; An article relating to the following code appeared in the Vol 1 No 5 ; issue of Micro/Systems Journal and is presented here with the per- ; mission of the publisher. The code alone should be sufficient to ; use the program. However, back copies of the article are available from ; Micro/Systems Journal, Box 1192, Mountainside, NJ 07092. \p\#13 program Comm; {$V-,K-} {Program emulates a Hazeltine 1500 terminal and supports 2 way file} {transfers between the PC and a Serially-interfaced Computer} { Host Computer IBM-PC 256K ram} { Target Computer IMSAI 8080 56K ram} {Program written By Hank Volpe (c) 1985} {Program is released to Public Domain use} label 1,2,3,4,selection,loop,menu; const {The following addresses are Serial-Interface Dependent} {They are based on the Port address of the IBM-PC of COM1} base : integer = $03f8; {base port address} control : integer = $03fc; {modem control register port} linestat : integer = $03fd; {line status register} modemstat : integer = $03fe; { modem status register} rts_dtr : byte = 3; {dtr,rts on IBM-PC set on by this command} dsr : byte = $20; {dsr mask for Modem status register} dr : byte = 1; {DR indicates character received by PC} imsai_rdy: byte = $30; {Mask to see if IMSAI has DSR & CTS lines on} hold : byte = 1; {turns off rts command & keeps up dtr} type {this type is used by MS-DOS function calls} regpack = record ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,es,cs,ds,flags : integer; end; scr_buf = string[80]; var x,y,z : integer; buffer : byte; ibmdata : char absolute buffer; previous: char; txrdy : boolean; rxrdy : boolean; change : boolean; transfer: boolean; offline : boolean; xpos,ypos : byte; line : byte; modem : byte; recpack : regpack; screen : scr_buf; answer : char; filename: string[14]; disk : file of byte; loadstring : string[25];Š {These window procedures can be deleted if your MS-DOS system does not} {support IBM window function calls. If you delete them, make sure all} {calls for these procedures are also deleted in the source code} procedure clrwindow; begin window(1,1,80,25); end; procedure mainwindow; begin clrwindow; window(1,1,80,24); end; procedure ibmbanner; begin window(1,6,80,14); end; procedure imsaibanner; begin window(1,14,80,23); end; procedure ibmwindow; begin window(1,7,80,13); end; procedure imsaiwindow; begin window(1,15,80,23); end; procedure center (holder : scr_buf; ypos : integer); {This procedure centers a string on the screen} var xpos : integer; begin xpos:=(80-length(holder)) div 2; gotoxy(xpos,ypos); write(holder); end;{center} procedure setup; {procedure programs pc modem for 9600 baud,1 start, 1 stop no parity} begin with recpack do begin ax:=$00e7;{sets Async Port to 9600 baud, 1 start 8 bits 1 stop bit} dx:=$0000;Š end; intr($14,recpack); end;{setup} procedure oncom; {used to print an on-line communications row} begin clrwindow; {clear all windows} window(1,25,80,25); gotoxy(1,25); textbackground(green);textcolor(white); clreol; if transfer = false then write('ON LINE....CNTL-C IS CP/M BOOT CNTRL-U/CNTR-F IS IBM BREAK ') else write('ON LINE... Xfer.com Resident in IMSAI memory'); end; {oncom} procedure online; {procedure determines if DSR & CTS are set indicating IMSAI is ready} {To receive data..Program loops till IMSAI is ready} begin if offline in [true] then begin window(1,25,80,25); gotoxy(1,25);textbackground(red); write('Slave System is not on line.... Check Slave status'); end; while offline in [true] do begin port[control]:=rts_dtr; modem:=port[modemstat]; modem:=modem and dsr; textbackground(red); clreol; if modem <> dsr then offline := true else offline :=false; setup; end; begin oncom; mainwindow;textbackground(black);lowvideo;clrscr; gotoxy(1,1); end; end;{online} procedure ibmkey; {procedure detects if key was struck on PC Console using direct i/o} {This is necessary in order to use control-c for the cp/m system} {txrdy returns false if no key was struck. Buffer returns with character} {code typed if key was struck and txrdy returns true} begin txrdy:=false;Š with recpack do begin