DEPREC .BAS 3K EC 45 Depreciation schedult 143.03 GENINDEX.OBJ 20K 09 A0 Generates index for WordStar text file 143.04 GENINDEX.PAS 12K F0 96 / 143.05 INDEX .PAS 1K 12 D6 / 143.06 INDEX101.DQC 5K 67 05 WordStar indexing utility 143.07 INDEX101.OBJ 11K 41 14 / 143.08 LPR .C 9K F0 EB Print program for MX80, wildcard names 143.09 LPR .OBJ 14K B6 16 & clock 143.10 DGPTR .PQS 7K FE 08 Packet Radio Software for CP/M Systems 143.11 PACKET .AQM 25K 98 C9 / 143.12 PACKET .DOC 6K 05 2A / 143.13 PACKET .RPT 12K 3A 64 / 143.14 PACKET-0.DOC 3K A2 CC / 143.15 PACKET2 .TXT 14K 0D 18 / 143.16 PACKETCF.TQT 15K 8A 6D / 143.17 PRINTER .INF 2K 91 28 Control codes for EPSON MX80 printer 143.18 RDRPUN .MAC 1K 13 85 FORTRAN routine to access CP/M RDR and PUN 143.19 RESXIOS .AQM 13K F1 9E Example of MP/M 2 Resident XIOS 143.20 SETMX .AQM 4K 98 BA Epson MX80 printer setup utility 143.21 SETMX .DOC 2K D3 3B / 143.22 SETOK .ASM 6K 7E C4 Okidata printer setup utility 143.23 SETOK .DOC 2K 01 10 / 143.24 VIDEO .INF 3K 34 D9 Video terminal codes 143.25 VIDEONEW.INF 13K D1 C6 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-143, 25 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 144 Miscellaneous Programs Software Tools of Australia and others -CATALOG.144 contents of SIG/M Volume 144 released October 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program SIG/M .LIB disk donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze program index name size crc description 144.01 GRAPH .REL 1K 49 C2 Graph subroutines for Epson MX80 144.02 GRAPH .ZQ0 11K 12 04 / 144.03 IZ .CQM 22K 4D A4 Intel to Zilog mneumonic source 144.04 IZ .DQC 11K 92 EA code translator 144.05 IZ .DQT 7K C1 83 / 144.07 IZ .PQS 14K 2A 9C / 144.07 MAKEFILE.ASM 6K B6 39 Builds a dummy file with marked blocks 144.08 MAKEFILE.COM 2K FD 0E / 144.09 NESTING .C 1K 10 C6 Notes on nesting in BDS C from version 144.10 NESTING .NOT 3K AD F7 1.45a 144.11 PMDLALDS.FRG 13K 89 52 Autodialing with PMMI 144.12 RENAME .C 8K A2 FF Wildcard rename utility 144.13 RENAME .DOC 4K 0F 96 / 144.14 RENAME .OBJ 10K A0 8B / 144.15 BDOS .H 1K B1 07 / 144.16 SETBOOT .MAC 19K 6B B7 Osborne 1 boot 144.17 SQ .CQ 8K AC 51 Update to squeeze, wildcards and other 144.18 SQ .H 2K 10 97 features 144.19 SQ .OBJ 17K 66 FE / 144.20 SQ15A .DOC 2K 29 77 / 144.21 SQ15A .SUB 1K 37 E4 / 144.22 SQCOM .H 1K 3E 8E / 144.23 IO .C 1K 75 6A / 144.24 LONG .CQ 2K 66 0B / 144.25 TR1 .CQ 2K 10 74 / 144.26 TR2 .CQ 9K BF 25 / 144.27 UCSD2CPM.C 16K B4 5A Text transfer UCSD formatted disk to CP/M 144.28 UCSDIR .C 10K EF E4 List directory of UCSD Pascal disk 144.29 UCSDTYPE.C 15K A0 5C Text transfer UCSD dir to CP/M console SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-144, 29 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Vol 145 VFILER - A SCREEN ORIENTED FILE MANIPULATION UTILITY by Richard Conn -CATALOG.145 contents of SIG/M Volume 145 released October 7, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG/M .LIB disk donation form index name size crc description 145.01 BISHOW-2.A86 9K 7A EB Bidirectional show - a paging program 145.02 BISHOW-2.ASM 10K 0E 1D in both CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 145.03 BISHOW-2.CMD 2K C6 40 / 145.04 BISHOW-2.COM 1K DC DB / 145.05 SAVEMUNY.DOC 2K C0 3C Tips on adapting Heath programs 145.06 SD-48B .ASM 66K 35 86 SD with HELP and WordStar fix 145.07 SD-48B .COM 4K DA 16 / 145.08 SD1 .A86 16K 2F 5C SD for CP/M 86 with technical adjustments 145.09 SD1 .CMD 3K 43 70 / 145.10 VFILER .ASM 84K CB AE A screen oriented file manipulation 145.11 VFILER .DOC 2K EA 81 utility adjusted for your terminal. 145.12 VFILER8 .COM 8K 93 88 Move arrow through directory for action. 145.13 VFILERSC.ASM 3K F6 07 Integrates with ZCPR2 or stands alone. 145.14 VFILERZ .COM 8K 5B 1D / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-145, 14 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 146 CP/M 86 Translations of CP/M 80 Favorites translations by Harry Van Tassell -CATALOG.146 contents of SIG/M Volume 146 released November4, 1983 JOIN.ACG Amateur Computer Group membership applications SIG/M.LIB Donation form CRC.COM file checksum program 146.01 FIND20B .A86 16K 3B F3 Locates any string in any part of 146.02 FIND20B .CMD 3K 3D 95 a file. 146.03 PRINT10B.A86 15K 4C 33 Pages printer output with optional 146.04 PRINT10B.CMD 2K 50 2A header. 146.05 SD-48B .A86 59K A2 BB Sorted directory utilty with help 146.06 SD-48B .CMD 5K F9 5C file. 146.07 VFILER11.A86 92K 2F 20 Rich Conn's screen oriented file manipu- 146.08 VFILER11.CMD 9K C1 23 lation utility translated for CP/M 86 146.09 WHATSNEW.A86 21K B8 75 Tells what has been added to or deleted 146.10 WHATSNEW.CMD 3K DD 0F from disk. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-146, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 147 CP/M 86, Time and an Apple Dumb Terminal -CATALOG.147 contents of SIG/M Volume 147 released November 4, 1983 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group membership application SIG/M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM program to unsqueeze squeezed files index name size crc description 147.01 ARCHIVE .A86 20K 94 5E CP/M 86 translation of Archive 147.02 ARCHIVE .CMD 19K 48 52 / 147.03 CALENDR5.BAS 6K 38 C8 Calculate times, 147.04 CRCK-51 .A86 18K 7E 82 CP/M 86 version of checksum test 147.05 CRCK-51 .CMD 11K 30 CF / 147.06 DUMBA3 .ASM 4K A6 FA Dumb terminal program for Apple /// 147.07 DUMBA3 .DOC 4K 54 20 / 147.08 ERAQ .A86 3K 0B 10 CP/M 86 erase querry program 147.09 ERAQ .CMD 5K 5B 95 / 147.10 FILE-EXT.A86 8K 14 D5 CP/M 86 file-extension program 147.11 FILE-EXT.CMD 3K 28 42 / 147.12 FINDBAD .A86 33K 0C E6 CP/M 86 disk test program 147.13 FINDBAD .CMD 3K B0 7A / 147.14 MUCHTEXT.A86 5K 34 A9 CP/M 86 wordcount 147.15 MUCHTEXT.CMD 1K 9F E0 / 147.16 PITCH .A86 3K 66 8C Adjusts font on NEC 8023 147.17 PITCH .CMD 1K 10 4E / 147.18 RDTIME .DOC 1K E8 09 Series of time and date programs for 147.19 RDTIME80.LIB 2K 90 6B Compupro clock with adjustments for 147.20 RDTIME86.LIB 2K C4 38 other clock boards. Includes program 147.21 SETTIME .ASM 5K 08 61 to patch Wordmaster so as to update 147.22 SETTIME .COM 1K D3 C8 file with date and time. 147.23 WM-PATCH.ASM 12K 1B 26 / 147.24 ROMAN80A.ASM 6K EC F6 Prints dates in Roman numerals 147.25 ROMAN80A.COM 1K 2F 3A / 147.26 RSJ .BAS 4K 63 25 Series of time and date programs for 147.27 T .ASM 5K D1 E8 the Optronics Technology 147.28 T .COM 1K B7 62 TimeEPROMmer Board. Adjustable for 147.29 TB .ASM 5K C6 32 other clock boards. 147.30 TB .COM 1K EC DF / 147.31 TE .ASM 3K 80 9F / 147.32 TE .COM 1K 04 2F / 147.33 UNERA12 .ASM 12K 34 7E Corrects bug in CP/M 80 version of 147.34 UNERA12 .COM 1K 3C FF UNERASE. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-147, 34 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 148 Pascal Z Users Group Volume 027 -CATALOG.148 contents of SIG/M Volume 148 released November 4, 1983 ABSTRACT.148 information regarding volume SIG/M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 148.01 BIOSIN .PAS 9K 45 29 Calendar program 148.02 ERASE .COM 8K 8B 97 'User friendly' erase 148.03 ERASE .PAS 6K D3 A2 / 148.04 INITLISP. 1K 62 14 Updated Lisp in Pascal 148.05 INITLISP.STB 1K F9 1E / 148.06 LISP .COM 27K C6 3B / 148.07 LISP .DOC 14K 65 23 / 148.08 LISP .PAS 38K 32 A1 / 148.09 PRIME .COM 20K F3 46 Illustration of public-key 148.10 PRIME .DOC 4K 02 6B cryptography 148.11 PRIME .PAS 3K 1C 3D / 148.12 PRIME .TXT 3K 08 7A / 148.13 PRIME1 .PAS 3K 55 CE / 148.14 RNDKNUTH.LIB 7K AD 1E Random numbers library file 148.15 SIGNS .DOC 4K E5 63 Formatting program for both 148.16 SIGNS .PAS 6K 7F 7F 80 and 132 col printers 148.17 SIGNS .TXT 4K 55 13 / 148.18 SIGNS11 .COM 10K 50 6C / 148.19 SIGNS6 .COM 10K 59 CA / 148.20 FONT .DAT 1K 45 1C / 148.21 STUDENT2.COM 19K 01 80 Updated Student program 148.22 STUDENT2.PAS 23K 1C 37 / 148.23 TUTOR .PRN 9K DF 95 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-148, 23 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 149 CP/M 86 Small C, XMODEM in Fortran, MODEM 7 for Zenith 100, UNIX-LU -CATALOG.149 contents of SIG/M Volume 149 released November 4, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group membership application SIG/M .LIB Donation form index name size crc description 149.01 C86 .LBR 114K 32 07 8086 version of Small C 149.05 C86 .DOC 1K FD D1 / 149.02 MODEM7-Z.ASM 48K 67 76 MODEM 7 for Zenith 100 149.03 MODEM7-Z.COM 7K 55 6C / 149.04 MODEM7-Z.DOC 7K 68 D2 / 149.06 FROMXMOD.FOR 3K 4B 2A XMODEM in Fortran for the VAX 149.07 TOXMOD .FOR 3K D5 5F / 149.08 XMODEM .FOR 21K 1F 3B / 149.09 XMODMFOR.DOC 6K 2A 71 / 149.10 UNIX-LU .LBR 17K 10 96 Program similar to LU written in C 149.11 UNIX-LU .DOC 3K DF F1 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-149, 11 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 150 Citadel - A Bulletin Board in C Z8000 Forth -CATALOG.150 contents of SIG/M Volume 150 released November 4, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group membership application SIG/M .LIB Donation form index name size crc description 150.01 211CONFG.C 12K A0 48 CITADEL - A Bulletin Board in C 150.02 211CTDL .C 20K C7 FA / 150.03 211CTDL .H 18K AD 3D / 150.04 211LINK .SUB 1K B3 8F / 150.05 211LOG .C 17K E1 4A / 150.06 211MISC .C 10K F5 EF / 150.07 211MODEM.C 26K 74 7A / 150.08 211MSG .C 32K 1D C4 / 150.09 211PROD .SUB 1K CF 5D / 150.10 211ROOMA.C 20K 85 F3 / 150.11 211ROOMB.C 19K 01 9B / 150.12 Z8001 .ZSC 30K F9 EE Z8000 Forth 150.13 Z8KFORTH.DOC 6K FD 90 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-150, 13 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 151 68000 FORTH, DEC Rainbow Utilities and Modem -CATALOG.151 contents of SIG/M Volume 151 released November 4, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group membership form SIG/M .LIB Donation form USQ .COM Unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 151.01 68KFORTH.LBR 56K 5F 8B Forth for 68000 151.02 DSK7-RB2.AQM 45K 50 45 Disk 7 for DEC Rainbow 151.03 DSK7-RB2.INF 1K 7C 90 / 151.04 DSK7-RB2.OBJ 6K 65 76 / 151.05 FCVRNBOW.OBJ 5K 3B A6 DEC Rainbow utilities 151.06 FMT-RB13.OBJ 3K 37 24 / 151.07 FMTRNBOW.OBJ 3K 37 24 / 151.08 MBOOT-RB.A86 7K C0 A1 / 151.09 MBOOT-RB.SUB 1K 85 92 / 151.10 MODEM-RB.LBR 89K D1 BE MODEM for DEC Rainbow SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-151, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 152 Disk Drive Tester, Miscellaneous Updates -CATALOG.152 contents of SIG/M Volume 152 released December 2, 1983 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group membership application SIG/M .LIB donation form USQ .COM program to unsqueeze squeezed files index name size crc description 152.01 APLCAT94.LBR 39K 5B B9 Apple CAT II modem 152.02 DDD11 .ASM 47K 6E 94 Tests disk drives with 1793 controller and 152.03 DDD11 .DOC 4K 97 DF Dysan test disk - without oscilloscope 152.04 DU-V86 .COM 8K 88 A0 Updated disk utility 152.05 DU-V86 .DOC 13K 54 3C / 152.06 LADDER .MF4 5K ED 20 Analysis of ladder network for gain 152.07 LADDER .OBJ 12K A6 A9 and phase. 152.08 LDIR211 .LBR 16K A8 E5 Updates LDIR 152.09 NSWP .COM 7K 44 10 Big and little versions of WASH 152.10 SWEEP40 .LBR 42K 55 4B / 152.11 TYPE1 .COM 2K 56 FB Wildcard type - unsqueezes too 152.12 TYPE1 .DOC 3K 9A 91 / 152.13 USQ .COM 2K 56 21 Wildcard unsqueeze 152.14 USQ .DOC 3K B5 5A / 152.15 WOOF .COM 16K 9F BA Plots frequency response of loudspeaker 152.16 WOOF .FOR 7K 84 D3 enclosure SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-152, 16 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 153 XLISP for CP/M 86 -CATALOG.153 contents of SIG/M Volume 153 released January 6, 1984 ABSTRACT.153 explains this disk and how to use it REGIONS .SIG list of regional distributors of SIG/M software SIG/M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to validate disk index name size crc description 153.01 CC .SUB 1K B0 0A XLISP by David Betz as released on 153.02 CCLISP .SUB 1K 74 9D SIG/M volume 118 modified for CP/M 153.03 CTYPE .H 1K A8 98 86 by Harry Van Tassell. 153.04 LINKLISP.SUB 1K 60 A3 ! 153.05 PT .LSP 4K A4 BC ! 153.06 SETJMP .H 1K 07 56 ! 153.07 STDIO .H 1K CB 5C ! 153.08 T .LSP 4K 99 0E ! 153.09 XLBIND .C 2K F1 18 ! 153.10 XLDMEM .C 9K 30 70 ! 153.11 XLEVAL .C 7K E4 6B ! 153.12 XLFIO .C 5K 1C 96 ! 153.13 XLIO .C 2K 88 3F ! 153.14 XLISP .C 2K BF 1C ! 153.15 XLISP .CMD 41K 38 55 ! 153.16 XLISP .DOC 29K 80 BC ! 153.17 XLISP .H 6K 52 0C ! 153.18 XLKMAP .C 7K D1 2C / 153.19 XLLIST .C 12K 66 B8 / 153.20 XLMATH .C 9K CD 8D / 153.21 XLOBJ .C 18K 32 6F / 153.22 XLPRIN .C 4K 32 95 / 153.23 XLREAD .C 8K 87 7A / 153.24 XLSTR .C 6K 67 86 / 153.25 XLSUBR .C 12K CF 02 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-153, 25 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 154 Forth-83 -CATALOG.154 contents of SIG/M Volume 154 released January 6, 1983 ABSTRACT.154 explains how to use this disk JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG/M .LIB software donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to validate disk USQ .COM program to unsqueeze squeezed files - wildcard version index name size crc description 154.01 F83 .COM 24K A1 A8 Compiled Forth with editor, assembler, etc 154.02 F83 .DOC 9K 80 88 Documentation file 154.03 CPU8080 .BQK 9K 03 D2 Assembler, debugging & multitasking source 154.04 DIRECT .BQK 4K D1 D7 Support screens for direct BIOS I/O 154.05 EXTEND80.BQK 9K 66 C2 Extension screens 154.06 KERNEL .HEX 33K 47 82 Hex file for F83 154.07 META80 .BQK 73K CF A9 Meta source & F83 screens 154.08 UTILITY .BQK 36K FF 46 CP/M interface, editor & multitasking SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-154, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 155 dBASEII (TM) Programs and Information including Atlanta Data Base Users Soc. Vol I -CATALOG.155 contents of SIG/M Volume 155 released January 6, 1983 ABSTRACT.155 explains this disk and how to use it SIG/M .LIB software donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to validate disk index name size crc description 155.01 ADBUG .CMD 5K AD 8C Atlanta Data Base Users Group 155.02 ADBUG/1 .DBF 1K B1 0E Letter Mailing and Member Data 155.03 ADD/REC .CMD 6K 2C 19 Records System 155.04 FORM/LTR.CMD 4K B1 B7 / 155.05 FORM/PRT.CMD 7K 50 5D / 155.06 LABELPRT.CMD 4K 86 78 / 155.07 LETTER00.CMD 4K 44 E7 / 155.08 LIST/PRT.CMD 5K 1B BF / 155.09 MAIL/LAB.CMD 3K 80 BB / 155.10 XBALANCE.CMD 5K 1D 52 Atlanta Data Base Users 155.11 XCANCEL .CMD 4K E0 39 Society Banking System 155.12 XDEPCANC.CMD 3K 15 7C / 155.13 XDEPOSIT.CMD 3K 9A 8B / 155.14 XINDX .CMD 4K AA 9E / 155.15 XMENU .CMD 3K 2B BE / 155.16 XMODCKS .CMD 6K 5E 86 / 155.17 XMODDEP .CMD 3K BD 1B / 155.18 XNEWENTR.CMD 4K 77 36 / 155.19 XPRNT .SUB 1K 07 CA / 155.20 XPRNTCK .CMD 8K B7 69 / 155.21 XSYSTEM .DOC 6K 4E 59 / 155.22 ABUSBANK.DBF 1K 0D 92 / 155.23 CKNUM .NDX 1K 2C 89 / 155.24 OFFBASE .CMD 2K CF 46 Atlanta Data Base Users 155.25 SAM001 .CMD 4K 27 03 Society Sample Periodical 155.26 SAM001 .DOC 23K C7 92 Tracking Data Base System 155.27 SAM002 .CMD 4K 12 14 / 155.28 SAM002 .DOC 25K 41 68 / 155.29 SAMAKEY .NDX 2K F7 F0 / 155.30 SAMFILE .DBF 2K C6 2B / 155.31 SAMMENU .CMD 3K 94 DD / 155.32 SAMMENU .DOC 15K B7 B6 / 155.33 SAMSCR1 .CMD 3K 32 C1 / 155.34 SAMSCRM .CMD 1K C5 3E / 155.35 UPDATE .129 3K 67 D8 Updating files and information 155.36 MAIN .INV 4K F6 BC for dBASEII version 2.4 and 155.37 MAIN .SIG 6K BC 8A SIG/M Vol. 129 155.38 MENU .SIG 2K E3 CE / 155.39 SIG/M .CMD 10K 99 C3 / 155.40 DBOX .ART 4K 4F 7F Dual Data Bases and dBASEII 155.41 VALDATE .TST 3K 3D 15 dBASE date validation program SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-155, 41 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 156 Miscellaneous Z80 and 8080 Programs -CATALOG.156 contents of SIG/M Volume 156 released January 6, 1983 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG/M .LIB software donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to validate disk USQ .COM program to unsqueeze squeezed files index name size crc description 156.01 1771 .LBR 62K EE 54 Extended SD storage for 1771 systems 156.02 FIND40 .LBR 14K 2B 66 Updated FIND 156.03 LU301 .COM 19K BA 32 Updated library utility 156.04 LU301 .TXT 2K AA B4 / 156.05 LUX12B .LBR 87K 45 64 Z80 utility for library files 156.06 M712TRS .AQM 8K 91 C0 Modem for TRS-80 Models 2, 12 & 16 156.07 SQ-17 .LBR 24K 4A 5A Updated squeeze program 156.08 XM77TRS .AQM 6K AE 82 Xmodem for TRS-8- Models 2, 12 & 16 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-156, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 157 CP/M 86 Utility and Modem Routines, Atari Program -CATALOG.157 contents of SIG/M Volume 157 released January 6, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG/M .LIB software donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to validate disk LU .COM library utility fir .LBR files USQ .COM program to unsqueeze squeezed files index name size crc description 157.01 BDOS .A86 1K C1 C2 CP/M-86 Relocatable Utility 157.02 BDOS .OBJ 1K 26 B5 Routines (RASM86) 157.03 CATH .A86 1K E4 CB ! 157.04 CATH .OBJ 1K BE 48 ! 157.05 CLINE .A86 1K 27 29 ! 157.06 CLINE .OBJ 1K 59 3A ! 157.07 EN .A86 1K B5 7A ! 157.08 EN .OBJ 1K 2B 03 / 157.09 FCBFN .A86 2K 9C FD / 157.10 FCBFN .OBJ 1K 80 A7 / 157.11 FSCAN .A86 5K F9 66 / 157.12 FSCAN .OBJ 1K 16 26 / 157.13 INITFCB .A86 1K 96 DE / 157.14 INITFCB .OBJ 1K 5A 8E / 157.15 UPCASE .A86 1K 88 1A / 157.16 UPCASE .OBJ 1K E0 80 / 157.17 Z80-EMUL.LBR 18K 48 D6 Runs 8080 on 8086 -if you can make it work! 157.18 MODEM86 .AQ6 27K 5B 2A CP/M-86 version of Modem 7 157.19 MODEMAPC.CMD 19K 2E 42 Modem for APC 157.20 MODEMGB .CMD 19K 49 F5 Modem -Godbout 8/16 with Interfacer 3, PMMI 157.21 SETTIME .A86 6K 1E 09 Sets time on CompuPro Board for CP/M 157.22 SETTIME .CMD 2K 0C 74 or MP/M 86 157.23 SCRUB .CMD 14K 1E 79 8086 program to clean up WS 157.24 SCRUB .C 4K 74 9C files 157.25 ATARIBUS.LBR 47K 95 82 How to attach Atari to your CP/M machine 157.26 LTYPE14 .LBR 15K EA D1 Types squeezed and unsqueezed .LBR files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-157, 26 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1983 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O.Box 97, Iselin NJ, 08830-0097 USA SIG/M Volume 158 YAMC86 - (CPM/86 Version of Yet Another Modem) Compiles with Computer Innovations C86 -CATALOG.158 contents of SIG/M Volume 158 released February 3, 1984 ABSTRACT.158 Information regarding this disk JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .CMD CP/M 86 version to unsqueeze files index name size crc description 158.01 YAM1 .C 13K 9E 62 YAM main() 158.02 YAM10 .C 6K 1C 58 utilities and unsqueeze 158.03 YAM2 .C 11K 35 49 Christenson protocol handler 158.04 YAM3 .C 15K 9B D6 conversation with data capture 158.05 YAM4 .C 7K 7F 32 CIS 'a' protocol 158.06 YAM5PMMI.C 10K 9E 27 for PMMI mm-103 158.07 YAM5SMI4.C 9K 86 21 for Smartmodem with Interfacer 3/4 158.08 YAM7 .C 22K DF 80 CP/M 86 needs 158.09 YAMC86 .H 10K 2F 10 defines globals 158.10 YAMHELP .T 7K 92 DE online help file 158.11 YAMIMPL .LQT 22K 99 B2 how to install YAM 158.12 YAMMAN .LQT 33K 1F A8 how to use YAM 158.13 YAMPMMI .H 4K DD CE yamsys.h for pmmi 158.14 YAMSMI4 .H 5K 2C 2D yamsys.h for Smartmodem with IF 3/4 158.15 MAKE1YAM.SUB 1K 55 80 compile and link one file 158.16 MAKEYAM .SUB 1K 16 84 compile and link all files 158.17 PHONES .T 6K 42 53 telephone number list 158.18 CRCK .A86 3K 6C C4 CRC for CP/M 86 with update 158.19 UPDCRC .A86 3K 5E AA / 158.20 USQ .CMD 18K 24 C0 wildcard unsqueeze for CP/M 86 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-158, 20 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 159 TINCMP86 and META for CP/M 86 CP/M 86 Macro Processor & Compiler Compiler -CATALOG.159 contents of SIG/M Volume 159 released February 3, 1984 ABSTRACT.159 explains how to use this disk JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 159.01 COMPILE .SUB 1K FD 87 TINCMP macro processor 159.02 CONSIO .OBJ 1K 05 57 and META compiler compiler. 