1000#COMMENT USERMAN41020\10402060inch paper contains 66 lines (6 lines to an inch). WithD2080a one inch margin at the top and bottom, there are 54 lines of>2100print and the first line begins on line 7. These valuesI2120can be changed with the PAGE command and SECRETARY will advance the%2140page as needed. Secretary willF2160print the title starting at the left margin, and the word "PAGE"12180and page number ending at the right margin.F2200The starting page number can be changed using the PNUM command.]D2220 [Certain text may need to start on the top of a page. In L2240this case the backslash (shift-L on ASR-33 or 5CH) should be the firstC2260character of the line. Upon encountering this character, the92280paper will be advanced to the top of the next page.;2300If the backslash is followed immediately by a number,@2320the page will only be ejected if that number of lines will 2340not fit on the same page.]?2360 [Text may be centered on a line by preceding the text?2380with a "less than" character, 03CH. All text between theA2400"less than" character and the next carriage return will be A2420centered on the line. This text should not be enclosed in C2440line-fill brackets. The actual starting position of the textB2460will change depending on the line length. The length of the>2480centered text must be less than the length of the line.]H2500 [If multiple copies of a text are required, the REPEAT commandD2520can be used to automatically print more than one copy. At theK2540end of the printing, however, the repeat count will be reset to zero.<2560A zero or one repeat count will still print one copy.]?2580 [Spacing can be changed to single, double, or triple *2600spacing by using the SPACE command.]A2620 [After the print line has been linefilled and justifiedC2640(if these features were used) and before the line is printed,J2660the line is scanned for the character specified in the CALL command.E2680If the character is found, the user's routine is called. This ?2700allows the user to modify the line before it is printed.]2710\G2720 [Tabs may be used to force the data to be printed in columns.L2740To use this feature, first use the TABSET command to define the columnR2760locations of the tabs. Then as you enter the data, use the tab key (hex 09)K2780just as you would on a typewriter. The tab character will echo as anP2800at sign, @, when inputting the line. The tabs will be expanded during the<2820PRINT command only -- not during the LIST or on input.2840Do not use tabs withinI2860brackets used for line filling or justification since spaces may beG2880added to justify the line and lose the columns. If more tabs areN2900entered than were defined in TABSET, the extra tabs will be ignored. IfK2920the current character position is beyond a tab and a tab character isH2940encountered, the line will advance to the next tab if it exists or/2960will ignore it if no more have been set.]?2980 [Data can be MERGEd into your text from a BASIC file.C3000The text just needs an up-arrow ^ at each place data is to be?3020inserted. The BASIC data file must be a type 3 file, it@3040must contain only string records less than 256 bytes long,93060and the substrings to be inserted at each ^ must be=3080separated by plus signs. See Section 1 Part 6 for more3100details.]Q3120 [The normal margins begin in column 1 and end in the column defined by 73140the line length or the LINE command (default 70).E3160The entire page can be shifted to the right by using the OFFSETJ3180command. This can also be done by using the MARGIN command. It is 3200sometimesR3220desirable to have an entire paragraph indented on the right and/or the left.Q3240This is the variable margin feature and is activated by a special characterM3260-- the right arrow -- within the text. The feature should be on a lineQ3280by itself and not contain any other text to be printed. The formats are as3300follows:] 3320>10,603340 H3360[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT COLUMN NUMBER, COMMA, RIGHT COLUMNO3380NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN -- set the left and right margins from this pointH3400on. The right margin should not be greater than the line length.] 3420>153440 G3460[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, LEFT COLUMN NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN --I3480set the left margin only and leave the right margin set to the line3500length.] 3520>,553540 O3560[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, COMMA, RIGHT COLUMN NUMBER, CARRIAGE RETURN --F3580set the right margin and leave the left margin set to column 1.]3600>3620 M3640[LINE NUMBER, RIGHT ARROW, CARRIAGE RETURN -- reset the margins back to?3660their original position of column 1 and the line length.]3680\G3700 [Many of the commands will be the same every time you print aG3720particular file and it is inconvenient to reenter them each time.I3740To make this process more automatic, the following commands may beE3760entered in the text file preceded by a #: LINE, OFFSET, MARGIN,93780JUSTIFY, TITLE, TABSET, PAGE, PNUM, UNIT, and NULL.G3800These commands must be the first lines in the file. In addition,N3820SPACE, COMMENT, and CHAIN may occur within the text but are not required,3840to be in the first lines of the file.]