rcare defined and the initial assignments are as listed bel/19 .[20 |use of the|"nud"|function It is evident that use of some of the foregoing value` returning functions would fail due to lack of sufficient` user work space for storage prior to evaluation. It is` appropriate to use the "nud" null display function to` obviate this problem; typical expressions making use of` "nud" and some of the above functions are shown below: %nud,xu,fm,100,200, /= Displays from 100 to 200 %nud,xu,rcv,5,9000/= Accepts the blocked checksummed` transmission of object code offsetting the load point by` 9000 Hex. Assuming that an 8K object code of the SAM76` language interpreter intended for loading at 8000 is` received, the loading will take place at 1000 instead. While` loading takes place progress of load is displayed on the` user console, and each block correctly received will be` acknowledged to the sender; if incorrectly received then a` retransmission will be requested. 18|xu,rcv,m,0,x1,x2| Xperimental User Receive This valued function accepts data in the checksummed block` format generated by the "xu,xmt" function. The modes are the` same as described for the transmit function. The arguments` symbolized by "x1" and "x2" are to force loading elsewhere` than specified within the received block of data; "x1" is an` offsetting value. This function may be used to load SAM76 language object code` distributed in the "loadit" format. 517|xu,xmt,m,0,x1,x2| Xperimental User X{trans}mit This null valued function is used to generate for` transmission purposes a blocked checksummed group of records` of the contents of memory locations between those symbolized` in the current X base by "x1" and "x2" inclusive. The symbol` "m" denotes one of several modes of transmission as defined` below: mode 0 No local display, no error feedback mode 1 No local display, automatic error control mode 4 Local progress display, no error control mode 5 Local progress display, with error control All of the above transmissions are in the blocked checksummed` format to be described later and are through the "group 2"` communications channel of the SAM76 language processor. The argument symbolized by "0" in the above expression is` reserved for future control and selection purposes and is` undefined at this time. Note:The format is that which is currently used in the` "loadit" software distributed with the paper tape and` cassette media. +316|xu,wl,sym,x| Xperimental User Write Label This null valued function is the reverse of the "xu,rl,sym"` function, in that its execution will cause the storing of` the value symbolized by "x" at the actual location` identified by the valide label symbolized by "sym". )15|xu,vm,x1,x2,x3,s0| Xperimental User Verify Memory This valued function compares the contents of the memory` between the locations symbolized in the current X base by` "x1" and "x2" inclusive with memory locations which start at` the location symbolized by "x3". The value returned provides` a list of adresses of the locations which are different.` Each adress is preceded with the string symbolized by "s0". 14|xu,tm,x1,x2| Xperimental User Type Memory This valued function contains in "printable" form the` contents of the memory cells located between "x1" and "x2"` inclusive. Non printing characters are displayed as "dots". 13|xu,sum,x1,x2| Xperimental User SUM The value of this function is the low order "byte" of the` arithmetic sum of all memory cells between the locations` symbolized in the current X base by "x1" and "x2" inclusive.` {This is useful in verifying portions of the system;` overlays are usually checksummed to zero by storing the` appropriate value in the last location of the overlay}. 12|xu,rl,sym| Xperimental User Read Label This function returns as a value the contents of the memory` location identified by the valid label symbolized by "sym".` A list of the valid labels is obtained through execution of` the %xll, / Xamine Label List function. {Note this differs` from the "xal,sym" function which only gives the actual` machine adress of the symbol label}. 11|xu,mm,x1,x2,x3| Xperimental User Move Memory This null valued function serves to move the contents of the` system memory between "x1" and "x2" inclusive to a location` whose starting point is symbolized by "x"; all of these are` in the current X base. 10|xu,fm,x1,x2,s0| Xperimental User Fetch Memory The value of this function is the contents of the system` memory between locations symbolized in the current X base by` "x1" and "x2" inclusive. Each word content is preceded by` the string symbolized by "s0". 9|xu,dm,x1,x2,x| Duplicate Memory This null valued function fills memory from the location` symbolized in the current X base by "x1" to the location` symbolized by "x2" inclusive with the "byte" symbolized by` "x". {to be used with care as for instance when one wishes` to scuttle the system which is about to be intruded by an` unauthorized peeker". {8Two of the subfunctions of "xu" were defined in Update No.` 4, namely "xu,dt,..." and "xu,ft,..."; additional functions` are defined below. 7|xu,lf,s0| Xperimental User List Functions The value of this expression is a list of the subfunctions of` the "xu" primitive. Each name in the list is preceded by the` string symbolized by "s0". 6 .[20 |the XU|family A family of experimental functions exist as subfunctions of` the "xu" Xperimental User function; a list of these` functions may be obtained by executing &xu,lf, /= which is` defined as follows: !5This update will discuss a number of the functions that may` be found in SAM76 language processors released after July` 1978. These functions are located in "overlays" and are` linked through the POA, POB, POC and POD locations as` described in previous updates. :4 ./SAM76 Language Update No. 5 - September 1978 13 .Sup5- 2 .W76 1 .H60