159.03 FCBFN .OBJ 1K 80 A7 For full documentation see 159.04 FSCAN .OBJ 1K 06 AC Dr. Dobbs July 1981 (TINCMP) 159.05 IOPACK .OBJ 2K A5 CD and August 1981 (META4) 159.06 M4 .M4 8K 51 D5 159.07 META .A86 43K AE 67 159.08 META .CMD 30K EA 88 159.09 META .OBJ 17K 4C D8 159.10 META4 .MET 5K 58 20 159.11 METAII .MT4 1K 1C 2B 159.12 METATERP.PGN 23K 94 2D 159.13 TEST1 .A86 1K 3D 5C 159.14 TEST2 .CMD 4K 9E 16 159.15 TEST2 .PGN 2K CF B0 159.16 TEST3 .CMD 4K E5 4D 159.17 TEST3 .PGN 3K A6 E1 159.18 TEST4 .CMD 4K 2C 69 159.19 TEST4 .PGN 3K 94 D3 159.20 TEST5 .CMD 5K E8 A0 159.21 TEST5 .PGN 2K 42 56 159.22 TEST6 .CMD 3K 36 B5 159.23 TEST6 .PGN 2K F0 96 159.24 TINCMP .A86 20K B2 9E 159.25 TINCMP86.CMD 18K C3 A8 159.26 TINCMP86.PGN 12K 51 8F 159.27 TINMACR .TIN 7K 36 B1 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-159, 27 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 160 CROSS REFERENCE, ERASE, APPLE II FROM TORONTO RCP/M TIME STAMP PROGRAM by A.I. Larky -CATALOG.160 contents of SIG/M Volume 160 released February 3, 1984 LU .COM Library Utility for .LBR files USQ .COM Unsqueeze Squeezed Files TYPE1 .COM Type contents of .LBR files JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 160.01 APLVIDEX.LBR 13K 2C DF speeds console on Apple ][ with Videx card 160.02 SPRITE .LBR 16K D1 A9 for TI Sprite Chip TMS9918 on Apple ][ 160.03 STAMP .LBR 95K 2B AC time Stamp your files 160.04 XERA .LBR 11K 75 D6 extended erase 160.05 XREF36 .LBR 62K 5F A8 create cross reference from .PRN files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-160, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 161 MISC. PROGRAMS FROM THE TORONTO RCP/M AND THE THOUSAND OAKS BULLETIN BOARD -CATALOG.161 contents of SIG/M Volume 161 released February 3, 1984 LU .COM library utility USQ .COM unsqueze squeezed files SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 161.01 BMBUG .LBR 51K 88 D9 Fixes Business Master Accounting Pack. 161.02 CTYPE .DQC 2K 2B F5 Indicates control characters in 161.03 CTYPE .OQJ 1K BD 2B file. 161.04 DIAL11 .LBR 35K BD C9 Z80 autodialer - OSB. & Smartmodem 161.05 DU-TUTOR.AQT 24K C1 85 DU tutorial 161.06 MXSET12 .MAC 5K 0B 35 Control codes for MX-80 161.07 MXSET12 .OBJ 3K EE D5 / 161.08 OSDDAUTO.LBR 4K 7F BA Autoload Osborne I DD 161.09 OSFSTMOD.TQT 2K 58 BE Info on FAST and Osborne 161.10 OSMENU .LBR 7K D2 DF Makes Osborne I DD 'turnkey system' 161.11 OSUTL12 .LBR 38K 83 5B Osborne disk file program 161.12 OZTOKPRO.AQM 5K B6 FA Allows OSB to read Kaypro DD 161.13 QWIKKEY .DOC 4K A5 43 Allows you to replace keys by 161.14 QWIKKEY .OBJ 2K 5B 6D character strings 161.15 TYPER-2 .LBR 27K B5 87 Turns computer into typewriter SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-161, 15 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 162 Concurrent Pascal-S Compiler (CCP) PL/0 Compiler -CATALOG.162 contents of SIG/M Volume 162 released February 3, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 162.01 BOUNDED .CCP 1K 6A A2 bounder buffer problem, in ccp 162.02 CCP .001 3K 98 CB init overlay 162.03 CCP .002 22K F8 E1 compiler overlay 162.04 CCP .003 15K 79 8A interpreter 162.05 CCP .COM 8K 2C 90 root .com file 162.06 CCP .DOC 6K 3F 56 read first 162.07 CCP .ERL 2K C9 3E 162.08 CCP .PAS 7K 05 5E root source file 162.09 CCP .SYM 2K 07 5A 162.10 COMPILE .ERL 23K 59 40 162.11 COMPILE .PAS 36K B7 E2 compiler iverlay source 162.12 DINPHIL .CCP 2K 14 45 dining philosophers problem 162.13 GLOBAL .INC 2K 7C 84 global declarations - include file 162.14 INIT .ERL 3K 1A F7 162.15 INIT .PAS 4K EC D6 init overlay source 162.16 INTERPRE.ERL 10K EB 8A 162.17 INTERPRE.PAS 14K E9 16 interpreter source 162.18 MAKECCP .SUB 1K 7F 7C submit file - note synonyms 162.19 PL0 .COM 26K 40 B0 Wirth PL/0 compiler 162.20 PL0 .ERL 13K E2 A1 162.21 PL0 .PAS 15K 29 CA 162.22 RECREAD . 1K 70 D1 sample PL/0 program 162.23 TEST .CCP 1K 99 A8 variable access test 162.24 TRIO .CCP 1K 7F 1B 3 processes writing to screen SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-162, 24 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 163 CBASIC USERS GROUP VOLUMES 1 & 2 -CATALOG.163 contents of SIG/M Volume 163 released March 2, 1984 ABSTRACT.163 details of programs on disk JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 163.01 BIBBLD .BAS 6K F3 1D Bibliographic search database 163.02 BIBLIO .BAS 3K AB 84 which tells the degree to which 163.03 BIBSR2 .BAS 7K 2D 97 various articles meet your re- 163.04 BIBSRCH .BAS 5K E1 C9 quirements. See BYTE, March 1983 163.05 CMPRBIB .BAS 2K 09 34 / 163.06 PARMS .BAS 4K AC DA / 163.07 VOCBLD .BAS 6K 01 B3 / 163.08 VOCLST .BAS 2K 04 05 / 163.09 CBAS .TST 1K 54 F6 Test MEMTEST function in CBASIC 163.10 CBASTEST.ASM 1K CD 6E / 163.11 TEST .BAS 1K C3 D4 / 163.12 CLOSE .COM 11K F2 3C Program to capture console I/O 163.13 CONS .ASM 1K 43 66 / 163.14 CONS .COM 1K C3 73 / 163.15 CONSGRAB.ASM 1K 9B 19 / 163.16 CREATE .BAS 8K 3C B0 Creates CBASIC data file 163.17 DIR .BAS 11K 00 D4 Call directory in CBASIC 163.18 DIRECTIO.BAS 1K 02 86 Direct console I/O 163.19 DOW .BAS 1K F5 AC Day of Week 163.20 FINDCTL .BAS 1K 6A 95 Gives track and sector info 163.21 GNMENU .BAS 5K 4E AE Skeleton database for use with 163.22 GNMENU .LIN 2K 86 D0 any straight and easy applica- 163.23 GNMENU .XRF 4K CC 6B tion 163.24 GNREPORT.BAS 4K 43 C2 / 163.25 GNREPORT.LIN 2K 86 14 / 163.26 GNREPORT.XRF 4K 95 56 / 163.27 GNSCREEN.BAS 5K B9 38 / 163.28 GNSCREEN.LIN 2K 53 9C / 163.29 GNSCREEN.XRF 3K 6D 44 / 163.30 COMPANY .DA 1K 6D 65 / 163.31 SCREEN .FIL 1K D9 6D / 163.32 GRABCOM .BAS 1K 7A 87 Demo of GET command in CBASIC 163.33 NAD .FIL 2K 76 38 Name and Address database 163.34 NADMAIL .BAS 4K 05 3D with mailing labels 163.35 NADMENU .BAS 8K EC 25 / 163.36 NADREPT .BAS 5K 2E 3B / 163.37 NADSCRN .BAS 6K D3 EA / 163.38 POKEHI .BAS 1K B9 E6 Deprotects MBASIC programs 163.39 PRBLM001.TXT 2K 67 3C Common statement CBASIC bug 163.40 RBBSINST.DOC 39K 76 59 How to use RBBS 163.41 SLEUTH .BAS 5K B9 5E XREF program 163.42 X .COM 3K 2D 5C Directory program SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-163, 42 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 164 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 1 of 4) FOR CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.164 contents of SIG/M Volume 164 released March 2, 1984 READTHIS. information about REC check CRC using CRC.COM on a different volume index name size crc description 164.01 FXT80 .MAC 29K 60 B4 main program, I/O, symbols 164.02 FXT86 .ASM 22K 8F 26 / 164.03 MKV80 .MAC 31K E1 6B workspace operators 164.04 MKV86 .ASM 20K FA D4 / 164.05 PDL80 .MAC 35K A1 D9 pushdown list operators 164.06 PDL86 .ASM 23K 32 75 / 164.07 REC80 .MAC 40K 2C 13 compiler, essential subroutines 164.08 REC86 .ASM 29K DD 34 / 164.09 RECLIB .MAC 8K BE F8 linker to other 8080 programs SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-164, 09 Files cataloged. ******************************************************************** NOTICE: All of the material on this disk is protected under the Copyright laws. The holders of the copyright have granted permission to use these programs only for non-commercial personal use. ******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 165 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 2 of 4) For CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.165 contents of SIG/M Volume 165 released March 2, 1984 READTHIS. information about REC SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 165.01 BINCOM .ASM 7K 8C 33 compares two binary files 165.02 BINCOM .ASN 8K 9B A0 / 165.03 BINCOM .CMD 2K A9 C2 / 165.04 BINCOM .COM 2K F6 3F / 165.05 DUMMP .ASM 4K 32 A4 hex & ASCII file dump 165.06 DUMMP .ASN 6K B6 9C / 165.07 DUMMP .CMD 2K 2C 09 / 165.08 DUMMP .COM 1K E3 F5 / 165.09 FYNDE .ASM 12K 85 B9 locate regular expressions 165.10 FYNDE .ASN 12K F2 88 / 165.11 FYNDE .CMD 3K 8A C0 / 165.12 FYNDE .COM 3K 6F 2A / 165.13 GENBIM .ASM 6K F2 4E generate bitmap from .COM file 165.14 GENBIM .COM 1K 64 E4 / 165.15 LOHD .ASM 11K FC EF improved .HEX to .COM mapping 165.16 LOHD .COM 2K 2B C8 / 165.17 NDDT .ASM 57K C4 48 DDT with many new features 165.18 NDDT .COM 6K F1 89 / 165.19 NDDT .DOC 5K E1 05 / 165.20 PAGREL .ASM 1K E9 DB model relocator program 165.21 PAGREL .COM 1K 2E 34 / 165.22 READREL .ASM 15K 54 3D hexadecimal rendition of .REL 165.23 READREL .ASN 15K DD 72 / 165.24 READREL .CMD 3K FF 48 / 165.25 READREL .COM 2K 77 01 / 165.26 STUTE .ASM 16K A0 D4 replacement in many files 165.27 STUTE .ASN 17K A9 98 / 165.28 STUTE .CMD 5K 8D 20 / 165.29 STUTE .COM 3K 5F 0A / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-165, 29 Files cataloged. ******************************************************************** NOTICE: All of the material on this disk is protected under the Copyright laws. The holders of the copyright have granted permission to use these programs only for non-commercial personal use. ******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 166 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 3 of 4) For CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.166 contents of SIG/M Volume 166 released March 2, 1984 READTHIS. information about REC SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 166.01 ASAM .CNV 3K 34 00 example set programmed in CNVRT 166.02 ASAM .REC 8K 7F 0B compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.03 ASMBL .CNV 4K 13 4F 8086 assembly code from "C" intermediate 166.04 ASMBL .REC 9K 02 A8 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.05 BADD .TNG 2K 98 73 Turing machine that sums binaries 166.06 BADD .REC 2K 66 81 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.07 BINSU .PST 2K 82 D6 Post production to sum binaries 166.08 BINSU .REC 3K 12 8A compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.09 BSUM .MKV 1K D9 E5 Markov algorith to sum binaries 166.10 BSUM .REC 1K 0D 79 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.11 CNVRT .REC 15K C7 63 compiler for language CNVRT 166.12 DCLRN .CNV 4K 91 78 compile declarations in "C" 166.13 DCLRN .REC 8K B1 DA compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.14 DEMO .LSP 3K 2B 5C example set programmed in LISP 166.15 DEMO .REC 3K C9 87 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.16 DERIV .CNV 4K 2A 0E CNVRT program for symbolic derivatives 166.17 DERIV .REC 9K 2C 44 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.18 EVAL .LSP 3K 5C BA LISP's universal function in LISP 166.19 EVAL .REC 3K CC BD compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.20 EVALCOM .LSP 3K 22 7B LISP compiler of LISP to REC 166.21 EVALCOM .REC 3K 91 B5 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.22 EXPRN .CNV 4K DB A6 compile expressions in "C" 166.23 EXPRN .REC 10K E2 71 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.24 HOWTOUSE.DOC 23K 01 DD HINTS AND COMMENTS 166.25 LISCO .PST 2K A5 19 POST compiler of LIST to REC 166.26 LISCO .REC 6K AC 1D compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.27 LISP .REC 8K 0C FB compiler for language LISP 166.28 MARKOV .REC 5K 5C 9C compiler for MARKOV algorithms 166.29 POSCO .PST 1K 61 00 Post productions compiling Post productions 166.30 POSCO .REC 2K C8 D2 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.31 POST .REC 6K 09 90 compiler for POST productions 166.32 PRGRM .CNV 5K C0 2A compiler for programs in "C" 166.33 PRGRM .REC 8K 53 EF compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.34 REC80 .COM 5K 49 E4 REC binary code for 8080 166.35 REC86 .CMD 5K 15 C8 REC binary code for 8086 166.36 RECCOM .CNV 3K 03 C1 CNVRT program to compile REC to assembler 166.37 RECCOM .REC 7K 52 F0 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.38 REVE .MKV 2K D8 3B Markov algorithm to reverse a list 166.39 REVE .REC 3K 03 E3 compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.40 STAR .TNG 4K 13 0C Turing Machine to locate nearest symbol 166.41 STAR .REC 4K 52 3D compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.42 STMNT .CNV 5K 9A 9D compiler for statements in "C" 166.43 STMNT .REC 9K 60 1C compiled in REC, ready to execute 166.44 TURING .REC 6K B8 D8 compiler for Turing quintuples SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-166, 44 Files cataloged. ******************************************************************** NOTICE: All of the material on this disk is protected under the Copyright laws. The holders of the copyright have granted permission to use these programs only for non-commercial personal use. ******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 167 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Vol 4 of 4) For CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.167 contents of SIG/M Volume 167 released March 2, 1984 CRC .COM checksum program SEE READTHIS file on VOLUMES 164, 165 and 166 index name size crc description 167.01 CARD .REC 3K F8 9D trace printed circuit on video screen 167.02 STD .PCB 1K 67 78 data file for CARD.REC 167.03 CNVRT .REC 14K 48 02 compiler for language CNVRT 167.04 COMMENT .DOC 11K 32 20 general survey of this disk 167.05 FILCOM .CNV 4K 2F C5 compare ASCII files, report difference 167.06 FXT80 .DIF 1K E5 91 update to FXT80.MAC 167.07 FXT86 .A86 23K 5E 47 source file for FXT86 167.08 FXT86 .DIF 2K 43 DC update to FXT86.ASM 167.09 MKV80 .DIF 2K 08 18 update to MKV80.MAC 167.10 MKV86 .A86 20K AA 2A source file for MKV86 167.11 PDL80 .DIF 1K DC 57 update to PDL.80.MAC 167.12 PDL86 .A86 23K 41 CD source file for PDL86 167.13 PDL86 .DIF 1K 77 51 update for PDL86.ASM 167.14 REC80 .COM 5K 60 31 REC80 binary file 167.15 REC86 .A86 30K F7 7E source file for REC86 167.16 REC86 .CMD 5K 9C 36 REC86 binary file 167.17 REC86 .DIF 1K 73 4C update to REC86.ASM 167.18 RECA86 .A86 1K CF 4A master file to assemble RECA86 167.19 SORCIM .CNV 3K 9C A6 transform an ACT86 file to an ASM86 file 167.20 UPDATE .CNV 1K 4F 5E update an old file 167.21 VB1 .ASM 16K ED 67 control for SSM's VB1-B (or C) video board 167.22 VB1 .MAC 11K AC F6 relocatable VB1.ASM 167.23 VGR .ASM 17K 50 ED control for Vector Graphics VGR board 167.24 VGR .MAC 14K D2 6D relocatable VGR.AMS 167.25 VTI .ASM 9K 21 21 control for Polymorphic VTI board 167.26 VTI88 .ASM 15K CB 3B reversed sign bit for VTI.ASM SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-167, 26 Files cataloged. ******************************************************************** NOTICE: All of the material on this disk is protected under the Copyright laws. The holders of the copyright have granted permission to use these programs only for non-commercial personal use. ******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 168 Modem Updates (Volume 1 of 3) MDM727 and COMM725 -CATALOG.168 contents of SIG/M Volume 168 released April 6, 1984 READTHIS.1ST Important information about these disks JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form USQ .COM wildcard unsqueeze CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 168.01 MDM727 .AQM 110K FC C8 Modem 727 .ASM file 168.02 MDM727 .COM 19K B0 DD Modem 727 for use with overlays 168.03 MDM727 .DQC 24K 86 DD Modem 727 documentation file 168.04 M7FNK .COM 3K 50 7C Function key documentation and 168.05 M7FNK .DQC 2K 71 56 .COM file 168.06 M7LIB .COM 2K 15 CB Telephone library file and 168.07 M7LIB .DQC 2K 73 C3 documentation. 168.08 M7NM-6 .AQM 5K 92 E5 / 168.09 M7GP-1 .AQM 7K CF 32 General purpose overlay 168.10 M7PM-1 .AQM 6K B5 20 PMMI overlay 168.11 M727RV .AQM 14K 7E 24 Racal-Vadic VA212PA overlay 168.12 M7US-1 .AQM 10K A8 E5 US Robotics S-100 overlay 168.13 M7AP-1 .AQM 10K 71 F6 Apple ][ Super Serial (see vol 170) SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-168, 13 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 169 Modem Updates (Volume 2 of 3) MDM727 and COMM725 -CATALOG.169 contents of SIG/M Volume 169 released April 6, 1984 CRC .COM checksum program NOTES: USQ.COM and READTHIS.1ST ON VOLUME 168 index name size crc description 169.01 M7AL-1 .AQM 8K B6 17 Altos Series J overlay 169.02 M7DP-1 .AQM 7K 07 48 Datapoint 1560 169.03 M7EP-1 .AQM 8K 16 9A Epson QX 10 169.04 M7H8-1 .AQM 8K 7C 1D Heath/Zenith H89 169.05 M7HP-1 .AQM 8K 3A 65 Hewlett Packard HP/25 series 100 169.06 M7HZ-1 .AQM 8K 17 A2 Heath/Zenith 100 169.07 M7IN-1 .AQM 8K 25 C8 Godbout Interfacer 3/4 or SS 169.08 M7KP-1 .AQM 8K E8 2A Kaypro 2 169.09 M7LO-1 .AQM 8K A0 04 Lobo Max 80 169.10 M7MD-1 .AQM 7K CA AE Morrow Micro Decision 169.11 M7MM-1 .AQM 9K E7 54 Morrow Multi I/O 169.12 M7NA-1 .AQM 7K A0 61 NorthStar Advantage 169.13 M7NE-1 .AQM 7K D4 7C NEC PC-8001 169.14 M7NH-1 .AQM 7K A9 E4 NorthStar Horizon & HSIO-4 169.15 M7NH-2 .AQM 7K 7A BA NorthStar Horizon all baud HSIO-4 169.16 M7OA-1 .AQM 10K 79 B4 Otrona Attache 169.17 M7OS-1 .AQM 8K E0 13 Osborne 169.18 M7OX-1 .AQM 9K EF 4C Osborne Executive 169.19 M7P1-1 .AQM 11K 38 6F PCM Micromate 101 169.20 M7PC-1 .AQM 9K 9C D1 IBM PC with Baby Blue Z80 169.21 M7R1-1 .AQM 8K 27 65 TRS-80 with Omikron Mapper 169.22 M7R2-1 .AQM 8K F5 20 TRS-80 Model II, Pickles & Trout 169.23 M7R4-1 .AQM 8K E8 E9 TRS-80 Mod 4, Montezuma Micro CP/M 2.2 169.24 M7SY-1 .AQM 7K 69 98 Sanyo MCB-1000 169.25 M7TV-1 .AQM 8K 44 4D Televideo TS-802 169.26 M7VT-1 .AQM 8K 4A 66 DEC VT180 169.27 M7VT-2 .AQM 9K 53 0E DEC VT180, Rainbow & DECmate II 169.28 M7XE-1 .AQM 8K 41 2B Xerox 820 & 820-II 169.29 M7ZB-1 .AQM 7K 4E 0B Telcom Zorba SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-169, 29 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 170 Modem Updates (Volume 3 of 3) MDM727 and COMM725 -CATALOG.170 contents of SIG/M Volume 169 released April 6, 1984 NOTES: USQ.COM and READTHIS.1ST ON VOLUME 168 CRC.COM on 168 and 169 index name size crc description 170.01 COMM725 .AQM 35K 54 AD Updated COMM7. A full feature 170.02 COMM725A.AQM 36K 15 9C communication program using 170.03 COMM725B.AQM 18K 80 E6 Christiansen protocol for 170.04 COMM725C.AQM 17K 86 E3 file transfer. 170.05 COMM725D.AQM 28K 6A 92 / 170.06 COMM7INS.AQM 9K A4 3A / 170.07 DISK77B .AQM 41K AC DA Updated DISK7 - both a part of 170.08 DISK77B .COM 4K 1A 90 COMM7 and a separate file handler. 170.09 LASM .COM 6K 39 22 Assembler for COMM7. 170.10 LASM .DQC 3K 5A 44 / 170.11 M7AC+3 .AQM 13K 83 72 MDM727 Apple CAT II with ALS CP/M 170.12 M7AC-1 .AQM 10K F5 FF Apple CAT II overlay 170.13 M7AJ-1 .AQM 11K EA 91 Apple J-CAT 170.14 M7AM-1 .AQM 8K 65 2E Apple ][ with Mountain CPS SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-170, 14 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 171 Forth Based MC68000 Compiler Updated Atari TO CP/M -CATALOG.171 contents of SIG/M Volume 171 released April 6, 1984 ABSTRACT.171 information about this disk CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 171.01 ATARIBUS.LBR 97K 9C 23 Updated Atari to CP/M 171.02 M68COMP .SCR 45K 15 03 M68000 compiler in Laboratory 171.03 M68K .DOC 33K CC 8E Microsystems Z-80 Forth v 1.14 171.04 LIST1 .LST 24K F5 18 / 171.05 LIST2 .LST 22K 94 ED / 171.06 LIST3 .LST 6K 0E F9 / 171.07 SCREEN .C 2K FE 3C / 171.08 SCREEN .COM 4K 25 DA / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-171, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 172 CP/M 86 and CP/M 80+ Programs Printer Setting Programs -CATALOG.172 contents of SIG/M Volume 172 released April 6, 1984 ABSTRACT.172 information regarding this disk JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 172.01 8086 .A86 17K 26 B3 8086 monitor 172.02 DISK3 .ASM 12K B1 9F CP/M+ Disk IO module for XCOMP Hard Disk 172.03 DU-V75A .A86 53K 27 BA DU for CP/M 86 172.04 DU-V75A .CMD 8K FD 83 / 172.05 DU-V75A .DOC 7K EC BE / 172.06 UNERA31 .A86 19K 45 1D Unerase for CP/M 86 172.07 UNERA31 .CMD 3K C7 5C / 172.08 FL3 .ASM 10K A3 BA Disk IO driver CP/M+, Versafloppy 2 172.09 XBIOS .A86 44K 7F 0D For hard disk, 2 floppies, ramdisk 172.10 PRINTER .DOC 4K B1 24 DOC file for following printer programs 172.11 EPSPRTR .A86 9K 65 1F Sets Epson printer in CP/M 80 172.12 EPSPRTR .ASM 10K BE 52 and CP/M 86 172.13 EPSPRTR .CMD 2K 0F 0A / 172.14 EPSPRTR .COM 2K 04 86 / 172.15 OKI-92 .A86 5K 16 0F Sets Okidata 92 printer in CP/M 80 172.16 OKI-92 .CMD 1K E1 4F and CP/M 86 172.17 SETOKI .ASM 9K F5 04 / 172.18 SETOKI .COM 2K BC 7B / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-172, 18 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 2085, Clifton, NJ 07015-2085 USA SIG/M Volume 173 REC - Regular Expression Compiler (Volume 5) 8080 TO 8086 Conversion Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.173 contents of SIG/M Volume 173 released June 1, 1984 ABSTRACT.173 documentation for this volume READTHIS. Information about REC (see also SIG/M 164-167) JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk index name size crc description 173.01 8080 .CNV 8K CB EC Assembler for Intel 8080 173.02 8080 .HLP 41K D3 19 HELP file for Intel 8080 173.03 8080A .HLP 45K 7E 43 HELP file for 8080.CNV 173.04 80T86 .CNV 6K A9 17 Intel 8080 code to INtel 8086 code 173.05 BINCOM .CNV 1K 22 87 Compare two binary files 173.06 BORRA .CNV 1K 5C A8 Delete files subject to confirmation 173.07 CNVPRG .HLP 45K 2A 35 HELP file for CNVRT programming 173.08 CNVRT .REC 20K A6 DE Source file for CNVRT compiler 173.09 COPY .CNV 1K 96 0F Copy file to another 173.10 FIND .CNV 2K DF 2C Search file for keyword 173.11 HEXEH .CNV 2K 2F 73 Transform FILE.UFH to FILE.HEX 173.12 KWIC .CNV 1K 8B B4 KWIC listing of keywords in a file 173.13 PAK .CNV 2K 0E DB Combine several files into one 173.14 PYP .CNV 2K 04 D5 Improvement on PIP 173.15 QMREC86 .CMD 6K B1 91 256K REC86 binary code 173.16 QMREC86 .H86 13K A3 FF Segmented REC86 hex file 173.17 REC80 .COM 5K 60 31 REC80 binary code 173.18 SAMPLE .CNV 1K 6D 2A Null program 173.19 SENTEN .CNV 1K 1A D9 Recognize sentence 173.20 UPAK .CNV 1K 0B A1 Disperse a packed file 173.21 VOWEL .CNV 1K 41 05 Recognize a vowel SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-173, 21 Files cataloged. ******************************************************************** NOTICE: All of the material on this disk is protected under the Copyright laws. The holders of the copyright have granted permission to use these programs only for non-commercial personal use. ******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 174 ROFF 4 V1.60 Text Formatter by Ernest E. Bergmann -CATALOG.174 contents of SIG/M Volume 174 released June 1, 1984 ABSTRACT.174 documentation for disk JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to test index name size crc description 174.01 ENVIRON .DOC 2K E2 CC System requirements 174.02 EQN . 1K 3A 2C Demo of macro use for equation numbering 174.03 EXY1 . 1K 64 18 Exidy video output for scientific symbols 174.04 FOOT . 1K 60 77 Footnote demo 174.05 FORM . 1K 7A 29 Form letter demo 174.06 KAYPRO . 3K 25 86 Kaypro video output 174.07 L2 .COM 17K 87 0F Linker for BDS 'C' 174.08 LIST . 1K EC D5 Initialize to list 174.09 MARGINS . 