=3860 [These features are only recognized under the PRINTE3880command. After typing in the command PRINT, be sure the paper 93900is positioned before entering the carriage return.]R3920 [NOTE: SECRETARY does not edit the input text for printable characters.M3940Nonprintable and control characters (such as bell, delete, EOD) will beL3960accepted and placed in the data area. When the data area is listed orO3980printed, the characters may ring the bell, clear the screen etc dependingJ4000on the character. When justifying a line containing a nonprintable Q4020character, SECRETARY will think the line is justified, but the printed line04040may not actually end in the right margin.]4060\40804380 Data area is too damaged to recover even one record.4400CHAR/LINE CHANGED34420 The LINE command was performed correctly.4440CHAR NOT FOUNDA4460 The string in the FIND or CHANGE command was not found. 4480COPIED34500 The COPY command was performed correctly.'4520DISK FULL ERROR or DISK I/O ERROR74540 This occurs if the NSAVE command was used and74560 there was not enough room on the disk for the;4580 entire file. If the disk was not in the drive or?4600 the disk was bad, the program would be forced to exit>4620 to DOS. To return to the program without losing the4640 data, jump to 2D04H.4660FILE ALREADY EXISTS54680 The filename requested in the NSAVE command4700 already exists.4720FILE FULL ERRORI4740 No more lines can be added to the data area due to insufficient4760 space.4780FILE NOT FOUNDJ4800 The file name was not found in the directory. Either the file34820 was not created or it is on another disk.4840FILE NOT STRING DATAH4860 The data in the BASIC file to be inserted is either not stringC4880 data or the record length is greater than 256 characters.4900FILE TOO SMALLH4920 The disk file was too small to hold the text in the data areaD4940 but it saved as much as it could. Use the RECOVER command&4960 when you load the file back.4980FILE TOO LARGEH5000 The disk file is too large to fit in the data area. The disk F5020 file should not be larger than the data area even if only a G5040 portion of the file is actually used. SECRETARY read as muchI5060 as it could, but use the RECOVER command to set the end-of-file5080 indicator.5100FINISHED=5120 The program terminated and returned control to DOS.5140\5160ILLEGAL CHARC5180 A non-numeric character was found in the line number of a5200 MOVE or COPY command.5220INTEGRITY FAILURE75240 You have a bad copy of the SECRETARY program.K5260 An error was found from either reading the program from the disk,L5280 writing the program to the disk, or a memory error. Try reloadingN5300 or recopying the program again. Some function may not work properlyN5320 if you run with this copy of the program. The original diskette wasJ5340 checked before shipping so you should be able to load that copy.5360INVALID CHAR IN PARMC5380 A non-numeric character was found in a numeric parameter.5400INVALID COMMAND)5420 An illegal command was entered.35440 A list of valid commands will be printed.5460INVALID PARAMETER OR PARM;5480 Missing or non-numeric parameter was encountered.M5500 In commands that use a range of line numbers, the first line number/5520 was less than the second line number.5540JUSTIFY OFF5560JUSTIFY ON@5580 The JUSTIFY switch is off and the printed text will beE5600 line filled but not justified. If the justify switch is on,C5620 the printed text will be line filled and justified to the=5640 right margin when the text is enclosed in brackets.5660LINE TOO SMALL TO CENTER55680 The length of the title is greater than the+5700 length of the line to be printed.5720LINE NO 9999?5740 The BASIC program has line numbers greater than 9999.,5760 Renumber in BASIC before BLOADing.5780MARGIN ERRORE5800 The right or left margin is greater than the line length or;5820 the left margin is greater than the right margin.5840MARGINS SET55860 The MARGIN command was performed correctly.5880MISSING LINE NO.:5900 The line number was missing on the edit command. 5920MOVED35940 The MOVE command was performed correctly.5960NO ROOM FOR BUFFERI5980 The text in the data area is so large that there is no room forF6000 a buffer to read in the first sector of the BASIC data file.6020NOT A BASIC DATA FILE(6040 The file is not a type 3 file.6060NOT A BASIC PGM FILE(6080 The file is not a type 2 file.6100NULL COUNT ACCEPTED36120 The NULL command was performed correctly.6140OFFSET ACCEPTED56160 The OFFSET command was performed correctly.6180PAGE PARMS CHANGED36200 The PAGE command was performed correctly.6220PAGE NUMBER ACCEPTED36240 The PNUM command was performed correctly.6260\6280PARAMETER MISSING?6300 The program expected a parameter, but none was found.=6320 A parameter is a numeric value that must be entered6340PRINT UNIT CHANGED36360 The UNIT command was performed correctly.6380RECOVERY SUCCESSFULG6400 The data area was at least partially, if not fully, salvaged.6420RENUMBER VALUES TOO BIGC6440 The starting line number or the increment on the RENUMBERE6460 command is too large and eventually the line number exceeds6480 9999.6500REPEAT COUNT ACCEPTED56520 The REPEAT command was performed correctly. 6540SAVED36560 The SAVE command was performed correctly.#6580SECRTARY NOT FOUND ON DRIVE 1>6600 The program tried to save a copy of itself with your=6620 modifications, but the disk that it was loaded from<6640 was not mounted on drive 1 or else you changed the<6660 name of the file to something other than SECRTARY.6680SPACING CHANGED46700 The SPACE command was performed correctly.6720TABS SET56740 The TABSET command was performed correctly.6760TITLE ACCEPTED46780 The TITLE command was performed correctly.6800TITLE TOO LONGE6820 The title plus carriage return are more than 50 characters.6840 6860