G1000#COMMENT USERMAN1 ALL OF THIS IS COPYRIGHTED 1979, G. YOUNG, INC1010#PNUM 1"1020#TITLE SECRETARY USER MANUAL1030\D1040[This discussion teaches you to use the functions of SECRETARYD1050using specific examples. For a generalized description of the 1060commands, see Section II.]1070 1080 ,1090
1440one to four digits (allowing for 9999 lines.) A line isK1450terminated by a carriage return. The input lines cannot be more than1460136 characters long.M1470If you want SECRETARY to ignore a line so that you can retype it, enterO1480control-C. The line will be erased and the # sign will appear indicatingD1490it is ready for a new command or data line. The backspace keyQ1500can be used to backspace on the line before the carriage return is entered.J1510SECRETARY will ring the bell once seven characters before the end ofJ1520the line and once for each character that will not fit on the line.]1530\7-1540D) RECONFIGURING FOR YOUR INSTALLATIONL1550[SECRETARY is shipped with memory set at 36K, the backspace key is theC1560backspace character, a CRT is not used, the printer prints onE1570continuous forms paper, line wrap around is enabled, input lineK1580length is set for 64 characters, and the disk is single density only.-1590If all of these apply to your system orG1600if SECRETARY has already been reconfigured for your installation,I1610go to Part 2. The first time the program is used it will print the1620question]16302050is 136 characters. It is a good idea to make your lines<2060shorter than necessary. That way if you edit the line;2070later and insert a word, the character count will not<2080exceed the 136 character maximum or your screen size.]2090 '21002780[To insert or replace a line, just enter the line number;2790followed by the text. You do not have to precede the 2800number by leading zeroes.]+2810<1030#comment this replaces line 10302820 2830E) DELETING LINESD2840[To delete a line or group of lines, enter the line number andB2850a carriage return without any data or use the delete command2860as follows:]2870 1002880 DELT 100?2890 DELT 100,200 (delete lines 100 through 200)2900 DELETE 1002910 DELETE 100,2002920 2930F) BLANK LINES?2940[To insert blank lines, enter the line number followed by42950one or two spaces before the carriage return.]2960\2970G) ADDITIONAL PRINTERSD2980[If you have a printer in addition to a CRT and the printer isE2990used in BASIC by saying PRINT #1,... the printer is on unit 1.O3000You can have the listing come out on that printer rather than the CRT by 3010entering]30203310initialized disk. Later you should delete the file from+3320from the disk where it would not fit.@3330For the sake of backup, it is a good practice to use NSAVEC3340each time you save a text file, and use a diskette other than*3350the one containing the source text.]3360 3370J) THE QUIT COMMAND;3380[To exit the program and return to DOS, simply enter] 33903450printed. This list will also be printed if you enter an3460invalid command.]3470 R3480[By now, then, you have listed all of DEMOFILE. If not, go to PART 2 step BO3490load the file again, and list it. Save this listing as an example of the(3500techniques to be discussed later.]3510\$3520PART 3. CREATING YOUR OWN FILE3530 3540A) THE SCRATCH COMMANDL3550[When you load a file, the previous file in memory (if there was one)H3560will be destroyed. When you save a file, memory is not destroyed.>3570If you do not remove the file in memory before beginningG3580a new file, the lines that you enter will be merged into the fileD3590already in memory. To remove a file from memory and reset all13600values (reinitialize the data area), enter]36103980be inserted by entering the line number and one space.]3990\*4000E) LINE FILL AND JUSTIFICATION LATERP4010[If a group of lines are to be justified later, enclose the group of linesG4020in brackets. See the listing of DEMOFILE for an example of this.N4030If the lines run together improperly, check to see if you left the right64040or left bracket off of the preceding paragraph.]4050 4060F) PAGE EJECTIONK4070[To eject to a new page when printing, use the backslash on a line byC4080itself. See the listing of DEMOFILE for an example of this.] 4090<1000I4100[Sometimes it may be necessary to do a conditional page eject. ForQ4110instance, you may want the next 4 lines to fit on the same page and if theyP4120will not, then you want to do a page eject. This is done by following theN4130backslash immediately by the number of lines that must fit on the page.]4140<1000 44150 4160G) CENTERINGK4170[To cause a line to be centered, precede the line of text with a leftD4180arrow. Be sure the length of the line to be centered is never>4190longer than the length of the line to be printed later.]&4200 1010 THIS LINE WILL BE CENTERED!421010,504370 H4380[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT COLUMN NUMBER, COMMA, RIGHT COLUMNO4390NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN -- set the left and right margins from this pointH4400on. The right margin should not be greater than the line length.] 4410>154420 G4430[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT COLUMN NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN --I4440set the left margin only and leave the right margin set to the line4450length.] 4460>,554470 O4480[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, COMMA, RIGHT COLUMN NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN --F4490set the right margin and leave the left margin set to column 1.]4500>4510 M4520[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, CARRIAGE RETURN -- reset the margins back to?4530their original position of column 1 and the line length.]4540 4550J) &UNDERLINING&E4560[You can indicate to SECRETARY to underline a word by preceding54570and following the word or phrase with a & sign.(4580It will not underline a blank. IfE4590you want to use the & in your text, just be sure it is precededL4600and followed by a blank. When a nonblank character is found following=4610a & sign, the underline switch is turned on so that all?4620nonblank characters are underlined. When it encounters a=4630 & sign followed by a blank, it turns off the underlineA4640switch so that the following characters are not underlined.?4650If the & is at the end of a line and followed by a period=4660or comma, the underline switch will still be turned on.;4670If you want a & to print, be sure it is not the firstA4680character on a line since the preceding character would not>4690be a blank but rather a line number. Underlining occurs54700only during the execution of the PRINT command.:4710Be sure that your printer has an underline character!4720(ASR 33 terminals do not).]4730 4740K) DIRECTORYD4750[If you want to print the directory of a disk to see if a file4760already exists, enter]47704980"FILE TOO SMALL", see PART 7 PARAGRAPH C. If you wanted4990your file to be5000on drive 2, enter]50105360words, you need to open the line numbers after line 100.5370For example, you mayJ5380want to renumber the lines starting with line 110, setting line 110O5390to 300, and incrementing each line after that by 10. This could be done5400by entering]5410