2K 7F A7 Test program top & bottom page, pagenation 174.10 MATRIX . 1K BF 72 Demo of proportional control for equations 174.11 ML92 . 8K 97 7C Initialize Okidata 92 printer 174.12 MX80 . 6K DA 43 Initialize Epson MX-80 with Graftrax 174.13 NEC3525 . 3K E2 16 Initialize NEC with tech math/times roman 174.14 NEST . 1K 81 99 Demo of nesting macros, string substitution 174.15 NETEST . 1K B5 DF Demo of .NE command 174.16 ONE . 1K 2C 3E Test used with sotest 174.17 PAGES . 2K AA 00 Test for pagination 174.18 PROWRITE. 4K DA 50 Initialize Prowriter printer 174.19 ROFF4 .C 13K 42 49 Main source module 174.20 ROFF4 .COM 30K 2B E9 Executable formatter program 174.21 ROFF4 .DOC 34K BF D4 Documentation 174.22 ROFF4 .H 9K A4 E8 Source (common declarations) 174.23 ROFF4 .SUB 1K 0D 35 Submit file to create ROFF4.COM 174.24 ROFF41 .C 7K 09 FB Source module 174.25 ROFF42 .C 8K 1F 53 " " 174.26 ROFF43 .C 5K 59 60 " " 174.27 ROFF44 .C 6K 12 81 " " 174.28 ROFF45 .C 8K 39 37 " " 174.29 ROFF46 .C 8K 28 23 " " 174.30 ROFF47 .C 8K D1 0A " " 174.31 SCI .ASM 4K EB 33 Initialize Exidy to display sci. symbols 174.32 SCI .COM 2K 39 24 / 174.33 SOTEST . 1K 33 0E Test and demo of nested .SO(urce) commands 174.34 THREE . 1K D6 4D / 174.35 TWO . 1K 8C 68 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-174, 35 Files cataloged. /********************************************************/ /* */ /* ROFF4, Version 1.60 */ /* */ /*(C) 1983,4 by Ernest E. Bergmann */ /* Physics, Building #16 */ /* Lehigh Univerisity */ /* Bethlehem, Pa. 18015 */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted for all commercial and */ /* non-commercial reproduction and distribution of this */ /* material provided this notice is included. */ /* */ /********************************************************/ Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 175 Source Code - MODEM for CP/M 86 Software Tools of Australia Vol. 27 See SIG/M Vol. 157 for compiled versions for Godbout and APC. -CATALOG.175 contents of SIG/M Volume 175 released June 1, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 175.01 2651SYS .A86 8K 4B A6 Modem 901 adapted for CP/M 86 175.02 8251SYS .A86 9K C0 03 175.03 CONSOLE .A86 12K 70 3A 175.04 DEFF .A86 2K B1 E2 175.07 FILES .A86 11K D8 84 175.08 FINISH .A86 2K 44 FB 175.09 MAIN .A86 25K 26 AA 175.10 MODEM .A86 3K C7 42 175.11 MODEM-86.DOC 10K 0C FD 175.12 MODEM9XX.DOC 41K 3D 2B 175.13 SENDRECV.A86 25K 9F B1 175.14 SIOSYS .A86 9K 19 6E 175.16 START .A86 6K B9 8D 175.17 TERM .A86 16K AA 2E 175.05 F47-TEST.A86 1K 32 2B Demonstrates CP/M 86 BDOS function 47 175.06 F47-TEST.CMD 1K 8C 76 / 175.15 SQ .CMD 20K 96 65 Squeeze files for CP/M 86 175.18 USQ .CMD 18K F4 6E Unsqueeze squeezed files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-175, 18 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 176 Updated SD, CPM3 and Date Routines, Conditional Submit Files, Z80 USQ. -CATALOG.176 contents of SIG/M Volume 176 released June 1, 1984 ABSTRACT.176 Information about this disk LU .COM Library utility USQ .COM Unsqueeze squeezed files JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 176.01 CPM3LIB .LBR 8K 0B D3 CPM3 routines 176.02 DRI-DATE.LBR 8K CA 15 Calculates DRI dates 176.03 DU-V86 .LBR 54K 66 E6 Updated Disk Utility 176.04 IF .LBR 25K 3E 1A Conditional submit files 176.05 SD-80 .LBR 67K 3B 63 Updated Super Directory 176.06 UNSQ12 .LBR 16K FC 96 Z80 unsqueeze 176.07 USQ119 .AQM 9K 39 2E USQ source code SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-176, 07 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 177 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of Australia - Vols. 29 - 33 -CATALOG.177 contents of SIG/M Volume 177 released July 12, 1984 SIG/M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 177.01 ACTREC .CQL 3K 8B F7 Accounts receiveable template for 177.02 ACTREC .DQC 6K 07 98 SuperCalc2 177.03 ADDLF15 .LBR 24K D1 42 Adds CR and/or LFs to files 177.04 CARRY .AQM 5K 23 5E COM loader for single drive systems 177.05 CARRY .COM 1K 70 14 / 177.06 CDOSCPM .LBR 16K 37 50 Emulates CDOS 2.35 under CP/M 2.2 177.07 EZ .AQM 6K 6E 20 Easy loader for COM files with 177.08 EZ .COM 1K 65 56 complex commands 177.09 LISTDEC .AQM 7K A6 8B DEC to CP/M transfer program 177.10 MONITOR .AQM 12K 51 D4 8080 monitor based on Alan Miller's 177.11 MONITOR .DQC 6K 1C 6A book 177.12 MY-LDIR .ZQ0 9K 75 1E LDIR utility for LBR files in Z80 assembler 177.13 NEAT .LBR 24K 45 98 Useful pretty printer for ASM files 177.14 PIPAFR .AQM 3K CD 6D PIP patch for handshake file transfer 177.15 PIPXFR .COM 1K D7 A5 / 177.16 RAMMAP .AQM 3K AF 54 Displays CP/M memory map 177.17 RAMMAP .COM 1K BA 83 / 177.18 SAME .COM 6K D1 70 Compares and deletes files from two disks 177.19 SAME11 .AQM 27K C9 B6 / 177.20 SAP38 .AQM 8K 10 47 Updated sort and pack 177.21 SAP38 .COM 2K 66 8E / 177.22 SAP38 .DQC 3K 7D 17 / 177.23 SCAVENGE.LBR 16K A2 27 MSDOS 1 and 2 bad block locator 177.24 SETBAUD .ASM 3K F3 8D Sets baud rate on Godbout interfacer 3/4 177.25 SETBAUD .COM 1K 46 53 / 177.26 WIPE .AQM 3K C6 AA Neat way to erase *.SYM,*.HEX,*.REL 177.27 WIPE .COM 1K 00 B9 and *.BAK files 177.28 WS$FILES.DOC 1K F1 E4 Patches for WordStar 3 and Epson MX 80 177.29 WS$MX80 .ASM 4K 1F CA and for VT52 terminal 177.30 WS$VT52 .ASM 4K A3 E5 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-177, 30 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 178 BDS C Bulletin Board and C programs from Software Tools of Australia - Vol 34 -CATALOG.178 contents of SIG/M Volume 178 released July 12, 1984 SIG/M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 178.01 BDSNEW .LBR 23K 8E 4D Replacement functions in assembler for BDSC 178.02 CRTTOOLS.LBR 100K F5 D8 Screen handling functions in C 178.03 RBBS4102.LBR 92K 0B A5 Bulletin Board in BDS C vers 1.50a SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-178, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 179 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of Australia - Vols. 34 - 39 -CATALOG.179 contents of SIG/M Volume 179 released July 12, 1984 SIG/M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 179.01 BIOS3 .LBR 63K BC D4 CP/M Plus BIOS for Godbout/Compupro 179.02 BIOS3+ .DQC 3K 75 CB Disk 1 179.03 CARCHIVE.LBR 12K C5 37 File archiver in C 179.04 CCHECK .LBR 40K 49 FF Brace etc matcher for C 179.05 CPMCALL .CQ 5K 53 D4 CP/M calls for Aztec C 179.06 CRSCHK .LBR 18K 3B 88 CP/M directory crosscheck utility in C 179.07 CUTILS .LBR 18K A3 58 Various C utilities 179.08 GOTO .AQM 8K 12 F5 Creates 'named directories' for BBS 179.09 PREPARE .COM 5K 1E 55 Prepares a standard ASCII file 179.10 TRACE .LBR 6K 2E 44 Active trace facility for Aztec C 179.11 UIOPRTS2.AQM 11K 36 A3 Collection of USART interfaces for BSTAM SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-179, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 180 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of Australia - Vols. 40 - 45 -CATALOG.180 contents of SIG/M Volume 180 released July 12, 1984 USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 180.01 HONEYWEL.LBR 8K 56 63 C utility to communicate with Honeywell L66 180.02 MOD68-13.LBR 28K C2 1D Modem for 6800 FLEX systems 180.03 MPMODEM .LBR 36K BA 85 How to set up MPM modem 180.04 PRINTLBL.LBR 30K DF BB Labels for Diablo & Epson 180.05 QUASI .LBR 45K C3 63 Programs for QUASI memory disk 180.06 SAPMAP33.LBR 15K 13 34 SAP that creates file assignment map 180.07 SHELL .LBR 14K BA 42 Unix like shell for CP/M 2.2 180.08 UP-DOW .LBR 23K 23 1A Protocol for transfers to/from Compuserve 180.09 XDRIVE10.LBR 13K D9 2B Memory drive program for CP/M 2.2 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-180, 09 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 181 Miscellaneous Programs - From Software Tools of Australia - Vol 45 and other sources -CATALOG.181 contents of SIG/M Volume 181 released July 12, 1984 SIG/M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG Application form for ACGNJ USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk index name size crc description 181.01 ADDLF .CQ 4K C1 B3 Adds LF after CR in text files 181.02 CHAT .CMD 20K DC 9C RCPM CHAT utility rewritten in 181.03 CHAT86 .CQ 3K B2 68 DRI C 181.04 CRCBUILD.ASM 15K 34 64 Program used to produce SIG/M 181.05 CRCBUILD.COM 2K 30 2C files 181.06 CTYPE .HQ 2K C0 43 RT-11 TO CP/M 86 disk transfer for DRI C 181.07 ERRNO .H 1K 27 B4 / 181.08 PORTAB .HQ 2K 61 69 / 181.09 RT11 .CQ 6K 8A FA / 181.10 RT11 .CQD 26K F3 F8 / 181.11 RT11 .DQC 6K FE AD / 181.12 RT11 .H 2K D2 A3 / 181.13 RT11 .INP 1K 37 59 / 181.14 RTFILE .CQ 9K 3C 3C / 181.15 RTMISC .CQ 3K 97 1F / 181.16 RTMISC1 .AQ6 4K C1 CB / 181.17 SETJMP .HQ 2K 55 EC / 181.18 STDIO .H 1K BB A4 / 181.19 FLIP44 .AQ6 4K 78 7E FLIPs modem mode, CP/M 86 version 181.20 HELP15 .AQ6 11K 2F A1 Displays help files, CP/M 86 version 181.21 HELP15 .CMD 3K 5C CE / 181.22 MINIMOD .AQM 11K 22 ED Mini MODEM program for MSDOS 181.13 MINIMOD .DQC 4K C0 A7 / 181.14 MXPLOT .BAS 14K 75 3A Plotter for MX-80 181.15 PAUSE .CMD 22K 14 70 Pause during SUBMIT CP/M 86 version for 181.16 PAUSE86 .CQ 2K AB 1B DRI C 181.28 TAG3 .AQ6 7K D6 6C Set attributes on CP/M 86 files for 181.29 TAG3 .CMD 1K 25 C5 RCPMs 181.30 U .CMD 1K 5F A5 Changes drive/user on CP/M 86 & MP/M 86 181.31 U-CCPM .AQ6 7K 50 61 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-181, 31 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 182 Miscellaneous Programs from Software Tools of Australia - Vols. 48 - 49 -CATALOG.182 contents of SIG/M Volume 182 released July 12, 1984 USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 182.01 FTH2CPM .LBR 8K CE F1 Forth to CP/M screen to file transfers 182.02 LR .LBR 8K 17 8A Linear Regression in Nevada Fortran 182.03 MATRIX .LBR 75K 13 F8 Sophisticated Matrix/Eigen value calculator 182.04 NS-STATS.LBR 59K 58 BA Statistics in N* Basic 182.05 PAUSE80 .LBR 6K A0 9B Pause during submit in BDS C 182.06 PBH .LBR 15K 3F C2 Prints block headings 182.07 SYNONYM3.LBR 13K 85 F2 Creates synonyms for COM files 182.08 TAG-CPM .LBR 14K 7E 6B Modem RR traffic system, MSBASIC SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-182, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 183 Updated YAM (Yet Another Modem) Software Tools of Australia -CATALOG.183 contents of SIG/M Volume 183 released July 12, 1984 SIG/M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG Application form for ACGNJ USQ .COM unsqueezes files on disk - USQ *.* CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 183.01 APYMBOOT.C 6K 10 A1 YAM equivalent of MBOOT for Apple II 183.02 HARDWARE.BB2 4K A7 65 Part of header file for BB2 183.03 READ-ME .YQM 5K 5A 03 Describes preconfigured YAMs & installation 183.04 XYAMRCPM.LBR 8K 6F A0 Header file XYAM version of YAMS3 183.05 YAM .HQP 12K 9A 39 Introduction to YAM 183.06 YAM .LBR 85K 58 0F YAM source files & documentation 183.07 YAMAPL .LBR 5K 57 DA Header file Apple II with CCS 7710 card 183.08 YAMAPLCC.LBR 5K 60 65 Header file Apple II with Comms card 183.09 YAMBOOT .C 6K B3 CE YAM equivalent of MBOOT 183.10 YAMDMX .LBR 6K DD 23 Header file Datamax 183.11 YAMINT3 .LBR 5K 22 C3 Header file Compupro Interfacer 3/4 183.12 YAMINTER.LBR 5K A7 9A Header file Compupro Interfacer 1 183.13 YAMKPRO .LBR 6K 88 7A Header file Kaypro 183.14 YAMMICRO.LBR 5K A9 6F Header file Morrow Micro Decision 183.15 YAMMON .LBR 5K 69 0E Header file MOnroe 9200 183.16 YAMOKI .LBR 5K 4F D0 Header file for Oki 183.17 YAMS3 .LBR 5K 1E 11 Header file Compupro SS1 + Interfacer 3/4 183.18 YAMSAN .LBR 5K D1 8F Header file Sanyo 1000 183.19 YAMSOR .LBR 8K F5 37 Header file Exidy Sorcerer SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-183, 19 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 193 Programs from the Toronto RCP/M System -CATALOG.193 contents of SIG/M Volume 193 released September 7, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files LU .COM utility for .LBR files ----------------------------------------------------------- LU commands: LU (initiate program) -O (open file - type name) -L (list files in .LBR) -E (extract files -E *.* extracts all) -C (close file) ----------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 193.01 BISHOW31.AQM 32K 52 5D bidirectional pager for both squeezed and 193.02 BISHOW31.COM 3K B8 D1 unsqueezed files. 193.03 DBL211 .LBR 12K B1 21 Oki, Epson, etc. output 2 cols. side by side 193.04 HEX2DATA.BAS 3K EF 71 turnd hex file into basic data statements 193.05 JOYSTICK.LBR 20K E2 15 Atari joysticks for Osborne 193.06 MOI .CAL 5K B9 9B math of interest supercalc template 193.07 MXSET22 .LBR 68K A5 19 ultimate MX-80, 100 set program 193.08 PAF-TAB .CAL 11K AD 0A interest calc supercalc template 193.09 PSWORD .LBR 6K 3D C3 passwords for .COM files 193.10 RENEXT11.LBR 8K 8A DF renames all files with same extension 193.11 TXT23 .LBR 7K 8C B4 inserts text statements in .COM files 193.12 ZDEBUG17.LBR 23K D9 B6 Z80 debugger SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-193, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 194 High Resolution Graphics Printing System from the Air Force Institute of Technology -CATALOG.194 contents of SIG/M Volume 194 released October 5, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk index name size crc description 194.01 PLOT33 .AQM 44K FC 55 Dot matrix graphics driver 194.02 PLOTCITO.COM 4K DD A3 Assembled files for CITOH, EPSON 194.03 PLOTEP .COM 4K C1 E6 and OKIDATA printers. IDS, Apple 194.04 PLOTOKI .COM 4K 26 EB and others use .ASM file 194.05 PLOT33 .DQC 38K 3C 2D Documentation 194.06 FILLS .BAS 1K 9D A2 MBASIC demo of stipple patterns 194.07 GRAF .FQ 23K F9 97 FORTRAN-80 plot package 194.08 GRAF1 .PAS 17K 77 9B Turbo Pascal low level routines 194.09 GRAF2 .PAS 19K B0 FF Turbo Pascal graph drawing routines 194.10 GRAPH .BAS 9K B5 4F MBASIC plot package 194.11 HANDPLOT.BAS 22K 93 B2 Demonstration program 194.12 TEST .BAS 2K D6 EF MBASIC example program 194.13 TEST .PAS 3K 41 CD Turbo Pascal example program 194.14 UPLOAD .BAS 10K D0 93 MBASIC demo-stipple pattern redefinition SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-194, 14 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 195 Curve Fitting Programs ROFF4 Update -CATALOG.195 contents of SIG/M Volume 195 released October 5, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program -type 'CRC' to check disk USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files DELRB .COM to extract .LBR files-type DELBR filename index name size crc description 195.01 FLUF10 .LBR 25K 79 A9 Fluff minimax algorithm and updates- 195.02 FLUF11/T.LBR 37K B5 E4 see Dr. Dobbs July 1984 195.03 ROFF4161.LBR 52K 57 49 Updates ROFF4 (SIG/M Vol 174) 195.04 SIMP12/T.LBR 73K 1A 34 Simplex algorithm-see BYTE May 1984 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-195, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 196 Programs from the ACGNJ Cranford Bulletin Board -CATALOG.196 contents of SIG/M Volume 196 released October 5, 1984 CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 196.01 DELBR11A.LBR 53K CC 2D extracts library files,CP/M 80,86,MSDOS 196.02 EX14 .LBR 29K 9D D4 replacement for SUBMIT and XSUB 196.03 FTNOTE13.LBR 29K 5F B8 produces footnotes with Wordstar 196.04 QK12 .LBR 16K 36 8D redefines keyboard 196.05 SD-92 .LBR 79K 06 E5 updates sorted directory 196.06 SDT .LBR 4K B9 4C enhancement to DDT 196.07 UNSOFT1C.LBR 11K BB 4F removes Wordstar high bits SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-196, 07 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 197 ZCPR for 8086 and 8/16 Systems FIND, HELP & SQUEEZE revised with REC from University Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.197 contents of SIG/M Volume 197 released October 5, 1984 ABSTRACT.197 documentation for this volume READTHIS. Information about REC (see also SIG/M 164-167, 173) JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG/M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk DELIB .COM to extract .LBR file type DELIB filename index name size crc description 197.01 FYNDE .AQ6 13K CA 3E FIND in CP/M 80 and 86 with the ability 197.02 FYNDE .AQM 11K 09 BE to locate items in squeezed files too. 197.03 FYNDE .CMD 4K BC 2B Written using CNVRT and REC. 197.04 FYNDE .COM 3K FF BA / 197.05 HJELP .AQ6 22K 7C 62 HELP in CP/M 80 and 86 with the ability 197.06 HJELP .AQM 20K F7 6F to read squeezed files too. 197.07 HJELP .CMD 4K DD E4 Written using CNVRT and REC. 197.08 HJELP .COM 4K C2 E4 / 197.09 SIG197 .HQP 31K EF 08 Help file for this disk 197.10 TYSQ .AQ6 6K F3 66 Type squeezed files - CP/M 80 and 86 197.11 TYSQ .AQM 8K E0 60 with the ability to read .COM files 197.12 TYSQ .CMD 2K 93 D3 too. Written using CNVRT and REC. 197.13 TYSQ .COM 1K 97 98 / 197.14 UNSQ .AQ6 8K 92 0E Unsqueeze squeezed files. Written 197.15 UNSQ .AQM 7K F2 DA using CNVRT and REC. 197.16 UNSQ .CMD 2K 8B 63 / 197.17 UNSQ .COM 2K 67 86 / 197.18 UNSQ80 .LIB 11K F5 F5 ED.COM .LIB version of UNSQ 197.19 UNSQ86 .LIB 11K E9 4D ED.CMD .LIB version of UNSQ 197.20 CPR860 .LBR 30K 3C 55 ZCPR for 8086, 8088 computers SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-197, 20 Files cataloged. ******************************************************************** NOTICE: All of the material on this disk is protected under the Copyright laws. The holders of the copyright have granted permission to use these programs only for non-commercial personal use. ******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 198 SIG/M Property Manager (Vol 1 of 2) SIG/M Accounting Manager -CATALOG.198 contents of SIG/M Volume 198 released October 5, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 198.01 ADD .BLD 3K 29 67 SIG/M Property Manager - a 198.02 ADD1 .BLD 14K 97 F6 complete property management program 198.03 ADD2 .BLD 9K ED 8B for tenanted real estate. Prints rent 198.04 CHART .ACC 7K 9C AE bills, rent roll, delinquency list, etc. 198.05 CHECKS .ACC 8K 02 B9 Includes full accounting - cash receipts, 198.06 DBOX .SPM 2K E9 9B cash disbursements, general journal and 198.07 DEPOS .ACC 12K F9 C1 general ledger. Prepares balance sheet 198.08 EDIT .BLD 5K 2C 8B and P&L statements, etc. Self documented. 198.09 INIT .ACC 4K A5 15 Required dBASEII (TM) version 2.4. To run 198.10 INIT .SPM 4K 9D 71 under CP/M 80 rename .PRG file to .CMD. 198.11 JOURN .ACC 10K 25 E2 (.PRG files are on volume 199). Place 198.12 JOURP .ACC 18K A8 2C all files on one disk with dBASE program 198.13 MAIN .ACC 5K 6C C6 and type 'DBASE MANAGE' (or DBASE ACCOUNT 198.14 MAIN .BLD 7K C0 5C if you choose to program only as an 198.14 MAINTAIN.ACC 17K 2C 02 accounting package). You may also have 198.16 MAINTAIN.BLD 15K 87 2F dBASE on a separate disk and set default 198.17 MENU .ACC 1K E5 ED to disk where the Property Manager is. 198.18 MENU .BLD 1K E5 ED / 198.19 MENU .SPM 8K 6D DE / 198.20 POSTIT .ACC 11K 83 6D / 198.21 PRINT .BLD 2K 26 51 / 198.22 REPORT .BLD 21K 98 B9 / 198.23 SEARCH .BLD 4K FD CE / 198.24 SEARCH1 .BLD 4K 83 A8 / 198.25 STATEM .ACC 12K DD E2 / 198.26 STATEMP .ACC 17K 64 8F / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-198, 26 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 199 SIG/M Property Manager (Vol 2 of 2) SIG/M Mail and Phone Manager -CATALOG.199 contents of SIG/M Volume 199 released October 5, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 199.01 ACCOUNT .DBF 1K 00 D9 SIG/M Property Manager (cont) 199.02 ACCOUNT .NDX 3K 6A 1A / 199.03 BUILD .DBF 1K 0E 11 / 199.04 CHART .DBF 6K 5D 79 / 199.05 CHART .NDX 3K D0 28 / 199.06 CHART1 .DBF 6K 5D 79 / 199.07 CHART2 .DBF 6K 92 3C / 199.08 CODE .NDX 1K 96 23 / 199.09 CODEA .NDX 1K 3D BB / 199.10 EDIT .TNT 7K 66 19 / 199.11 MAIN .TNT 8K A8 77 / 199.12 MANAGE .CMD 11K 10 07 / 199.13 MANAGE .PRG 11K 10 07 / 199.14 PRINT .TNT 4K E8 83 / 199.15 SEARCH .TNT 5K 47 92 / 199.16 SEARCH1 .TNT 5K 8A 25 / 199.17 STATEMNT.DBF 1K 02 E0 / 199.18 TENANT .DBF 6K 62 A3 / 199.19 ACCOUNT .CMD 11K F0 C8 Alternate 'front end' for Property Manager 199.20 ACCOUNT .PRG 11K F0 C8 / 199.21 MAIL .CMD 7K 48 0D SIG/M Mail Manager, a complete 199.22 MAIL .PRG 7K 48 0D mailing list and record manage- 199.23 ACG .DBF 2K 21 9E ment application program 199.24 ADD .ACG 8K 9F 6F for use with dBASEII (TM) version 2.4. 