1000#space 11010#line 711020#OFFSET 491030#COMMENT THE MARGIN CMND DOES THE SAME THING AS THE*1040#COMMENT LINE AND OFFSET CMNDS ABOVE1050#MARGIN 5,701060#JUST ON 1070#TITLE Demonstration file1080#TABSET 10,20,30,40,501090#PAGE 66,54,741100#COMMENT THE ABOVE PAGE SIZE IS DEFAULT ANYWAY1110#PNUM 101120#NULL 01130<&SAMPLE TEXT FILE&1140 1150 31160 [This file shows the features of the word<1170processor. It is designed to show all of the features;1180yet fit in the minimum amount of memory. Notice thatA1190these lines are enclosed in brackets. This is because they1200will be justified later.]E1210 [The title above on line 1130 was preceded by a left arrow.L1220This caused the title to be centered. The text can be &underlined& byK1230preceding and following the text with an & as was done on the title.]1240\4N1250 [The above backslash followed by a number would have caused the pageK1260to eject if these next 4 lines would not fit on the page. Since theyL1270will fit on the same page, the eject will be ignored. To force a pageL1280eject, enter the backslash followed immediately by a carriage return.]F1290 If you don't want the lines to be justified and line filled,L1300do not enclose them in brackets. The lines will be printed exactly asO1310entered. You can use tabs just like on a typewriter, but the text shouldP1320not be enclosed in brackets. If you use tabs within brackets, blanks willJ1330be added to justify the line and the columns formed by the tabs willN1340be lost. The tab character will echo as an @ sign during data entry andH1350listing. The tabs will be expanded during the print command only.1360 col a col 2 col 3 col 41370 ABC DEF GHI JKL1380 12 3 456 71390 123 45 1 1231400 L1420[Paragraphs may be indented from the rest of the text by preceding theF1430lines to be indented with a right arrow and margins as follows:] 1440>10,501450 H1460[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT COLUMN NUMBER, COMMA, RIGHT COLUMNO1470NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN -- set the left and right margins from this pointH1480on. The right margin should not be greater than the line length.] 1490>151500 G1510[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT COLUMN NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN --I1520set the left margin only and leave the right margin set to the line1530length.] 1540>,551550 O1560[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, COMMA, RIGHT COLUMN NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN --F1570set the right margin and leave the left margin set to column 1.]1580>1590 N1600[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, CARRIAGE RETURN -- reset the margins back to ?1610their original position of column 1 and the line length.] 1620\161630J) &UNDERLINING&E1640[You can indicate to SECRETARY to underline a word by preceding51650and following the word or phrase with a & sign.(1660It will not underline a blank. IfE1670you want to use the & in your text, just be sure it is precededL1680and followed by a blank. When a nonblank character is found following=1690a & sign, the underline switch is turned on so that all?1700nonblank characters are underlined. When it encounters a=1710 & sign followed by a blank, it turns off the underlineA1720switch so that the following characters are not underlined.?1730If the & is at the end of a line and followed by a period=1740or comma, the underline switch will still be turned on.;1750If you want a & to print, be sure it is not the firstA1760character on a line since the preceding character would not>1770be a blank but rather a line number. Underlining occurs51780only during the execution of the PRINT command.81790Be sure that your printer has both a backspace and81800an underscore character (ASR 33 terminals do not).31801The print head must be able to back up also.]Q2000 [This next line will force the text to begin on the top of a new page.]2010\22020This should be the first line on a new page.