1000#PNUM 01020#JUST ON10401300to merge names, addresses, and data into a letter from aI1320BASIC program. The File contains records of variable length but upG1340to 250 bytes long. Each record is broken up into substrings by aB1360+ sign. The substring is merged into the letter anywhere anJ1380up-arrow is found. The data will be inserted here -^- for instance.G1400If there are more substrings than up-arrows, the extra substringsC1420will be ignored so that each letter begins with a new record.B1440If there are fewer substrings than up-arrows, the additional>1460up-arrows will be ignored like this^ and not be printed.>1480The text must be arranged so that the inserted data fits71500on one line and does not span two ore more lines.F1520You do not have to use the REPEAT command since the program will>1540automatically print one copy for each record in the file>1560and stop at the end. If you enter control-C to stop the'1580printing or to rerun it, you must'1600enter MERGE again with the properF1620file name and before you can print again. There must not be anyM1640numeric data in the file...only strings less than 256 characters long.]1660 21680 Sincerely,1700 1720 1740 51760 Gary O. Young