199.25 DUPCHECK.ACG 1K 9A 9E / 199.26 DUPREC .ACG 4K D0 86 / 199.27 EDIT .ACG 6K 8F 87 / 199.28 INIT .ACG 3K 87 F9 / 199.29 LASTNAME.NDX 1K B9 EF / 199.30 LIST .ACG 3K F8 D0 / 199.31 LIST1 .ACG 2K E6 09 / 199.32 MAIN .ACG 5K E0 B2 / 199.33 MAINTAIN.ACG 6K 18 EA / 199.34 PHONE .ACG 2K 60 CA / 199.35 PRINT .ACG 1K 95 C6 / 199.36 PURGE .ACG 2K 7F 84 / 199.37 REPORT .ACG 5K 5F DA / 199.38 SEARCH .ACG 4K 38 BC / 199.39 SEARCH1 .ACG 5K 48 33 / 199.40 VERIFDEL.ACG 3K 27 95 / 199.41 VERIFNEW.ACG 3K 3B 38 / 199.42 WSFILE .ACG 3K F0 D7 / 199.43 WSFILE1 .ACG 4K B2 32 / 199.44 PHONE .CMD 7K 9C 7F SIG/M Phone Manager, a handy and fast 199.45 PHONE .DBF 2K 38 17 phone and address database for use with 199.46 PHONE .NDX 1K C9 45 dBASEII (TM) 199.47 PHONE .PRG 7K 9C 7F / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-199, 47 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 200 Utilities for ZCPR3 Volume 1 of 3 -CATALOG.200 contents of SIG/M Volume 200 released November 16, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SHOW .COM bidirectional type for squeezed & unsqueezed files SIG-M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk index name size crc description 200.01 CLEANDIR.COM 2K 4F D5 ZCPR3 sort & pack utility 200.02 CMD .COM 1K B2 81 ZCPR3 command line processor 200.03 DPROG .COM 3K 70 00 ZCPR3 printer, terminal programmer 200.04 DPROG .HQP 6K 05 6A squeezed HELP file for DPROG 200.05 DU3 .COM 12K 06 79 ZCPR3 disk utility 200.06 DU3 .HQP 25K F8 C7 squeezed HELP file for DU3 200.07 MU3 .COM 3K F5 53 ZCPR3 memory utility 200.08 MU3 .HQP 5K E9 15 squeezed HELP file for MU3 200.09 SHSET .COM 1K 4A 16 makes ZCPR3 command line into shell 200.10 VFILER .COM 11K D1 62 ZCPR3 screen oriented file utility 200.11 VFILER .HQP 14K 3B 2C squeezed HELP file for VFILER 200.12 VLIB .HQP 8K 1C 84 screen mainipulation library HELP file 200.13 VLIB .REL 2K 01 A1 library of screen manipulation routines 200.14 VMENU .COM 6K A5 CA screen oriented file utility 200.15 VMENU .HQP 20K DD 19 squeezed HELP file for VMENU 200.16 VMENUCK .COM 3K 9E 17 menu file syntax checker 200.17 Z3LIB11 .REL 8K 8F 30 library of support utility routines 200.18 Z3LIB .HQP 2K 36 ED squeezed support utility library 200.19 Z3LIB1 .HQP 19K 51 41 HELP files 200.20 Z3LIB2 .HQP 4K E3 F2 / 200.21 Z3LIB3 .HQP 13K E4 44 / 200.22 Z3LIB4 .HQP 12K 8A 97 / 200.23 Z3UTIL3 .HQP 5K 17 F2 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-200, 23 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 201 Utilities for ZCPR3 - Source Code Volume 2 of 3 -CATALOG.201 contents of SIG/M Volume 201 released November 16, 1984 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form SHOW .COM bidirection typer for squeezed & regular files USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk index name size crc description 201.01 CLEANDIR.MQC 8K BB 7B ZCPR3 utilities source code 201.02 CMD .MQC 4K CC 25 / 201.03 DEBUGRCP.AQM 20K B6 33 / 201.04 DPROG .MQC 13K 93 27 / 201.05 DU3 .MQC 54K 8F B0 / 201.06 MU3 .MQC 11K 63 72 / 201.07 SHSET .MQC 3K F9 66 / 201.08 VFILER .MQC 58K 47 11 / 201.09 VMENU .MQC 36K 4F 3C / 201.10 VMENUCK .MQC 8K E6 04 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-201, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 202 ZCPPR3 Library Source Code (Vol 3 of 3) Z80 Public Key Cryptography System -CATALOG.202 contents of SIG/M Volume 202 released November 16, 1984 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ application form SHOW .COM bidirectional type for squeezed & unsqueezed files USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 202.01 ANYCODE .ASM 3K 58 44 program to set printer from 202.02 ANYCODE .DQC 14K 9E A1 Wordstar 202.04 VID1 .MAC 1K B0 F4 ZCPR3 library of routines for 202.05 VID2 .MAC 1K 12 0A screen manipulation 202.06 VID3 .MAC 1K 6C AD / 202.07 VID4 .MAC 1K E2 25 / 202.08 VID5 .MAC 1K 44 4C / 202.09 VID6 .MAC 1K F8 F4 / 202.10 VID7 .MAC 5K 46 6C / 202.11 VID8 .MAC 1K 96 9E / 202.12 VID9 .MAC 2K E6 29 / 202.13 VIDA .MAC 1K 65 69 / 202.14 VIDB .MAC 1K 3C 61 / 202.15 VLAT .MAC 1K A6 D7 / 202.16 VLGXYMSG.MAC 2K EC 3A / 202.17 Z3MAC .LBR 99K DB 23 ZCPR3 support utility library SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-202, 17 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 203 CP/M 80 TO CP/M 86 Translator Cross Referencing FIND Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.203 contents of SIG/M Volume 203 released November 16, 1984 ABSTRACT.203 information about this disk JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 203.01 80T86 .LBR 114K B6 EC CP/M 80 to 86 translator 203.02 CNVADV .HLP 40K 98 A1 advanced CNVRT HELP file 203.03 FFYNDE .A86 25K E5 A7 FIND - with the capability 203.04 FFYNDE .ASM 23K 22 4C of generating a cross reference 203.05 FFYNDE .CMD 5K 48 ED listing 203.06 FFYNDE .COM 4K 5A F8 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-203, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 204 Forth-83 for CP/M 80 - Version 2.0 -CATALOG.204 contents of SIG/M Volume 204 released November 16, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form SHOW .COM bidirectional pager for squeezed & unsqueezed files USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk index name size crc description 204.01 F83 .COM 24K 09 33 compiled Forth 204.02 README .8Q 13K DD E2 original F83 instructions 204.03 F83-FIXS.TQT 4K 52 E2 changes from F83 v 1.0 204.04 BASIC .BQK 5K 1B 94 BASIC compiler in F83 204.05 CLOCK .BQK 3K 0B C0 Source for a calendar example 204.06 CPU8080 .BQK 10K 08 B1 8080 dependent code 204.07 EXPAND80.BQK 3K AE E5 original source to EXPAND.HUF 204.08 EXTEND80.BQK 9K ED D0 entensions source 204.09 HUFFMAN .BQK 13K 25 1A compression program 204.10 KERNEL80.BQK 63K B8 75 kernel source 204.11 META80 .BQK 13K 6E D8 metacompiler source 204.12 UTILITY .BQK 37K 4E 38 utility source SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-204, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 205 Forth-83 for 68000 - Version 2.0 -CATALOG.205 contents of SIG/M Volume 205 released November 16, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form SHOW .COM bidirectional pager for squeezed & unsqueezed files USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk index name size crc description 205.01 F83 .68K 29K 1B F1 compiled Forth 205.02 README .6Q 13K 0C 33 original F83 instructions 205.03 F83-FIXS.TQT 4K 52 E2 changed from F83 v 1.0 205.04 BASIC .BQK 5K 1B 94 BASIC compiler in F83 205.05 CLOCK .BQK 3K 0B C0 Source for calendar example 205.06 CPU68000.BQK 16K 38 C6 68000 dependent code 205.07 EXPAND68.BQK 3K 9D 92 original source to EXPAND.HUF 205.08 EXTEND68.BQK 9K 89 D4 extensions source 205.09 HUFFMAN .BQK 13K 25 1A compression program 205.10 KERNEL68.BQK 61K B3 86 kernel source 205.11 META68 .BQK 14K 66 D0 metacompiler source 205.12 UTILITY .BQK 36K 6E E6 utility source SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-205, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 206 Library, Printing and Sorting Routines in CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.206 contents of SIG/M Volume 206 released December 21, 1984 USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 206.01 ENCOL .LBR 79K 4D 59 multiple column listings, two side of paper 206.02 HJELP .LBR 59K 18 62 HELP files, even squeezed, within a library 206.03 QSORT .LBR 20K E1 C7 Quicksort to order the lines of a file 206.04 TY .LBR 63K 82 DD type, whether binary, squeezed or library SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-206, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 207 CP/M 86 Library Utility, Print, etc. Vfiler and Dump for NEC APC -CATALOG.207 contents of SIG/M Volume 207 released December 21, 1984 SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program -type CRC under CP/M 80 to check disk CRCK .CMD CP/M 86 checksum program * USQ .CMD unsqueezes squeezed files LU86 .CMD library utilty to remove files from .LBR file NOTE - The CP/M 86 Checksum program (CRCK) is not automatic and returns different values than the CP/M 80 version. The CP/M 86 CRCK checksums are listed in parenthesis in the program description below. index name size crc description 207.01 APC-DUMP.LBR 16K 57 EA NEC APC dump program (B5CC) 207.02 APCVFILE.LBR 74K 85 F9 VFILER for NEC APC (9EA7) 207.03 VFILEAPC.CMD 9K E2 4C / (48C4) 207.03 BIDUMP86.LBR 11K A9 F0 CP/M 86 bidirection dump (8639) 207.04 BISHOW86.CMD 2K 0E B3 Improved CP/M 86 bidirectional SHOW (B7B1) 207.05 BISHOW86.LBR 12K A0 9B / (7833) 207.06 LTYPE86 .LBR 10K C4 87 LTYPE for CP/M 86 (F276) 207.07 LU86 .CMD 19K 17 23 CP/M 86 library utility (5954) 207.08 LU86-2 .LBR 39K 3E 38 / (1CB2) 207.09 PRINT86 .LBR 15K B1 67 CP/M 86 PRINT utility (F5AC) 207.10 TYPESQ86.LBR 7K 4A 87 CP/M 86 Typesqueeze (2672) 207.11 USQ .CMD 18K 24 C0 Unsqueeze for CP/M 86 (CD6D) SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-207, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 208 Meta4 (8080), 3740 Utility and Z80 Bidirectional Show -CATALOG.208 contents of SIG/M Volume 208 released December 21, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form DELBR .COM to remove .LBR files - type DELBR filename USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk index name size crc description 208.01 3740UTIL.LBR 71K 48 41 IBM 3740 disk utility 208.02 META412 .LBR 99K 49 D7 META4 in 8080 code 208.03 SF .LBR 34K 97 3C Z80 bidirectional show SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-208, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 209 Programs from Thousand Oaks Bulletin Board -CATALOG.209 contents of SIG/M Volume 209 released December 21, 1984 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 209.01 COBOL .LBR 75K D0 DE cobol - unchecked but worth trying 209.02 ERAQ16 .LBR 12K E6 3C updated querry erase 209.03 FXCHAR .LBR 50K 26 9D creates character sets for Epson FX 209.04 HEADER6 .BAS 10K 59 EC prints a LARGE heading - neat! 209.05 MEGAN3 .LBR 31K 31 C7 space game 209.06 NSWP207 .LBR 13K 6C C5 much improved update to SWEEP 209.07 TYPEL34A.LBR 18K 5B BB updated TYPEL SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-209, 07 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1984 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG-M Volume 210 CP-M 86 Utilities -CATALOG.210 contents of SIG-M Volume 210 released January 18, 1985 LBR-CARD.210 listing of .LBR components JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk CRC .CMD CP-M 86 version USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 version DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD menu driven CP-M 86 .LBR utility index name size crc description 210.01 BLIST .LBR 16K AE 0C multiple file printer 210.02 CLCIB86 .LBR 3K D6 DF CB86 command line interpreter 210.03 CRC .CMD 4K 10 E5 CRC checker in CP-M 86 210.04 CRC-64 .AQ6 19K 60 9A / 210.05 CRC68K .LBR 16K 78 A7 CRC checker in CP-M 68K 210.06 CRCBUILD.LBR 35K F4 D1 builds catalog files - CP/M 80 & 86 210.07 PUT .AQ6 14K A9 E0 copies files between user areas 210.08 PUT .CMD 3K 15 C7 / 210.09 SQ183 .CMD 17K DF 8D CP-M 86 file squeezer 210.10 TAB86 .LBR 27K C4 4B creates tabs in code 210.11 UNTAB86 .LBR 26K BC 9B removes tabs from code 210.12 USQ .CMD 3K EB 7C CP-M 86 file usqueezer SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-210, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG-M Volume 211 Kermit MODEM for CP-M 86 -CATALOG.211 contents of SIG-M Volume 211 released January 18, 1985 LBR-CARD.211 listing of .LBR components CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk CRC .CMD CP-M 86 version USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 version DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD menu driven CP-M 86 .LBR utility index name size crc description 211.01 86KERMIT.LBR 194K 0B CD Kermit modem for CP-M 86 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-211, 01 File cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG-M Volume 212 CP-M Plus Utilities and Misc. Routines -CATALOG.212 contents of SIG-M Volume 212 released January 18, 1985 LBR-CARD.212 listing of .LBR components JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 212.01 CHIS16 .CQ 5K C6 AB Chi-square calculation in C 212.02 CPM2-+ .LBR 5K 2A 8D allows 2.2 routines to run under CP-M Plus 212.03 CPM3-CAT.LBR 6K 02 0C CP-M Plus catalog program 212.04 CPM3LIB .LBR 8K 0B D3 CP-M Plus subroutine library 212.05 CURLY .LBR 7K 60 1C checks braces in C programs 212.06 DAYS .CQ 2K A4 9E changes 01/18/85 to 1.18.1985 212.07 FIND+2 .LBR 16K 61 8D updates FIND 212.08 KPROFMT .LBR 59K 5D 19 multidisk formats for Kaypro 2,4 & 10 212.09 QS-CPM3 .LBR 4K CA 7C resets disk attributes in CP-M Plus 212.10 RDMSDOS .LBR 35K 49 96 reads MSDOS disks in CP-M - maybe ? 212.11 SUPERZAP.LBR 13K 96 05 Z80 disk utility similar to DU 212.12 UNERA+ .LBR 16K FA 96 UNERASE in CP-M Plus 212.13 YAM .H 9K AC 6A file missing from SIG-M 183 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-212, 13 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG-M Volume 213 Regular Expression Compiler (REC) (Volume 1 of 2) 8080 Floating Point, 8086 w/o Floating Point Math Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico -CATALOG.213 contents of SIG-M Volume 213 released January 18, 1985 LBR-CARD.213 listing of .LBR components CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk CRC .CMD CP-M 86 version *** N O T E *** To extract library files and use them - you must have LU.COM or DELBR.COM and USQ.COM for CP-M 80 or LU86.CMD and USQ.CMD for CP-M 86. index name size crc description 213.01 REC80F .LBR 137K E3 FB 8080 REC with floating point math 213.02 REC86 .LBR 94K D1 89 8086 REC w/o floating point math SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-213, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA NOTICE: This disk contains copyright material and distribution is authorized only for non-commercial purposes. SIG-M Volume 214 Regular Expression Compiler (REC) (Vol 2 of 2) 8086 Floating Point, 8080 w/o Floating Point Math Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico -CATALOG.214 contents of SIG-M Volume 214 released January 18, 1985 *** N O T E *** To extract library files and use them - you must have LU.COM or DELBR.COM and USQ.COM for CP-M 80 or LU86.CMD and USQ.CMD for CP-M 86. TO check crc under CP-M 86 use CRC.CMD on Vol 213. index name size crc description 214.01 REC80 .LBR 112K FB 88 8080 REC w/o floating point 214.02 REC86F .LBR 120K 6A FA 8086 REC with floating point SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-214, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA NOTICE: This disk contains copyright material and distribution is authorized only for non-commercial purposes. SIG-M Volume 215 REC Documentation, Updated CNVRT, RUN - executes files from SUBMIT files or libraries Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico -CATALOG.215 contents of SIG-M Volume 215 released January 18, 1985 LBR-CARD.215 listing of .LBR components CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk CRC .CMD CP-M 86 version USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 version DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename NOTE: CP-M 86 users will need LU86.CMD to extract files from libraries. NOTICE: This disk contains copyright material and distribution is authorized only for non-commercial purposes. index name size crc description 215.01 CNVRT .LBR 54K C4 AE latest version of CNVRT 215.02 HJELP .COM 4K 17 24 examine libraries as HELP files 215.03 RECDOC .LBR 95K 8F 25 manuscript describing REC 215.04 RUN .LBR 56K 42 4A runs 80 & 86 programs from SUB or LBR files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-215, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG-M Volume 216 MODEM (MDM840) for CP-M 86 and MP-M (Volume 1 of 2) -CATALOG.216 contents of SIG-M Volume 216 released January 18, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk CRC .CMD CP-M 86 version USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 version index name size crc description 216.01 MDM840 .AQ6 124K 5E 0B MDM Modem series translated for CP-M 86 216.02 MDM840 .DQC 26K D7 77 documentation file 216.03 MDM840 .HQ6 26K 1A 4A hex file 216.04 MDM840 .NQT 2K E2 B9 translator's note 216.05 M8LIB .AQ6 18K 04 25 telephone auto dialer library for MDM840 216.06 M8LIB .CMD 4K 28 FB / 216.07 M8LIB .DOC 1K 4E F5 / 216.08 M8NM-40 .AQ6 4K AE 05 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-216, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG-M Volume 217 MODEM (MDM840) for CP-M 86 and MP-M (Vol 2 of 2) CP/M 80 Emulator; dBASEII Toolkit -CATALOG.216 contents of SIG-M Volume 216 released January 18, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type 'CRC' to check disk CRC .CMD CP-M 86 version USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 version index name size crc description 217.01 M8GP-1 .AQ6 7K 93 C6 MDM840 general purpose overlay 217.02 M8IN-1 .AQ6 8K 9D A9 CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 overlay 217.03 M8MCDOS .AQ6 11K A2 C4 CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 overlay 217.04 QUEIN .AQ6 2K 48 5E with Gifford MC-DOS 217.05 M8MPMIN .AQ6 13K 5E 76 CompuPro MP-M 86 with MSUP.RSP 217.07 MSUP .AQ6 28K B1 2F / 217.08 MSUP .DQC 2K E0 B1 / 217.06 M8RB-1 .AQ6 8K 25 DE DEC Rainbow overlay 217.09 Z80 .A86 10K 41 4D working CP-M 80 emulator for CP-M 86 217.10 Z80 .CMD 5K D1 50 / 217.11 CBADDR .Z80 6K 9C ED / 217.12 CODE8086.Z80 16K C4 67 / 217.13 CODECB .Z80 1K 36 72 / 217.14 CODEED .Z80 5K AF D4 / 217.15 EDADDR .Z80 2K 54 E3 / 217.16 JUMPADDR.Z80 6K 3F 57 / 217.17 FUNCLIB .CMD 5K BD AE dBASEII toolkit library 217.18 DATELIB .CMD 9K 59 9C / 217.19 MATHLIB .CMD 11K 50 6D / 217.20 TOOLSLIB.DOC 15K 3D 55 / 217.21 LOGOFF .ASM 1K 7A 27 bulletin board security system 217.22 LOGOFF .COM 2K 90 F4 / 217.23 LOGON .ASM 1K 37 B9 / 217.24 LOGON .COM 3K 27 BE / 217.25 LOGON .DOC 3K 38 6D / 217.26 LUU .CQ 12K 24 F8 Australian version of CP-M 86 LU 217.27 LUU .CQD 24K 09 09 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-217, 27 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig-M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 218 MEX - an Improved Modem for CP/M by Ron Fowler (Volume 1 of 3) -CATALOG.218 contents of SIG/M Volume 218 released March 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 218.01 MEX112 .OBJ 24K 7B F0 MEX main program (uninstalled) 218.02 COPYRITE. 2K F3 09 MEX Copyright notice 218.03 MEX .HQP 31K 2A 22 On-line users manual 218.04 MEX10 .DQC 38K 32 AA Documentation 218.05 MEXSUM .DQC 7K 24 19 / 218.06 MEXCON .SUB 1K 11 4D Submit file to construct installed mex 218.07 MLOAD .OBJ 3K E5 1E Overlay installation tool 218.08 READ .MQ 2K B8 25 Quick overview 218.09 SET .MQX 1K 43 DE File to change MEX settings 218.10 TEL .PHN 1K AB 43 Sample phone directory 218.11 MXM-CD10.AQM 11K BE 2F Concord Data System 218.12 MXM-PC10.AQM 8K A8 04 Popcon 218.13 MXM-UD10.AQM 12K A6 7B UDS modem 218.14 MXM-US13.AQM 19K A0 39 US Robotics modem 218.15 MXO-AD11.AQM 18K 89 B8 Advanced Digital 218.16 MXO-AL10.AQM 8K 24 9D Altos 218.17 MXO-PM22.AQM 26K A9 B9 PMMI 218.18 MXO-SM14.AQM 7K 60 08 Smartmodem SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-218, 18 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 219 MEX - an Improved Modem for CP/M by Ron Fowler (Volume 2 of 3) -CATALOG.219 contents of SIG/M Volume 219 released March 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 219.01 MXO-APCC.AQM 19K 0A 29 Apple II overlay 219.02 MXO-CT10.AQM 7K FE D4 CT Companion 219.03 MXO-DB10.AQM 10K 74 9C Dynabyte 219.04 MXO-DT10.AQM 8K FF F7 Datec 219.05 MXO-DV10.AQM 11K 43 9E Davidge 219.06 MXO-EP12.AQM 10K 2E DE Epson QX 10 219.07 MXO-GB11.AQM 10K 4E 75 CompuPro 219.08 MXO-H812.AQM 8K 79 C7 Heath H-89 219.09 MXO-II12.AQM 8K 0C 47 Intersystems 219.10 MXO-IM10.AQM 5K 5F B5 Info-Mate 219.11 MXO-KP41.AQM 28K E8 BE Kaypro 219.12 MXO-LO15.AQM 12K 0F F8 Lobo Max 80 219.13 MXO-MD11.AQM 11K DC D0 Morrow MD 3A 219.14 MXO-MG10.AQM 11K CC 6B Mega SC 219.15 MXO-MR10.AQM 8K 37 CD Morrow Micro Decision 219.16 MXO-NE88.AQM 14K C9 C2 NEC PC-8801 219.17 MXO-NS11.AQM 15K 9F 3E North Star Horizon SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-219, 17 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 220 MEX - an Improved Modem for CP/M by Ron Fowler (Volume 3 of 3) -CATALOG.220 contents of SIG/M Volume 220 released March 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 220.01 MXO-OA11.AQM 12K AA A6 Otrona Attache Overlay 220.02 MXO-OC10.AQM 12K 36 78 Osborne 1 with COMM-PAC 220.03 MXO-OS22.AQM 11K 83 DA Obsorne 220.04 MXO-OX11.AQM 10K 95 19 Osborne Executive 220.05 MXO-P1-1.AQM 8K 32 64 PCM Micromate 220.06 MXO-R+10.AQM 9K 84 E3 Radio Shack Mod 4 with CP/M+ 220.07 MXO-R211.AQM 8K 93 61 Radio Shack Mod 2 220.08 MXO-RS13.AQM 12K 1B 68 Radio Shack Mod 4 with Montezuma 220.09 MXO-RV13.AQM 10K A1 F2 Racal- Vadic 220.10 MXO-SB12.AQM 15K 8D DE Superbrain 220.11 MXO-SCAT.AQM 7K BD 8C Smartcat 220.12 MXO-SX10.AQM 18K 62 85 Starplex 220.13 MXO-SY21.AQM 19K E2 3F Sanyo MBC-100 220.14 MXO-TD30.AQM 14K 83 59 Turbodos 220.15 MXO-TV11.AQM 8K 2F D7 Televideo TS-802 220.16 MXO-VP10.AQM 5K A2 40 Ventel Plus 220.17 MXO-VTL1.AQM 7K 23 CB Ventel Modem with Otrona Attache 220.18 MXO-XE12.AQM 8K F2 34 Xerox 820 220.19 MXO-XR10.AQM 9K 6E 6B XOR S-100-4 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-220, 19 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 221 dBASEII(tm) Inventory System, Decoder, Patch and MP/M Information -CATALOG.221 contents of SIG/M Volume 221 released March 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 221.01 DBASEMPM.LBR 4K 4C AF MP/M dBASE setup programs 221.02 DBSOURCE.LBR 60K 30 B1 Decodes some run-time programs 221.03 INVNTORY.LBR 130K 5E D4 Inventory system 222.04 NEWBASE5.LBR 10K 8B 76 dBASE patches SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-221, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 222 Updates to Handy Utilities and Misc. Programs -CATALOG.222 contents of SIG/M Volume 222 released March 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 222.01 AREACD13.LBR 22K B5 EF New areacodes, including 718 222.02 DASM8080.LBR 90K EA 47 8080 disassembler 222.03 DBL003 .LBR 11K 1B 0E Improved multi column printing 222.04 DIRREP .LBR 12K 56 06 Repairs directory 222.05 LU310 .LBR 44K D4 9D Updated library utility 222.06 NULU10 .LBR 35K 94 78 A new approach to LU SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-222, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 223 RESOURCE Disassembler for CP/M 86 Misc. Programs -CATALOG.223 contents of SIG/M Volume 223 released March 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD CP-M 86 checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 unsqueezer DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD CP-M 86 menu driven library utility index name size crc description 223.01 DBIIDATE.PRG 2K 60 3D Sets date in DBASEII - NEC APC 223.02 DO .LBR 26K B0 54 Extended SUBMIT 223.03 FREEBASE.LBR 19K 88 9E Data base program 223.04 MEM .LBR 4K 26 41 Creates RAM disk 223.05 PDABACUS.CMD 2K 39 E8 Sets colors on NEC APC 223.06 PDRAMDSK.AQ6 10K 1B 9B RAM disk for NEC APC 223.07 PDRAMDSK.CMD 5K 19 1F / 223.08 RES86 .LBR 83K F8 F6 RESOURCE disassembler - CP-M 86 223.09 SPLITTER.LBR 12K 0E 3C Segments files for copying 223.10 TLABEL86.LBR 14K E2 5D Prints labels - CP-M 86 223.11 WYSEFK21.AQM 6K 7E F8 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-223, 11 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 224 Small C Compiler with Floating Point (Z80) -CATALOG.224 contents of SIG/M Volume 224 released April 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 224.01 CC .CQM 23K CF 1F Z80 Small C compiler with 224.02 CC .DQC 10K 8C 57 floating point math 224.03 C80V .CQ 27K 48 39 / 224.04 C80V-2 .CQ 21K EB BC / 224.05 ARGS .CQ 3K 47 7F I/O direction and command 224.06 ARGS .DQC 2K 24 BC line parsing 224.07 ARGS .H 1K 3E 33 / 224.08 ARGS .OQJ 3K 40 4E / 224.09 CLIBV .OBJ 4K C9 EB alternate math & I/O library 224.10 FLOAT .CQ 15K C9 EE floating point routines 224.11 FLOAT .DQC 3K 04 D9 / 224.12 FLOAT .H 1K 21 05 / 224.13 FLOAT .OBJ 3K 95 62 / 224.14 IOLIB .CQ 11K FA 82 integer math and I/O 224.15 IOLIB .DQC 3K D1 C8 / 224.16 IOLIB .H 1K 0E 62 / 224.17 IOLIB .OQJ 6K 1E 5E / 224.18 PRINTF .DQC 3K 66 D2 formatted I/O 224.19 PRINTF1 .CQ 3K 70 E9 / 224.20 PRINTF1 .H 1K 31 61 / 224.21 PRINTF1 .OQJ 6K 6D D9 / 224.22 PRINTF2 .CQ 6K 63 1F / 224.23 PRINTF2 .H 1K AB C9 / 224.24 PRINTF2 .OQJ 11K B5 AF / 224.25 PROFILE .AQM 3K FB FB execution profile and walkback 224.26 PROFILE .DQC 2K A6 03 / 224.27 PROFILE .H 1K E1 03 / 224.28 PROFILE .OBJ 1K 86 0A / 224.29 TEST .CQ 3K E1 62 sample program 224.30 TRANSCEN.CQ 7K 9A 8C transcendental functions 224.31 TRANSCEN.DQC 2K A9 B2 / 224.32 TRANSCEN.H 1K BF 0F / 224.33 TRANSCEN.OBJ 5K 54 EB / 224.34 ZLINK .CQM 6K E1 17 linkage editor 224.35 ZLINK .DQC 2K 64 8A / 224.36 ZMAC .CQM 10K 08 83 assembler (relocatable output) 224.37 ZMAC .DQC 7K BB 71 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-224, 37 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 225 FX-80 Character Set Biochemical Engineering Games & Simulation -CATALOG.225 contents of SIG/M Volume 225 released April 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program DELBR .COM to extract .