ax:=$0600; dx:=$00ff; end; msdos(recpack); recpack.ax:=recpack.ax and $00ff; if recpack.ax <>0 then begin recpack.ax:=recpack.ax and $00ff; buffer:=recpack.ax; txrdy:=true; end; end;{ibmkey} procedure imsai; {this is a look only once routine} {get character from imsai 8251 usart and flag caller loop if ready} {If not ready, rxrdy returns false} begin rxrdy:=false; port[control]:=rts_dtr;{Tell IMSAI to send a character} modem:=port[modemstat]; modem:=modem and dsr; if modem = dsr then begin port[control]:=hold; {inhibits IMSAI from tranmitting any more} line:=port[linestat]; {till this character is processed} line:=line and dr; if line = dr then begin buffer:=port[base]; rxrdy:=true; end; end; end;{imsai} procedure getchar; {routine loops waiting until IMSAI is ready to transmit a character} begin rxrdy:=false; while rxrdy=false do begin imsai; end; end;{getchar} Š procedure receive; {procedure contains only terminal dependent data in system} {Control codes for Hazeltine 1500 terminal are implemented in } {routine Controlcode which is called only if character was transmitted} {by IMSAI that was >=125 (126 is leadin code for control routines} procedure controlcode;{local procedure for receive only} {process hazeltine 1500 screen codes} begin getchar; {first see if it is a cursor position routine} if buffer = 17 then begin getchar; xpos:=buffer; if xpos < 1 then xpos:=1; getchar; ypos:=buffer; ypos:=ypos+1; gotoxy(xpos,ypos); end else { if not,check for other control conditions} begin case buffer of 28: clrscr; 31: textcolor(yellow); 25: lowvideo; 15: clreol; 12: begin xpos:=wherex ; ypos:=(wherey)-1; gotoxy(xpos,ypos); end; 11: begin xpos:=wherex;ypos:=(wherey+1); gotoxy(xpos,ypos); end; 16: begin xpos:=(wherex+1);ypos:=wherey; gotoxy(xpos,ypos); end; end; end; end;{controlcode local procedure} begin {receive} repeat imsai; if rxrdy=true then begin if (buffer >125) then controlcode else write(char(buffer));Š end; until rxrdy in [false]; end;{receive} procedure send; {procedure takes character and sends it to IMSAI} begin port[control]:=hold; modem:=port[modemstat]; modem:=modem and imsai_rdy; if modem = imsai_rdy then begin port[control]:=hold; line:=port[linestat]; line:=line and dsr; if line = dsr then port[base]:= buffer; end; end;{send} procedure loadisp; {procedure loads and communicates with isp module on imsai} begin loadstring:=loadstring+char(13); imsai; if rxrdy in [true] then receive; for x:=1 to length(loadstring) do begin ibmdata:=loadstring[x]; send; delay(10);{ delay so UART can turn around line} receive; end; end;{loadisp} {Main program loop starts here} begin clrscr; transfer:=false; offline:=true; setup; online; buffer:=$07; menu: mainwindow; textbackground(black);Š clrscr; online; textcolor(lightblue); screen:='I N T E R S Y S T E M P R O C E S S O R P R O G R A M'; center(screen,1); screen:='Version 1.1 ..from Hank Volpe Computers (c) 1985'; lowvideo; center(screen,2); screen:='Select from the following menu'; center(screen,7); gotoxy(20,9); write(' 1) Emulate Hazeltine 1500 Terminal'); gotoxy(20,11); write(' 2) Transfer ASCII files from IMSAI to IBM-PC'); gotoxy(20,13); write(' 3) Transfer ASCII files from IBM-PC to IMSAI'); gotoxy(20,15); write(' 4) Transfer CP/M files to the IBM-PC via TYPE Command'); gotoxy(20,17); write(' 5) End Program Loop'); selection: gotoxy(1,19);clreol; write('Enter Selection : '); read(answer); case answer of '1': begin clrscr; goto 1; end; '2': goto 2; '3': goto 3; '4': goto 4; '5': halt; end; goto selection; {Main program loop for Hazeltine 1500 emulation} 1: buffer:=$03;send; delay(10); receive; transfer:=false; online; loop: receive; ibmkey; if txrdy = true then begin if ibmdata=char(21) then {procedure breaks link between computers but does not stop} {any processing being done by slave unit} {break codes can be modified to any desired by user}Š begin repeat ibmkey; until txrdy=true; if ibmdata = char(6) then begin clreol; xpos:=wherex; ypos:=wherey; window(1,25,80,25); gotoxy(1,25); textbackground(red);textcolor(yellow); clreol; write('Break code received...Do you wish to