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 225.01 FX .COM 5K 14 32 allows second character set 225.02 FXDRVR .COM 2K B2 B0 with Wordstar and FX-80 printer. 225.03 FXDRVR .DOC 23K 45 D6 / 225.04 FXDRVR .MAC 24K 8E 81 / 225.05 ALTER .FON 4K 20 FB scientific font for MX-80 225.06 SIMULA .LBR 131K 3C 94 biochemical eng. games & simulation SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-225, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 226 The Sigi Kluger Utilities -CATALOG.226 contents of SIG/M Volume 226 released April 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 226.01 BACKMW .DOC 10K 74 F2 hard disk backup for Morrow M16 226.02 BACKMW27.COM 7K E5 DC / 226.03 BACKMW27.MAC 15K 87 A1 / 226.04 BAUDRATE.ASM 4K 39 5C sets I/F 4 & TVI 950 baud 226.05 COLONS .DOC 3K 19 C1 add/delete colons to ASM 226.06 COLONS12.COM 4K B2 FA source file where needed 226.07 COLONS12.UPD 1K A3 72 / 226.08 DATE .ASM 3K EA 82 convert DRI date to MM/DD/YY 226.09 UNDATE .ASM 3K 74 25 and MM-DD-YY to DRI format 226.10 DRI-DATE.DOC 5K 20 D3 / 226.11 DELETE .COM 2K BD A3 ERA utility 226.12 DELETE .MAC 6K 3E 4E / 226.13 DUMPDIR .COM 2K E0 7D directory dump with file 226.14 DUMPDIR .DOC 3K DB BE allocation display 226.15 DUMPDIR .MAC 5K 4B 87 / 226.16 E5 .A86 2K E4 E8 fills CP/M 86 disk with E5s 226.17 FINDU10 .DOC 4K 42 56 string find utility for 226.18 FINDU11 .COM 4K 85 66 squeezed and unsqueezed files 226.19 FINDU11 .MAC 4K 42 49 / 226.20 FREESP .MAC 2K A1 3C module to calculate disk space 226.21 HEXDEC .A86 1K 7F 2C hex to decimal module for CP/M 226.22 HEXDEC .ASM 1K F9 C6 80 and 86 226.23 HXDC24 .MAC 3K 5C 8A / 226.24 HXDC24 .REL 1K 92 3B / 226.25 LCHEK .DOC 1K FD 70 library CRC program in CHEK and 226.26 LCHEK11 .COM 2K F6 AA CRC compatible formats 226.27 LCRCK11 .COM 2K 78 BC / 226.28 LCRCK11 .DOC 2K A5 29 / 226.29 LCRCK11 .MAC 7K 07 7B / 226.30 LDIR22 .COM 3K 89 30 library directory with version for 226.31 LDIR22 .DOC 2K 25 3E original filenames of squeezed 226.32 LDIR22 .MAC 10K 57 E3 member files and filematch utility 226.33 LDIRR .ASM 7K FA E3 / 226.34 LDIRR .COM 2K 8E F2 / 226.35 MATCHF .REL 1K 76 B2 / 226.36 MYSORT .REL 1K 9D DB / 226.37 NCRCK1 .COM 2K 40 B1 new CRC program 226.38 NCRCK1 .DOC 2K F2 50 / 226.39 NCRCK1 .MAC 5K 3C 06 / 226.40 PRUN12 .COM 2K 57 DE runs PRL files under CP/M 226.41 PRUN12 .DOC 4K 70 13 / 226.42 PRUN12 .MAC 9K 37 64 / 226.43 SETBAUD2.ASM 5K B6 57 sets baud rate for I/F 4 226.44 SETBAUD2.COM 2K 9B 92 / 226.45 SORT .ASM 3K AB 10 Shell-Metzner in-memory sort 226.46 TESTHXD .MAC 1K FA 6A tests HXDC24 226.47 TIMEDF4 .ASM 3K B0 E7 elapsed time calculator 226.48 TIMEDIF .ASM 5K CA 91 / 226.49 TYPEL36 .COM 4K 0D E9 super type program, squeezed and 226.50 TYPEL36 .DOC 4K 39 6F unsqueezed, in library, to printer, 226.51 TYPEL36 .MAC 15K 66 13 etc. 226.52 UNSQZ13 .COM 4K 05 3C super unsqueezer 226.53 UNSQZ13 .DOC 2K 9D 59 / 226.54 UNSQZ13 .MAC 9K D7 C8 / 226.55 USQB .REL 2K 0D E0 / 226.56 WILDEX .A86 1K 97 AB wildcard expansion routine for 226.57 WILDEX .MAC 2K B4 57 both ASM86/RASM86 and RMAC/M80 226.58 WILDEX .REL 1K 8F 60 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-226, 58 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 227 CHECKS, CHURCH MANAGEMENT and GENEALOGY dBASEII Programs from the Capital Osborne UG -CATALOG.227 contents of SIG/M Volume 227 released April 5, 1985 ABSTRACT.227 information about this disk JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract library files type DELBR library index name size crc description 227.01 CHECKS .LBR 60K 45 AA checkbook program in dBASEII 227.02 CHURCH .LBR 60K F6 98 church Management program in dBASEII 227.03 GENEOLGY.LBR 75K B0 A0 genealogy program in dBASEII SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-227, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 228 Disk Editor, Updated Footnote Program, Maze Game and Miscellaneous Z-80 and 8080 Programs -CATALOG.228 contents of SIG/M Volume 228 released May 17, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract library files type DELBR library index name size crc description 228.01 APPEND .C 2K AD 5D concatenates two files into one 228.02 APPEND .COM 4K F3 8A without disturbing orginal files 228.03 CFLOLIB .C80 1K 94 FA takes C code and creates a listing 228.04 CFLOW .C 6K 68 79 of the module calls in the source 228.05 CFLOW .COM 6K 34 17 / 228.06 CFLOW .DOC 3K 2B D7 / 228.07 CFLOW .FLO 2K 11 B1 / 228.08 EDFILE .ART 12K AF 79 Z80 screen oriented disk editor 228.09 EDFILE .COM 11K F0 A7 / 228.10 EDFILE .DOC 20K C2 18 / 228.11 FTNOTE14.COM 17K F3 66 update to footnote program for 228.12 FTNOTE14.DOC 26K 08 9D Wordstar 228.13 GRAB .AQM 16K EC 8B improvement to FIND which pulls out 228.14 GRAB .COM 4K 1E 65 paragraphs of information - CP/M 80 228.15 GRAB .DOC 2K FD 9E version. 228.16 LIST .C 2K 1C D4 multiple file list program 228.17 LIST .COM 3K B5 50 / 228.18 MCHASE .COM 22K 5A 0D arcade style maze chase game 228.19 MCHASE .DOC 7K 2F EF / 228.20 MCHASE .HLP 3K 0A 7D / 228.21 MODES .C 3K 32 DD MX-80 setting program 228.22 MODES .COM 4K B6 33 / 228.23 PASSWORD.ASM 6K 46 71 requires password to use disk 228.24 PASSWORD.COM 1K 23 F3 / 228.25 PASSWORD.DOC 6K 2B 84 / 228.26 SPLIT .C 3K FE ED splits larger file into smaller 228.27 SPLIT .COM 5K 7E F9 ones SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-228, 27 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 229 CP/M 86 and NEC CP/M 86 Programs -CATALOG.229 contents of SIG/M Volume 229 released May 17, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program USQ .CMD unsqueezes squeezed files LU86 .CMD CP/M 86 library utility index name size crc description 229.01 APC-CALN.LBR 20K 7A E4 prints calendars - APC & MX printer 229.02 APC-DATE.LBR 19K 36 3B screens calendars on APC 229.03 APCSERIO.LBR 16K 75 C3 interrupt driven I/O for APC 229.04 BYTYPE86.LBR 21K 44 5E DIR sort by types to con, lst or disk 229.05 FASTVF86.LBR 83K 23 D1 cleaner, faster VFILER. CRC optional 229.06 FRAG86 .LBR 10K 7D 22 file-ext cleaner, faster,sorts by files 229.07 GRAB86 .LBR 24K 87 CD finds paragraphs 229.08 SAVE0-86.LBR 8K 3D 3A emulates CP/M 2.2 SAVE 0 command 229.09 WC86 .LBR 9K 82 CD word count, text & WS files to 8 digits SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-229, 09 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 230 dBaseII Databases for Scholars Articles, Books and Reference Material Databases -CATALOG.230 contents of SIG/M Volume 230 released May 17, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract library files type DELBR library For CP/M 86 - use USQ.CMD and LU86 in the SIG/M library (including on Vol. 229) to extract libraries and unsqueeze. index name size crc description 230.01 BOOKS .LBR 71K 89 18 database for refernce books 230.02 RETRIEVE.LBR 64K F3 8B article retrieval database 230.03 REFERENC.LBR 82K B3 79 reference material database SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-230, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 231 Excerpts from the New Micro/Systems Journal -CATALOG.231 contents of SIG/M Volume 231 released July 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to test this disk DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DBLBR filename index name size crc description 231.01 CP-M+ .LBR 100K F4 56 Bringing up CP/M-Plus 231.02 DISK1C .LBR 36K 8A EE C & the Godbout Disk-1 Controller 231.03 EXTEND .LBR 11K 80 8F Assembly Language Extensions for MS BASIC 231.04 NAMES .LBR 66K 19 C5 Logical Name Translator for CP/M 2.2 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-231, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE NOTE THAT DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DISK IS SUBJECT TO THE | | RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE COPYRIGHT OWNER. IT CANNOT BE ADDED | | TO ANY PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY OR DISTRIBUTED BY ANY COMMERCIAL : : ORGANIZATION WITHOUT EXPRESS CONSENT IN WRITING. DISTRIBUTION : : IN COMMERCIAL PUBLIC DOMAIN RENTAL LIBRARIES IS PROHIBITED. : : : | Copyright 1985 by Micro/Systems Journal | | PO Box 1192, Mountainside, NJ 07092 : | All rights reserved, reproduction prohibited without permission : +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ SIG/M Volume 232 Kermit 3.9 for CP-M-80, Z80 translator Abstracts from Software Tools of Australia Vol. 68 -CATALOG.232 contents of SIG/M Volume 232 released July 19, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DBLBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library name index name size crc description 232.01 BBCBIOS .MQC 10K 20 01 Modified Ferguson Big Board 1 BIOS 232.02 KERMIT .VER 5K F9 E7 KERMIT communications version list 232.03 KRMSRC .LBR 121K FD B9 KERMIT version 3.9 for CP/M-80 232.04 M7BBS+ .AQM 49K 69 60 Modem 7 for Ferguson Big Board 1 232.05 XLATE216.LBR 32K 6A D0 Updated XLATE 8080 to Z80 source translator SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-232, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 233 Miscellaneous CP-M-80 Utilities Abstracts from Software Tools of Australia Vol. 69 -CATALOG.233 contents of SIG/M Volume 233 released July 19, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library name index name size crc description 233.01 BOY-MOR .LBR 18K 2D A4 Z80 Boyer-More string search function 233.02 CLEANUPC.LBR 26K 72 06 Cleans up C source, makes cross listing 233.03 DISKNAME.LBR 12K B8 06 Gives 45 character volume name on CP/M disk 233.04 MODEM7B .LBR 43K 58 FD MODEM7A modified for LST device output 233.05 PMATCH .LBR 24K 10 1C Checks print command pairing for WordStar 233.06 SDDIRENT.LBR 61K AF A2 Updated SD77, more information displayed 233.07 UDM1200 .DQC 2K 07 66 Using Modem Tech UDM1200 at 1200/75 bps 233.08 UDMAUTOD.BAS 5K 43 EA BASIC auto dialer for Modem Tech UDM1200 233.09 VDUPRNT .LBR 14K AF 35 Screen dump Microbee to Tandy DMP 200 233.10 XPRINT .CQ 7K B4 70 Extended print utility in C SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-233, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 234 CP-M Plus and Other Utilities, Curve Fitting Includes Libraried UK Users Group Volume 16 (Software Tools of Australia Volume 70) -CATALOG.234 contents of SIG/M Volume 234 released July 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library file index name size crc description 234.01 AUTO .LBR 4K 9E DF Auto execute program on cold boot 234.02 CPM3UTIL.LBR 19K 51 36 Disk and other utilities for CP/M Plus 234.03 CUBE .LBR 10K 40 57 Solves 5 x 5 cube 234.04 CURVFIT .LBR 38K 24 CD Curve fitting in MBASIC 234.05 DISKSTAT.LBR 35K FB EA Display disk info and file allocation 234.06 DUMP .LBR 7K FA 5D Improved file dump utility 234.07 SBCOPY .LBR 11K 19 46 Fast copy utility for SuperBrain 234.08 SPZ .LBR 57K 75 46 Full screen disk utility SuperBrain version 234.09 SYM .LBR 8K 95 17 Make SID symbol table from MACRO-80 listing SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-234, 09 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 235 BASICODE Radio Communications (in Dutch) Netherlands Enhancements to FIG FORTH Software Tools of Australiz Volume 72 -CATALOG.235 contents of SIG/M Volume 235 released July 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DBLBR library name USQ .COM unsqueeze squeezed files - type USQ *.* index name size crc description 235.01 ABSTRACT.235 2K 29 B6 Abstract of disk contents (in Dutch) 235.02 BASICODE.DOC 16K B7 AC Documentation on BASICODE (in Dutch) 235.03 BASICODE.ENG 3K B4 A7 Brief intro to BASICODE (in English) 235.04 BC2 .BQS 2K 27 C8 "Standard" BASICODE-2 for MBASIC 235.05 BC2 .OSB 2K 2B 1D "Osborne" BASICODE-1 for Osborne 1 235.06 BC2 .OSI 2K D8 69 "Ohio Scientific" BASICODE-2 235.07 BCREAD .AQM 8K 75 A2 Read BASICODE-2 in from parallel port 235.08 BCTEST .AQM 4K 77 7C Test program for BASICODE-2 port transfer 235.09 BCWRIT .AQM 8K E7 4E Write out BASICODE-2 program, standard 235.10 BCWRITE .AQM 8K 87 D9 Write out BASICODE program, (BASICODE-1?) 235.11 BOKA&EI .BQS 6K 77 2E BASICODE-2 Tic Tac Toe, in Dutch 235.12 CONVERT .BQS 4K FE 82 CBASIC source for BASICODE-2/MBASIC xlate 235.13 CONVERT .COM 13K 67 B5 Converts from BASICODE-2 to Microsoft BASIC 235.14 DELERS .BQS 10K A9 BE BASICODE-2 game of some sort, in Dutch 235.15 DIGIKLOK.BQS 4K 82 2F BASICODE-2 on screen digital clock 235.16 FEESTEN .BQS 4K 9D 98 BASICODE-2 shows public holidays, any year 235.17 FORTH-NL.LBR 49K A3 D1 FIG FORTH 1.1 with enhancements for CP/M 235.18 FUNCTION.DAT 1K 29 3F Used with CONVERT.COM 235.19 KALFEEST.BQS 6K 9E A3 BASICODE-2 calendar for any month & year 235.20 KEYWORDS.DAT 1K 88 69 Used with CONVERT.COM 235.21 MASSA .BQS 4K 76 3E BASICODE-2 demo program, in Dutch 235.22 SORT .BQS 6K 68 2E BASICODE-2 sort program, in Dutch 235.23 STELSELS.BAS 4K 64 EE BASICODE-2 solves 3 order quadratics ? 235.24 TANKIE .BQS 6K 00 9B BASICODE-2 game, simple ASCII graphics 235.25 TESTBC2 .BQS 4K F4 46 BASICODE-2 test/excerciser program 235.26 TIMER555.BQS 6K B4 CA BASICODE-2 designs 555 timer circuits 235.27 UITLEG1 .BQS 6K 6E 8E Introduction to BASICODE? (in Dutch) 235.28 UITLEG2 .BQS 8K 22 83 See UITLEG1.BAS SIG-M Library - Catalog Volume-235, 28 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 236 CP-M3 Bios for Disk-Jockey Controller Updated Lisp in Pascal/Z -CATALOG.236 contents of SIG/M Volume 236 released July 19, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 236.01 CPM3BIOS.DQC 10K B9 08 CP-M3 bios for Morrow Disk Jockey - Doc. 236.02 SCB .ASM 3K E0 84 Bios routines 236.03 MOVE .MAC 6K A8 EE " " 236.04 CHARIO .MQC 8K FA 21 " " 236.05 DISKDEFN.ASM 3K 4A 1A " " 236.06 DISKHNDL.MQC 8K 70 D6 " " 236.07 SEMIHNDL.MAC 6K 20 0A " " 236.08 BOOT .MAC 5K F7 10 " " 236.09 GENCPM .DAT 3K A5 9F Sample data for GENCPM 236.10 DDLDR .ASM 2K 3D 1D Loader bios routines 236.11 LDRBIOS .MAC 7K 0D 48 " " 236.12 LOADSYS .MAC 11K BD F8 Bios routine loader 236.13 REBOOT .MAC 1K F4 B3 To cold start 236.14 SEESCB .RAT 1K F5 43 Print the SCB 236.15 ACCSCB .MAC 1K 5D 68 " " 236.16 SEESCB .COM 7K 2E 54 " " 236.17 BARB2 .MAC 8K 68 74 Memory check 236.18 IF .COM 1K 48 33 Conditional execution 236.19 IF .MAC 3K 18 F8 " " 236.20 OVLMNGR .MAC 7K 5C 5B Overlay manager 236.21 PRINT .COM 2K 01 18 Spooling printer 236.22 PRINT .MQC 6K 3B 84 " " 236.23 CPMPLUS .TQX 25K A3 9B Article on CP-M Plus 236.24 LISP .COM 27K C6 3B Lisp in Pascal/Z 236.25 LISP .DOC 14K 65 23 from Vol 27 Pascal/Z 236.26 LISP .PAS 38K 32 A1 Users Group 236.27 INITLISP. 1K 62 14 / 236.28 INITLISP.STB 1K F9 1E / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-236, 28 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 237 Pilot in Pascal/Z Solving Deductive Reasoning Puzzles from the Pascal/Z Users Group -CATALOG.237 contents of SIG/M Volume 237 released July 19, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 237.01 PILOT-P .LBR 174K F7 4A Pilot in Pascal/Z 237.02 PUZZLE .LBR 39K 70 1D Helps solve deductive reasoning puzzles SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-237, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 238 CCITT X.25 Packet Standard (all 3 levels) by Ed Elizondo -CATALOG.238 contents of SIG/M Volume 238 released August 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 238.01 BUFFERS .AQM 17K A3 AD Full implementation of CCITT X.25 238.02 FILES .AQM 10K DA 5C packet standard (all 3 levels) under 238.03 LEVEL1 .AQM 13K 04 80 CP/M-80. Implements a dumb terminal 238.04 LEVEL2 .AQM 29K FC 09 with bi-directional file transfer 238.05 LEVEL3 .AQM 34K F6 1D capability. Configured for Digital 238.06 PLOG .AQM 6K 4A 0D Research Big Board (uses SIO on BB 238.07 X25 .AQM 19K 70 29 to handle HDLC bit stuffing and 238.08 X25 .CQM 15K 5E 3B polynomial check). Extensive diag- 238.09 X25 .MSG 2K E9 32 nostic facilities built in. Full 238.10 X25SYS .DQC 16K 5B 24 User manual. 238.11 X25UM .DQC 43K 72 28 / 238.12 XUTIL .AQM 8K 6A 2E / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-238, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 239 Z8E Z80 Debug Monitor by Rick Surwild -CATALOG.239 contents of SIG/M Volume 239 released August 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 239.01 Z8E .CQM 11K 10 B1 Symbolic Z80 debugger. Full screen 239.02 Z8E .DQC 101K 54 16 animated display of program under 239.03 Z8E .MQC 111K AF 5B test, built in assembler, 16 break- 239.04 Z8E .SYM 1K FD 25 points, 20 + commands. Full doc file. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-239, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 240 Extracts from UK CPMUG - Volumes 21 & 23 BASIC (Z80) Bulletin Board -CATALOG.240 contents of SIG/M Volume 240 released August 16, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBRA .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBRA filename index name size crc description 240.01 ASM65 .DOC 23K 1A 3F converts ASM.COM to 6502 240.02 ASM65 .HEX 17K B3 A1 cross assembler 240.03 BACKUP .COM 5K 97 40 Winchester backup program (Z80) 240.04 BACKUP .DOC 5K 53 C4 / 240.05 BACKUP .MAC 24K F5 27 / 240.06 ECCE .DOC 27K 8F 43 Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor 240.07 ECCE48K .COM 17K 54 7B line oriented editor with macro 240.08 ECCE56K .COM 17K E6 8D capability and conditional commands 240.09 ECCE60K .COM 17K F4 41 / 240.10 ACK .DOC 1K C2 E7 / 240.11 ZBBS .LBR 57K DB C0 BASIC BBS (Z80) system SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-240, 11 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 241 Updated XMODEM, MEX with Revised XMODEM Protocol Turbo Pascal Bulletin Board -CATALOG.241 contents of SIG/M Volume 241 released August 16, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBRA .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBRA filename index name size crc description 241.01 MEX114 .LBR 52K 7E 1E Update to XMODEM and MEX using new 1024 241.02 XMODM110.LBR 89K C9 46 protocol for faster transfer. 241.03 TURBOBBS.LBR 74K E3 2A Turbo Pascal BBS system SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-241, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 242 EPRO (Small Prolog) by Gerald Edgar File Interchange, Search & Replace CATALOG.242 contents of SIG/M Volume 242 released September 20, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk DELBR .COM to remove .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 242.01 EPRO .LBR 103K 45 2E Z80 small Prolog with documentation 242.02 FIP .LBR 76K 23 C1 Z80 screen file manager with doc 242.03 SANDR .COM 2K 5B BD search and replace strings - 8085 242.04 SANDR .DOC 8K 60 7A / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-242, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 243 Mark Weiss Shows His Stuff Random Numbers, etc. in Turbo Pascal -CATALOG.243 contents of SIG/M Volume 243 released September 20, 1985 -INFO .243 some background on Mark Weiss and this disk JOIN .ACG Amateru Computer Group membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 243.01 AUTOCOMP.COM 10K 28 D7 probabilities for complete set acquisition 243.02 AUTOCOMP.PQS 3K 2B E6 in the collectors problem 243.03 CHIPS .CQM 21K 2D DA a game for people who like to play 243.04 CHIPS1 .PQS 6K EC 2F detective - based on probability 243.05 CHIPS2 .PQS 10K 8D 0F 243.06 CHISQR .COM 10K DD C9 chi-square test of random number generation 243.07 CHISQR .PQS 2K 94 C6 / 243.08 COLLECT .COM 10K FF 0B probability of having a complete set given 243.09 COLLECT .PQS 3K 39 8D the number in set and number acquired 243.10 DEMO1 .LQG 3K 5A F6 / 243.11 DEMO2 .LQG 3K D0 AE / 243.12 GAMMAFIT.COM 14K 60 0F fits gamma probability density function to 243.13 GAMMAFIT.PQS 6K 20 B4 a datafile listing number from 0 to 100 243.14 GETNAME .PRO 1K 0C ED (support file) 243.15 HISCORE .LQG 6K AA CB / 243.16 LSTSQR .COM 12K 7F EF linear least square fits 243.17 LSTSQR .PQS 3K EC A7 / 243.18 NEAR .COM 11K 95 13 a new statistical test developed by Mark 243.19 NEAR .PQS 3K 8D 88 / 243.20 NORMAL2 .BAS 2K 74 82 MBASIC best estimate of the true mean 243.21 PIAPPROX.COM 10K 27 20 pi approximation - circle in a square - 243.22 PIAPPROX.PQS 3K DF FB is a random point a boundary? 243.23 RUNSTEST.COM 15K A0 CC degree of independence of successively 243.24 RUNSTEST.PQS 8K A5 3C generated values of random number gen. 243.25 VISCOS1 .DAT 1K 59 AB (support file) 243.26 XRD .COM 14K F5 FD resulting angles and d-spacing of x-ray 243.27 XRD .PQS 5K 2D 1E diffraction powder pattern line positions 243.28 CONTROL .XQD 1K 35 E5 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-243, 28 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 244 Whetstone Benchmarks and Linpack Conversions by Adam T. Fritz -CATALOG.244 contents of SIG/M Volume 244 released September 20, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateru Computer Group membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 244.01 LPAK11 .DOC 19K D9 27 converts LINPAK single precision general 244.02 LPAK11 .ADD 10K 13 5A system routines to Pascal and C; provides 244.03 LPAK10-F.LQR 22K F0 53 drivers to apply and demonstrate routines 244.04 LPAK11-C.LQR 23K 45 78 and discusses results. In Fortran, C and 244.05 LPAK11-T.LQR 24K D8 21 Turbo Pascal. 244.06 WSTONE12.LBR 54K BF 9E Whetstone benchmarks 244.07 LIFE .COM 18K 5D D4 new version in Turbo Pascal 244.08 LIFE .PAS 13K 6A 86 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-244, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 245 Convert Programming - MAZE and TOUR Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.245 contents of SIG/M Volume 245 released September 20, 1985 ABSTRACT.245 information about this disk CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 245.01 FYNDE .COM 5K 6A 1B locate patterns in all kinds of files 245.02 HJELP .COM 13K D4 D3 HELP files with embedded programs 245.03 HJELP .LBR 45K AD 70 everything to use and update HJELP 245.04 MAZE .LBR 41K A9 07 sample CNVRT programs to run mazes 245.05 RUN .COM 4K 2B 1A execute programs where ever they are 245.06 TOUR .LBR 94K 99 44 collection of maze programs SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-245, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 246 Convert Programming - LIFE (Toru) Universidad Autonoma de Puebla -CATALOG.246 contents of SIG/M Volume 246 released September 20, 1985 ABSTRACT.246 information about this disk The support programs for this disk are in the file ANCI.LBR. To run the the checksum program to check the disk (CRC) type RUN ((ANCI.LBR) CRC). To run the Library utility to remove .LBR files type RUN ((ANCI.LBR) LU). index name size crc description 246.01 ANCI .LBR 30K A3 E6 library of ancillary programs 246.02 CNVLIB .REC 7K 66 97 Cnvrt runtime library 246.03 CNVSM .REC 7K EB E0 compact Cnvrt compiler 246.04 HJELP .COM 13K CF C2 read HELP files (including binary material) 246.05 RUN .COM 4K 2B 1A executes files - even from libraries 246.06 TORU .LBR 156K 1C 3D Convert examples of LIFE SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-246, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 247 Concurrent CP-M Patches & Utilities Orlando Concurrent 286 MultiUser RCP-M System (305) 677-8086 -CATALOG.247 contents of SIG/M Volume 247 released November 15, 1985 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD CP-M 86 checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files USQ .CMD CP-M 86 unsqueeze program DELBR .COM to remove from .LBR file type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD CP-M 86 library utility index name size crc description 247.01 CONNECT .AQ6 10K 17 8E MCDOS virtual console 247.02 DU-75E .AQ6 41K B7 1C Disk Utility for CCPM or CPM86 247.03 EXAMPLES.LBR 18K B3 4D CCPM queues & process spawning 247.04 FKEY .LBR 28K 31 ED Reassign Compupro function keys 247.05 GREP .LBR 22K 52 8C CPM86 pattern matcher 247.06 MCDOS .EQU 3K 76 CA MCDOS equates 247.07 NTREE .LBR 27K 43 9E Display CCPM or DOS directory 247.08 PASS .AQ6 3K 7F 87 Password utility 247.09 ROUTINES.AQ6 4K 77 4C CCPM assembly lang subroutines 247.10 TACH .LBR 11K 2B 8A Measure MCDOS idle time 247.11 TCLOCK .AQ6 4K 0D 80 Time of day in large numerals 247.12 UPSMON .LBR 6K 18 E3 Power supply monitor 247.13 Z19-MODS.LBR 5K CC EF Intercept escape sequences SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-247, 13 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 248 Dan's Information Management System V 1.03 by Dan Dugan (updates SIG/M 61) -CATALOG.248 contents of SIG/M Volume 248 released November 15, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateru Computer Group membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk DELBR .COM to remove .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 248.01 DIMS103A.LBR 91K 2B 52 MBASIC data management system 248.02 DIMS103B.LBR 112K E0 ED / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-248, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 249 Remote Bulletin Board System Program and Miscellaneous Support Programs From Dennis Recla, Lillypond Softwares (Volume 1 of 2) -CATALOG.249 contents of SIG-M Volume 249 released November 15, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract library files type DELBR library index name size crc description 249.01 RBBS38A .COM 44K B5 A4 Bulletin board ready to run file 249.02 RBBS38A .WQ 37K A7 54 Documentation for RBBS38A program 249.03 INSTAL38.COM 30K F2 3F Installation program for RBBS38A 249.04 INSTALL .HQP 10K D9 CF Help file used by INSTAL38.COM 249.05 UTIL38 .COM 26K 29 3D Utility program for use with RBBS38A 249.06 EXIT38 .COM 16K FF 20 Ask for Comments on Exit from CP/M 249.07 BYE .COM 1K 53 B4 Psuedo BYE program to call EXITRBBS 249.08 RBBS .COM 1K FA B9 Psuedo RBBS program to call real RBBS 249.09 STARTUP .COM 1K 8A C4 Program used to start-up in BYE 249.10 RUNIT .AQM 4K 35 E7 Source for Psuedo program maker 249.11 BULLETIN. 1K CA A2 RBBS38A Support Text files 249.12 ENTERCPM. 1K 64 FC / 249.13 HELP . 1K 86 19 / 249.14 INFO . 1K 44 AC / 249.15 MENURBBS. 1K BB 38 / 249.16 NEWCOM . 1K 6D 3B / 249.17 NEWS . 1K 5A FD / 249.18 SYOPMENU. 1K 33 F2 / 249.19 TWIT . 1K 9C 1C / 249.20 READ .ME2 3K F3 A6 Additional information on RBBS38A SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-249, 20 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 250 Remote Bulletin Board System Program (Vol 2 of 2) Programs from Micro/Systems Journal -CATALOG.250 contents of SIG/M Volume 250 released November 15, 1985 JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to extract library files type DELBR library index name size crc description 250.01 RBBS38A .AQC 26K D3 85 Source file with comments 250.02 RBBS38A .NQC 19K 53 E8 'No coments' source file 250.03 INSTAL38.AQC 12K F5 CC Source file for install program 250.04 EXIT38 .AQC 2K 90 A8 Source for Comments on Exit file 250.05 UTIL38 .AQC 8K 3D 5F Source for utility program 250.06 TXT71 .LBR 10K 13 3B Turn TEXT file into a .COM file 250.07 WHLCHK .LBR 6K 80 A5 Checks WHEEL before running program 250.08 CHGLIB22.LBR 9K 7E F4 Modify Telephone list in any Modem7 250.09 CPM68K .TXT 11K 40 5C Bringing up CP/M-68K 250.10 TRANSFER.TXT 20K FA D4 Intersystem Processing (Turbo Pas) 250.11 TURBO .TXT 16K BE BC Turbo Pascal library modules 250.12 WHOPRTS .A86 6K A6 1C Printer control in concurrent 250.13 MDCS .TUT 26K 50 1B Tutorial on Master Disk Cat. System SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-250, 13 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 251 ROS Turbo Pascal BBS System -CATALOG.251 contents of SIG/M Volume 251 released November 15, 1985 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBRA .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBRA filename index name size crc description 251.01 ROS33 .LBR 129K 49 80 Turbo Pascal BBS System 251.02 ROSMAC .LBR 86K 41 C2 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-251, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1985 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 252 Kaypro Dynamic Tracing Disassembler Novation Smartcat Modem Overlay -CATALOG.252 contents of SIG/M Volume 252 released January 17, 1986 ABSTRACT.252 information about the Kaypro disassembler REGIONS .SIG list of regional SIG/M distributors SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR (filename) index name size crc description 252.01 DTZKPII .LBR 102K 37 14 Disassembler for non-graphic screen Kaypro 252.02 M74SCAT .LBR 59K 3F 41 Novation Smartcat Overlay for MDM740 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-252, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 253 IEEE 855 (MOSI) Interface for CP-M 80 and Language Interface for Pascal MT+ by James D. Mooney -CATALOG.253 contents of SIG/M Volume 252 released January 17, 1986 ABSTRACT.253 information about this disk SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR (filename) index name size crc description 253.01 MOSI .LBR 204K 9E 7C Exerimental implementation of MOSI standard SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-253, 01 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 254 Printer Utility (CP-M 80 & 86) Multi Column & Multi File Printing by Prof. Harold V. McIntosh Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico -CATALOG.254 contents of SIG/M Volume 254 released January 17, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program (CP-M 80) DELBRA .COM to extract .LBR files (CP-M 80) type DELBRA filename LU86 .CMD to extract .LBR files (CP-M 86) NOTE: because of disk space limitations, USQ.COM and USQ.CMD (to unsqueeze squeezed files) are included in the appropriate .LBR file. CRC.CMD has been omitted. index name size crc description 254.01 PRINT .DOC 9K 83 1D prints multi-columm (up to 4 cols and 254.02 PRINT .LBR 92K 77 46 4 files), one or two sides of a page. 254.03 PRINT86 .LBR 103K 45 5B CP-M 80 and CP-M 86. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-254, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 255 Bad Sector Scan, Disk Patch, Printer Utility Japan User Group-CP-M Volume 4 -CATALOG.255 contents of SIG/M Volume 255 released January 17, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey membership form index name size crc description 255.01 DP .CMD 33K D1 60 disk patch utility - CP-M 80 255.02 DP .COM 29K 3D 2A disk pathc utility - CP-M 86 255.03 DP .HLP 1K A7 C8 DP help file 255.04 DP .L86 1K 59 9C linkage parameter for LINKMT+86 255.05 DP .LNK 1K 9C E4 linkage parameter for LINKMT+ 255.06 DPEDIT .PAS 11K 99 24 screen edit subroutines 255.07 DPIO .PAS 18K 29 69 I/O for CP-M 80 255.08 DPIO86 .PAS 18K 86 2A I/O for CP-M 86 255.09 DPM .PAS 28K 2A EB main routine of DP for Pascal/mt+ 255.10 KPASM .SUB 1K 78 60 Printout utility for printer or 255.11 KPRINT .COM 2K 58 8C console 255.12 KPRINT .DOC 2K 22 44 / 255.13 KPRINT .MAC 10K 1F 21 / 255.14 SCAN .COM 2K 15 EB bad sector scan utility for CP-M 3.0 255.15 SCAN .MAC 6K 6A 23 / 255.16 STDINCL .LIB 1K 36 C2 / 255.17 STDLIB .IRL 1K 92 30 / 255.18 SIZE .CMD 12K 33 19 get program size - CP-M 86 255.19 SIZE .PAS 3K D0 B8 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-255, 19 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 256 CP-M 68K File Compare & Erase, Logon Script, MS-DOS Transfer, Osborne Games, etc -CATALOG.256 contents of SIG/M Volume 256 released January 17, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group membership form DELBR .COM to remove .LBR files type DELBR filename index name size crc description 256.01 COMP68 .DOC 1K 7C 9A file compare in CP-M 68K 256.02 COMP68 .REL 2K 44 99 / 256.03 COMP68 .S 7K 43 DB / 256.04 ERAQ68 .DOC 1K 6E 97 querry erase in CP-M 68K 256.05 ERAQ68 .REL 1K A7 8D / 256.06 ERAQ68 .S 4K 5E 8C / 256.07 DIALOG11.BAS 27K 2E BD script for BBS logon (compiles 256.08 DIALOG11.COM 27K A7 0B with BASCOM) 256.09 DIALOG11.DOC 8K CB FF / 256.10 OSGAMES1.LBR 35K 4C 3F Osborne games 256.11 PERCOMP .CAL 3K 82 89 SC template for chemical compositions 256.12 PERCOMP .DOC 4K BC 16 / 256.13 TFR-INST.COM 23K 4B 3E file transfer between MS-DOS and CP-M 256.14 TFR-INST.DTA 5K C5 FA (in Turbo Pascal) 256.15 TFR-INST.MSG 3K FF 88 / 256.16 TRANS-01.INC 6K 59 FC / 256.17 TRANS-02.INC 6K C1 0A / 256.18 TRANS-03.INC 2K D4 92 / 256.19 TRANS-04.INC 5K EE DF / 256.20 TRANS-05.INC 5K 9D 2B / 256.21 TRANSFER.COM 19K 4E DE / 256.22 TRANSFER.DOC 4K F0 9A / 256.23 TRANSFER.PAS 6K 23 33 / 256.24 TURBOJRT.PAS 2K C4 32 Turbo routines for JRT pascal SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-256, 24 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 257 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M (Volume 1 of 4) -CATALOG.257 contents of SIG/M Volume 257 released February 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following files are necessary to unsqueeze the files in the .LBR files and to remove them from the library. They are all to be found on Volume 259 (Volume 3 of this series of 4). USQ .COM unsqueezes files (CP-M 80) USQ .CMD unsqueezes files (CP-M 86) DELBR .COM To remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD CP-M 86 program to remove .LBR files. Type LU86 and follow menu instructions -------------------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 257.01 GSX01 .LBR 128K FD 9A A86 files 257.02 GSXDOC .LBR 79K B4 11 Documentation files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-257, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 258 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M (Volume 2 of 4) -CATALOG.258 contents of SIG/M Volume 258 released February 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following files are necessary to unsqueeze the files in the .LBR files and to remove them from the library. They are all to be found on Volume 259 (Volume 3 of this series of 4). USQ .COM unsqueezes files (CP-M 80) USQ .CMD unsqueezes files (CP-M 86) DELBR .COM To remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD CP-M 86 program to remove .LBR files. Type LU86 and follow menu instructions -------------------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 258.01 GSX02 .LBR 89K 24 BF A86 files 258.02 GSX04 .LBR 79K AD D6 A86 files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-258, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 259 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M (Volume 3 of 4) -CATALOG.259 contents of SIG/M Volume 259 released February 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) USQ .COM unsqueezes files (CP-M 80) USQ .CMD unsqueezes files (CP-M 86) DELBR .COM To remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD CP-M 86 program to remove .LBR files. Type LU86 and follow menu instructions index name size crc description 259.01 GSX03 .LBR 187K FA 90 A86 file SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-259, 01 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 260 DRI GSX Library for CP-M 86 & CCP-M (Volume 4 of 4) -CATALOG.260 contents of SIG/M Volume 260 released February 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following files are necessary to unsqueeze the files in the .LBR files and to remove them from the library. They are all to be found on Volume 259 (Volume 3 of this series of 4). USQ .COM unsqueezes files (CP-M 80) USQ .CMD unsqueezes files (CP-M 86) DELBR .COM To remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename LU86 .CMD CP-M 86 program to remove .LBR files. Type LU86 and follow menu instructions -------------------------------------------------------------------- index name size crc description 260.01 GSXCMD .LBR 231K 2D 47 .CMD files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-260, 01 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 261 SYSLIB 3.6 - Library of Routines (Volume 1 of 4) -CATALOG.261 contents of SIG/M Volume 261 released February 21, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove file from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 261.01 SLIB1 .LBR 102K A7 90 Source code 0 to D 261.02 SLIB4 .LBR 12K 72 D5 LIB, SEQ and ZEX files 261.03 STEST .LBR 48K 3E 41 Test programs 261.04 SYSLIB .REL 24K 5C D9 SYSLIB 3.6 261.05 SYSLIBD .DQC 20K 5B D2 Distribution Information SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-261, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 262 SYSLIB 3.6 - Library of Routines (Volume 2 of 4) -CATALOG.262 contents of SIG/M Volume 262 released February 21, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove file from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 262.01 SLIB3 .LQR 55K FD 49 Source code M to Z 262.02 SYSLIB .LBR 131K 3D 83 HLP files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-262, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 263 SYSLIB 3.6, VLIB 1.1 -Library of Routines Volume 3 of 4) -CATALOG.263 contents of SIG/M Volume 263 released February 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove file from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 263.01 SLIB2 .LBR 123K E3 9C Source code E to L 263.02 SYSLIBD .LBR 48K CA 19 Used to create SYSLIBD.DOC 263.03 VLIB .HLP 11K EF B6 HLP Documentation 263.04 VLIB .REL 2K 30 C3 VLIB 263.05 VLIB1 .LBR 17K 40 29 Source code 263.06 VLIB2 .LBR 1K 88 3F ZEX and SEQ files 263.07 VLIBD .DOC 7K 67 82 Distribution Documentation 263.08 VLIBD .LBR 9K 2E 7E Used to create VLIBD.DOC SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-263, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 264 SYSLIB 3.6, Z3LIB 1.3 Library of Routines (Volume 4 of 4) -CATALOG.264 contents of SIG/M Volume 264 released February 21, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files *DELBR .COM to remove file from .LBR type DELBR filename *DELBR.COM can be found on Vols 261, 262 and 263 index name size crc description 264.01 Z3LIB .LBR 61K 51 B1 HLP Documentation files 264.02 Z3LIB .REL 10K B6 74 Z3LIB 264.03 Z3LIBD .DQC 10K 9B A4 Distribution Documentation 264.04 Z3LIBD .LBR 27K 73 B0 Used to create Z3LIBD.DOC 264.05 ZLIB1 .LBR 45K C7 14 Source Code 264.06 ZLIB2 .LBR 62K 64 51 Source Code 264.07 ZLIB3 .LBR 4K 17 D6 ZEX and SEQ files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-264, 07 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 265 GASP (General Activity Simulation Program) Japan User Group Volume 7 (Vol 1 of 4) Documentation and CP-M 80 Version -CATALOG.265 contents of SIG/M Volume 265 released March 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LBR donation form index name size crc description 265.01 EXA1 .COM 25K CA 90 Executable code of USER1.FOR 265.02 EXA2 .COM 26K D2 C2 Executable code of USER2.FOR 265.03 EXA3 .COM 25K DF A0 Executable code of USER3.FOR 265.04 GASP .DOC 22K 31 33 Documentaion on GASP package 265.05 GASP1 .DAT 1K 3F 77 Data file for EXA1.COM 265.06 GASP2 .DAT 1K 38 78 Data file for EXA2.COM 265.07 GASP3 .DAT 1K E9 F8 Data file for EXA3.COM 265.08 GASPLIB .FOR 38K 3B A9 GASP subroutine library for F80 265.09 GASPLIB .REL 16K 8A A8 Relocatable GASP module library for L80 265.10 USER1 .FOR 15K 7B 73 Sample Program No 1 (Queueing) 265.11 USER2 .FOR 18K FC 44 Sample Program No 2 (Queueing) 265.12 USER3 .FOR 18K 82 51 Sample Program No 3 (Queueing) SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-265, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 266 GASP (General Activity Simulation Program) Japan User Group Volume 8 (Vol 2 of 4) CP-M 86 (SSS-Fortran or ai-Fortran) Version and Source Programs of GASP Subroutines -CATALOG.266 contents of SIG/M Volume 266 released March 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 266.01 ARRVL3 .FOR 4K B9 0E Simulating arrival event for USER3.F86 266.02 ARRVL4 .FOR 3K 70 9C Simulating arrival event for USER4.F86 266.03 COLCT .FOR 2K 8C 6F Routine to COLleCT the sample data 266.04 DATAN .FOR 6K F1 BE Initialization routine of GASP variables 266.05 DRAND .FOR 1K 4E C0 Generation of uniform random numbers 266.06 ENDSM3 .FOR 3K 19 F2 END of SiMulation routine for USER3.F86 266.07 ENDSM4 .FOR 2K D7 65 END of SiMulation routine for USER4.F86 266.08 ENDSV3 .FOR 3K 74 CC END of SerVice routine for USER3.F86 266.09 ENDSV4 .FOR 4K 56 FF END of SerVice routine for USER4.F86 266.10 ERROR .FOR 2K 85 DD Error reporting routine 266.11 EVNTS3 .FOR 2K E5 38 Event control