break link ? : '); read(ibmdata); ibmdata:=upcase(ibmdata); if ibmdata = 'Y' then goto menu else begin oncom; mainwindow;textbackground(black); lowvideo; gotoxy(xpos,ypos); end; end; end else send; end; goto loop; {routine transfers files from IMSAI to PC. IMSAI must have} {disk containing INTERSYSTEM software in default drive. If disk} {change is necessary, program will prompt user when necessary} {When Xfer.com program is loaded on IMSAI, it will signal} {PC with an "#". PC will send filename to IMSAI {If file is found, IMSAI will transmit "@" } {indicating it is ready to send file data. When finished, IMSAI will} {transmit 1AH (Cntl-Z) saying file has been transferred} 2: clrscr; gotoxy(1,1);textcolor(yellow); writeln('INTERSYSTEM XFER PROGRAM'); writeln('IMSAI to IBM-PC'); writeln('Version 1.0'); writeln('Hank Volpe Computers (c) 1985'); lowvideo; {set up the display windows} Š ibmbanner;textbackground(red); clrscr;textcolor(yellow); textbackground(red); writeln('อออออออออออ I B M - P C F I L E S T A T U S อออออออออ'); ibmwindow; gotoxy(1,1); write('Enter the name of the file : '); readln(filename); writeln; write('Is this file on another disk ? : '); readln (answer); answer:=upcase(answer); if answer = 'Y' then change:=true else change:=false; imsaibanner; gotoxy(1,1); writeln('อออออออออออ I M S A I F I L E S T A T U S อออออออออออออ'); ibmwindow; clrscr; {load imsai isp} loadstring:='xfer'; loadisp; {PC now waits for '#' to indicate program is running or ? to indicate} { program was not found by CP/M} imsaiwindow; gotoxy(1,1); if transfer in [false] then begin writeln('Waiting for program to load'); repeat imsai; until ibmdata in ['#','?']; if ibmdata = '?' then begin writeln('Program not found'); goto menu; end; end; {Next, branch into File transfer program on IMSAI} {If #, then program in loop, if > then back in CP/M} delay(10); transfer :=true; oncom; imsaiwindow; clrscr; loadstring:='W'; loadisp; {Send command to send file} repeat imsai; write(char(buffer)); until ibmdata in ['#','>'];Š if ibmdata = '>' then begin writeln('Program loop terminated'); goto menu; end; writeln; if change in [true] then begin x:=wherex ; y:=wherey; imsaiwindow; gotoxy(1,2); write('Change disk on IMSAI and press return to continue'); readln(answer); imsaiwindow; gotoxy(x,y); end; {Next send filename and wait for acknowledge (@) or no file (!)} delay(10); loadstring:=filename;loadisp; delay(10); repeat imsai; until ibmdata in ['@','!']; if ibmdata = '!' then begin writeln('File not found'); goto menu; end; writeln; {Now Create file on PC and signal IMSAI when ready to transfer} assign(disk,filename); rewrite(disk); writeln('Transferring file'); ibmwindow;clrscr; gotoxy(1,1); delay(10); loadstring:='@'; loadisp; {send ibm ready} delay(10); repeat getchar; write(ibmdata); write(disk,buffer); until buffer = $1a; close(disk); writeln('File Has been transferred');Š repeat imsai; until rxrdy in [false]; goto menu; 3: {procedure transfers a file from IBM-PC to IMSAI in similar} {manner as documented above.} clrscr; gotoxy(1,1);textcolor(yellow); writeln('INTERSYSTEM XFER PROGRAM'); writeln('IBM-PC to IMSAI'); writeln('Version 1.0'); writeln('Hank Volpe Computers (c) 1985'); lowvideo; {set up the display windows} ibmbanner;textbackground(black); clrscr;textcolor(yellow); writeln('ออออออออออ I B M - P C F I L E S T A T U S ออออออออออออ'); imsaibanner; gotoxy(1,1); writeln('ออออออออออ I M S A I F I L E S T A T U S ออออออออออออ'); imsaiwindow;textbackground(red);clrscr; gotoxy(1,1); write('Enter the name of the file : '); readln(filename); writeln; {load imsai isp} ibmwindow; clrscr; loadstring:='xfer'; loadisp; imsaiwindow; clrscr; { PC now waits for '#' to indicate program is running or ? to indicate} { program was not found by CP/M} if transfer in [false] then begin writeln('Waiting for program to load'); repeat imsai; until ibmdata in ['#','?']; if ibmdata = '?' then beginŠ writeln('Program not found'); goto menu; end; end; {Next, branch into File transfer program on IMSAI} {If #, then program in loop, if > then back in CP/M} delay(10); transfer :=true; oncom; imsaiwindow; clrscr; loadstring:='R'; loadisp; {Send command to send file} repeat imsai; write(char(buffer)); until ibmdata in ['#','>']; if ibmdata = '>' then begin writeln('Program loop terminated'); goto menu; end; writeln; {Next send filename and wait for acknowledge (@) or no file (!)} delay(10); loadstring:=filename;loadisp; delay(10); repeat imsai; until ibmdata in ['@','!']; if ibmdata = '!' then begin writeln('ERROR'); goto menu; end; writeln; {Now Create the file on the IMSAI } assign(disk,filename); {$I-} reset(disk);{$I+} if ioresult <> 0 then begin writeln('File does not exist on PC Default drive'); delay(50); goto menu; end;Š ibmwindow;clrscr; writeln('Transferring file'); imsaiwindow;clrscr; gotoxy(1,1); delay(10); while eof(disk) in [false] do begin read(disk,buffer); send; getchar; write(ibmdata); end; buffer:=$1a; send; delay(10); imsai; close(disk); writeln('File Has been transferred'); repeat imsai; until rxrdy in [false]; goto menu; { routine transfers files from IMSAI to PC using type cp/m} {command. This frees user from having to have Xfer.com present on} {S-100 system computer. This is for one-way transfers only !!!} 4: clrscr; gotoxy(1,1);textcolor(yellow); writeln('INTERSYSTEM XFER PROGRAM'); writeln('IMSAI to IBM-PC'); writeln('Version 1.0'); writeln('Hank Volpe Computers (c) 1985'); lowvideo; {set up the display windows} ibmbanner;textbackground(red); clrscr;textcolor(yellow); textbackground(red); writeln('อออออออออออ I B M - P C F I L E S T A T U S ออออออออออ'); ibmwindow; gotoxy(1,1); write('Enter the name of the file : '); readln(filename); writeln; imsaibanner;Š gotoxy(1,1); writeln('อออออออออออ I M S A I F I L E S T A T U S ออออออออออ'); ibmwindow; clrscr; {load imsai isp} loadstring:='type '+filename; loadisp; {PC now waits for '#' to indicate program is running or ? to indicate} {program was not found by CP/M} imsaiwindow; gotoxy(1,1); {Now Create file on PC and signal IMSAI when ready to transfer} assign(disk,filename); rewrite(disk);textbackground(green);clrscr; writeln('Transferring file'); ibmwindow;textbackground(green);clrscr; gotoxy(1,1); delay(10); repeat getchar; loadstring:=previous+ibmdata; write(ibmdata); write(disk,buffer); previous:=ibmdata; until loadstring = 'A>'; close(disk); writeln('File Has been transferred'); repeat imsai; until rxrdy in [false]; goto menu; end. ************************* LISTING 2 ****************************** program intersystem_processor; {program must be on default drive of S-100 system when} {Master MS-DOS computer enters file transfer mode} {allows 2 way transfer of ASCII files between systems} {Program written by Hank Volpe Computers (c) 1085 and released to} {Public domain use} label 1; varŠ x,y,z : integer; disk : text; buffer : char; ibmbyte : byte absolute buffer; command : char; more : boolean; answer : char; filename: string[12]; procedure sendfile; begin write('#'); {signal PC that sendfile is active} read(filename); bdos(13); {$I-} assign(disk,filename); reset(disk);{$I+} if ioresult <> 0 then begin write('!'); halt; end; write('@'); repeat read(command); until command = '@'; delay(10); while eof(disk) in [false] do begin read(disk,buffer); write(buffer); end; close(disk); write(char($1a)); end; procedure getfile; begin write('#'); {signal PC that sendfile is active} read(filename); bdos(13); {$I-} assign(disk,filename); rewrite(disk);{$I+} if ioresult <> 0 then begin write('!'); halt; end; write('@'); repeat read(kbd,buffer); write(buffer); write(disk,buffer); until ibmbyte = $1a; close(disk); Šend;{getfile} {Main menu starts here...note screen printing is not necessary except} {when debugging in Emulator mode, however # prompt must be} {printed if all other messages are not} begin clrscr; writeln('INTERSYSTEM PROCESSOR'); writeln('Version 1.0 Imsai/IBM-PC'); writeln('Hank Volpe Computers (C) 1985'); writeln; writeln; 1: write('Enter Command #');{all above except write ('#') can be deleted} read(command); command :=upcase(command); case command of 'W':sendfile; 'R':getfile; end; goto 1; end.