routine for USER3.F86 266.12 EVNTS4 .FOR 2K 9A 3B Event control routine for USER4.F86 266.13 EXA1 .FOR 3K 51 59 Main of USER1.F86 & USER2.F86 266.14 EXA3 .FOR 3K 75 C9 Main of USER3.F86 266.15 EXA4 .FOR 3K 7C 92 Main of USER4.F86 266.16 FILEM .FOR 2K 17 D4 To store the vector in file 266.17 GASLIB .F86 38K B9 A7 GASP subroutine library for CP-M 86 266.18 GASP .FOR 4K A4 00 Master control routine 266.19 GASP1 .DAT 1K 3F 77 Data file for USER1.F86 266.20 GASP2 .DAT 1K 30 20 Data file for USER2.F86 266.21 GASP3 .DAT 1K 5F 71 Data file for USER3.F86 266.22 GASP4 .DAT 1K 6A 33 Data file for USER4.F86 266.23 HISTO .FOR 2K C7 8B HISTOgram to tabulate the data 266.24 MONTR .FOR 3K C9 E9 Data MONiToRing routine for USER1.F86 266.25 MONTR2 .FOR 3K 60 5A Data MONiToRing routine for USER2.F86 266.26 MONTR3 .FOR 3K C6 E2 Data MONiToRing routine for USER3.F86 266.27 MONTR4 .FOR 3K 14 41 Data MONiToRing routine for USER4.F86 266.28 OTPUT3 .FOR 3K 8B EB OuTPUT routine for USER3.F86 266.29 OTPUT4 .FOR 2K 5F 2A OuTPUT routine for USER4.F86 266.30 PRNTQ .FOR 3K 74 04 Print routine 266.31 RANDU .FOR 1K EA 50 Generation of uniform random number 266.32 RMOVE .FOR 2K C8 C1 ReMOVE routine 266.33 SET .FOR 8K 9D DE This routine is the heart of information 266.34 STTUP .FOR 3K 03 70 Subroutine to reset simulation 266.35 SUMRY .FOR 4K 51 6A Routine for reporting results 266.36 TMST .FOR 2K 36 A7 Computation of statistics 266.37 TSTRND .FOR 1K 06 32 Test program for DRAND.FOR 266.38 USER1 .F86 15K 59 F9 Sample Program No. 1 (Queuing) for F86 266.39 USER2 .F86 17K 4E A0 Sample Program No. 2 (Queuing) for F86 266.40 USER3 .F86 18K 4F 5A Sample Program No. 3 (Queuing) for F86 266.41 USER4 .F86 14K AA E6 Sample Program No. 4 (Queuing) for F86 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-266, 41 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 267 GASP (General Activity Simulation Program) Japan User Group Volume 9 (Vol 3 of 4) Executable GASP Code for CP-M 86 -CATALOG.267 contents of SIG/M Volume 267 released March 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 267.01 GASLIB .R86 33K 51 9F Relocatable GASP module for CP-M 86 267.02 GASP1 .DAT 1K 3F 77 Data file for USER1.CMD 267.03 GASP11 .DAT 1K 27 99 Data file for USER1.CMD 267.04 GASP12 .DAT 1K DC 4F Data file for USER1.CMD 267.05 GASP2 .DAT 1K 30 20 Data file for USER2.CMD 267.06 GASP3 .DAT 1K 71 C4 Data file for USER3.CMD 267.07 GASP4 .DAT 1K 6A 33 Data file for USER4.CMD 267.08 USER1 .CMD 40K 0E 27 Executable code of USER1.F86 267.09 USER2 .CMD 40K 25 6D Executable code of USER2.F86 267.10 USER3 .CMD 40K 77 43 Executable code of USER3.F86 267.11 USER4 .CMD 40K 74 F9 Executable code of USER4.F86 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-267, 11 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 268 GASP (General Activity Simulation Program) Japan User Group Volume 10 (Vol 4 of 4) Extended Version of GASP II for F80 & F86 -CATALOG.268 contents of SIG/M Volume 268 released March 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program CRC .CMD checksum program (CP-M 86) JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 268.01 EXA11X .F86 3K AB E5 Main of Information System 268.02 ANSER .FOR 2K 9E C7 Subroutine for EXA11 268.03 ARRVLX .FOR 2K C3 08 / 268.04 ENDSVX .FOR 2K 21 A4 / 268.05 EVNTSX .FOR 2K CB C9 / 268.06 OTPUTX .FOR 4K 15 04 / 268.07 RQEST .FOR 1K BD 31 / 268.08 SCAN .FOR 3K B8 CA / 268.09 GASLIBX .F86 44K 77 3C Extended GASP subroutine library for F86 268.10 GASLIBX .FOR 40K D0 BC Extended GASP subroutine library for F80 268.11 GASLIBX .R86 43K 45 50 Relocatable module file of GASLIBX.F86 268.12 GASP10 .DAT 1K CD 36 Data file for USER1.CMD 268.13 GASP11 .DAT 1K 03 C8 / 268.14 GASP12 .DAT 1K AA D7 / 268.15 GASP13 .DAT 1K EE F1 / 268.16 GASP14 .DAT 1K 50 7F / 268.17 GASP15 .DAT 1K 0A 64 / 268.18 GASP16 .DAT 1K 57 6E / 268.19 GASP20 .DAT 1K 32 47 Data file for USER2.CMD 268.20 GASP21 .DAT 1K F7 23 / 268.21 GASP22 .DAT 1K 9E E1 / 268.22 GASP23 .DAT 1K 15 64 / 268.23 GASP24 .DAT 1K 19 7F / 268.24 GASP25 .DAT 1K 4D 25 / 268.25 GASP26 .DAT 1K 87 3B / 268.26 GASP30 .DAT 1K 4E A9 Data file for USER3.CMD 268.27 GASP31 .DAT 1K D6 CC / 268.28 GASP32 .DAT 1K 24 C6 / 268.29 GASP33 .DAT 1K 52 D8 / 268.30 GASP34 .DAT 1K AC 95 / 268.31 GASP35 .DAT 1K F6 22 / 268.32 GASP36 .DAT 1K A3 30 / 268.33 USER11X .F86 20K 15 06 Sample program of Information System for F86 268.34 USER11X .FOR 16K 33 98 Sample program of Information System for F80 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-268, 34 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 269 Statistical Distribution and Multiple Regression wuth Interval Estimation for Fortran-80 Japan User Group Volume 12 -CATALOG.269 contents of SIG/M Volume 269 released March 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 269.01 HISTNORM.COM 18K E0 6A Histogram and normal distribution 269.02 HISTNORM.FOR 9K 27 F7 / 269.03 HISTNORM.DAT 2K 6D 3F Data file for HISTNORM 269.04 MATSUB .FOR 11K FE 03 Subroutines to handle matrices 269.05 PRBSUB .FOR 7K 50 58 Subprograms on statistical distribution 269.06 REG1 .COM 37K 0B 83 Executable code of REGRS1 269.07 REG2 .COM 24K 2D 52 Plotting of residuals 269.08 REGRS .DOC 14K 90 23 Documentation on REGRS1 and REGRS2 269.09 REGRS .SUB 1K BE 48 SUBMIT file 269.10 REGRS1 .FOR 33K 40 A2 Multiple regression with interval estimation 269.11 REGRS2 .FOR 11K B5 B5 Plotting of residuals 269.12 REGTST1 .SUB 1K 5C 44 SUBMIT file 269.13 REGTST2 .SUB 1K 61 71 / 269.14 SCATGRM .COM 15K 56 25 Scatter diagram 269.15 SCATGRM .FOR 5K C8 66 / 269.16 SCATGRM .DAT 1K 7D 22 Data file for SCATGRM 269.17 TEST1 .DAT 1K A6 B2 Data file for REG1 & REG2 269.18 TEST2 .DAT 1K BA 6B / 269.19 TEST31 .DAT 2K 78 22 / 269.20 TEST32 .DAT 2K FE EF / 269.21 TEST41 .DAT 1K 1D 08 / 269.22 TEST42 .DAT 1K FC 00 / 269.23 TEST43 .DAT 1K 90 08 / 269.24 TEST5 .DAT 1K 7A D6 / 269.25 TSTBIG .FOR 2K BD 0E Test program 269.26 CDSTD26 .DTA 5K C3 6C Data file for Test5 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-269, 26 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 270 Some Turbo Pascal Programming From Japan Abstracts from various Japan User Group Volumes -CATALOG.270 contents of SIG/M Volume 270 released March 21, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application SIG-M .LIB donation form index name size crc description 270.01 CHG .COM 12K 33 DF Disk format channger 270.02 CHG .PAS 13K 57 0F / 270.03 DISKDEF .COM 11K F3 9A Simulates DRI's DISKDEF.LIB 270.04 DISKDEF .PAS 5K 02 BF / 270.05 DPR .COM 11K FC 81 Displays disk parameter data 270.06 DPR .PAS 7K 27 B6 / 270.07 DSKDMP .COM 11K 08 3C Disk/memory dumper 270.08 DSKDMP .PAS 8K 98 88 / 270.09 FS .COM 12K 49 76 Fortran coding converter: 270.10 FS .PAS 9K EF A9 Free format to standard format 270.11 FS-SF .DOC 3K 61 B4 / 270.12 SF .COM 10K 0A AE Standard format to free format 270.13 SF .PAS 5K 31 D9 / 270.14 GETARG .PAS 3K D9 27 ArgC & ArgV in Turbo Pascal 270.15 GETARG .SRC 3K 91 98 Arc & ArgV in Pascal MT+ 270.16 GRAPHN80.PAS 2K AE 7A Simi-graphic routine for NEC PC-8001 270.17 GRAPHN88.PAS 3K 6E 04 / 270.18 TOOLS .DOC 3K F4 85 Turbo tools by K. Nakazato 270.19 LIB .INC 6K 0E B0 / 270.20 LIB .LIB 6K EE 73 / 270.21 LIBLINK .PAS 2K EA 2C / 270.22 UPCASE .MAC 1K 06 EB / 270.23 UPDATE .PAS 3K 62 1E / 270.24 REL2PAS .PAS 6K 8A 62 / 270.25 SED .DOC 9K 6A 53 Small Editor. A fast screen editor 270.26 SED .INC 19K B1 F0 written in Turbo Pascal for the NEC 270.27 SED .PAS 4K 2E B2 PC-8001 - but can be customized. 270.28 SED1 .INC 3K 99 D4 / 270.29 SED2 .DOC 9K 00 C7 / 270.30 SED2 .INC 2K 2F F7 / 270.31 SED2 .PAS 1K 07 1F / 270.32 SED2M .DOC 11K 87 8C / 270.33 SED3 .INC 3K 84 58 / 270.34 SED4 .INC 4K 2D C3 / 270.35 SED5 .INC 2K 01 7C / 270.36 SED6 .INC 3K 2D E9 / 270.37 SEDIO .INC 2K B2 44 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-270, 37 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 271 Some C Programming From Japan Abstracts from Japan User Group Vols 19 & 20 -CATALOG.271 contents of SIG/M Volume 271 released March 21, 1986 ABSTRACT.271 information about programs on disk CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 271.01 CROSFUNC.C 10K 07 9B Cross Reference of C programs 271.02 CROSFUNC.REL 62K BA 86 / 271.03 FP-MATH .LBR 94K 8A CE BDS C floating point math 271.04 NAMECONT.C 5K D5 84 Display of variable status in C program 271.05 NAMECONT.REL 33K 12 05 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-271, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 272 Improved Modem Program (Volume 1 of 3) by Irvin M. Hoff -CATALOG.272 contents of SIG/M Volume 272 released May 16, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 272.01 IMP244 .LBR 80K ED CD Improved modem program 272.02 IMP-OVL .LST 5K 44 65 Overlay list 272.03 I2A2-1 .AQM 9K AC 9B Apple //c with various cards 272.04 I2A3-2 .AQM 9K 17 3A Apple /// 272.05 I2AC-1 .AQM 8K 4D 80 Actrix computer 272.06 I2AD-1 .AQM 8K 1F 4E Advanced Digital Super Six 272.07 I2AL-1 .AQM 8K AA 7A Altos 8000/series 5 272.08 I2AM-2 .AQM 8K C6 55 Ampro "Little Board" 272.09 I2AP-7 .AQM 18K 71 BA Apple //e 272.10 I2B2-1 .AQM 8K 88 5F Big Board II 272.11 I2BW-2 .AQM 8K BF BE Bondwell 12/14 272.12 I2C8-1 .AQM 11K 37 DC Commodore C128 272.13 I2CC-3 .AQM 10K 03 E8 CCS 2719 and CCS 2830 272.14 I2CP-1 .AQM 8K 75 15 CompuPro interfacer 3/4 272.15 I2DM-1 .AQM 8K BC 22 Dynabye Monarch 272.16 I2DP-1 .AQM 8K C1 90 Datapoint 1560 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-272, 16 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 273 Improved Modem Program (Volume 2 of 3) by Irvin M. Hoff -CATALOG.273 contents of SIG/M Volume 273 released May 16, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 273.01 I2DV-1 .AQM 8K 9C 6A Datavue 3000 273.02 I2EA-1 .AQM 10K 3D A8 Eagle II and III 273.03 I2EP-1 .AQM 8K 0D 06 Epson QX-10 273.04 I2EQ-3 .AQM 10K B8 C5 Insight Enterprises EQ-4 273.05 I2H8-4 .AQM 9K 9A EB Heath/Zenith 89 273.06 I2HZ-5 .AQM 9K 7C 08 Heath/Zenith 100 series 273.07 I2KP-1 .AQM 8K EA C8 Kaypro with external modem 273.08 I2LO-1 .AQM 8K F4 46 Lobo MZX-80 273.09 I2MC-1 .AQM 10K 3B C9 Molecular Series X 273.10 I2MD-1 .AQM 8K 36 C3 Morrow MD3 ( 2 baud gen) 273.11 I2MDA-2 .AQM 13K 66 F0 Morrow MD3 273.12 I2ME-1 .AQM 8K C3 0B Morrow MD5/MD11 273.13 I2MM-1 .AQM 8K 36 4F MicroMint SB180 273.14 I2MO-1 .AQM 8K B0 FF Morrow MD3 (older units) 273.15 I2MT-1 .AQM 8K 6D 8B Memotech SDX-512 273.16 I2NA-2 .AQM 8K 04 D9 North Star Advantage 273.17 I2NH-2 .AQM 8K 4F BF North Star Horizon - standard 273.18 I2NS-3 .AQM 9K AC 92 North Star Horizon 273.19 I2OS-1 .AQM 15K 9C 78 Osborne OS-1 273.20 I2OV-2 .AQM 11K DD 75 Osborne Vixen 273.21 I2OX-1 .AQM 8K BD A0 Osborne Executive 273.22 I2PR-1 .AQM 6K CC 48 Penrill 1200-AD modem 273.23 I2R2-1 .AQM 8K A3 C5 TRS-80 Model II/12 273.24 I2R4-1 .AQM 7K 34 1F TRS-80 Model 4 with Montezuma Micro 273.25 I2RS-1 .AQM 8K A5 A7 TRS-80 Model III,IV,4P/4D,LNW80 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-273, 25 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 274 Improved Modem Program (Volume 3 of 3) KMD (Xmodem Substitute) by Irvin M. Hoff -CATALOG.274 contents of SIG/M Volume 274 released May 16, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files *DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library *available on Volume 272 index name size crc description 274.01 I2S2-1 .AQM 8K CA 0B Sanyo 1200/1250 overlay 274.02 I2SB-1 .AQM 8K D0 A1 Intertec Super Brain 274.03 I2SS-1 .AQM 8K 34 9D CompuPro System Support 1 274.04 I2SY-2 .AQM 9K 98 E5 Sanyo 1000/1100/1200/1250 274.05 I2TV-3 .AQM 10K EA 64 Televideo 802/803 274.06 I2US-1 .AQM 8K 19 62 US Robotics S-100 plug in modem 274.07 I2VB-1 .AQM 3K FC CA Verbose modem (such as Avatex) 274.08 I2VI-1 .AQM 10K 81 64 Visual 1050 274.09 I2XE-1 .AQM 8K 25 AD Xerox 820 274.10 I2ZB-1 .AQM 8K AF 40 Zorba 274.11 KMD17 .LBR 152K 15 5D Similar to XMODEM SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-274, 11 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 275 Extracts from the Tesser Library Tesseract RCPM+, PO Box 242 Dural, NSW 2158 Autsralia -CATALOG.275 contents of SIG/M Volume 275 released May 16, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 275.01 CROWECPM.LBR 90K D0 79 Z80 assembler (SIG-M 95 fixed) 275.02 RDMS231 .LBR 38K 1E E2 Reads MS-DOS disks under CP-M, CP-M+ 275.03 RQ14 .LBR 38K 3C 2F Volume mount requests for SYSOP 275.04 TIMEZONE.LBR 15K FC 13 Time around the world 275.05 TINYTERM.LBR 21K 91 1E Minimal modem program for startup 275.06 UNICON .LBR 15K 24 C4 Conversion utility SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-275, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 276 Bob Logan's ZCPR3 Utilities Extracts from the Tesser Library Tesseract RCPM+, PO Box 242 Dural, NSW 2158 Autsralia -CATALOG.276 contents of SIG/M Volume 276 released May 16, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 276.01 LQ1500 .LBR 8K AE 9D Utility for Epson LQ-1500 printer 276.02 ZCPR-WS .MQC 4K 1B F6 WordStar patch for .OVR file location 276.03 ZCPR3CMD.DQC 2K D6 BF ZCPR3 with ROM-resident commands 276.04 ZCPR3CMD.LBR 80K 0B 43 / 276.05 ZEX .MQC 29K AE 41 / 276.06 ZDIR .DQC 3K 2D 42 Enhanced directory program 276.07 ZDIR .LBR 51K 89 27 / 276.08 ZDIR2 .OBJ 4K B1 2A / 276.09 ZDIR3 .OBJ 4K 59 51 / 276.05 ZDCPM .OBJ 4K 11 1E / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-276, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 277 Extracts from the Tesser Library Tesseract RCPM+, PO Box 242 Dural, NSW 2158 Autsralia -CATALOG.277 contents of SIG/M Volume 277 released May 16, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 277.01 BU12 .LBR 46K EB 5A Smart archive-backup utility 277.02 PED11C .LBR 60K 16 BF Full screen text editor K&R C 277.03 PHONE3 .LBR 58K A5 C9 Phone list utility 277.04 PROWRT12.LBR 20K 3C 1D Set C-Itoh 8510 277.05 SETATT .LBR 18K FE FF Set/clear file attributes SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-277, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 278 Z80 Disassembler -CATALOG.278 contents of SIG/M Volume 278 released May 16, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership application CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 278.01 FDUMP .LBR 29K 84 42 File dump/patch utility 278.02 RPN .LBR 20K DE DF Reverse Polish Notation calculator 278.03 Z80DIS21.LBR 153K 15 70 Z80 Disassembler SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-278, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 279 Disk Catalog Program Z80<-->8080 Translator -CATALOG.279 contents of SIG/M Volume 279 released May 16, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 279.01 COMP .ASM 14K 23 35 File compare utility 279.02 COMP .COM 2K E6 39 / 279.03 FATCAT22.LBR 153K 3D 9D Disk catalog program 279.04 LABEL .COM 2K 73 BE Makes neat labels for disks 279.05 LABEL .MAC 14K 53 30 / 279.06 TAIL .ASM 9K 2D 6A Shows last few lines of a file 279.07 TAIL .COM 1K 6C 51 / 279.08 XIZI-2 .LBR 18K 88 A9 Z80 <--> 8080 translator SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-279, 07 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 280 Turbo Pascal Programming from Jon Dart -CATALOG.280 contents of SIG/M Volume 280 released May 16, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 280.01 FRENCH .LBR 49K 2D 33 French vocabulary quiz program 280.02 GERMAN .LBR 39K 27 CD German vocabulary quiz program 280.03 MACRO55 .LBR 81K 39 90 Macro processor 280.04 MULTCOL .COM 17K D5 49 Single to multi column converter 280.05 MULTCOL .PAS 7K 8A 8F / 280.06 ENVIRON .LBR 27K AD B1 Include files for above programs SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-280, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 281 Programs from Zimbabwe Snoopy Calendar -CATALOG.281 contents of SIG/M Volume 281 released May 16, 1986 ABSTRACT.281 information about this disk CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 281.01 CMPCODE .COM 1K 56 9A compare two object code files 281.02 CMPCODE .DOC 1K A6 05 / 281.03 CMPCODE .ZQ0 3K 66 FD / 281.04 ZASMB .CQM 10K 54 30 Z80 assembler 281.05 ZASMB .DQC 16K B9 E7 / 281.06 ZASMB .ZQ0 22K 65 55 / 281.07 ZASMB .ZQ1 15K A2 D5 / 281.08 ZASMB .ZQ2 15K E9 DE / 281.09 COMMENTS.PQR 3K 35 E9 / 281.10 ZDIR .COM 3K 06 8B directory display program 281.11 ZDIR .DQC 1K 59 A9 / 281.12 ZDIR .ZQ0 14K F4 E5 / 281.13 ZLOAD .COM 2K 02 C7 .HEX code loader 281.14 ZLOAD .DOC 1K 18 46 / 281.15 ZLOAD .ZQ0 8K 96 2F / 281.16 SNOOPY .COM 32K 11 8C Snoopy calendar 281.17 SNOOPY .FOR 7K 12 3D / 281.18 SNOOPY .DOC 2K 69 10 / 281.19 FORT07 .DAT 32K 03 E3 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-281, 19 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 282 Reliance Mailing List Program Screen Editor -CATALOG.282 contents of SIG/M Volume 282 released July 17, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 282.01 MAIL20 .LBR 172K AE 0E Z80 mailing list program 282.02 VDO .LBR 24K 16 2A Z80 screen editor SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-282, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 283 Turbo Pascal I/O Routines Math Routines in Basic -CATALOG.283 contents of SIG/M Volume 283 released July 17, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR library index name size crc description 283.01 MATH .LBR 153K 2D C5 Math routines in Basic 283.02 TURBOIO .LBR 56K F5 23 Turbo Pascal I/O routines SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-283, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 284 ACGNJ Mailing List Program - PCDOS (Volume 1 of 2) -CATALOG.284 contents of SIG/M Volume 284 released July 17, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 284.01 AG .DBF 2K 04 B8 DBASEIII database file 284.02 MAIL .EXE 209K 06 83 CLIPPER compiled version of program SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-284, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 285 ACGNJ Mailing List Program - PCDOS (Vol 2 of 2) Clipper and dBASEIII Utility Programs -CATALOG.285 contents of SIG/M Volume 285 released July 17, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form CRC .COM checksum program index name size crc description 285.01 ADD .PRG 5K 8F AD dBASEIII source code for ACGNJ Mailing 285.02 AG .DBF 2K 04 B8 list program. A full featured mailing 285.03 BROW .PRG 17K AF 3F list program with built in documentaion. 285.04 COMPACT .PRG 3K 60 7F (dBASEII version on SIG/M Volume 110.) 285.05 DUPCHECK.PRG 1K 9B 9A Clipper compilation of Volume 285. To 285.06 DUPREC .PRG 4K AC A4 recompile in Clipper see BROWSE.DOC. 285.07 INIT .PRG 2K DF BD / 285.08 LIST .PRG 3K 85 D2 / 285.09 LIST1 .PRG 3K 2B 3F / 285.10 MAIL .PRG 10K 98 E5 / 285.11 MAINTAIN.PRG 6K E1 63 / 285.12 ONELAB .PRG 2K 65 0F / 285.13 PHONE .PRG 3K 06 7F / 285.14 PROC .PRG 3K 26 37 / 285.15 REPORT .PRG 6K 9C 34 / 285.16 SEARCH1 .PRG 5K 81 B9 / 285.17 SPECIAL .PRG 20K FD 66 / 285.18 VERIFDEL.PRG 2K 36 73 / 285.19 VERIFNEW.PRG 2K F4 35 / 285.20 WSFILE .PRG 5K 0D 17 / 285.21 WSFILE1 .PRG 5K BC C0 / 285.22 BRIEF-TS.HOW 6K 52 F8 How to add Time-Date stamps to BRIEF. 285.23 BROWSE .DOC 2K 90 BC Create browse in CLIPPER. Add it to 285.24 BROWSE .PRG 17K 54 14 your program (as in the ACGNJ Mailing 285.25 CURSOR .ASM 1K 79 50 List Program) or use free standing). 285.26 CURSOR .OBJ 1K 1D A1 / 285.27 GENNAMES.PRG 3K E5 4B Generates 285.28 GRAPHICS.DOC 2K 5E F4 Does line graphics in BRIEF editor. 285.29 GRAPHICS.M 8K DE 5A / 285.30 MAKECLIP.PRG 21K BC 91 Makes .CLP and .LNK files for Clipper. 285.31 NUMLOCK .COM 1K 6B 1C PC Number Lock fix to Microsoft Word. 285.32 WORD-KEY.FIX 4K 6D 76 / 285.33 SAVEREST.ASM 4K F1 AF Adds CLIPPER Save Screen to dBASE3 285.34 SAVEREST.BIN 5K 33 B0 / 285.35 SAVEREST.DOC 1K 51 12 / 285.36 SAVEREST.PRG 2K FF 1B / 285.37 TWENTY .ASM 6K F1 30 Have more than 20 open files in DBASE3 285.38 TWENTY .BIN 1K FA A6 / SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-285, 38 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 286 TurboDOS Utilities (Volume 1 of 2) by Siegmund F. Kluger -CATALOG.286 contents of SIG/M Volume 286 released August 22, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB software donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 286.01 TURBO1 .LBR 203K B6 9C TurboDOS utilities. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-286, 01 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 287 TurboDOS Utilities (Volume 2 of 2) by Siegmund F. Kluger -CATALOG.287 contents of SIG/M Volume 287 released August 22, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB software donation form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 287.01 TURBO2 .LBR 203K 82 49 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-287, 01 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 288 Utilities for Microsoft Fortran-80 bt David A. Danello -CATALOG.288 contents of SIG/M Volume 288 released September 19, 1986 CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 288.01 MISC .LBR 99K 62 0A morse code, astronomy, etc. 288.02 SUB .LBR 59K A2 F4 Fortran subroutines 288.03 TOOLS .LBR 60K 7D 60 Fortran tools SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-288, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 289 Utilities on the ACGNJ BBS System -CATALOG.289 contents of SIG/M Volume 289 released September 19, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 289.01 COMPARE .LBR 19K 88 5B compare disks & files in CP/M 80 289.02 EDFILE .LBR 31K 22 59 Z80 HEX and ASCII file editor 289.03 FBAD .LBR 4K D4 E3 bad sector locate - better than FINDBAD 289.04 FILE21 .LBR 12K 8B 98 searches all drives for a file 289.05 NEVTREK .LBR 30K 62 44 NEVADA BASIC version of Star Trek 289.06 NEWCOPY .LBR 5K 9B EF smart copy program 289.07 RAMDSKRB.CMD 2K A0 15 creates MDRIVE on Rainbow 100 289.08 RAMDSKRB.DOC 3K C8 78 / 289.09 SETDRU .LBR 44K DB A8 CP/M 80 set drive and user path 289.10 SFILE13 .LBR 27K 38 32 searches all drives,users,&.LBR for file SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-289, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 290 STARDATE Almanac by Ted Campbell Kaypro to Mainframe by Dave May -CATALOG.290 contents of SIG/M Volume 290 released September 19, 1986 SIG-M .LIB donation form JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files DELBR .COM to remove files from .LBR type DELBR filename index name size crc description 290.01 MAINFRAM.LBR 108K A8 D7 Kaypro <---> IBM 30XX with MVS 290.02 SD12 .LBR 88K D9 B7 almanac from 2500BC to 2500AD SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-290, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 291 Turbo Pascal Programming (Volume 1 of 3) Turbo Exchange BBS, Syracuse NY -CATALOG.291 contents of SIG/M Volume 291 released November 21, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form DELBR .COM type DELBR filename to remove files from .LBR CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 291.01 ADV1 .LBR 19K 5D EC turbo pascal adventure game 291.02 CLEANUP .PQS 10K 24 91 clean up turbo source code 291.03 CLOCK .LIB 11K 2D 35 library of turbo clock routines 291.04 CONCORD .PAS 3K 73 87 creates a concordance 291.05 CONVERT .PQS 2K 56 5E converts between different number bases 291.06 CPMDIR .LBR 12K 05 BC gets directory in CP/M turbo 291.07 DBASE2 .PQS 3K 82 79 access dBase 2 files from turbo 291.08 DELETE .PQS 2K 8B 12 CP/M mass delete 291.09 DELIB .PAS 4K 24 0F remove files from library 291.10 DIR .INC 2K 6C DA CP/M function to give directory 291.11 DWS .PAS 3K 72 98 remove WS control codes 291.12 EDIT .PQS 4K FC C0 turbo line editor 291.13 EPTRANS1.LBR 15K F4 D9 print formatter for Epson printer 291.14 ERRORS .PAS 4K 94 07 English answers to turbo error codes 291.15 EVALUAT5.PQS 10K E3 01 turbo math expression evaluator 291.16 FREE .INC 4K D9 90 CP/M function to give free disk space 291.17 FREEDIR .INC 2K D2 49 CP/M function for free directory space 291.18 FUNCKEYS.PAS 1K 62 A5 how to get function key info 291.19 IOERROR .PAS 3K 0E D9 routine to trap I/O errors 291.20 KBD .DQC 3K 33 E4 info on how to read KBD in Turbo 3.0 291.21 LINKLIST.LBR 16K 32 2F how to use linked lists & pointers 291.22 LOAN .PQS 2K CD DE calculates loan payments 291.23 LU10A .PQS 10K F8 17 library manager - simple but good 291.24 MAZE .PQS 6K 75 5A draw maze on screen 291.25 MEMSIZE .PQS 4K DB D8 how to adjust memory for CP/M 80 291.26 MLABELS .PAS 1K BC 35 makes labels 291.27 MMIND .PQS 4K 18 5F Master Mind type game 291.28 OKI .PAS 2K 80 09 OKI 92 setup program 291.29 QUIKSORT.IQC 6K C8 05 CP/M quick sort routine 291.30 TURB-CCP.LBR 8K F5 CF How to make turbo leave CP/M CCP alone 291.31 TURBOSAV.LBR 9K FC A5 reclaim text lost in CP/M editor crash 291.32 WIPE .PAS 1K 34 C1 wipe selected files from CP/M disk SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-291, 32 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 292 Turbo Pascal Programming (Volume 2 of 3) Turbo Exchange BBS, Syracuse NY -CATALOG.292 contents of SIG/M Volume 292 released November 21, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form DELBR .COM type DELBR filename to remove files from .LBR CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 292.01 SCILIB .LBR 103K 0A D8 turbo programs for engineers and scientists 292.02 SCREEN .LBR 14K 8B F1 generates "SCREENS" for turbo 292.03 SIZE .PAS 2K 37 C1 calculates K size of files 292.04 STRIP8 .PAS 3K 62 0B example of turbo text file handling 292.05 TPTOOL .LBR 80K 13 8C Turbo programs from SOftware Tools 292.06 T3TOOL .PAT 2K 54 D0 patch TPTOOL for Turbo 3.0 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-292, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 293 Turbo Pascal Programming (Volume 3 of 3) Turbo Exchange BBS, Syracuse NY -CATALOG.293 contents of SIG/M Volume 293 released November 21, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form DELBR .COM type DELBR filename to remove files from .LBR CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 293.01 TOC .LBR 22K 3B 81 turbo WS table of contents generator 293.02 TP-UTIL2.LBR 87K 87 C0 turbo pascal utilites 293.03 TSCREEN .LBR 9K 94 DA makes I/O screens 293.04 TURBPC1 .LBR 38K 5E 6B turbo utilities and routines 293.05 TURBSCRN.LBR 13K 46 6F generates turbo output screens 293.06 TURBUTIL.PQS 28K ED 60 turbo utilities SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-293, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 294 Z-80 File Compression Utility Source Code from Micro/Systems Journal -CATALOG.294 contents of SIG/M Volume 294 released November 21, 1986 JOIN .ACG ACGNJ membership form SIG-M .LIB donation form DELBR .COM type DELBR filename to remove files from .LBR CRC .COM checksum program USQ .COM unsqueezes squeezed files index name size crc description 294.01 CRUNCH20.LBR 50K 75 F5 ARC-like Z-80 file compression utility 294.02 LBLMKR .LBR 23K 48 E8 source code for turbo pascal label maker 294.03 MSJV2-12.LBR 136K 8A D9 Micro/Sys Journ. source code Jan-Apr 1986 SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-294, 03 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA SIG/M Volume 295 -Catalog.295 Contents of SIG/M volume 295 released JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC 295.01 UNIQUE22.LBR 13K 8F BB dBase (TM) utility to purge duplicate records from a database 295.02 STRDAT12.LBR 88K D9 B7 Calander & Almanac info from 2000 BC to 2500 AD 295.03 UNARC12 .LBR 102K 5A 72 CP/M (TM) archive extraction utility 295.04 TITLES .LBR 4K B0 A1 Build index file to disk of a group of files SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-295, 04 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830SIG/M Volume 296 -Catalog.296 Contents of SIG/M volume 296 released Aug 1987 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Checksum program 296.01 DBK .LBR 7K 0E D0 Patch dBase (TM) for custom sign-on inkeys$ function and abort control key 296.02 COMPDB .LBR 24K 9B CB dBase (TM) CMD file compression utility 296.03 PRINTEXT.LBR 10K 15 00 dBase (TM) procedure to print text on multiple lines 296.04 PRTSET .LBR 20K 9F E4 ZCPR3 utility for setting printer parameters 296.05 REFERENC.LBR 82K B3 79 Database referance system 296.06 SORTER .LBR 19K 87 44 Sort files into columns 296.07 LT19 .LBR 41K 76 76 Display contents of LBR file on console SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-296, 07 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830SIG/M Volumn 297 -Catalog.297 Contents of SIG/M volumn 297 released Aug 1987 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Program to generate CRC file Index Name Size CRC 297.01 CONTACT .LBR 16K CE 4B Data file of contacts 297.02 CRUNCH23.LBR 95K D3 73 Crunch file utilitys 297.03 IMP245 .LBR 77K 67 D2 Modem communication program 297.04 KPENG13 .LBR 16K ED FD Disk analysis for Kaypro 297.05 LOTTO .LBR 12K 9B A0 Pick your winning number with this one SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-297, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1987 by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volumn 298 -Catalog.298 Contents of SIG/M volumn 298 released Aug 1987 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Program to generate CRC file Index Name Size CRC 298.01 CLEAND18.LBR 32K 09 2B Sort directory and delete erased files for ZCPR 298.02 DBASEPOL.LBR 8K 48 3F Used to enter data to New England Business Service purchase order forms 298.03 FIX18 .LBR 12K 66 47 Add or change CR, LF, TAB, SP, NUL in files 298.04 LT21 .LBR 38K 2A CD Library typer 298.05 SAP541 .LBR 14K 87 A8 Sort directory and delete erased files 298.06 SD123 .LBR 59K 18 66 Super directory program 298.07 X-10 .LBR 17K 3C 02 Control program for X-10 Powerhouse wireless home control interface 298.08 TURBOP .LBR 2K 62 03 Z80 system BIOS patch for Turbo Pascal (TM) SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-298, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1987 by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volumn 299 -Catalog.299 Contents of SIG/M volume 299 released Aug 1987 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Index Name Size CRC 299.01 DLZ2 .LBR 2K 96 A8 Erases Crunched files from the disk after they have been uncrunched 299.02 ENVIRON .LBR 13K 2A 8D Pascal "include files" to implement a programming enviroment similar to one used by Kernighan & Plauger in their book "Software Tool in Pascal" 299.03 KPHANDY+.LBR 73K BC 33 Handy+ "workstation" is an advanced version of the Handy system, written in dBase II(tm) 299.04 VDE-SP26.LBR 31K EA 2A Special version of VDE(Video Display Editor) modified to produce screenplay format files 299.05 VDE26 .BUG 1K 27 FA List of bugs in VDE as found by one person 299.06 VDE26 .LBR 64K 1C 72 Small fast! text editor with many features including windows and block operation. Wordstar (tm) compatable commands. WS, non-document and ASCII files produced 299.07 VDE26 .UPD 2K 0D 1D List of improvements from VDE2.1 to 2.6 299.08 BIGCAL22.LBR 28K 56 51 Make large wall size calendars with room for data entry in each days block SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-299, 08 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1987 by: SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volume 300 The contents of SIG/M volume 300 has been contributed by the ZSIG. The ZCPR special interest group. -Catalog.300 Contents of SIG/M volume 300 released Sep. 87 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Index Name Size CRC 300.01 ACREATE3.LBR 22K EF 79 User to make a ZCPR alias file from a text file. Dcreate will remove text from an existing alias file to a text file for editing. 300.02 LDSK20 .LBR 9K 18 8C Will use any file in any user area that begins with "-" and insert it in the Named directory. 300.03 PPIP14 .LBR 42K 83 A2 File copy program for use across user areas 300.04 RENAME31.LBR 16K 67 C2 Renames files with the ability to use ambiguous file names 300.05 UF .LBR 16K 5B 0B Fast unsqueezer for *.?Q? files 300.06 VCED18 .LBR 28K EE 10 Editing utility for ZCPR3 command lines 300.07 VERROR17.LBR 17K CF 0E Editing utility for ZCPR3 command lines 300.08 W20 .LBR 21K 20 7A Wild card shell processor. Will enable wild card processing for programs that usually accept wild cards 300.09 ZCRCK .LBR 9K 6B 24 Display of CRCK and CHEK of files at the same time 300.10 ZFINDU .LBR 9K 55 F9A Find program styled after Find40, which can find strings in squeezed files 300.11 ZLDIR .LBR 10K BE 9D Library directiry reader 300.12 ZWC .LBR 6K 6D 71 Count words in any file and displays count on console SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-300, 12 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1987 by: SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volume 301 This disk contributed by ZSIG, Z-system users group. -Catalog.301 Contents of SIG/M volume 301 released Sep 87 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Index Name Size CRC 301.01 EDITND .LBR 35K 8E 26 Edit the system Named Directiry, including passwords 301.02 LOADND12.LBR 29K 41 1C Logs in disk and updates the Named Directory 301.03 PPIP15 .LBR 62K F4 25 File copy program for use across user areas 301.04 SAVNDR .LBR 12K 41 BB Writes a reloadable copy of the Named Directory to a disk file 301.05 ZPATCH11.LBR 50K B0 80 File-oriented byte editor 301.06 ZTXTTOWS.LBR 7K 4D 36 Program to convert free-format text files to a WordStar(tm) compatable text file SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-301, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1987 by: SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volume 302 The contents of this disk were donated by ZSIG, The North American One-Eighty Group. -Catalog.302 Contents of SIG/M volume 302 released Nov. 87 JOIN .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Index Name Size CRC 302.01 BGECP .LBR 3K CF 0D This utility changes the name of BGii's(tm) Extended Command Processor from the default CMDRUN.COM to your choice. 302.02 EASE10 .LBR 28K 84 FB Tiny and fast history and editing error handler for ZCPR33. 302.03 ERRSET13.LBR 5K B9 01 For exact definition and display of error handler command line under ZCPR3, ZCPR33 or BGii.(tm) 302.04 HOLDZ11 .LBR 14K A8 07 Updated command line execution timer. 302.05 LBREXT22.LBR 20K 7D C9 Replacement for LGET, will handle squeezed and crunched files. 302.06 LLDR .LBR 13K FB 5F Replacement for LDR, loads from a LBR file save disk space and is faster. 302.07 LPUT .LBR 31K F1 ED Super ZCPR3 library maker, fast and easy. 302.08 PAUSE11 .LBR 9K 4C 0D SAK take off, uses Program Error Flag to eliminate all-or-nothing command line abort. 302.09 SALIAS .LBR 52K 27 F2 Much improved Alias script writer, recursive and with WordStar(tm) commands. 302.10 XECHO .LBR 7K A5 56 An eXtended ECHO pgm. using upper and lower case letter for better display. 302.11 ZCRCK11 .LBR 7K C1 F4 Update of dual-polynomial CRC checker with printer output. Only 2K. SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-302, 11 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) 1987 by: SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volume 303 -Catalog.303 Contents of SIG/M volume 303, released Nov 1987 Join .ACG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP application form SIG-M .LIB Donation form CRC .COM Index Name Size CRC 303.01 BAMBI .LBR 15K 62 A1 Bambi meets Godzillz, some fun with Pascal. 303.02 PCALCUTL.LBR 61K 76 1B How to move data from one PC-Calc(tm) spreadsheet to another without association. 303.03 QL15 .LBR 50K BC 07 Quick look at files in a LBR 303.04 SETPATH1.LBR 18K 6B A8 Improved Path 303.05 NULUZ13 .LBR 22K 3A 26 NULU type LBR handler for Z-system. 303.06 ZPUZL11 .LBR 6K 55 7E Fun puzzle, line up the numbers. 303.07 ARUNZ09F.LBR 17K 7C 16 Latest update of Arunz. 303.08 CRUNCH24.LBR 31K 33 63 Latest update of Crunch. 303.09 EXTEND11.LBR 7K 75 48 Illustration of a fast file-append algorithm. Copyright (c) 1987 by: SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 SIG/M Volume 304 -Catalog.304 Contents of SIG/M volume 304 released MAR 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Description ----- ------------ ---- ----- ------------------------------------------ 304.01 ADIR11 .LBR 19K D7 E4 Directory program to find names of Alias in Alias.cmd 304.02 LAP .LBR 5K 1B 02 Replacement for LDR & LLDR to load SYS files, very fast!! 304.03 LDIRB11 .LBR 35K AC 64 Directory of LBRs with date, crc, if crunched and more 304.04 LX18 .LBR 19K 22 09 Latest version of prgram to run COM files from inside COMMAND.LBR 304.05 TOLOG .LBR 13K C2 E4 Inventory tracker for dBase II(tm) 304.06 TRANSFER.LBR 52K 89 D4 Transfer files to and from MS-DOS com- patable disks w a CP/M host system 304.07 VCOMP13 .LBR 27K 0D 04 Visual file comparison 304.08 VLU10 .LBR 37K 67 E7 LBR maker with auto CRUNCH 304.09 Z-GOLF10.LBR 10K C0 77 Play solitaire on your PC 304.10 FASTARNZ.ZZZ 5K 63 54 Article on optimizing disk access in ZCPR systems SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-304, 10 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 SIG/M Volume 305 -Catalog.305 Contents of SIG/M volume 305 released MAR 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Description 305.01 ARUNZ09G.LBR 21K 6B 7C Run an ALIAS script from ALIAS.CMD 305.02 BANNER03.LBR 49K D0 D9 Print messages in BIG letters 305.03 DDTZ26 .LBR 75K 0D 82 Complete replacement for Digital Research's DDT, full Z-80 support, improved functioning, bugs removed 305.04 DIR14A .LBR 22K 12 9F Put real "fences" in your ZCPR 305.05 FBAD60B .LBR 36K 09 9E Latest version of bad disk sector finder 305.06 FINDF26A.LBR 18K 68 2A File finder, uses max drive, max user and wheel byte from SYS.ENV SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-305, 06 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076SIG/M Volume 306 -Catalog.306 Contents of SIG/M volume 306, released Mar 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Description 306.01 SETD22 .LBR 6K 49 F2 Put dates in your LBR DIR for each file 306.02 GKEY2 .LBR 7K 59 B5 Keyboard redefiner, can use escape code 306.03 LBREXT25.LBR 22K 43 78 Extract regular, squeezed and crunched files from a LBR. Wild card and multiple names allowed 306.04 LLF11 .LBR 10K A4 C8 List files in a LBR 306.05 MKLINE .LBR 16K 15 D1 Multiple command line builder for use under ZEX/SUBMIT type utilities 306.06 NHSH-Z33.LBR 14K 99 47 History shell for max 20 command histories 306.07 PACKHELP.LBR 16K 65 E0 Writes 'list' for PACK to work with 306.08 NSWPPAT .LBR 2K 3F 7F Modifies NSWP ver 2.07 for use in 32 user areas 306.09 NULU152A.LBR 55K C3 06 New 'unofficial' release of Martin Murrays NULU 306.10 NZEX-D .LBR 16K 9E 4C Upgrade of N-ZEX which replaced ZEX 306.11 PACK10 .LBR 24K F6 9F Reorganize disks for faster access to frequently used files 306.12 PMOVE12 .LBR 20K 82 7C Create 'public' files of commercial programs 306.13 RCOM10 .LBR 8K 2E D1 ALIAS script to allow CP/M or Z-System programs to accept a file list as parameters 306.14 SAVSTMP4.LBR 9K 85 29 Maintain the original create date for a file that is repeatedly modified SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-306, 14 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076SIG/M Volume 307 -Catalog.307 Contents of SIG/M volume 307 released Mar 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Discription 307.01 DBCLOCK .LBR 9K 14 1B Reads Datestamper(tm) date for dBase II 307.02 FEATURE .LBR 6K EE 57 Display on screen BOLD & UNDERLINE, North * Advantage only 307.03 PAGE0 .LBR 2K 9A 90 Hex dump of page 0 307.04 PEEK22 .LBR 12K 0F E4 Trace system calls, using system con, aux or list device 307.05 PRINT24A.LBR 6K 45 18 Print utility for Z80 systems 307.06 PRINTHLP.LBR 17K 86 2A Print ZCPR help files 307.07 PRN24PCH.LBR 3K 4C 00 Patch for Print24 to change header and responce to Du: 307.08 RDIR15+ .LBR 18K C3 36 Directory to show transfer times at current baud rate 307.09 RLX16 .LBR 15K 77 18 LX modified to check for WHL byte, will also look for more than one LBR 307.10 SETDDS .LBR 3K 97 19 Overlay file for SETD and Datestamper(tm) 307.11 SHOW12B .LBR 40K 32 77 Update of SHOW for ZCPR33 307.12 SPLIT4 .LBR 12K 09 C5 Divide large files into smaller files 307.13 TURBOPAT.LBR 4K 64 9D Patch Turbo Pascal(tm) for error msg. overlay handling 307.14 W22 .LBR 27K 6C B6 Enables programs to accept wildcard which ordiarly do not 307.15 WHLCHK11.LBR 9K 57 8E Modify and .COM file to check ZCPR3 WHL byte 307.16 ZLT10 .LBR 25K 71 B6 ZCPR3 LBR file typer, normal, squeezed, or crunched, can use wildcards SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-307, 16 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076SIG/M Volume 308 -Catalog.308 Contents of SIG/M volume 308 released Mar 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Discription ----- ---- ---- --- ----------------------------------------- 308.01 REPAIR .LBR 52K CD 92 Recover damaged directories, menu driven 308.02 ZF10H .LBR 72K E6 56 Update of Zfiler for ZCPR33 308.03 ZFILRCMD.LBR 19K 2B 62 Sample of .CMD files for Zfiler 308.04 ZMANG-20.LBR 48K 47 41 Menu oriented command proccessor, acting as menu type front end interface to ZCPR 308.05 PRNTXT12.LBR 23K 98 5C Create "instant" text display files SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-308, 05 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076SIG/M Volume 309 -Catalog.309 Contents of SIG/M volume 309 released Mar 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Discription ----- ---- ---- ----- ------------------------------------------ 309.01 ARK02 .ARK 18K 3B 21 Archiver for 8 bit systems 309.02 DSCRESV1.LBR 3K EA 3B Save create date on file when its modified 309.03 DU314A .LBR 74K 6C 63 Latest DU with macros 309.04 FINREP26.LBR 11K D3 7A Update of FIND & REPLACE 309.05 MEYERTUT.LBR 86K 4A 98 Tutorial on assembly language 309.06 SHELLINI.LBR 2K 5E A8 Correct problem with Wordstar(tm) ver. 4 handling shell stack 309.07 SLMT .LBR 6K 9D D7 Set left margin and standard tab stops on daisywheel printers 309.08 Z33TRC11.LBR 15K B2 08 Create removable RCP buffer below ZCPR33 309.09 ZCRCK12 .LBR 12K 44 1F ZCPR33 CRC program, WHL enabled LST output SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-309, 09 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076SIG/M Volume 310 -Catalog.310 Contents of SIG/M volume 310 released Mar 1988 JOIN .AZG AMATEUR COMPUTER GROUP Application form (Crunched) SIG-M .LZB Donation form (Crunched) CRC .COM Checksum program Index Name Size CRC Discription ----- ---- ---- ----- ------------------------------------------ 310.01 ZMD146 .LBR 178K 13 6B Z80 remote file transfer program. Batch mode, CP/M 2 or 3, menu driven installation 310.02 ZMDOVL2 .LBR 47K B0 6D Overlay file for above 1 SIG/M Disk catalog Volume Number-310, 02 Files cataloged. Copyright (c) by SIG/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc. P. O. Box 135, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076